Advice to Help with Abusive Coaches
General overview of "bullying," which refers to a verbal, physical, or mental act committed with the intent to harass, intimidate, or otherwise cause harm to the individual.
Bullying has become a national epidemic among school-aged children in America, and should be of concern to most schools today. Because bullying can take many forms -- such as verbal, physical, and even mental acts -- it can sometimes go unnoticed by ...
Student Codes of Conduct
Codes of Conduct: Technology Use and Cell Phone Policies
Modern tools such as the Internet and social media can aid students in conducting research and getting homework tutoring, but they have also opened another platform for bullies. Instances of cyberbullying, or bullying using electronic and online mean...
Student Codes of Conduct and Student Discipline Policy: Getting Information Although student discipline rules and codes of conduct follow the same basic pattern, they vary not only from district to district but from school to school. The easiest way ...
In the 1990s and 2000s, educators, law enforcement agencies, governments, courts, parents, and the general citizenry in the United States considered new and troubling questions regarding student discipline and conduct. The late 1990s witnessed a numb...
Over the past few decades, many schools have shifted their disciplinary focus from punishing students for bad behavior to rewarding students for meeting school administrators' expectations. Rather than handing out punitive consequences to students wh...
Just as parents and students have expectations of the curriculum and learning environment that schools should provide, schools also have expectations of students and parents for facilitating that environment. These student responsibilities are usuall...