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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000288 Latest Update: Apr. 10, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an existing special tax district, created on August 18, 1975, by Broward County Ordinance 75-22. (See Exhibit "A"). A legal description of the property which comprises the ITSMTD, and which would comprise the community development district, is contained within Section 1(a) of Ordinance 75-22 (Exhibit "A"). On December 22, 1980, the Board of Supervisors of the ITSMTD adopted a resolution (Exhibit "B") authorizing and directing the proper district officials to file a Petition with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission to reestablish the district as a community development district pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. The ITSMTD filed its Petition to reestablish the district as a community development district on January 22, 1981. The Petition named five (5) persons to serve as initial members of the Board of Supervisors of the proposed new district. These persons, who presently constitute the Board of Supervisors of the existing district, are Norman A. Cortese, Ellen Mills Gibbs, F. A. Mapleton, Robert E. Huebner and Edward F. Kosnick. The Petition recites that the proposed name of the new district will be the Indian Trace Community Development District, and that the District boundaries will remain the same as the existing special tax district. By letter dated January 29, 1981, the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission requested the assignment of a Hearing Officer form the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the necessary public hearing. The ITSMTD has jurisdiction over approximately 13,000 contiguous acres which lie within the unincorporated area of Broward County, Florida. A map showing the particular location of the property within the jurisdiction of the ITSMTD was presented and received into evidence. (Exhibit "C"). Petitioner presented the following additional Exhibits which were received into evidence: Development orders adopted June 27, 1978 and August 17, 1979 by the Broward County Commission. (Exhibit "D"). The development orders were adopted by the Broward County Commission pursuant to the development of regional impact permitting processes established by Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. These development orders govern or affect development of all land within the ITSMTD. A map which designates the future general distribution, location, and extent of public and private uses of land proposed for the area within the district by the Future Land Use Element of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. (Exhibit "E"). A proposed timetable for constructing district services and the estimated cost of constructing those services. (Exhibit "F"). An economic impact statement which, based upon available data, estimates the economic impact on all persons directly affected by the proposed action and which sets forth in detail the data and method used in making the estimate. (Exhibit "G"). Proof of publication that public notice of the hearing conducted on March 25, 1981 was published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks immediately prior to the hearing in the Fort Lauderdale News. (Exhibit "H"). The Future Land Use Plan Element of the Broward County comprehensive Plan which has been adopted by Broward County in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975. (Exhibit "I"). An agreement between ITSMTD, Arvida Corporation, and the City of Sunrise providing for the purchase of both water and sewer services by the ITSMTD from the City of Sunrise and committing the ITSMTD to make use of a Regional 201 Sewer Plan, when such plan is operational and capable of serving the district. ("Exhibit 'J'"). The ITSMTD was created by Broward County to provide certain services such as water, water management and control, sewers, and roads for an area of land consisting of approximately 13,000 acres. Included within this area of land is the 10,000 acre new community to be developed by Arvida Corporation known as Weston. The new community is a development of regional impact and is subject to two development orders adopted by Broward County (Exhibit "D"). The Weston development is a low density, residential new community which also includes industrial and commercial uses. It is presently planned to be developed over a 25-30 year period of time and will eventually contain 20,500 dwelling units and will have a population of 40,000. The two development orders grant master development approval to the Weston community and grant incremental development approval to the first two increments (approximately 7,000 acres). the third increment is designated for future incremental approval (approximately 3,000 acres presently planned for industrial, commercial, and airport uses). The 7,000 acres of land within Weston which comprise increments 1 and 2 pursuant to the aforementioned development orders have been zoned as a planned unit development. The zoning classification allows the construction of 18,000 dwelling units and the development of 500 acres of business-commercial land. To date, three (3) plats have been approved by Broward County within the Weston community. The Weston development and all proposed uses within the ITSMTD are consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the unincorporated areas of Broward County, Florida, including policies and requirements relating to trafficways, open space and parks, and provision for housing (Exhibits "E" and "I"). The area of land within the proposed district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developed as one functional, interrelated community for the following reasons: The area of land within the ITSMTD is composed of approximately 13,000 acres. 10,000 of the 13,000 acres constitute a development of regional impact, the develop- ment which is subject to two development orders (Exhibit "D"). 7,000 acres of the development of regional impact have been zoned by Broward County as a Planned Unit Development. (Exhibit "D"). These land control devices plan and provide for the development of this area in great detail. The development orders require phasing of the development and provide for the provision of parks, civic sites, schools, roads, and major land uses within the area. (See specifically Article II, A, D, and E of 1978 development order and Sections 1 and 2 of the 1979 development order.) The area of land within the proposed district is subject to and within the jurisdiction of the ITSMTD. The ITSMTD presently has the responsibility for providing water management, water and sewer services, and the construction of trafficways and certain other improvements. the ITSMTD was created for the specific purpose of aiding in the development of the area of land within the proposed district. In adopting Ordinance 75-22, the Broward County Commission observed: "WHEREAS, it is found by the County Commission that to promote the economic, orderly, and planned development of certain land and to best serve the welfare and convenience of the public, a Special Municipal Tax District of Broward County, Florida, should be established pursuant to the Charter of Broward County, Florida." The very location of the area of land within the proposed district and the major boundaries of that area dictate that the area be developed as a self-contained, functional interrelated community. (See Exhibits "C" and "D"). The area within the proposed district is compact and sufficiently contiguous to be developable as an interrelated community, as evidenced by the existence of the ITSMTD, the development orders, and the planned unit development zoning classification. A community development district is the best alternative available for delivering community development services and facilities to the area of land that will be served by the district for the following reasons: The finding supporting creation of the ITSMTD by the Broward County Commission in 1975 that a tax district is necessary for the area to be developed in an economic, orderly, and planned way remains true today. A community development district functioning pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, would have the following advantages over the ITSMTD: Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, provides a clear and comprehensive charter for operating the district. The reestablishment of the ITSMTD as a community development district will conform the district to uniform state policy regarding the formation and operation of independent develop- ment districts, and will promote a strengthened state new community policy. A community development district has broad, comprehensive, and flexible powers which will better serve the area of land within the proposed district during the period of its development. The area of land to be served by the district will develop over a 20 to 30 year period of time and the broad flexible powers contained within Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, will give the community development district the ability to meet the changing needs and desires of the new community. The special powers contained within Section 190.012, Florida Statutes, will enable the district to provide a broader range of services to meet the needs of the developing community. Specifically, the Indian Trace Community Development District will be authorized to provide parks and facilities for indoor and outdoor recreational, cultural, and educational uses; fire protection and control services, including fire stations, water mains, fire trucks, and other vehicles and equipment; and to construct security and school buildings and related structures for use in the security and educational system, when authorized by proper governmental authority. The economic impact statement (Exhibit "G") points out several reasons why a community development district would be the best alternative to deliver community development services. Among the important points contained within the economic impact statement are the following: The Environmental Land Management Study Committee recommended implementation of a new communities policy in order to encourage well planned quality developments. Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, has implemented the recommendations of the Committee and has established that new community policy. The State of Florida has determined that Community Development Districts are a better alternative to provide infrastructure improvements than are "paper cities" The reestablishment of the ITSMTD as a Community Development District would avoid municipal formation as a means of infrastructure development. The reestablishment of the ITSMTD as a Community Development District will serve to implement the goals of the Broward County Land Use Plan. The Broward County Land Use Plan contains the following goals: It encourages planned communities with mixed uses, both residential and nonresidential; It determines that growth should be phased with the provision of community services and finds that urban growth should not be permitted in areas where the basic minimum required community services and facilities have not been provided or scheduled for capital improvement either by public or private means; It establishes that the capital costs for the provision and extension of major services, facilities, and transportation networks to benefit new residential or commercial developments should be imposed primarily on those who benefit and not on the existing resident population. The community development services which would be provided to the area of land within the proposed district would not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional development services and facilities for the following reasons: There are no existing regional services of facilities for the area of Broward County within the proposed district. Further, Broward County has neither the plans, nor the capability to provide services and facilities to the area. There are no major trunk water mains or sewer interceptors or outfalls in existence in the area of land within the proposed district. The ITSMTD was created by Broward county to provide services and facilities to service the area of land within the proposed district. In addition, the application for development orders are based, recognized that the ITSMTD would be used to provide infrastructure improvements within the area. The trafficways which have been designed to serve the area within the proposed district and which are required to be built in accordance with the development orders are in accordance with the Broward County Trafficways Plan, which is incorporated by reference in the county future land use element. The ITSMTD is making use of existing local water and sewer facilities. It has entered into a contract with the City of Sunrise to purchase both water and sewer services from the City of Sunrise. (Exhibit "J"). In addition, that agreement commits the ITSMTD to make use of a regional 201 sewer facility when such facility is operational and capable of serving the district. The testimony and documentary evidence establish the following: All statements contained in the Petition are true and correct. The creation of the district would not be inconsistent with any applicable element of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. The area of land that will be served by the district is amenable to separate district government. On March 24, 1981, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners voted to support ITSMTD's petition to reestablish the district as a community development district.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law hereby submitted, the Hearing Officer recommends that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission grant the Petition of the ITSMTD and adopt a rule which will reestablish the ITSMTD as the Indian Trace Community Development District. DONE and ENTERED this 10th day of April, 1981, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings This 10th day of April, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert M. Rhodes, Esquire Messer, Rhodes, Vickers & Hart Post Office Box 1876 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 David W. Wilcox, Esquire Office of the Governor Room 209, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Philip Shailer, Esquire 540 N. W. Fourth Street Suite B Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Donald R. Hall, Esquire 540 N.W. Fourth Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301

Florida Laws (4) 190.002190.004190.005190.012
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jul. 01, 2015 Number: 15-003825GM Latest Update: Feb. 24, 2017

The Issue Whether an amendment to the Lee County Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinance 15-10 on June 3, 2015, is “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2014).1/

Findings Of Fact Petitioners, Roger Thornberry, Georgette Lundquist, Steven Brodkin, Ruby Daniels, Rosalie Prestarri, and James Giedman, reside in and own property within Lee County. Petitioners submitted oral and written comments to Lee County concerning the challenged Plan Amendment during the period of time beginning with the transmittal hearing for the Plan Amendment and ending with the adoption of the Plan Amendment. Respondent, Lee County (the County), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida with the duty and responsibility to adopt and maintain a comprehensive growth management plan pursuant to section 163.3167, Florida Statutes (2015). Intervenors, RH Venture II, LLC; RH Venture III, LLC; and Greenpointe Communities, LLC (Greenpointe), are the owners and developers of the property which is subject to the Plan Amendment. Intervenors are the applicants for the Plan Amendment. The Lee County Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) allocates future land uses based on community plans for 22 distinct communities within the County. The Fort Myers Shores planning community is located in eastern Lee County. Within Fort Myers Shores is a sub-community planning area known as Caloosahatchee Shores, which is located south of the Caloosahatchee River, east of Interstate 75 (I-75), and west of Hickey’s Creek. The southern boundary of Caloosahatchee Shores is the Orange River and State Road 82. Caloosahatchee Shores contains a mixture of future land use designations. The majority of the land is designated Suburban, Sub-Outlying Suburban, Rural, or Urban Community. The subject property is located in Caloosahatchee Shores within an existing 1,978-acre mixed-use golf community known as River Hall. Most of the existing development in River Hall was completed between 2004 and 2009 by the original developer, Landmar Group, which was then owned by Crescent Resources. Crescent Resources declared bankruptcy in 2009. Those portions of River Hall subject to the Plan Amendment were acquired by Greenpointe in 2010. The property subject to the Plan Amendment is approximately 585 acres of non-contiguous land within the existing mixed-use development. All of the property subject to the Plan Amendment is located within the Rural future land use category. The Plan Amendment changes the future land use category of the subject property from Rural to Sub-Outlying Suburban.2/ The density of development allowed in Rural is one dwelling unit per acre and the density of development allowed in Sub-Outlying Suburban is two units per acre. In 2001, the Lee County Board of County Commissioners (Lee County Commission) adopted procedures to encourage community planning aimed at specific neighborhood interests within the County. A coalition of property owners in Caloosahatchee Shores developed the Caloosahatchee Shores Community Plan (Community Plan) between 2001 and 2003. The Community Plan was incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan in 2003 and is codified as Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Goal 21 and its implementing objectives and policies. FLUE Goal 21 reads as follows: GOAL 21: CALOOSAHATCHEE SHORES: To protect the existing character, natural resources and quality of life in Caloosahatchee Shores, while promoting new development, redevelopment and maintaining a more rural identity for the neighborhoods east of I-75 by establishing minimum aesthetic requirements, planning the location and intensity of future commercial and residential uses, and providing incentives for redevelopment, mixed use development and pedestrian safe environments. This Goal and subsequent objectives and policies apply to the Caloosahatchee Shores boundaries as depicted on Map 1, page 2 of 8 in the Appendix. The Community Plan was amended in 2007 and again in 2009. Policy 21.1.5 was added to the Community Plan in 2009, and reads as follows: POLICY 21.1.5: One important aspect of the Caloosahatchee Shores Community Plan goal is to retain its’ [sic] rural character and rural land use where it currently exists. Therefore no land use map amendments to the remaining rural lands category will be permitted after May 15, 2009, unless a finding of overriding public necessity is made by three members of the Board of County Commissioners. It is undisputed that the Plan Amendment removes land from the Rural land use category. It is undisputed that the Lee County Commission did not make a finding of an “overriding public necessity” when it adopted the Plan Amendment. Petitioners allege the Plan Amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 21.1.5 because the Lee County Commission did not make the requisite finding of an “overriding public necessity” to remove property from the Rural land use category.3/ Respondent and Intervenors argue that Policy 21.1.5 does not apply to the Plan Amendment because the existing development on the property subject to the Plan Amendment is not rural in either character or land use. Respondent and Intervenors introduced abundant evidence to establish that the property subject to the Plan Amendment is suburban development served by the full spectrum of urban services and devoid of any of the trappings of rural development, such as large-lot residential and agricultural uses. Respondent and Intervenors advocate an interpretation of Policy 21.1.5 which requires a finding of “overriding public necessity” only if a plan amendment removes property that exhibits rural character or rural land use from the Rural land use category. The County offered the testimony of Brandon Dunn, one of its principal planners. Mr. Dunn characterized the Policy as an “if/then statement”: if property in the Rural land use category (subject to a plan amendment) exhibits rural character and rural land use, then a finding of “overriding public necessity” is required. Under Mr. Dunn’s analysis, Policy 21.1.5 does not apply to the Plan Amendment because River Hall is a suburban community. Intervenors’ planning expert, Dr. David Depew, testified that the first sentence narrows the application of the second. Dr. Depew testified that the first sentence indicates “we aren’t talking about the category per se.”4/ Under Dr. Depew’s reading, the second sentence only applies to plan amendments which exhibit rural character or rural land use, rather than all plan amendments removing property from the Rural land use category. Neither Mr. Dunn’s nor Dr. Depew’s opinion is persuasive.5/ The interpretation advanced by both Respondent and Intervenors adds language to the second sentence of Policy 21.1.5 limiting its application to only those plan amendments which exhibit rural character and rural land use. The plain language of Policy 21.1.5 contains no such limitation. The policy directs the County to make a finding of an “overriding public necessity” as a prerequisite to removing land from the Rural land use category in Caloosahatchee Shores. The first sentence of Policy 21.1.5 does not constitute a limitation on the directive for a finding of an “overriding public necessity.”

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order determining that the Lee County Plan Amendment, adopted by Ordinance 15-10 on June 3, 2015, is not “in compliance,” as that term is defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of December, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of December, 2015.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57163.3167163.3177163.3184
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bradenton, Florida Sep. 25, 2000 Number: 00-003950 Latest Update: Apr. 02, 2001

The Issue The issues in these cases are whether two community development district petitions should be granted: the first, a Petition to Contract Lakewood Ranch Community Development District 2; and the second, a Petition to Establish Rule [sic] for Lakewood Ranch Community Development District 5.

Conclusions Under Section 190.003(6), Florida Statutes (2000), a "community development district" (CDD) is "a local unit of special-purpose government which is created pursuant to this act and limited to the performance of those specialized functions authorized by this act; the boundaries of which are contained wholly within a single county; the governing head of which is a body created, organized, and constituted and authorized to function specifically as prescribed in this act for the delivery of urban community development services; and the formation, powers, governing body, operation, duration, accountability, requirements for disclosure, and termination of which are as required by general law." (All of the following statutory citations are to the year 2000 codification of the Florida Statutes.) Sections 190.006 through 190.046 constitute the uniform general law charter of all CDDs, which can be amended only by the Florida Legislature. Section 190.011 enumerates the general powers of CDDs. These powers include the power of eminent domain inside the district and, with the approval of the governing body of the applicable county or municipality, outside the district for purposes related solely to water, sewer, district roads, and water management. Section 190.012 lists special powers of CDDs. Subject to the regulatory power of all applicable government agencies, CDDs may plan, finance, acquire, construct, enlarge, operate, and maintain systems, facilities, and basic infrastructures for: water management; water supply, sewer, and wastewater management; needed bridges and culverts; CDD roads meeting minimum county specifications, street lights, and certain mass transit facilities; investigation and remediation costs associated with cleanup of environmental contamination; conservation, mitigation, and wildlife habitat areas; and certain projects within or without the CDD pursuant to development orders from local governments. After obtaining the consent of the applicable local government, a CDD may have the same powers with respect to the following "additional" systems and facilities: parks and recreation; fire prevention; school buildings; security; mosquito control; and waste collection and disposal. Section 190.046(1) provides for the filing of a petition for contraction of a CDD. Under paragraphs (f) and (g) of Section 190.046(1), petitions to contract a CDD by more than 250 acres "shall be considered petitions to establish a new district and shall follow all of the procedures specified in s. 190.005." Section 190.005(1)(a) requires that the petition to establish a CDD be filed with FLAWAC and submitted to the County. The petition must describe by metes and bounds the proposed area to be serviced by the CDD with a specific description of real property to be excluded from the district. The petition must set forth that the petitioner has the written consent of the owners of all of the proposed real property in the CDD, or has control by "deed, trust agreement, contract or option" of all of the proposed real property. The petition must designate the five initial members of the Board of Supervisors of the CDD and the district’s name. The petition must contain a map showing current major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors and outfalls, if any. Both the petition to contract District 2 and the petition to establish District 5 meet those requirements. Section 190.005(1)(a) also requires that the petition propose a timetable for construction and an estimate of construction costs. The petition must designate future general distribution, location, and extent of public and private uses of land in the future land-use element of the appropriate local government. The petition must also contain a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost. Both the petition to contract District 2 and the petition to establish District 5 meet those requirements. Section 190.005(1)(a) also requires the petitioner to provide a copy of the local government’s growth management plan (the local government comprehensive plan). District 2 and SMR have done so. Section 190.005(1)(b) requires that the petitioner pay a filing fee of $15,000 to the county and to each municipality whose boundaries are within or contiguous to the CDD. The petitioner must serve a copy of the petition on those local governments, as well. District 2 and SMR have met those requirements. Section 190.005(1)(c) permits the county and each municipality described in the preceding paragraph to conduct an optional public hearing on the petition. Such local governments may then present resolutions to FLAWAC as to the proposed property for the CDD. Manatee County has exercised this option and has adopted a resolution in support of the contraction of District 2 and establishment of District 5. Section 190.005(1)(d) requires a DOAH ALJ to conduct a local public hearing pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. The hearing "shall include oral and written comments on the petition pertinent to the factors specified in paragraph (e)." Section 190.005(1)(d) specifies that the petitioner must publish notice of the local public hearing once a week for the four successive weeks immediately prior to the hearing. District 2 and SMR have met those requirements. Under Section 190.005(1)(e), FLAWAC must consider the following factors in determining whether to grant or deny a petition for the establishment of a CDD: Whether all statements contained within the petition have been found to be true and correct. Whether the establishment of the district is inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the state comprehensive plan or of the effective local government comprehensive plan. Whether the area of land within the proposed district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated community. Whether the district is the best alternative available for delivering community development services and facilities to the area that will be served by the district. Whether the community development services and facilities will be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development services and facilities. Whether the area that will be served by the district is amenable to separate special-district government. Factor 1 Some statements in the original petition to contract District 2 were not true and correct and had to be revised. As revised, all statements in the petition were shown by the evidence to be true and correct. All statements in the petition to establish District 5 were shown by the evidence to be true and correct. There was no evidence to the contrary. Factor 2 In these cases, the evidence was that the proposed contraction of District 2 and establishment of District 5 are not inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the state comprehensive plan or of the local government comprehensive plan. There was no evidence to the contrary. (A different and more detailed review is required to determine that future development within the proposed CDDs will be consistent with all applicable laws and local ordinances and the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan. Establishment of a CDD does not constitute and should not be construed as a development order or any other kind of approval of the development anticipated in the CDD. Such determinations are made in other proceedings.) Factor 3 In these cases, the evidence was that the areas of land within District 2, as proposed to be contracted, and within proposed District 5 are of sufficient size, are sufficiently compact, and are sufficiently contiguous for each proposed CDD to be developable as a functional, interrelated community. There was no evidence to the contrary. Factor 4 In these cases, the evidence was that District 2, as proposed to be contracted, and proposed District 5 are the best alternatives available for delivering community development services and facilities to the areas that will be served by those two proposed CDDs. There was no evidence to the contrary. Factor 5 In these cases, the evidence was that the proposed community development services and facilities will not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development services and facilities. There was no evidence to the contrary. Factor 6 In these cases, the evidence was that the areas to be served by District 2, as proposed to be contracted, and proposed District 5 are amenable to separate special-district government. There was no evidence to the contrary. REPORT AND CONCLUSIONS SUBMITTED this 22nd day of January, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of January, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Erin McCormick Larrinaga, Esquire Fowler, White, Gillen, Boggs, Villareal and Banker, P.A. Post Office Box 1438 Tampa, Florida 33601-1438 Jose Luis Rodriguez, Esquire Governor's Legal Office The Capital, Room 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Donna Arduin, Secretary Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Executive Office of the Governor 2105 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Barbara Leighty, Clerk Growth Management and Strategic Planning The Capitol, Suite 2105 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Charles Canaday, General Counsel Office of the Governor Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Florida Laws (6) 190.003190.005190.006190.011190.012190.046 Florida Administrative Code (1) 42-1.012
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-001037 Latest Update: Jul. 09, 1982

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: All statements contained within the Petition have been found to be true and correct. The area encompassed by the proposed District is 30,637+- acres located within unincorporated areas of Glades and Hendry Counties, Florida (Exhibit 7). The external boundaries of the District are coterminous with the external boundaries of General Development Corporation's Port LaBelle development. Within these boundaries but excluded from the District are several out parcels that were never part of the original Villages of Port LaBelle development, as well as four Port LaBelle plat units where there are currently numerous property owners. The property within the District to be excluded from the community development district is described in Exhibit 10. General Development Corporation, a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, is the major landowner within the proposed District (Exhibits 8 and 9A). Four other property owners owning seven parcels within the proposed District have joined in the Petition (Exhibit 9B). Installment lot contract purchasers within the areas to be included within the District who had not received a Property Offering Statement from GDC indicating the possibility of the formation of a special taxing district were separately notified by mail of the time and place of hearing and provided with information on the functions of the proposed District. Out of a total of 10,270 letters sent, only six lot purchasers made further inquiries, and those inquiries were not related to the formation of the District, but were related to property values. (Testimony of Lawrence W. Mobley. Affidavit of Mark Billson, Exhibits 19A and B.) The area of land within the proposed District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developed as one functionally interrelated community. This finding is based in part on the fact that the area to be included within the proposed District contains approximately 30,637+- acres. Property within the proposed District includes "vested" areas and areas which have been and continue to be subject to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, review and is planned to be developed as a functional, interrelated community with a variety of land uses, including commercial, institutional, residential, and recreational. The District is ultimately projected to include 49,646 dwelling units. The area encompassed by the proposed District was subject to a Master Application for Development Approval. The Master Land Use Plan depicting uses is shown in Exhibit 13A. Master Development Orders were issued by Glades and Hendry Counties in 1974, subject to further incremental review as detailed technical data became available (Exhibits 13A, B, C and D). In 1980, Development Orders were issued by Glades and Hendry Counties for Increment II (Exhibits 14A and B). Portions of the remaining property will be subject to further incremental review (Exhibit 15A). The area subject to further review contains approximately 13,690+- acres and includes residential villages and a town center as well as a variety of other land uses. The projected population for this area is 48,700 (Exhibit 15B). The proposed designation of the future general distribution, location and extent of public and private uses within the District is shown in Exhibit 15A. All mandatory elements of the local government comprehensive plans for both Glades and Hendry Counties have been adopted in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975 (Exhibits 17A, 17A1, 17B and 17B1) The proposed creation of the District is not inconsistent with applicable elements of the State Comprehensive Plan. The proposed District is not inconsistent with the applicable elements of the Glades and Hendry Counties Comprehensive Plans, as evidenced by the fact that the Planning Director for each county has indicated that the establishment of the District is not incompatible with applicable elements of the local government comprehensive plans (Petitioner's Exhibits 18A and 18B). The five persons proposed to be the initial members of the board of supervisors who shall serve in that office until replaced by elected members as provided by Section 190.006, Florida Statutes, are: C. C. Crump Senior Vice President General Development Corporation 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, --Florida -33131 (305) 350-1525 Arthur L. Harper, Jr. Vice President General Development Corporation 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 350-1533 James E. Clark Assistant Vice President 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 350-1531 Wayne L. Allen Vice President and General Counsel General Development Corporation 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 350-1261 Lawrence W. Mobley Assistant Vice President General Development Corporation Highway 80 East Birchwood Boulevard LaBelle, Florida 33595 (813) 675-1712 The proposed name of the District is the Port LaBelle Community Development District. A map of the proposed District showing current major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors and outfalls have been provided in Exhibits 11A and B. No water distribution and collection systems are proposed to be constructed, operated or maintained by the District. Facilities are to be constructed by the District over a period of 40 years. The timetable for construction indicates that all facilities should be completed by the year 2020 (Petitioner's Exhibit 23). The total costs associated with the capital facilities to be constructed are estimated in good faith to be $5,433,000.00 (Exhibit 22). Glades County Resolution 80-9 (Exhibit 14A) and Hendry County Resolution 80-37 (Exhibit 14B) requested that the applicant, GDC, work together with each county to investigate the feasibility of establishing certain special taxing districts. As a result of these conditions, GDC filed a petition for establishing a community development district. The applicable local governments, the Board of County Commissioners of Glades and Hendry Counties have evidenced their support of Petitioner's request to have a District established by rule by passing Resolution 81-62, dated September 8, 1981, by Hendry County, and Resolution 81-17, dated September 14, 1981, by Glades County (Exhibits 20A and B, respectively). The District is the best available alternative for providing and delivering community services and facilities to the area to be serviced by the District. This finding is supported by the Resolutions of the Board of County Commissioners of Glades County and Hendry County acknowledging that neither county is presently in a position to provide any of the essential services required by a community of this size. The Community Development District will be able to provide reliable long-term maintenance of the services and facilities not otherwise provided by the counties or other appropriate units of local government (Exhibits 20A and B). The Barron Water Control District, a district established pursuant to Chapter 298, Florida Statutes, within the area of the proposed District, has also evidenced its support of Petitioner's request to establish a Community Development District by rule (Petitioner's Exhibit 21). The Community Development District will not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development services and facilities. The area that will be served by the District is amenable to separate district government. This finding is supported by the foregoing findings of fact which establish that the nature, location, and size of the proposed Port LaBelle Community Development District would make it amenable to separate district government. Members of the public testifying at hearing had no complaints that related to the specifics of the petition filed in this cause. Instead, their concerns related to the wisdom of the Legislature in enacting Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, in the first instance, and the witnesses' desires that the Act be repealed as soon as possible. These concerns are, of course, outside the scope of issues properly involved in this proceeding.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law hereby submitted, the Hearing Officer recommends that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission grant the Petition of General Development Corporation, and adopt a rule which will establish the Port LaBelle Community Development District. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of July, 1982, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of July, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Nancy H. Roen, Esquire General Development Corporation 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 Ms. Miriam Schreiner Post Office Box 1288 LaBelle, Florida Mayor Joan Jefferson City of Stuart Stuart, Florida 33495 Robert Miller, Chairman Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Post Office Box 2395 Stuart, Florida 33495 Honorable Bob Graham Governor, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Jim Smith Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Doyle Conner Commissioner of Agriculture State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable George Firestone Secretary of State State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable William Gunter State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. John T. Herndon Director of the Office of Planning and Budget Executive Office of the Governor The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.54190.002190.004190.005190.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002643 Latest Update: Jun. 16, 1989

Findings Of Fact In 1987 the City of St. Petersburg sought permission to file an application for an Areawide Development of Regional Impact (DRI) for the Intown Area. On July 23, 1987, notice was sent to each property owner within the proposed Areawide DRI. The notice indicates that a public hearing would be held on August 27, 1987, from which the St. Petersburg City Council would decide whether to authorize the City of St. Petersburg to proceed to apply for the DRI. Petitioner, John Warren, received said notice and owns property within the area encompassing the Areawide DRI. Further notices were provided to property owners within the area, including a notice of the petition filed by the City which was published in the St. Petersburg Times on July 27, 1987; a notice to property owners dated September 1, 1987, advising that the City was authorized to proceed with the Intown Areawide DRI; and three other notices regarding public hearings and consideration of the DRI. After all required notice, the St. Petersburg City Council considered the proposed Areawide DRI on December 15, 1988, and formally adopted the DRI by Ordinance No. 1072-F. The ordinance was signed on December 15, 1988. A Notice of Adoption of a Development Order was executed and recorded in the public records on December 20, 1988. The development order enacted on December 15, 1988, was transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs and the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council on December 19, 1988, and to the City Clerk on December 20, 1988. A certified copy of the DRI Ordinance 1072-F as enacted on December 15, 1988, is a part of the record as Exhibit K and it is incorporated by reference. Thereafter the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council appealed the DRI pursuant to Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes, to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. The City and Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council reached an agreement for settling the appeal and said settlement was finalized in the Stipulated Settlement Agreement. Pursuant to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, the St. Petersburg City Council, at its February 2, 1989, meeting, adopted the terms of the Settlement Agreement, modified Ordinance 1072-F to incorporate the settlement terms, and adopted Ordinance 1072-F as modified. Based upon the settlement and modification of the DRI by the St. Petersburg City Council, on February 7, 1989, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council filed a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of its appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission entered a Final Order of Dismissal on February 20, 1989. Warren filed his Petition on Appeal on March 20, 1989. The Petition is filed pursuant to Sections 380.06(25)(h) and 380.07, Florida Statutes, and Rule 42-2.002, Florida Administrative Code.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a Final Order granting the Amended Motion to Dismiss and dismissing the Petition on Appeal filed by John Warren. DONE and ENTERED this 16th day of June, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Peter B. Belmont Patty Woodworth, Secretary Attorney at Law Planning and Budgeting 511 31st Avenue North Executive Office of the Governor St. Petersburg, Florida 33704 The Capitol, PL-05 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Michael S. Davis Mirelle Murphy James Honorable Bob Martinez Mark A. Winn Governor, State of Florida Attorneys at Law The Capitol Post Office Box 2842 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 St. Petersburg, Florida 33731 Honorable Robert A. Butterworth Roger S. Tucker Attorney General Attorney at Law State of Florida Tampa Bay Regional Planning The Capitol Council Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Suite 209 9455 Koger Boulevard Honorable Doyle Conner St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 Commissioner of Agriculture State of Florida Jeffrey N. Steinsnyder The Capitol Attorney at Law Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0810 Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Honorable Betty Castor Suite 138 Commissioner of Education Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 State of Florida The Capitol James C. Vaughn, Jr. Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Governmental Analyst Florida Land and Water Honorable Jim Smith Adjudicatory Commission Secretary of State The Capitol State of Florida Tallahassee, Florida 32399 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Honorable Tom Gallagher Treasurer and Insurance Honorable Gerald Lewis Commissioner Comptroller, State of Florida State of Florida The Capitol The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 =================================================================

Florida Laws (4) 120.57380.021380.06380.07 Florida Administrative Code (2) 42-2.00242-2.008
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inglis, Florida May 21, 2008 Number: 08-002473GM Latest Update: Apr. 02, 2010

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Town of Yankeetown (Town) plan amendment 08-01 (adopted by Ordinance 2007-10) and plan amendment 08-CIE1 (adopted by Ordinance 2008-03), as modified by remedial amendment 09-R1 (adopted by Ordinance 2009-02) (together, referred to as the Plan Amendments or the Revised Comprehensive Plan), are "in compliance" as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2009).1

Findings Of Fact The Town is located in the southwest corner of Levy County. The Town is bounded on the east by the Town of Inglis, on the north by unincorporated Levy County, on the west by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the south by the Withlacoochee River. The Town has significant planning challenges due to its geographic location. The maximum elevation in the Town is 10 feet, and the entire Town is located in the 100-year floodplain and Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). The Town is located in a rural area north of the banks of the Withlacoochee River and is surrounded by wetlands and environmentally-sensitive land. The Town is located at the end of County Road 40, and is separated from the nearest intersection of major roads (State/County Road 40 and U.S. 19) by the Town of Inglis. The Plan Amendments are a community-generated plan that incorporates the results of an extensive community visioning survey conducted by the Town and numerous public meetings that exceeded the public participation requirements for plan amendments contained in Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 9J-53 and Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Plan Amendments resulted in a Revised Comprehensive Plan for the Town. IWI is a legal entity that owns land within the Town and submitted oral or written comments on the Plan Amendments during the period of time beginning with the transmittal hearing for the Plan Amendments and ending with the adoption of the Plan Amendments. IWI contends that the Plan Amendments are not "in compliance" for several reasons. Population Projections and Need In its pleadings, IWI contended that "[t]here is inadequate data regarding projected population growth and the infrastructure needed to support the projected population growth for both the short term (five years) and the long term (horizon of the plan)"; "[t]he Plan Amendment is not in compliance with [Section] 163.3177(6)(a) Florida Statutes, by failing to provide future land use categories that are based on need"; and "[t]he Plan Amendment is not in compliance with the requirements of 9J- 5.006, Florida Administrative Code, demonstrating that future land use is based on need." Prehearing Stipulation § 2.H., U., and GG. However, its expert planning witness, Gail Easely, conceded that the data and analysis submitted by the Town was adequate to demonstrate that the residential land uses in the Revised Comprehensive Plan are based on need. IWI limited its contention on this point to the alleged inadequacy of the data and analysis to support the Revised Comprehensive Plan's new Light Industrial land use and revised commercial land use designations. The Revised Comprehensive Plan designates the same areas for commercial as the currently effective Comprehensive Plan, with the exception of one parcel that was changed from commercial to Light Industrial. The Revised Comprehensive Plan designates the commercial parcels near the Withlacoochee River as Commercial Water Dependent and the other commercial parcels as Commercial Neighborhood, totaling approximately 51 acres. Of the 51 acres of commercially-designated land, approximately 26 acres are currently developed and 25 acres are vacant and undeveloped. Of the 26 developed commercial acres, 19 parcels are currently developed and utilized as residential. There is no shortage of land available for commercial development in the Town. Inglis, a town located adjacent and to the east of Yankeetown, and Levy County near Yankeetown provide "more than adequate" existing commercial buildings on the market to serve the residents of Yankeetown and surplus vacant commercially- designated land to serve the future needs of Yankeetown. There is no shortage of commercial potential near the Town. The evidence was that it is acceptable for a local government to plan for the future need for the availability of commercial and industrial lands by maintaining the existing proportionate of availability of land use categories. Alternatively, it is acceptable to plan to mimic the proportions found to exist in other communities. This is essentially how the Town planned its allocation of commercial and industrial lands in its Revised Comprehensive Plan. IWI also contended that the intensity standards for commercial and industrial land uses in the Revised Comprehensive Plan unduly restrict commercial development. The existing Comprehensive Plan did not have explicit intensity standards and criteria for commercial land uses. After extensive debate at numerous public hearings, the Revised Comprehensive Plan established a floor/area ration (FAR) of 0.07, which limits the size for each single structure to a maximum of 3,000 square feet. It also allows for multiple 3,000 square foot structures on larger parcels in a "campus style" development. These standards and criteria reflect the existing, built environment of the Town and the Town's vision of itself. Existing commercial buildings run from 960 square feet to 3,600 square feet. Although the existing Comprehensive Plan did not have an FAR ratio, other standards--such as setbacks, square footage required for on-site septic tanks, drainfields, and parking, a 50 percent open space ratio, and a building height restriction of 35 feet--restricted commercial development in a manner similar to the Revised Comprehensive Plan. Petitioner's expert economist, Dr. Fishkind, testified that the restrictions on intensity of commercial land uses are not financially feasible because not enough revenue can be generated to make a profit, given the cost of land in Yankeetown. His testimony was refuted by his University of Florida colleague, Dr. James Nicholas, who was called as an expert economist for the Town. Dr. Nicholas pointed out that there was some commercial use in the Town and that economics would lower the cost of land in the Town if it is too expensive to allow the kind of commerce desired by the Town to make a reasonable profit. Businesses requiring more space to make sufficient revenue could locate outside the Town but close enough in Inglis or Levy County to serve Yankeetown as well. The character of the Town, its limited projected population growth, and the availability of commercial development nearby in Inglis and in Levy County all support the Town's decision to limit the intensity of commercial land use, and to maintain the existing amount of land available for commercial and light industrial uses. 15. Rules 9J-5.006(1)(a)(3) and 9J-5.006 (4)(a)(3) require the designation of some industrial lands, and the Revised Comprehensive Plan changes the designation of six acres of land located to the west of the intersection of County Roads 40 and 40-A from "Commercial" to "Light Industrial." Since industrial uses are generally not compatible with residential uses, the Light Industrial parcel is separated from residential parcels by commercial. The Light Industrial parcel is allocated for more intense commercial uses (such as fishing trap and boat storage) or reserved for economic development of light industrial uses that may wish to locate in Yankeetown, such as aquaculture. The existing ratio of residential to commercial land is adequate to supply the existing need as reflected by the existing surplus, vacant, and unused commercial lands. The Plan Amendments maintain residential lands and commercial lands in their general designations with refinements to the categories. The existing ratio and availability of vacant commercial land indicate that there is no deficit in any category, and maintaining the existing residential/commercial ratio preserves the existing character of the Town. Urban Service Area versus Urban Service Boundary IWI contends that "[t]he Plan Amendment is not in compliance with [Section] 163.3177(14), Florida Statutes, by failing to ensure that the urban service boundary was appropriately adopted and based on demonstrated need." This contention has no merit. Section 163.3177(14), Florida Statutes, encourages a local government to adopt an "urban service boundary." If one is adopted, there must be a demonstration "that the amount of land within the urban service boundary does not exceed the amount of land needed to accommodate the projected population growth at densities consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan within the 10-year planning timeframe." If a local government chooses to adopt an "urban service boundary" under Section 163.3177(14) and a community vision under Section 163.3177(13), Florida Statutes, it may adopt plan amendments within the urban service boundary without state or regional agency review. See § 163.3184(17), Fla. Stat. The Revised Comprehensive Plan does not use the term "urban service boundary," and the Town did not intend to adopt one under Section 163.3177(14), Florida Statutes, nor did it seek to avoid state and regional agency review of plan amendments under Section 163.3184(17), Florida Statutes. Instead, as explained on page 6 of the Revised Comprehensive Plan, it uses the term "urban area" to designate an area allowed to receive development rights from the sending area, namely the Residential Environmentally Sensitive (formerly Conservation) land use district. The Revised Comprehensive Plan uses the term urban service "area" (rather than "boundary") as the area located generally between County Roads 40 and 40-A that can receive development rights transferred from the Residential Environmentally Sensitive land use district. This area is depicted as "Urban Service Area Overlay Zones" Map 2008-02 of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) series to more clearly designate the area on a larger scale than the FLUM map of the entire Town (Map 2008-05). The existing FLUM series also used the term "urban area" to depict the transfer of development rights receiving area. Financial Feasibility and Capital Improvements IWI’s expert, Dr. Henry Fishkind, testified that he ran his Fiscal Impact Analysis Model for the Town and concluded that the Revised Comprehensive Plan is not financially feasible because the Town cannot generate sufficient operating revenue to cover its operating costs without increasing property tax rates. Dr. Fishkind was not asked to explain how his computer model works, give any specific modeling results, or explain how he reached his conclusion. The Town's expert, Dr. James Nicholas, refuted his University of Florida colleague's testimony on this point as well. Essentially, Dr. Nicholas testified that a small and unique community like Yankeetown can choose to limit its operating costs by relying on volunteers and part-time employees. In this way, it can operate on a bare-bones budget that would starve a more typical and larger community. It also could choose to increase property tax rates, if necessary. Recent amendments to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, in Senate Bill 360, the "Community Renewal Act," which became effective June 1, 2009, postponed and extended until December 1, 2011, the statutory requirement to maintain the financial feasibility of the five-year capital improvements schedule (CIS) for potable water, wastewater, drainage, parks, solid waste, public schools, and water supply. However, the Town concurred with Petitioner in requesting findings of fact and conclusions of law on this issue in case Senate Bill 360 is struck down in a pending constitutional challenge. The Plan Amendments include a CIE (Chapter 8) with a five-year CIS and a table to identify sources of revenue and capital projects sufficient to achieve and maintain the adopted levels of service, supported by data and analysis submitted with the Remedial Amendments. The Town's CIS five-year lists projects to achieve and maintain the adopted level of service (LOS) standards and identifies funding sources to pay for those projects. It describes the projects and conservatively projects costs and revenue sources. The CIS identifies revenue sources and capital projects for which there are committed funds in the first three years and identifies capital projects for which funds have not yet been committed in year four or year five. CIS is adequate to achieve and maintain the adopted level of service and is financially feasible. Stormwater and Drainage A drainage LOS is adopted in Revised Comprehensive Plan Policy, which states: "All new development and expansion of existing residential development greater than 300 square feet of additional impervious coverage shall meet requirements under Chapter 62-25, F.A.C. for Outstanding Florida Waters." The exemption of minor residential improvements of 300 square feet or less is reasonable and does not violate Rule Chapter 9J-5 or Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Department's ability to require retrofitting for existing drainage problems is limited by Rule Chapter 9J- 5.011(2)(c)5.b.i., which states that the Rule "shall not be interpreted or applied to [m]andate that local governments require existing facilities to be retrofitted to meet stormwater discharge water quality standards or stormwater management level of service standards." Nonetheless, the Town agreed in the Compliance Agreement to adopt appropriate policies and provide additional data and analysis on this issue. Policy requires that the "Established Storm Water Drainage Committee shall monitor storm water facilities in [the] town, oversee maintenance functions, and evaluate and recommend capital improvements projects and funding sources." To pay for stormwater capital improvement projects, Policy in the Plan Amendments states: "Yankeetown shall adopt a storm water utility fee ordinance and establish storm water utility fees by December 31, 2009 to provide necessary funding for capital improvements to the Town's storm water drainage facilities and maintenance of storm water drainage facilities." In accordance with the Compliance Agreement, the Town modified CIS Table 1 by adding $120,000 to FY 2011-2012 (Year 5) for the stormwater drainage improvement project and adding Note 5 to Table 1, which states: "Anticipated to be funded by a 75%/25% matching grant from SWFWMD, DEP or DCA. The matching (town) funds will be obtained from the proposed stormwater improvement fund. If no grants can be obtained and the stormwater improvement fund is not approved[,] the project will be funded from the general fund reserves and long term loans." Because the stormwater utility fee ordinance must still be adopted, and these funds are not technically committed at the time of adoption of the Plan Amendments, the stormwater capital improvement project was placed in year 5 (2011-1012) of the CIS. As funding becomes available and committed, the project may be moved to an earlier year in required annual updates to the CIS. Drainage also is addressed in new Objective 4.3.2 and in new Policies through The Town has addressed stormwater and drainage appropriately in the Revised Comprehensive Plan. Proportionate Share and Concurrency Management Policy in the Public Facilities Element states: "The Town shall consider, and adopt as appropriate, a means to ensure that new development shares proportionate responsibilities in the provision of facilities and services to meet the needs of that development and maintain adopted level of service standards." Policy in the CIE of the Revised Comprehensive Plan states: The Town shall consider, and adopt as appropriate, a means to ensure that new development shares a proportionate cost on a pro rata basis in the provision of facilities and services necessitated by that development in order to maintain the Town’s adopted level of service standards. Proportionate costs shall be based upon, but not limited to: Cost for extension of water mains, including connection fees. Costs for all circulation and right-of-way related improvements to accommodate the development for local roads not maintained by Levy County. Costs to maintain County Road 40 and 40[-]A and any other road within the town that are maintained by Levy County shall be governed by the Levy County Proportionate Share Ordinance and Yankeetown will continue to adopt and ensure the level of service is maintained [through] coordination mechanisms between the two planning departments. Costs for drainage improvements. Costs for recreational facilities, open space provision, fire protection, police services, and stormwater management. Although the Town does not have any public facility deficiencies, Rule Chapter 9J-5 requires that the CIE address "[t]he extent to which future development will bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements necessitated by the development in order to adequately maintain adopted level of service standards"; and include a policy that addresses programs and activities for "[a]ssessing new developments a pro rata share of the costs necessary to finance public facility improvements necessitated by development in order to adequately maintain adopted level of service standards . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.016(3)(b)4. and (c)8. Policy meets this requirement. The statute forming the basis of IWI’s contentions regarding proportionate fair share is Section 163.3180(16)(a), Florida Statutes, which requires local governments "to adopt by ordinance a methodology for assessing proportionate fair-share mitigation options." The evidence was that the requirements of this statute will be met by the Town's Proportionate Fair Share Concurrency Management Ordinance, which had been drafted and scheduled for adoption hearings at the time of the final hearing, and which will implement Policy IWI did not present any evidence regarding the alleged lack of a concurrency management system in the Revised Comprehensive Plan and did not prove that the Revised Comprehensive Plan fails to meet the requirements of Rule 9J- 5.055 for concurrency management. The Town is exempt from maintaining school concurrency requirements. Objective 8.1.3 and Policies through of the Revised Comprehensive Plan meet the requirements of Rule 9J-5.055 for concurrency management. Policy states: "The Town shall evaluate public facility demands by new development or redevelopment on a project by project basis to assure that capital facilities are provided concurrent with development." Policy states: "The Yankeetown Land Development Code shall contain provisions to ensure that development orders are not issued for development activities which degrade the level of service below the adopted standard as identified in each comprehensive plan element. Such provisions may allow for provision of facilities and services in phases, so long as such facilities and services are provided concurrent with the impacts of development." The Town has a checklist system to track the specific impact of each development order on LOS concurrent with development. As indicated, a Proportionate Fair Share and Concurrency Management Ordinance had been drafted and scheduled for adoption hearings. Wastewater Treatment and Water Quality The Town is located entirely within the 100-year floodplain and coastal high hazard area. See Finding 2, supra. This presents challenges for wastewater treatment. The adoption of the Revised Comprehensive Plan followed public meetings and workshops held with representatives of DCA, including Richard Deadman, and expert Mark Hooks, formerly with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and now with the State of Florida Department of Health. The Plan Amendments include Policy, which states in part: Due to the location of the town within the 100 year flood plain and within the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA), there are no plans to provide central wastewater treatment until a regional system can be developed in conjunction with the neighboring town of Inglis and Levy County, and constructed outside the Coastal High Hazard Area east of U.S. Highway 19. In the interim period before a regional central wastewater system is available, the Town shall require in all land use districts: a. Yankeetown shall develop a strategy to participate in water quality monitoring of the Withlacoochee River; b. develop an educational program to encourage inspection (and pump-out if needed) of existing septic tanks; c. all new and replacement septic tanks shall meet performance based standards (10mg/l nitrogen). The Town's approach to wastewater treatment under the circumstances is sound both economically and from planning perspective and is sufficient to protect natural and coastal resources, including water quality, and meet the minimum requirements of Rule Chapter 9J-5 and Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. There is direction in the State Comprehensive Plan to: "Avoid the expenditure of state funds that subsidize development in high-hazard coastal areas." § 187.201(8)(b)3., Fla. Stat. This direction is also found in Chapter 163.3178(1), Florida Statutes, and in Rule 9J-5.012(3)(b)5., which require local governments to limit public expenditures that would subsidize development in the CHHA. It also is impractical for the Town, with a population of 760 people, to fund and operate a central wastewater system. It is logical and economical to do this in partnership with the adjoining Town of Inglis and Levy County, which could share in the costs and provide a site for a regional wastewater facility located nearby but outside of the CHHA. In contrast, this approach was not a viable option for the entirety of the Florida Keys. The Town already has begun water quality testing under Policy The Town will be required to prepare educational programs to encourage inspection of existing septic tanks (and pump-out, if needed) under Policy and under new Policy In the short-term, while the Town pursues a regional treatment facility located outside the CHHA, Policy in the Revised Comprehensive Plan will be implemented by new Policy, which states: Yankeetown shall require that all new or replacement sanitary sewage systems in all land use districts meet the following requirements: All new or replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed and constructed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system and discharge from the system into floodwaters. Joints between sewer drain components shall be sealed with caulking, plastic or rubber gaskets. Backflow preventers are required. All new or replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate damage to them and contamination from them during flooding. The DCA has objected and recommended, and Yankeetown has concurred that all new and replacement septic systems are to be performance-based certified to provide secondary treatment equivalent to 10 milligrams per liter maximum Nitrogen. Performance-based treatment systems that are accepted as achieving the 10 mg/l nitrogen standard have already been tested by the National Sanitation Foundation and approved by the State of Florida Department of Health. Performance-based systems achieving the 10 mg/l nitrogen standard have been certified and approved for use in Florida and are now available on the market "in the $7,200 range" for a typical two- or three-bedroom home, and there are systems that would meet the 10mg/l nitrogen standard for commercial and multi-family buildings. Compliance with the performance-based 10 mg/l nitrogen standard is measured at the treatment system, not in the receiving water, and additional nutrient removal and treatment occurs in the drainfield soils. Performance-based treatment systems also require an operating permit and routine inspection and maintenance, unlike conventional septic tanks. The United States Environmental Protection Agency stated in its 1997 report to Congress: "Adequately managed decentralized wastewater systems are a cost-effective and long- term option for meeting public health and water quality goals." The existing Comprehensive Plan addresses wastewater in Chapter 4, Policy 13-2, which states: "Prohibit the construction of new publicly funded facilities or facilities offered for maintenance in the coastal high hazard area (including roads, water, sewer, or other infrastructure)." It also is addressed in the existing Comprehensive Plan in: Chapter 1, Policies 3-1 and 3-2 (Vol. II p. 11); and Chapter 4, Policies 1-2-1 and 1-2-7 (Vol. II, pp. 32, 34). A more in-depth analysis of the Town's previous approach to wastewater treatment is found in Volume III, Infrastructure Element, pp. 107-109 ("Facility Capacity Analysis, Sanitary Sewer"), which expresses similar long-term and interim approaches to wastewater treatment. The Revised Comprehensive Plan removes confusing and out-of-date references to "class I or other DOH-approved aerobic systems" used in the existing Comprehensive Plan. The Plan Amendments contemplate that the Town will pursue a long-term solution of a regional wastewater facility with the Town of Inglis and Levy County to be located outside the CHHA. The Revised Comprehensive Plan is adequate to protect the natural resources in Yankeetown and includes a short-term requirement that all new and replacement septic tanks meet the 10 mg/l nitrogen standard measured at the performance-based treatment system, together with a long-term requirement that the Town pursue a regional wastewater treatment plant to be located outside the CHHA. The Plan Amendments include: Objective 4.1.3; Policies through and through; Policy; Policy; Policy; Policy; and Policy These provisions move the Town in the direction of a regional central wastewater treatment located outside the CHHA and establish appropriate interim standards. Petitioner contended that the Town has allocated money for a new park when it needed a new central wastewater treatment facility. But the evidence was that the money for the new park came from a grant and could not be used for a new central wastewater treatment facility. Protection of Natural Resources and Internal Consistency The Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and the FLUM in the Revised Comprehensive Plan contain "Resource Protection" and "Residential Environmentally Sensitive" land use designations. In the existing Comprehensive Plan, these lands are designated Public Use Resource Protection and Conservation, respectively. The Plan Amendments reduce density in the Residential Environmentally Sensitive land use district, which contains a number of islands, to a maximum gross density of one dwelling unit per ten gross acres and maximum net density of one dwelling unit per five acres of uplands. Policy in the Plan Amendments would allow development rights to be transferred from the Residential Environmentally Sensitive land to the development rights area receiving zone located between County Roads 40 and 40-A, as shown in Map 2008-02. The current Conservation designation for those lands sets a "maximum density of 1 unit per 5 acres"; and Policy 1-2 in the existing Comprehensive Plan allows the transfer of development rights within the Conservation district "as long as gross density does not exceed 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres." Under Policy 1-2 of the existing Comprehensive Plan, a minimum of "two (2) acres of uplands" is required for a development in the Conservation land use district. Likewise, under Policy of the Plan Amendments, a minimum of "two (2) contiguous natural pre-development upland acres" is required in the Residential Environmentally Sensitive land use district. Although allowed, few if any transfers of development rights actually occurred under the existing Comprehensive Plan. To provide additional incentive to transfer development out of the "Residential Environmentally Sensitive" land use district and into the urban receiving area, Policy of the Plan Amendments would allow the land owner to retain private ownership and passive recreational use on the "sending" parcel, including one boat dock. All other development rights on the sending parcel would be extinguished. Besides facilitating the transfer of development rights, it is expected that use of boat docks on the islands will decrease environmental damage from boats now grounding to obtain access to the islands. Although the policies for Environmentally Sensitive Residential and Conservation Lands are slightly different, the minor differences do not fail to protect natural or coastal resources or fail to meet the minimum criteria set forth in Rule Chapter 9J-5 and Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Numerous policies in the Plan Amendments establish standards and criteria to protect natural and coastal resources, including: Policy, restricting dredging; Policies,, and, restricting the filling of wetlands; Policy, establishing wetlands setback buffers; Policy, establishing nutrient buffers; Policy, limiting dredge and fill; Policies and, establishing standards and criteria for docks and walkways; Policy, protecting certain native habitats as open space; Policy, establishing low-impact development practices for enhanced water quality protection; and Policy, protecting listed species, including manatees. These provisions are more protective than the provisions of the existing Comprehensive and are supported by data and analysis. The Plan Amendments acknowledge and protect private property rights and include Objective 1.1.11 (Determination and Protection of Property Rights), providing for vested rights and beneficial use determinations to address unintended or unforeseen consequences of the application of the Plan Amendments in cases where setbacks cannot be achieved for specific development proposals due to lot size or configuration. FLUE Policy and Conservation and Coastal Management Element Policy in the Plan Amendments sets out procedures, standards, and criteria (including mitigation) for variances from the 150- foot Nutrient Buffer Setback. Taken as a whole, the Plan Amendments protect natural and coastal resources within the Town. Internal Consistency Docks, Open Space, and Dredge and Fill IWI contends that the Plan Amendments are internally inconsistent because policies addressing docks, open space, and dredging requirements use different language and with different meanings in different contexts. Policies in the Revised Comprehensive Plan establish 100 percent open space requirements for certain natural habitats, namely: (a) submerged aquatic vegetation; (b) undisturbed salt marsh wetlands; (c) salt flats and salt ponds; (d) fresh water wetlands; (e) fresh water ponds; and (f) maritime coastal hammock. Pile-supported, non-habitable structures such as boat docks and walkways are allowed if sited on other portions of a site. (Conservation and Coastal Management Element Policies,,, and Other policies limit dredging to maintenance dredging. Policy states that the Town will: Prohibit all new dredge and fill activities, including construction of new canals, along the river and coastal areas. Maintenance dredging of existing canals, previously dredged channels, existing previously dredged marinas, and commercial and public boat launch ramps shall be allowed to depths previously dredged only when the applicant demonstrates that dredging activity will not contribute to water pollution or saltwater intrusion of the potable water supply. Applicant must also demonstrate that development activities shall not negatively impact water quality or manatee habitat. Maintenance dredging is prohibited within areas vegetated with established submerged grass beds except for maintenance dredging in public navigation channels. This prohibition does not preclude the minor dredging necessary to construct "pile supported structures such as docks and walkways that do not exceed 4’ in width and constructed in accordance with OFW and Aquatic Preserve regulations," which are specifically exempted and allowed by Policy of the Plan Amendments. Additional dredging and filling activities (beyond installation of pile supports) would not be required for docks sited where adequate water depth exists. Docks and walkways allowed under Policy are not counted as open space. The policies concerning docks and walkways can be reconciled and do not render the Plan Amendments internally inconsistent. Low-Impact Development Policies IWI also contends that policies in the Plan Amendments requiring and encouraging low-impact development (LID) practices (which are not required or mandated under minimum requirements of Rule Chapter 9J-5 F.A.C. and Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, but adopted for additional water quality protection) are internally inconsistent. The Plan Amendments require LID practices for some new uses (new subdivisions, planned unit developments, and commercial development) and encourage them for existing uses. The Plan Amendments require or encourage these practices in different land use districts, which address different commercial or residential uses, and also discuss these practices in different elements of the Revised Comprehensive Plan, which addresses different purposes and concerns, including the FLUE (Chapter 1), the Public Infrastructure Element (Chapter 4), and the Coastal Management Element (Chapter 5). FLUE Policy states that: In addition to complying with Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) standards, all new subdivisions, planned unit developments, and commercial development in all land use districts shall utilize "low impact" development practices appropriate for such use including: Landscaped biofiltration swales; Use native plants adapted to soil, water and rainfall conditions; Minimize use of fertilizers and pesticides; Grease traps for restaurants; Recycle storm water by using pond water for irrigation of landscaping; Dry wells to capture runoff from roofs; Porous pavements; Maintain ponds to avoid exotic species invasions; Aerate tree root systems (for example, WANE systems); Vegetate onsite floodplain areas with native and/or Florida-friendly plants to provide habitat and wildlife corridors; Rain barrels and green roofs where feasible; and Use connected Best Management Practices (BMPs) (treatment trains flowing from one BMP into the next BMP) to increase nutrient removal. Existing development shall be encouraged, but not required to use the above recommendations and shall not be considered nonconforming if they do not. In the Residential Low Density land use district, FLUE Policy states: "All (a) new planned unit residential developments or (b) new platted subdivisions of 2 or more units (construction of 1 single family dwelling unit or duplex is exempt) shall utilize 'low impact' development practices for storm water management. Individual dwelling units and duplexes are encouraged to utilize those 'low impact' development practices that may be required or recommended in the Land Development Regulations." In the Residential Highest Density land use district, FLUE Policy states: "Existing platted parcels are encouraged to utilize site suitable storm water management such as connecting to swales where available. All (a) new planned unit residential developments or (b) new platted subdivisions of 2 or more units (construction of 1 single family dwelling unit or duplex is exempt) shall utilize 'low impact' development practices for storm water management. Individual dwelling units and duplexes are encouraged to utilize those 'low impact' practices that may be required or recommended in the Land Development Regulations." In the Resource Protection and Public Use land use districts, FLUE Policies and require LID practices for all development. In the Neighborhood Commercial land use district, FLUE Policy requires LID practices for "all development." In the Commercial Water-Dependent land use districts, FLUE Policy requires LID practices for "all new commercial development." In the Light Industrial land use district, FLUE Policy requires LID practices for "all development." These policies can be reconciled. The use of slightly different language in a particular district, or creation of an exemption for existing uses, does not render the policies internally inconsistent. Policy of the Public Infrastructure Element (Chapter 4) of the Plan Amendments requires the adoption of land development regulations (LDRs) establishing minimum design and construction standards for new subdivisions, planned unit developments, and commercial development that will ensure that post development runoff rates do not exceed predevelopment runoff rates and encourage the same LID practices set out in FLUE Policy IWI also contends that the inclusion of the phrase "as appropriate for such use" in the LID policies is internally inconsistent. To the contrary, it acknowledges that some of the listed practices may not be appropriate for a proposed specific use. For example, subsection (d) on "grease traps for restaurants" would not be appropriate if no restaurant is proposed. Under Section 163.3202, Florida Statutes, the Town has a year to adopt implementing LDRs providing further details, standards, and criteria for low-impact development BMPs for specific uses and within specific districts. The use of the phrase "as appropriate for such use" in the low-impact development policies allows for the exercise of engineering discretion in formulating LDRs. It does not render the policies internally inconsistent. Setbacks and Variances IWI also contends that the Plan Amendments are internally inconsistent because buffers contain different setback distances and allow for a variance to the setback buffers. The policies addressing setbacks can be read together and reconciled. The Plan Amendments include two types of setback buffers adopted for different purposes: (1) for structures, a 50-foot setback from the river and wetlands in Policies and; (2) for sources of nutrient pollution other than septic systems (such as fertilized and landscaped areas and livestock sources), a 150-foot nutrient buffer setback from the river in Policies and; and (3) for septic systems, special setbacks in Policy (which is referred to in the nutrient buffer setback policies). These different setback policies were adopted for different purposes and are not internally inconsistent. Data and analysis supporting the establishment of these different setbacks further explains the different purposes of the different types of setbacks adopted in the Revised Comprehensive Plan. The availability of variances to the 150-foot nutrient buffer setback allows some use on a parcel to ensure protection of private property rights in the event of an unforeseen taking of all use on a specific parcel where an applicant cannot meet the setback but can meet the listed criteria for a variance and provide the mitigation required for impacts. Protection of private property rights is a competing concern that must be addressed under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 9J-5. The Plan Amendments need not address every possible or potential set of facts and circumstances. Additional detail can be provided in implementing LDRs adopted under Section 163.3202, Florida Statutes. Specific implementation and interpretation of policies and LDRs applicable to any particular development proposal will be made by the Town during application review process. Seemingly inconsistent policies can be reconciled by applying the most stringent policy. Seemingly inconsistent policies also could be reconciled by application of a specific exemption, variance, or beneficial use determination. Site-specific application and interpretation of policies and LDRs in development orders, and issues as to their consistency with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Revised Comprehensive Plan, can be addressed under Section 163.3215, Florida Statutes. Small Local Governments IWI contends that the Town was not held to the same data and analysis standards under Section 163.3177(10)(i), Florida Statutes, as larger local governments. Under that statute and Rule 9J-5.002(2), the Department can consider the small size of the Town, as well as other factors, in determining the "detail of data, analyses, and the content of the goals, objectives, policies, and other graphic or textual standards required " Prior to adoption of the remedial amendments, the Town was unable to utilize GIS mapping. However, for the remedial amendments, GIS mapping was provided with the assistance of the Regional Planning Council. IWI did not prove beyond fair debate that the Town's data and analyses were insufficient under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 9J-5. State and Regional Plans IWI also contends, for essentially the same reasons addressed previously, that the Plan Amendments are inconsistent with State Comprehensive Plan provisions on water resources, natural systems, and public facilities and Withlacoochee Strategic Regional Policy Plan provisions on natural resources, fisheries, and water quality. A plan is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and regional policy plan if, considered as a whole, it is "compatible with" and "furthers" those plans. "Compatible with" means "not in conflict with" and "furthers" means "to take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the state or regional plan." § 163.3177(10)(a), Fla. Stat. Using those definitions, IWI failed to prove beyond fair debate that the Revised Comprehensive Plan, as a whole, is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan or the Withlacoochee Strategic Regional Policy Plan.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order finding the Plan Amendments to be "in compliance." DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of October, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of October, 2009.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.57163.3177163.3178163.3180163.3184163.3202163.3215163.3245 Florida Administrative Code (2) 9J-5.0029J-5.006
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