The crucial difference made by whether or not a child of undocumented parents was born in the U.S. or not. ...
Overview of the visa lottery that offers an opportunity for people from some parts of the world to obtain U.S. lawful permanent residence. ...
The information contained in U.S. government records can be accessed using a FOIA request, and might be critical to helping you apply for an immigration benefit or fight against removal or d ...
Aspects of the Constitution that address certain basic human rights apply to everyone, even those without proper documentation. Some states grant illegal immigrants various rights, as well. ...
Going to your first meeting with an immigration attorney who might represent you? Here's what to bring and prepare for. ...
Regardless of why you're in the U.S. or how you got into the country, as a foreign national you need to have an understanding of how the U.S. immigration laws and the Selective Service Syste ...
The term "illegal immigration" is a colloquial one, used more often by the media and the general public than by attorneys. That's because the actual picture of who spends time in the U.S. wi ...
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled early on that immigration regulation was an exclusive responsibility of the federal government. From time to time state and local (city or county) governments at ...