Under U.S. Code Title 35, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issues three different types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. In order to be patentable, an invention must be novel, nonobvious, adequately described, and claimed by the patent applicant in clear, definite terms.
The USPTO corrects errors in patents that are already issued through reissue patents, which can alter the scope of patent protection. The USPTO also issues statutory invention registrations that offer limited protection to stop other people from patenting a particular invention, design, or plant. In some circumstances, the patent terms described below can be extended.
What Are Utility Patents?
Utility patents, also known as “patents for invention,” are the most common patents. They are issued in connection with new and useful processes, machines, manufactures, compositions of matter, or improvements. Examples of inventions protected by utility patents include computer software, investment strategy, medical equipment, tools, chemical compositions, genetically altered life forms, and improvements.
Owners of utility patents are allowed to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a 20-year period from the date the patent application is filed. Maintenance fees must be paid for this type of patent, making it more expensive than a design patent. Although utility patents offer broad protection against potentially competing inventions, it can take 2-3 years to receive a utility patent.
In order to be granted a patent, the subject matter of a utility patent application must be useful. Traditionally, this meant operability, practical use, and beneficial use. With regard to operability, a fantastic invention that cannot be operated will not be granted a utility patent even if it has both practical and beneficial uses. “Practical use” refers to real-world use. This element can be easily established for many types of inventions, but it can be harder to establish in the case of chemical compounds, which are sometimes developed before their practical function is nailed down. The beneficial use strand of the utility requirement, which barred immoral or deceptive inventions like gambling devices, is mostly no longer applied.
Design Patent
Design patents are issued in connection with new, original, and ornamental design that is contained within or applied to something that is manufactured. They are less expensive and easier to obtain than a utility patent. They are also the type of patent that is least often sought from the USPTO.
A design patent allows the owner to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented design for 14 years from the date the patent is granted. The time period for design patents may change in the near future. There are no maintenance fees associated with this type of patent.
Plant Patents
Plant patents are issued for the discovery or invention of new and distinct asexually reproducing plants. This can include sports, hybrids, seedlings, mutants, and cultivations, other than plants found in an uncultivated state or that are potatoes or edible tuber propagated plants.
The owner of a plant patent can exclude others from making, using, or selling the plant for up to 20 years from the date the owner files a patent application. Like design patents, plant patents need not be kept up with maintenance fee payments.
A business method patent is a type of utility patent that protects a process rather than a physical object. It has proved especially useful to online companies that use software for their business. Protection through a business method patent, also kn...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) examines applications for design patents and grants these patents when appropriate. Design patent applications are not commonly filed. You can get a design patent under 35 U.S.C. § 171 for visual ...
Many inventions are not entirely new but instead build upon previous inventions and provide meaningful improvements. This might involve adding an element to an existing invention, putting an existing invention to a new and unexpected use, or invigora...
Under 35 U.S.C. § 161, you can get a plant patent for inventing or discovering and asexually reproducing a distinct and new variety of plant. The requirement that the plant is invented or discovered limits patent protection to plants created through ...
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) accepts applications for three types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. The most common of these is the utility patent. They protect the way an invention is used by giving a li...