You won’t lose all of your property when you file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy exemptions allow you to protect property that you’ll need to work and live. Here’s how it works.
When you file for bankruptcy, you relinquish ownership of your property to the bankruptcy court, and it becomes part of what’s known as the bankruptcy “estate.” The bankruptcy trustee—the person responsible for finding funds to pay your bills—holds the property on behalf of your creditors.
Bankruptcy law allows you to “exempt,” or take out of the bankruptcy estate, the things you need to maintain a home and job, such as household furnishings, clothing, and an inexpensive car. You can find out what you’ll be able to keep by checking the exemption statutes in your state.
All of it—without exception. When you file for bankruptcy, you’ll tell the court about your property by listing it on bankruptcy Schedule A/B: Property. The types of property you’ll list will include:
When you account for your property on Schedule A/B, you’ll also include the value of the asset. Not all property values are assessed in the same way, however. For example, you’ll use the “retail replacement value” (the amount of money needed to replace an item of the same age and condition) for household items and the “fair market value” (the price your home would bring on the real estate market) for property.
Each state decides the assets residents can exempt in bankruptcy. Exemptions aren’t automatic, however. You must list the property you’re entitled to exempt on Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt. If you don’t list the property, the trustee will be able to sell it and distribute the proceeds to your creditors.
Your state will likely have an allowance for the following types of exemptions:
Whether you’re allowed to keep other items, such as the money in your bank account, depends on your state (although most bank balances are not exempt unless you can prove that someone else owns the funds). Some states have a “wildcard” exemption that allows you to exempt any property up to a certain dollar amount.
Although most states have one exemption schedule, you might live in a state that allows you to choose between two exemption lists. For example, some states allow you to decide between:
California, on the other hand, has two state exemption schedules: one that favors filers with equity in a home and another that is more advantageous for people without real estate. A filer must choose one exemption set or the other but cannot pick from both lists.
The fate of your nonexempt property depends on the type of bankruptcy you file.
Because your case is unique, it’s strongly suggested that you meet with a bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy attorney can tell you which chapter will be best for you and what will happen to your property, as well as the cost of filing a Chapter 7 case versus the cost of filing a Chapter 13 matter.
If you’re thinking about ways to get around the system, you’re not alone. Most people want to keep both exempt and nonexempt assets, and might even entertain doing so. Don’t do it.
Simply put, the bankruptcy court is not the place to skirt the rules. Trying to obtain property you’re not entitled to in bankruptcy—whether it be by hiding it, omitting it, or through any other means—constitutes fraud and can result in a fine up to $250,000, imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both.
It’s also not a good idea to assume that you won’t get caught. The bankruptcy trustee will look through your bank statements and the other financial documents you’ll be required to turn over. Plus, there’s an incentive to comb carefully through your schedules. The trustee gets a percentage of any money found for your unsecured creditors (credit card debt, medical bills, personal loans, for instance).
If something appears amiss, property records can be investigated, and inspections of your home, business, storage space, and safe deposit box ordered. If you bend the exemption rules, you can expect the trustee to file an objection and force you to prove that you’re entitled to the exemption in a hearing before the judge.