Fortunately, there are some exceptions to the one-year asylum filing deadline. ...
Background on the government’s efforts to provide shelter to refugees who are displaced by war, famine, civil unrest, or political tumult. You’ll also find information on the application process and more.
A broad look at asylum law and the procedures involved. Learn about how to apply for asylum, the grounds for asylum, whether family members are eligible, obtaining permanent residency status, and more.
Asylum seekers and refugees are people who are trying to escape persecution in their home country. The key difference between these two classifications is where the person is located: asylum seekers are already on U.S. soil (or at a U.S. border), whi...
An overview of asylum claims and the eligibility requirements involved. Learn who is eligible to apply for asylum, how to apply for asylum, how spouses and children are affected, and much more.
A look at the different types of asylum hearings. This article provides descriptions of common immigration hearings, including bond redetermination, rescission, and asylum-only hearings.
People who seek asylum in the United States, legally known as asylees, are trying to escape persecution in their home country. As with all other aspects of immigration to the U.S., asylum and refugee claims involve a complicated set of rules, require...
Although plenty of people living in countries outside the U.S. are in fear for their lives and thus seeking a country that offers them protection, asylum is not a status that's available in ...
Foreign nationals who fear persecution in their homeland can seek asylum in the United States only if their fear is considered credible. But what exactly is a "credible fear of persecution"? Here are three key issues to keep in mind if you or someone...
The length of time if takes for an affirmative asylum application to be given a final approval or denial depends on a number of factors, such as how backed up the U.S. government is with app ...