Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disability in public accommodations. Private entities covered by title III include places of lodging, establishments serving food and drink, places of exhibition or entertainment, places of public gathering, sales or rental establishments, service establishments, stations used for specified public transportation, places of public display or collection, places of recreation, places of education, social service center establishments, and places of exercise or recreation. Title III also covers commercial facilities (such as warehouses, factories, and office buildings), private transportation services, and licensing and testing practices.
If you feel you or another person have been discriminated against by an entity covered by title III, one of your options is to file a complaint with the federal government. You can file a complaint by using the online form. If you prefer, you can send a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, at the address below, including the following information:
Sign and send the letter to the address below:
U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Civil Rights Division Disability Rights - NYAVE, Washington, D.C. 20530
The Disability Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division will consider your complaint and inform you of its action. The office will investigate the complaint and determine whether to begin litigation, but will not necessarily make a determination on each complaint about whether or not there is an ADA violation. If the Disability Rights Section believes there is a pattern or practice of discrimination, or the complaint raises an issue of general public importance, it may attempt to negotiate a settlement of the matter or may bring an action in U.S. District Court. Any such action would be taken on behalf of the Unites States. The Disability Rights Section does not act as an attorney for, or representative of, the complainant.
You also have the option of filing your own case in U.S. District Court.
Depending on the nature of your complaint, providing the following additional information would also be helpful to the government's investigation:
Speak to an Attorney about Your ADA Claim
Has a Title III violation interfered with your ability to run simple errands like taking your dog to the groomer or purchasing snacks for your kids? If you or someone you know has been discriminated against in a public accommodation, then you might want to file a Title III complaint. If you need additional help with the complaint process or need more information about discrimination law, then you should speak to an experienced attorney.