Federal laws place limits on your personal liability for unauthorized credit card charges. This article explains how liability works for unauthorized uses of your credit or debit cards and more.
We pay for an insurance policy in an attempt to manage our risk. In return for the regular payment of our insurance premiums we expect that our insurer will compensate us when we suffer damage covered by our policy. Normally, that's exactly what happ...
Almost every customer interacts with banks, whether directly or indirectly, on a regular basis. An account with a bank or a credit union is necessary to conduct most business, and opening a credit card can help you build credit history. Given that ba...
An overview third-party debt relief services and how they can help you. Learn about the various types of credit counseling and debt negotiation services, how to spot debt relief scams, and more.
In General The Consumer Action Handbook From the Federal Citizen Information Center of the U.S. General Services Administration. Offers general buying tips and ways to resolve marketplace problems, as well as information on specific topics such as cr...
Most people have at least one credit card or check card, and usually use it on a daily basis. Banks and credit card companies are constantly creating new sales pitches and products to entice people to sign up for the latest card they are offering. Ho...
Most people need to take out a loan in order to make big purchases such as homes and cars. When you apply for a loan, the loan company usually bases its decision to grant you a loan on your creditworthiness, which is largely based on your credit scor...
A guide to managing your credit score. Learn what credit scores are used for, the factors that affect your score, what’s considered a good score, how to improve your score, and how to obtain a free credit report.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) protects applicants and credit card holders in a number of ways. Learn about these protections, disclosure requirements, and more by reading through the text of the Act.
A look at the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and how it protects consumers from unfair treatment. Learn about the types of actions creditors are prohibited from taking during each step of the credit process.