A list of 10 tips to help you avoid foreclosure. Learn what you can do to keep your home, including contacting your lender with any issues, working with a housing counselor, knowing your mortgage rights, and more.
A look at the alternatives to foreclosure. Learn about your alternative options, including special forbearance, mortgage modification, partial claim, pre-foreclosure sale, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, and more.
If you fail to make your home mortgage payments, foreclosure may occur. Foreclosure is the legal means that your lender can use to repossess (take over) your home. When this happens, you must move out of your house. If your property is worth less tha...
Homeowners who fall behind on their mortgage risk having their home taken away by the bank or lender in a process called “foreclosure." Foreclosure proceedings do not always lead to a loss of your home, at least not right away, but many prefer to sim...
A bankruptcy filing will often stop a home foreclosure, but only temporarily. Some scam artists file a bankruptcy in your name with the promise that it will solve your financial problems. Learn about bankruptcy scams.
Foreclosure proceedings aren’t only affected by state property laws. A number of federal laws can affect foreclosure cases as well. Learn about how bankruptcy laws and the Soldier and Sailors Relief Act can affect foreclosures.
A foreclosure by judicial sale is the sale of a mortgaged property that’s under the supervision of a court. Learn about the “necessary” and “proper” parties in a foreclosure by judicial sale, deficiency judgment, and more.
Foreclosure by power of sale occurs when a mortgaged property is sold by the mortgage holder without the supervision of a court. Find out which states allow this form of foreclosure, its advantages, and more.
Welcome to the Foreclosure Process section of FindLaw's Real Estate Law Center. The foreclosure process is slightly different in every state, but certain aspects of the process are universal. If you are facing foreclosure because of missed mortgage p...
The thought of losing your home can be devastating. Unfortunately, there are scam artists who use the fear of foreclosure to prey on unsuspecting or uninformed homeowners. Often, these criminals will convince you to give them your mortgage payments a...