What Constitutes Child Abuse? Child abuse doesn’t have to be extreme for a parent to lose visitation or custody rights. As a general rule, in the family law context, any activity or behavior by a parent that threatens a child’s physical or emotional ...
Not all images of nude children amount to child pornography, because images of naked children, without more, are protected under the First Amendment (as a form of freedom of speech). For exa ...
Whether you're a free-range or helicopter parent, the law allows you to raise your children how you desire. But, what happens when preying eyes or nosy neighbors disagree with your methods a ...
Most parents understand that it is always wrong to leave an infant or toddler home alone while you go out - even for a quick run to the store. But when is a child old enough? Surprisingly, t ...
For many people, becoming a new parent is an exciting time, filled with a roller coaster of emotions. Most can rally support within their social circles and get through the tough time. But f ...
In years past, teachers silently instilled fear in their young students by displaying the wooden "paddle" on the classroom wall, as a reminder of the standard punishment for misbehavior. Tod ...
If a parent’s actions or inactions put their kids at risk of harm, the government has the power to intervene. And when the harm is serious, the government can physically remove the childre ...