You know that the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic has caused many small and medium sized business throughout the State of California to lose money. However, what you may not know is that some insurance policies cover these losses.
Ex-wife not honoring property division of divorce decree
in my divorce, my ex-wife agreed to pay 460.00 per month on a vehicle loan that was financed in my name. she said she need the vehicle because it was safe and dependable for the transportation of our children. i have already taken her back to court once for non payment and recieved a garnishment but not very much since. she currently owes me over 9000.00 and the loan is current and will be paid off by me in march of this year. i also know that she has not had possession of this vehicle from 6 months after our divorce. i have asked frequently for these payments and also sent her a certified letter with no response. we have joint custody of the children and she avoids me at every opportunity. what do i do next?
Filing A CT Claim, in pro per and no longer with past employer??
back in the year 2002 I left the employer, who I worked with when I was injured, the claim is still open and very active, although I have new symptoms that have arose, I have not been back to the past employers office in years but I want to file a CT claim have the form, do I fill out the eligibility and just send it to the insurance company to work with the past employer?? or how do I get the employer to fill out there portion.
also there are more than 1 area of my bodys hurt do I fill out a form for each injury or do I list the medical problems on 1 form??