Welcome to FindLaw's coverage of existing Oklahoma legislation and rules related to individuals' immigration status. Below you will find information on what, if any, rules Oklahoma has regarding immigration checks by law enforcement, educational institutions, and employers, as well as the existence of E-Verify requirements, restrictions on public benefits based on an individual's immigration status, and more. Remember, immigration laws are a combination of federal and state laws.
Law Enforcement and Immigration in Oklahoma
State and local police are required to verify the immigration status of detainees and report illegal aliens to federal immigration authorities.
As part of the 287(g) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ACCESS Program, the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office cooperates directly with federal authorities in the enforcement of immigration laws.
Under a federal program called "Secure Communities," arrestees are fingerprinted and run through a federal database which checks their criminal record and immigration status. Check with your local city to learn if they participate in the federal program.
Oklahoma E-Verify Requirements
Public employers, contractors and subcontractors must participate in the E-Verify system.
Driver's License/ID Requirements
The issuance of driver's licenses and most other state identification documents are restricted to U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. However, some lawmakers are attempted to change that law. Make sure you research the most up-to-date law by contacting a local immigration attorney.
Public Benefits Restrictions
Under federal law, illegal immigrants are prohibited from receiving most public benefits. However, they are allowed to receive emergency services, health care and other programs that have been deemed "necessary to protect life and safety."
Education Checks
Voting ID Rules
In 2010, voters passed a controversial voter identification requirement. While the law has been challenged in court several times, it remains intact as of 2017. Valid identification is required for voting. Must be a document that shows a name that "substantially conforms" to the name on the registry; photograph; expiration date later than the election date; and which was issued by the U.S., the state of Oklahoma or an Indian tribe or nation.
A valid voter registration card may serve as proof of identification without satisfying the above requirements.
Housing Ordinances and Immigration
Other Immigration Rules
It is a crime to knowingly transport, harbor or shelter illegal immigrants.
Related Resources
Learn About Your Rights as an Immigrant in Oklahoma: Call an Attorney
Living out in the great state of Oklahoma can feel like a dream. But what if you're facing immigration issues? While Oklahoma may provide a great quality of life, it becomes more challenging when you're trying to get your immigration status in order. Get some peace of mind today and contact an immigration law attorney in your area.