Whether you are developing a new gene therapy based on a nonobvious use of a bacterium or a formulation that will potentially change the way we treat cancer, keeping good records must be a priority while you work on your invention. If your patent application is challenged or if you discover someone has infringed on it, good documents may well be the key to winning the dispute. Follow along as FindLaw explores the many practical and legal reasons to keep meticulous records and notes.
Reasons to Record Your Progress
Here are some more reasons why you should keep records of your progress:
How to Record Data
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What to Record
Your record of invention is a record of your initial idea. Here's a suggested format:
Name of Invention: _____________________________________ Purpose: _____________________________________________ Description: __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Working Sketch or Diagram: Novel Features: _______________________________________ Prior Art: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Advantages of Your Invention: _________________________ _____________________________________________________ Disadvantages: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________________ WITNESSED & UNDERSTOOD ____________________________________ ____________________________________ |
Keeping Secrets
Take steps to ensure that your work and the contents of your lab book are kept secret. Consider obtaining confidentiality agreements for your witnesses. Add the line "The above information is confidential" just above your witness-signature area where it says "WITNESSED AND UNDERSTOOD." Finally, consider locking your lab book in your desk at the end of the day.
The Working File
Use a file folder (the kind that is sealed into a pocket is probably best) to keep things like receipts, correspondence, cancelled checks, and other miscellaneous documents relating to your invention. If the item does not have a date on it, note the date you received it, e.g., "Received on [DATE]."
Hire a Lawyer Skilled in Patents and Inventions
Don't let someone else take credit for your invention. Your work should be legally protected to the fullest extent of the law, but first you need to take the correct steps. Speak to an intellectual property attorney who specializes in patents today.
For more information, visit the Intellectual Property section.