Once you've filled in your tax forms, make sure you do a final review before you mail or e-mail them. Misprinted or overlooked data on your forms can lead to refund delays or imposition of interest and penalties. Yes/No |
____ | Are all of your calculations correct? |
____ | Are all of the "B" copies of your W-2s attached? |
____ | Have you attached all of the forms and schedules that you need to? |
____ | Are all of the social security numbers correct and legible? |
____ | Do the social security numbers match the names? |
____ | Is the return signed and dated by both you and your spouse? |
____ | Do all of the forms have the appropriate names and social security numbers at the top of them? |
____ | Did you or your computer program leave anything blank that needs to be filled in? |
____ | Did your computer program appropriately update your information? |
____ | Did you use the correct figure from the tax table? |
____ | Does your check have the same amount on it as the amount due on your return? |
____ | Do you have the correct amount of postage on the envelope? |
____ | Is your return address complete? |
____ | Is your check made payable to the Internal Revenue Service, as opposed to the IRS? |
____ | Does your check include your social security number, daytime telephone number, tax form number, and tax year? |
____ | Are you sending your return to the correct address? |
____ | Did you make copies? |