Last updated 11/14/2019
We expect businesses to charge as much for their goods or services as they can, while consumers want to pay as little as possible. But what happens when different businesses get together to artificially set prices or supply? Thankfully for consumers and some competing businesses, there are laws in place to protect open markets. Here is a brief introduction to antitrust laws in California.
Antitrust laws are meant to foster competition and job growth by limiting any one company's control of a given market and artificially inflating prices. Most antitrust laws were passed after a handful of powerful monopolies squashed competition and stifled economic growth in the last nineteenth century. The federal government normally handles antitrust cases, particularly since they typically involve interstate commerce, but states also play a role. California antitrust laws allow private lawsuits against defendant businesses, as long as claims are brought within four years.
State antitrust laws can differ state-to-state, or even from federal antitrust laws. The basics of California antitrust laws are summarized below.
Antitrust Code Section |
Bus. & Prof. §16700, et seq. (Cartwright Act) |
Is a Private Lawsuit Possible? |
Yes; attorney general may bring action on behalf of state 16750(a)+(c) |
Time Limit to Bring Claim |
4 yrs., 16750.1 |
Can a Successful Plaintiff Recover Attorneys' Fees? |
Yes, 16750(a) |
Antitrust laws aim to protect free trade and commerce from unfair restraints, monopolies, and price fixing. Two federal laws -- the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act -- govern the majority of antitrust cases. Antitrust statutes are generally enforced in two ways:
Some states permit civil charges only; some permit civil and criminal charges.
State and federal antitrust laws are constantly changing and overlapping. If you would like legal assistance with an antitrust case, or if you want to make sure of the rules and regulations regarding your business, you can contact an experienced California antitrust attorney. You can also conduct your own legal research by visiting FindLaw’s consumer protection and small business law centers to learn more about business regulations.