Are you planning to work during the summer or during the school year? If you are a minor – someone under the age of 18 – and you are looking for a job, you’ll need to know the rules about child labor. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) dictates the hours and types of jobs minors can work. The FLSA also allows employers to pay minors less than the minimum wage, at least in some situations.
Once you turn 18, you are legally considered an adult for purposes of the FLSA. The law doesn’t put any restrictions on the types of jobs for which you may be hired. Until you turn 18, however, you may not do certain types of hazardous work, including working with explosives, mining, logging, meat-packing and processing, roofing, and excavation. Employers that work in these potentially hazardous fields will ask for proof that you are no longer a minor.
For other types of work, what you can do depends on your age:
Once you turn 16, you can work unlimited hours all year round. If you are 14 or 15, however, your work hours are limited. The limits depend on the school calendar:
The general rule is that everyone – including minors – must be paid at least the highest minimum wage that applies where they work. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. If your state or local government has passed a higher minimum wage, you are entitled to earn that higher amount.
However, there is an exception to the federal minimum wage requirement for younger workers. If you have not yet turned 20, an employer may pay you an “opportunity wage” no lower than $4.25 per hour for the first 90 calendar days of your employment, as long as no employees are displaced to hire you at this lower wage. Once the 90 days are up (or you turn 20, if it happens during the 90-day period), you must be paid at least the full federal minimum.
A number of states have higher minimum wages, and many do not allow employers to pay a lower amount to younger workers. In California, for example, the minimum wage is currently $10 for everyone, minor and adult alike. If you work in California, you are entitled to that higher minimum wage.
The FLSA doesn’t require you to get a work permit or other papers to work as a minor. However, some states require minor employees to present a certificate from their school or the state labor department. In California, for example, minors must complete a form and get a parent or guardian to sign it so their school will issue a work permit. To find out your state’s requirements, contact your state labor department.
Some states have their own child labor laws. If these laws differ from the federal FLSA, the most protective law applies. For example, if your state lists additional types of hazardous work that minors may not perform, you can’t do those types of work in your state, even if the FLSA would allow it.
For information on the laws that protect you at work, see the U.S. Department of Labor’s Youth Rules. For your state’s minimum wage requirement, see the website of the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.