Definition of Legal Malpractice
Similar to medical malpractice, legal malpractice occurs when an attorney fails to perform according to the proscribed standards and codes of ethical and professional conduct. Still, not getting the desired (or expected) outcome in your case is not enough to warrant a malpractice claim. Attorneys must have been negligent, in breach of a contract, or otherwise in violation of the American Bar Association's Rules of Professional Conduct (adopted by all state bars except California ).
If your lawyer has violated these rules (such as comingling financial accounts or a conflict of interest) or acted negligently in some way, you may file a legal malpractice claim. In order to win your case, you would have to show that a typical (and competent) lawyer would have prevailed in your case.
For legal malpractice claims based on negligence, you need to prove the following four elements:
Terms to Know
Working with a Legal Malpractice Lawyer
Proving legal malpractice is no easy task. In addition to proving the four elements discussed above, you would need to show a clear causation. In other words, it must be clear to the court that you would have prevailed in your case had the attorney abided by the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Additionally, facts that may suggest violations of ethics or professional responsibility are not necessarily actionable. For instance, two lawyers who are good friends may eventually end up on opposite sides of the same case. That is not necessarily a conflict of interest, as long as it's not a familial relationship, but could be in some circumstances. And while your attorney is required to communicate with you in a reasonable manner, failure to return your every phone call is not necessarily an act of neglect.
So these types of cases really come down the specifics and what can be proven as the cause of a given outcome. See FindLaw's directory of legal malpractice attorneys if you would like to learn more or need to file a claim.
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