One way to switch directions on a roadway is to perform a "u-turn,' in which the driver makes a sharp left turn and heads back the other way. But since these can be dangerous in the wrong situation or wrong spot, states regulate this maneuver. The following is a directory of illegal u-turn laws by state.
Alabama | Turning movements and required signals |
Alaska | Negligent Driving (AK Statutes §28.35.410) |
Arizona | Limitations on turning around (ARS §28-752) |
Arkansas | Turning on curve or crest of grade prohibited |
California | Turning and Stopping and Turning Signals |
Colorado | Limitations on turning around |
Connecticut | Turns restricted...U-turns |
Delaware | Limitations on turning around |
District of Columbia |
Browse the D.C. Vehicle Code (scroll to Title 50) |
Florida | Limitations on turning around (FS §316.1515) |
Georgia | U-turns |
Hawaii | Turning so as to proceed in the opposite direction |
Idaho | Limitations on turning around |
Illinois | Turning and Starting and Signals on Stopping and Turning |
Indiana | Vehicle Operation (Indiana Code §9-21-8) |
Iowa | Turning at intersections (IA Code §321.311) |
Kansas | Limitations on "U" turns (KS Statutes §8-1546) |
Kentucky | Turning around on curve or grade |
Louisiana | Turning movements and required signals |
Maine | U-turns (MRS Title 29-A §2072) |
Maryland | Vehicle turning left or making u-turn |
Massachusetts | Traffic control signs and devices |
Michigan | Turning at intersection; violation as civil infraction |
Minnesota | Turning, starting, and signaling |
Mississippi | Turning at intersections (MS Code §63-3-703) |
Missouri | Turns at Intersection (MRS §304.341) |
Montana | Limitation on U-turns (MCA §61-8-334) |
Nebraska | Turning to proceed in opposite direction |
Nevada | Allowed and prohibited u-turns (NRS §484B.403) |
New Hampshire | Turning and starting (NH Statutes §265:45) |
New Jersey | Turning on curve, grade, or ... [where] marked with "no U turn" sign |
New Mexico | Turning movements and required signals |
New York | U-turns in certain areas prohibited |
North Carolina | Turning at intersections (NCGS §20-153) |
North Dakota | Limitations on turning around |
Ohio | Rules for Turns at Intersections |
Oklahoma | Turning movements and required signals |
Oregon | Rules of the Road: Illegal U-turn; penalty |
Pennsylvania | Rules of the Road: Turning, Starting, and Signals |
Rhode Island | Places where U-turns prohibited (RI Code §31-16-4) |
South Carolina | Limitations on turning around |
South Dakota | U-turn prohibited in passing zone or where unsafe |
Tennessee | Turning movements (TN Code §55-8-142) |
Texas | Operation and Movement of Vehicles |
Utah | Turning around -- Where prohibited -- Visibility |
Vermont | Turning prohibited (23 VSA §1062) |
Virginia | Limitation on U-turns |
Washington | "U" turns (RCW §46.61.295) |
West Virginia | Turning movements and required signals |
Wisconsin | Where turns prohibited, exception |
Wyoming | Limitations on turning around |
Contact a Local Traffic Ticket Attorney
It's sometimes not necessary to work with an attorney when you have a traffic ticket, whether it's for an illegal u-turn or something more serious, but every situation is different. For example, having a ticket reduced could mean the difference of several thousands of dollars in insurance premium costs. Find a traffic law attorney near you if you need additional help.