2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*159 An order denying petitioners' motion to dismiss will be issued, and decision will be entered in favor of the Commissioner on all issues.
FOLEY, Judge: By notice of deficiency dated April 28, 1999, respondent determined deficiencies, additions to tax, and penalties relating to petitioners' 1992 through 1994 Federal income tax returns as follows:
Addition to Tax Penalty
Year Deficiency
1992 $ 18,232 $ 1,330 $ 3,176
After concessions by both parties, the
Petitioner was admitted to practice law in the State of Washington in 1959. In 1981, petitioner incorporated Robert E. Kovacevich, P.S., a Washington C corporation, whose name was subsequently changed to Western Management, Inc. From its incorporation through 1994, Western's only source of income was from the provision of legal services, and petitioner was Western's sole shareholder, president, and secretary-treasurer. In 1981, Western's board of directors voted to pay petitioner $ 28,000 in 1982 and $ 60,000, annually, thereafter. Petitioner designated Seattle First National Bank, Spokane and Eastern Branch (Seafirst), as the depository for all of Western's funds. All moneys that were paid on Western's accounts receivable were deposited in the Seafirst account.
Petitioner worked 160 to 180 hours per month2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*161 for Western and performed all services necessary to generate Western's gross receipts. From 1992 through 1995, petitioner made all major decisions for Western including: Paying creditors, hiring employees, signing checks, determining employee compensation, renewing Western's malpractice insurance, and signing Western's Federal tax returns. No other person performed legal services on behalf of Western.
Petitioner received funds from Western as his needs arose and was not compensated for his services at predetermined intervals. In 1992 and 1994, respectively, Western paid petitioner $ 135,000 and $ 132,000. Western issued checks to petitioners and their creditors (e.g., Nordstrom, Teneff Jewelry, Fit and Hollywood, and National Golf), and petitioner informed Western's accountant and tax return preparer, Bob Moe and Associates (Moe), that these payments were draws. Western classified the payments as "loans" on its corporate ledgers and did not file Forms 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, relating to the payments. Western also paid petitioner's law license renewal fees, office expenses, bar dues, and health insurance premiums and deducted most of these expenses on its corporate income2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*162 tax returns.
Petitioners maintained, at Farmers and Merchants Bank, a personal line of credit. On the corporate ledgers, Moe listed checks written to Farmers and Merchants Bank and MBNA in the "Receivable from Officer" account. These checks had an "LN" memo description, indicating that the payment related to a loan or the "Receivable from Officer" account.
From 1982 through 1992, Western sponsored a defined benefit plan for petitioner, its only participant. In 1982 and 1984, respectively, Western contributed $ 46,473 and $ 81,822 to the plan. In the early 1980s, petitioners and the pension plan invested $ 160,000 (i. e., petitioners invested $ 70,000 and the pension plan invested $ 90,000) in a business venture. Petitioners and the pension plan later sued the venture's promoter and, in 1992, were awarded a $ 20,852 recovery of their investment. Petitioners retained the pension plan's portion of the recovery (i. e., $ 11,677).
In 1984, petitioners bought a 1973 Rolls Royce for $ 27,000. Petitioners used the Rolls Royce for business promotion in 1984 and 1985. In 1985, the automobile's engine failed, and, as a result, petitioners were not able to use the automobile for approximately2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*163 2-
With input from Moe, petitioners prepared and filed their 1992 and 1994 joint tax returns. On the Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business, attached to their 1992 individual income tax return, they reported $ 103,046 in gross receipts relating to Western's law practice (i.e., $ 90,000 of compensation and $ 13,046 of rent payments from Western). On the Schedule C attached to their 1994 individual income tax return, they reported $ 102,565 in gross receipts relating to Western's law practice (i.e., $ 90,000 of compensation and $ 12,565 of rent payments from Western) and a $ 1,475 depreciation deduction relating to the automobile.
Western's fiscal year ends on March 31. On its 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995 corporate income tax returns, Western deducted officers' compensation expenses in the amounts of $ 135,000, $ 144,000, $ 132,000, and $ 133,000, respectively. Petitioner amended Western's 1991 Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, with the following statement:
The amount of earnings of Employee Robert E. Kovacevich was not
clear, hence was left off. The Employee paid all Income Tax due,
hence the withholding is unnecessary. However the Social
2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*164 Security Tax is due. A completed W-2(c) term is included.
On September 30, 1995, Western made a payment of $ 22,583 in income tax withholding relating to petitioners' 1992 and 1993 employment taxes.
In 1991, a former client, Terry Stokke, sued petitioner for allegedly committing fraud with respect to a pooled investment. Petitioner settled the lawsuit in 1992 for $ 39,000 and reported this amount as a Schedule C expense on their 1992 tax return.
At the time the petition was filed, petitioners resided in Spokane, Washington.
On October 18, 2000, the Court filed petitioners' Motion To Dismiss "Wages" Issue In 1992 For Lack Of Jurisdiction, in which petitioners contended that Western's 1995 payment of $ 22,583.20 in income tax withholding discharged petitioners' tax liability relating to petitioners' 1992 unreported wages. We disagree. Congress has specifically given this Court jurisdiction to redetermine a deficiency if a valid notice of deficiency has been issued and a petition has been timely filed.
Petitioners further contend that the notice of deficiency is invalid because respondent did not make a determination. In support of their position, petitioners state that "the unexplained arrows and rounding of * * * [the amounts of the deficiencies] indicate vagueness." In the notice, respondent determined deficiencies in the amounts of $ 18,232 and $ 13,074 relating to 1992 and 1994, respectively. See
Petitioners contend that it was inappropriate for respondent to use the "specific item" method to determine petitioners' deficiencies. The "specific item" method is an indirect method of income reconstruction, which consists of evidence of specific amounts of income received by a taxpayer and not reported on the taxpayer's return.
Petitioner received $ 135,000 and $ 132,000 relating to 1992 and 1994, respectively. Petitioners, however, reported only $ 90,000 in compensation in each year. Petitioners failed to establish that the checks written for petitioners' benefit (e.g., checks written to petitioners' creditors) were not includable in their gross income and failed to adequately rebut respondent's determination of unreported income. Therefore, we conclude that petitioners failed to report additional2003 Tax Ct. Memo LEXIS 159">*168 income in the amounts of $ 45,000 (i.e., $ 135,000 income received minus $ 90,000 income reported) and $ 42,000 (i. e., $ 132,000 income received minus $ 90,000 income reported) relating to 1992 and 1994, respectively.
Respondent determined in the notice of deficiency that payments from Western, reported on petitioners' Schedule C, are wage compensation and the business expenses deducted by petitioners are miscellaneous itemized deductions. Respondent contends that petitioner was an employee of Western because he was an officer who performed substantial services. Petitioner, relying on several contentions that have been rejected in similar circumstances, contends that he was not an employee of Western.
Pursuant to
Petitioners received and retained an $ 11,677 recovery that belonged to the pension plan. Petitioners contend that these funds were rolled over into an Individual Retirement Account, but their testimony on this issue was unconvincing, and they did not present any supporting documentation. Accordingly, the $ 11,677 must be included in income.
For depreciation purposes, automobiles are classified as 3-year property.
Petitioners bought the Rolls Royce for $ 27,000 in 1984 and placed it in service that year. Once placed in service depreciation continues until the cost basis of the property has been either recovered through previously allowed or allowable depreciation deductions or the property is retired from service (i. e., sold, abandoned, or destroyed).
Contentions we have not addressed are irrelevant, moot, or meritless.
To reflect the foregoing,
An order denying petitioners' motion to dismiss will be issued, and decision will be entered under
1. Unless otherwise indicated, all section references are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect for the years in issue, and all Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure. ↩
2. The burden of proof is on petitioners to show that respondent's deficiency determination is incorrect.