Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Orange Park, Florida
Filed: Jul. 13, 2012
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, July 23, 2012.
Latest Update: Jul. 31, 2012
ys. : Case Nos. 2011014103
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter “Agency”, by
and through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against Orange
Park Facility Operations, LLC, d/b/a Consulate Health Care of Orange Park (hereinafter
“Respondent”), pursuant to §§120.569 and 120.57 Florida Statutes (2011), and alleges:
This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the amount of $5,000.00 upon
Respondent, pursuant to Section 400,23(8), Florida Statutes (2011).The imposition of this fine is
based on two (2) Class II deficiencies, The Agency also intends to impose a Conditional rating
effective October 28, 2011, pursuant to §400.23(7), Florida Statutes (2011).
lL, The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 120.60 and 400.062, Florida Statutes (201 1).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R. 28-106.207.
Filed July 13, 2012 1:27 PM Division of Administrative Hearings
3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of nursing homes and
enforcement of applicable federal regulations, state statutes and rules governing skilled nursing
facilities pursuant to the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, Title IV, Subtitle C (as amended),
Chapter 400, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59A-4, Florida Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 120-bed nursing home, located at 1215 Kingsley Avenue, Orange
Park, Florida 32073, and is licensed as a skilled nursing facility license number 1016095.
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto, a licensed nursing facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules, and
COUNT J (Tag N216) .
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set
forth herein.
7. That pursuant to §400.102(1), Florida Statutes (2010), Florida law states: In addition to
the grounds listed in part II of chapter 408, any of the following conditions shall be grounds for
action by the agency against a licensee: (1) An intentional or negligent act materially affecting
the health or safety of residents of the facility.
8. That from October 24, 2011 through October 28, 2011, the Agency conducted an
unannounced licensure survey at the Respondent’s facility.
9. Based on observation, resident and staff interview, and clinical record review, the facility
failed to ensure that 2 (Resident #109, and #110) of 40 sampled residents were free from
mistreatment by other another resident.
10. The failure to prevent mistreatment resulted in actual mental harm to Resident #109 and
Resident #110.
11. On 10/24/11 at 1:20 PM during an interview with Resident #109, her roommate, Resident
#67, walked over to Resident #109's side of the room and stated that Resident #109 talked too
much and began pointing and yelling at Resident #109. Resident #109 revealed that Resident #67
always exhibited this behavior when she (Resident #109) had visitors or staff with her. Resident
#67 yelled at Resident #109 to shut up. Then Resident #109 yelled back at Resident #67 for her
to shut-up.
12, An interview on 10/24/11 at 1:30 PM with Registered Nurse (RN) #1 revealed that
Resident #67 had been relocated within the facility because of issues with the former roommate.
RN #1 revealed that Resident #67 had told her that Resident #109 talked too much. RN #1
indicated that Resident #67 liked her room quiet and Resident #109 liked to talk.
13, On 10/24/11 at 1:36 PM an interview was conducted with the Social Worker (SW). The
SW revealed that Resident #67 was moved from her previous room, because she was agitated
when the staff went into the room to provide care to the roommate. Per the SW Resident #67
would yell at staff and "run the staff out". .
14, On 10/24/11 at 1:50 PM an interview with Resident #109 revealed that Resident #67 had
told her to shut up on more than one occasion. She stated that every time she had a visitor
Resident #67 would get upset, because they were not there to see her. She stated that her visitors
had to go to the nurses’ station and be escorted to her room because of Resident #67's behavior.
Resident #109 revealed that the staff got on to her (Resident #109) for yelling back at Resident
15. On 10/24/11 at 2:13 PM an interview with certified nursing assistant (CNA) #1 revealed
she was aware Resident #67 did not like anyone in her room for any reason. CNA #1 revealed
that if the CNAs are talking or if they close the door Resident #67 gets upset and had used
profanity. CNA #1 stated that the roommates were face to face yelling at each other one day and
the staff had to calm them down. CNA #1 indicated that this concern had been reported to the
16. An interview with CNA #2 on 10/24/11 at 2:15 PM revealed that Resident #67 spoke
Italian and spoke very little English. She stated that she had never observed the two roommates .
yelling at each other. But states that the pair had gotten "a little antsy" with each other but it was
"nothing of concern." CNA #2 stated that Resident #67 gets upset when Resident #109 talks
loud. She stated that Resident #109 was hard of hearing and talked loud. The CNA stated that
she whispers in Resident #109's ear and talked to her quietly so they would not disturb Resident
17, An interview with CNA #3 on 10/24/11 at 3:00 PM revealed that Resident #67 had been
confrontational with staff in the past. She stated that Resident #67 had also gotten on to her one
day for closing the door to her room when she was providing the roommate with personal care.
CNA #3 stated that the nursing staff was aware of Resident #67's behavior.
18. An interview with CNA #4 on 10/26/11 at 7:25 AM revealed that she had been employed
with the facility for almost two years, and she worked on the night shift. She revealed that
Resident #67 could be erratic and almost everything disturbed her. For example, passing ice and
getting her roommate dressed. She stated that Resident #67's behaviors included throwing things
and yelling. She stated that the behavior occurred, "mostly in the early morning." CNA #4
revealed that nursing staff had been notified, and that "sometimes they could hear."
19. On 10/26/11 at 3:45 PM an interview with CNA #5 revealed that Resident #67 and
Resident #109 “had been having issues for months."
20. A staff interview with the Unit Manager (UM) on the GNR Unit on 10/27/11 at3:10 PM
revealed that Resident #67 had been on the GNR Unit for a couple of months. The UM stated
that Resident #67 was moved to a different room because she was having behavior issues. She
stated that Resident #67 would yell at her previous roommate in Italian, and then get up and turn
off the roommate's television. She stated that the roommate’s family would observe Resident #67
get up and turn off the television. The UM stated that Resident #67 yelled at her roommate
because of the TV, and about her space issue. The UM also stated that Resident #67 would block
the entrance of her room, because she did not like staff going through her space to attend to her
roommate. The UM also revealed that Resident #67 did not like staff closing the door when they
cared for her roommate as well.
21 ; On 10/27/11 at 3:36 PM an interview with the director of nursing revealed that she was
aware Resident #67 had a history of behaviors and yelling out at staff.
22. Areview of Resident #67's clinical record revealed the resident was admitted to the
facilityon 07/12/11. The nursing notes revealed on 7/17/11 at 4:00 AM the resident called for
the nurse every time the roommate tured on the television. On 7/24/11 at 11:00 PM the nurse
indicated'that Resident #67 became agitated when staff cared for her roommate. The nurse
indicated that Resident #67 threw belongings and yelled at her roommate. The note indicated
that Resident #67 was placed on 1:1 care. On 7/25/11 at 2:00 AM the nurse indicated that the
resident was throwing her belongings when staff cared for her roommate and 1:1 care was
23. Clinical record review revealed Resident #67 had a Behavioral Management Care Plan
completed on 07/26/11. The problem listed for the care plan was socially inappropriate
behaviors. The inappropriate behavior listed was throwing things and verbally abusive as
indicated by screaming. The care plan goal was that resident would not throw items at staff and
would not verbally threaten others on a daily basis. This care plan was updated on 10/24/11 to
include the problem that the resident was yelling at roommate and agitation.
24. The clinical record revealed an additional Behavioral Management Care Plan completed )
on 10/14/11 for the problem of the resident resisting care related to activities of daily living ,
(ADL)/showers, verbally abusive as identified as screaming at roommates, and physically
inappropriate as identified as throwing objects at staff. The goals identified for each problem
listed was that the resident would not demonstrate the behaviors on a daily basis. There was no
evidence this care plan had been revised or updated since it was implemented on 10/14/11.
25. A review of Resident #67's quarterly Minimum Data Set assessment, with an assessment
reference date of 10/16/11 revealed in Section E, Behavior was coded as "2" meaning that the
behaviors (physical behavioral symptoms directed towards others (i.e. hitting, kicking, pushing,
scratching, grabbing); verbal behavioral symptoms directed towards others (i.e. threatening
others, screaming at others, cursing at others) occurred 4 to 6 days but less than daily. .
26. A review of the social services notes in Resident #67's clinical record dated 07/22/11
Resident #67 spoke to the SW regarding a room change. The resident was advised that no beds
were available at that time, but she would offer one when it became available. On 07/24/ 11 the
SW spoke with the resident's daughter regarding a room change. She was told that no room was
available, but would offer the change when one became available. On 07/25/11 the SW notes
tevealed that Resident #67 spoke with the SW to request aroom change. Resident #67
complained to SW that she was "not able to sleep because people are coming in her room to care
for her roommate all day and all night. She complained TV being up loud." The next entry in
the SW notes was dated 10/25/11. The note was regarding the 10/24/11 incident when Resident
#67 yelled at her roommate, as witnessed by the Agency for Health Care Administration
(AHCA) surveyor.
27. A review of the facility's Resident to Resident Abuse Policy and Procedure with an,
effective date of 01/07 revealed that "residents must not be subjected to abuse by anyone,
including but not limited to facility staff, other residents, consultants or volunteers, staff of other
agencies serving the individual, family members or legal guardians, friends or other
individuals....Abuse means the willful inflection of injury, unreasonable confinement,
intimidation, or punishment with resulting physical harm, or pain, or mental anguish, or
* deprivation. by an individual, including a caretaker, of goods and services that are necessary to
attain or maintain physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being." The protocol included in the
Resident Abuse Policy and Procedure with an effective date of 01/07 revealed in the protocol
included "remove the residents from danger immediately; if applicable, move the resident
causing the danger to another room or unit, pending investigation of the incident; closely monitor
and document the behavior and condition of the residents involved to evaluate for any injury and
to prevent recurrence of the incident; the facility must develop measures to prevent reoccurrence
and document these measure in the resident's medical record to include revision of the plan of
28. = On 10/25/11 at 8:35 AM with Resident #110 revealed she had an issue with her
roommate Resident #97. The interview revealed that Resident #97 was no longer residing in the
facility. Resident #110 stated that she had attended a cookie decorating activity the day before,
but when she returned to her room there were about 10 -12 cookies there. Resident #110 stated
that she thought someone was just kidding with her, so she took the cookies to the staff to
distribute. Resident #110 stated that when Resident #97 returnéd to the room and realized the
cookies were gone she became very upset. Resident #110 stated that Resident #97 carried on for
a while and the facility eventually transferred Resident #97 out of the facility via stretcher.
29. Resident #110 revealed that she had been having issues with Resident #97 since the
resident was admitted to the room about a week ago. Per Resident #110 revealed that Resident
#97 was "very bossy, it disturbed her to be disturbed, it was terrible. I thought I can't hand 1e this.
She was in here only about a week. I didn't let the staff know. But when I had to use the
bathroom, the staff was taking me down to where you get the showers, not to disturb the
roommate." Resident #110 revealed that the staff was taking her to the shower room to also get
her dressed. "I didn't like that. She had gotten dangerous. I was afraid. They took her out of here
last night. I had my first good night sleep last night since she came."
30. A review of Resident #97s clinical record revealed that the resident was sent to the
hospital for an involuntary examination (Baker Act) on 10/24/11. The Baker Act documentation
revealed that Resident #97s mental illness diagnoses was a long history of Bipolar disorder,
Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Insomnia.
31. The supporting documentation revealed Resident #97 had made statements of wanting to
die, uncooperative with staff attempts to work with her, made threats to all roommates in the past
week with daily behavior escalating and was refusing medications. Other information relied
upon to determine the need for Baker Act included, but was not limited to Resident #97 being
agitated, refusing care, and threatening other residents; a long term Bipolar disorder with
worsening symptoms and risk to self and others escalating; and other residents are stating they
are afraid of Resident #97.
32. A review of the doctor’s progress note dated 10/18/11 revealed that Resident #97 had
progressive depression and was becoming increasingly agitated, and that there were many issues
with all her perspective roommates.
33. A nurse's note dated 10/21/11 at 12:30 PM revealed that Resident #97 was very agitated
and was verbally abusive to staff and roommate and had also threatened her roommate.
34. A weekly progress note dated 10/22/11 revealed that Resident #97 was agitated and
verbally abusive to staff and to Resident #110 on 10/21/11.
35. A nurse’s note dated 10/21/11 at 5:30 PM revealed that Resident # 110 was afraid of
Resident #97, and that she had cursed at her and had become very agitated.
36. Class “II” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and
maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines directly threaten
the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the clients, other than class I violations.
The,agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided by law for a cited class II violation.
A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of the violation. §408.813(2)(b), Florida
Statutes (2011)
37. Acclass II deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines has compromised the
resident’s ability to maintain or reach his or her highest practicable physical, mental, and
psychosocial well-being, as defined by an accurate and comprehensive resident assessment, plan
of care, and provision of services. A class II deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $2,500 for
an isolated deficiency, $5,000.for a patterned deficiency, and $7,500 for a widespread deficiency.
The fine amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one
or more class I or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or
complaint investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine shall be levied notwithstanding
the correction of the deficiency. $400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (2011)
38. . The Agency cited Respondent for an isolated Class II deficiency.
39. The Agency gave a mandatory correction date of this deficiency of November 28, 2011,
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$2,500 against Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to
§400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (2011).
COUNT II (Tag N906)
40. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if Fully set
forth herein.
41. That pursuant to §400.147(1), Florida Statutes (2011), (1) Every facility shall, as part of
its administrative functions, establish an internal risk management and quality assurance
program, the purpose of which is to assess resident care practices; review facility quality
indicators, facility incident reports, deficiencies cited by the agency, and resident grievances; and
develop plans of action to correct and respond quickly to identified quality deficiencies. The
program must include: (e) The development of appropriate measures to minimize the risk of
adverse incidents to residents, including, but not limited to, education and training in risk
management and risk prevention for all nonphysician personnel, as follows:
1... Such education and training of all nonphysician personnel must be part of their initial
orientation; and
2. At least 1 hour of such education and training must be provided annually for al}
' nonphysician personnel of the licensed facility working in clinical areas and providing
resident care.
42. That from October 24, 2011 through October 28, 2011, the Agency conducted an
unannounced licensure survey at the Respondent’s facility.
43. Based on observation, resident and staff interview, and medical record review, the facility
failed to implement policies and procedure to ensure that 2 (Resident #109 and #110) of 40
sampled residents were free from mistreatment from another resident. Failure to implement the
facility's policies and procedures resulted in actual mental harm and anguish for Resident #109
and #110.
44, On 10/24/11 at 1:20 PM during an interview with Resident #109, her roommate, Resident
#67, walked over to Resident #109's side of the room and stated that Resident #109 talked too
much and began pointing and yelling at Resident #109. Resident #109 revealed that Resident #67
always exhibited this behavior when she (Resident #109) had visitors or staff with her. Resident
#67 yelled at Resident #109 to shut up. Then Resident #109 yelled back at Resident #67 for her
to shut-up.
45. An interview on 10/24/11 at 1:30 PM with Registered Nurse (RN) #1 revealed that
Resident #67 had been relocated within the facility because of issues with the former roommate.
RN #1 revealed that Resident #67 had told her that Resident #109 talked too much. RN #1
indicated that Resident #67 liked her room quiet and Resident #109 liked to talk.
46. On 10/24/11 at 1:36 PM an interview was conducted with the Social Worker (SW). The
SW revealed that Resident #67 was moved from her previous room, because she was agitated
when the staff went into the room to provide care to the roommate. Per the SW Resident #67
would yell at staff and "run the staff out".
47. On 10/24/11 at 1:50 PM an interview with Resident #109 revealed that Resident #67 had
told her to shut up on more than one occasion. She stated that every time she had a visitor
Resident #67 would get upset, because they were not there to see her. She stated that her visitors
had to go to the nurses station and be escorted to her room because of Resident #67's behavior.
Resident #109 revealed that the staff got on to her (Resident #109) for yelling back at Resident
48. On 10/24/ 11 at 2:13 PM an interview with certified nursing assistant (CNA) #1 revealed
she was aware Resident #67 did not like anyone in her room for any reason. CNA #1 revealed
that if the CNAs are talking or if they close the door Resident #67 gets upset and had used
profanity. CNA #1 stated that the roommates were face to face yelling at each other one day and
the staff had to calm them down. CNA #1 indicated that this concern had been reported to the
49, An interview with CNA #2 on 10/24/11 at 2:15 PM revealed that Resident #67 spoke
Italian and spoke very little English. She stated that she had never observed the two roommates
yelling at each other. But states that the pair had gotten "a little antsy" with each other but it was
"nothing of concern." CNA #2 stated that Resident #67 gets upset when Resident #109 talks .
loud. She stated that Resident #109 was hard of hearing and talked loud. The CNA stated that
she whispers in Resident #109's ear and talked to her quietly so they would not disturb Resident
#67. .
50. An interview with CNA #3 on 10/24/11 at 3:00 PM revealed that Resident #67 had been
confrontational with staff in the past. She stated that Resident #67 had also gotten on to her one
day for closing the door to her room when she was providing the roommate with personal care.
CNA #3 stated that the nursing staff was aware of Resident #67's behavior.
51. An interview with CNA #4 on 10/26/11 at 7:25 AM revealed that she had been employed
with the facility for almost two years, and she worked on the night shift. She revealed that.
Resident #67 could be erratic and almost everything disturbed her. For example, passing ice and
getting her roommate dressed. She stated that Resident #67's behaviors included throwing things
and yelling. She stated that the behavior occurred, "mostly in the early morning.” CNA #4
revealed that nursing staff had been notified, and that "sometimes they could hear.”
52.. On 10/26/11 at 3:45 PM an interview with CNA #5 revealed that Resident #67 and.
Resident #109 "had been having issues for months."
53. - Astaff interview with the Unit Manager (UM) on the GNR Unit on 10/27/11 at 3:10 PM
revealed that Resident #67 had been on the GNR Unit for a couple of months. The UM stated
that Resident #67 was moved to a different room because she was having behavior issues. She
"stated that Resident #67 would yell at her previous roommate in Italian, and then get up and turn
off the roommate's television. She stated that the roommates family would observe Resident #67
get up and turn off the television. The UM stated that Resident #67 yelled at her roommate
because of the TV, and about her space issue. The UM also stated that Resident #67 would block
the entrance of her room, because she did not like staff going through her space to attend to her
roommate. The UM also revealed that Resident #67 did not like staff closing the door when they
cared for her roommate as well.
54. On 10/27/11 at 3:36 PM an interview with the director of nursing revealed that she was
aware Resident #67 had a history of behaviors and yelling out at staff.
55. Areview of Resident #67's clinical record revealed the resident was admitted to the
facility on 07/12/11. The nursing notes revealed on 7/17/11 at 4:00 AM the resident called for
the nurse every time the roommate tured on the television. On 7/24/11 at 11:00 PM the nurse
indicated that Resident #67 became agitated when staff cared for her roommate. The nurse
indicated that Resident #67 threw belongings and yelled at her roommate. The note indicated
that Resident #67 was placed on 1:1 care. On 7/25/11 at 2:00 AM the nurse indicated that the
resident was throwing her belongings when staff cared for her roommate and 1:1 care was
56. Clinical record review revealed Resident #67 had a Behavioral Management Care Plan,
completed on 07/26/11. The problem listed for the care plan was socially inappropriate
behaviors. The inappropriate behavior listed was throwing things and verbally abusive as
indicated by screaming. The care plan goal was that resident would not throw items at staff and
would not verbally threaten others on a daily basis. This care plan was updated on 10/24/11 to
include the problem that the resident was yelling at roommate and agitation.
57. . The clinical record revealed an additional Behavioral Management Care Plan completed
on 10/14/11 for the problem of the resident resisting care related to activities of daily living
(ADL)/showers, verbally abusive as identified as screaming at roommates, and physically
inappropriate as identified as throwing objects at staff. The goals identified for each problem
listed was that the resident would not demonstrate the behaviors on a daily basis. There was no
evidence this care plan had been revised or updated since it was implemented on 10/14/11.
58. A-review of Resident #67's quarterly Minimum Data Set assessment, with an assessment
reference date of 10/16/11 revealed in Section E, Behavior was coded as "2" meaning that the
behaviors (physical behavioral symptoms directed towards others (i.e. hitting, kicking, pushing,
scratching, grabbing); verbal behavioral symptoms directed towards others (i.e. threatening
others, screaming at others, cursing at others) occurred 4 to 6 days but less than daily.
59.. A review of the social services notes in Resident #67's clinical record dated 07/22/11
Resident #67 spoke to the SW regarding a room change. The resident was advised that no beds
were available at that time, but she would offer one when it became available. On 07/24/11 the
SW spoke with the resident's daughter regarding a room change. She was told that no room was
available, but would offer the change when one became available. On 07/25/11 the SW notes
revealed that Resident #67 spoke with the SW to request a room change. Resident #67
complained to SW that she was "not able to sleep because people are coming in her room to care
for her roommate all day and all night. She complained TV being up loud." The next entry in
the SW notes was dated 10/25/11. The note was regarding the 10/24/11 incident when Resident
#67 yelled at her roommate, as witnessed by the Agency for Health Care Administration
(AHCA) surveyor. )
60. Areview of the facility's Resident to Resident Abuse Policy and Procedure with an
effective date of 01/07 revealed that "residents must not be subjected to abuse by anyone,
including but not limited to facility staff, other residents, consultants or volunteers, staff of other
agencies serving the individual, family members or legal guardians, friends or other
individuals....Abuse means the willful inflection of injury, unreasonable confinement,
intimidation, or punishment with resulting physical harm, or pain, or mental anguish, or
deprivation by an individual, including a caretaker, of goods and services that are necessary to
attain or maintain physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being." The protocol included in the
Resident Abuse Policy and Procedure with an effective date of 01/07 revealed in the protocol
included "remove the residents from danger immediately; if applicable, move the resident
causing the danger to another room or unit, pending investigation of the incident; closely monitor
and document the behavior and condition of the residents involved to evaluate for any injury and
to prevent recurrence of the incident; the facility must develop measures to prevent reoccurrence
and document these measure in the resident's medical record to include revision of the plan of
61. On 10/25/11 at 8:35 AM with Resident #110 revealed she had an issue with her
roommate Resident #97. The interview revealed that Resident #97 was no longer residing in the
facility. Resident #110 stated that she had attended a cookie decorating activity the day before,
but when she returned to her room there were about 10 -12 cookies there. Resident #110 stated
that she thought someone was just kidding with her, so she took the cookies to the staff to
distribute. Resident #110 stated that when Resident #97 returned to the room and realized the
cookies were gone she became very upset. Resident #110 stated that Resident #97 carried on for
a while and the facility eventually transferred Resident #97 out of the facility via stretcher.
Resident #110 revealed that she had been having issues with Resident #97 since the resident was
admitted to the room about a week ago. Per Resident #110 revealed that Resident #97 was "very
bossy, it disturbed her to be disturbed, it was terrible. I thought I can't handle this. She was in
here only about a week. I didn't let the staff know. But when I had to use the bathroom, the staff
was taking me down to where you get the showers, not to disturb the roommate." Resident #110
revealed that the staff was taking her to the shower room to also get her dressed. "I didn't like
that. She had gotten dangerous. I was afraid. They took her out of here last night. I had my first
good night sleep last night since she came."
62. A review of Resident #97s clinical record revealed that the resident was sent to the
hospital for an involuntary examination (Baker Act) on 10/24/11. The Baker Act documentation
revealed that Resident #97s mental illness diagnoses was a long history of Bipolar disorder,
Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Insomnia. The supporting doumentation revealed Resident
#97 had made statements of wanting to die, uncooperative with staff attempts to work with her;
made threats to all roommates in the past week with daily behavior escalating and was refusing
medications. Other information relied upon to determine the need for Baker Act included, but
was not limited to Resident #97 being agitated, refusing care, and threatening other residents; a.
long term Bipolar disorder with worsening symptoms and risk to self and others escalating; and
other residents are stating they are afraid of Resident #97.
63. A review of the doctor’s progress note dated 10/18/11 revealed that Resident #97 had
’ progressive depression and ‘was becoming increasingly agitated, and that there were many issues
with all her perspective roommates.
64. A nurse's note dated 10/21/11 at 12:30 PM revealed that Resident #97 was very agitated
and was verbally abusive to staff and roommate and had also threatened her roommate.
65. A weekly progress note dated 10/22/11 revealed that Resident #97 was agitated and
verbally abusive to staff and to Resident #110 on 10/21/11.
66. A nurse’s note dated 10/21/11 at 5:30 PM revealed that Resident # 110 was afraid of
Resident #97, and that she had cursed at her and had become very agitated.
67. Class “II” violations are those conditions or occurrences related to the operation and
maintenance of a provider or to the care of clients which the agency determines directly threaten ~
the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the clients, other than class I violations.
The agency shall impose an administrative fine as provided by law for a cited class II violation.
A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of the violation. §408.813(2)(b),
Florida Statutes (2011)
68. Aclass II deficiency is a deficiency that the agency determines has compromised the
resident’s ability to maintain or reach his or her highest practicable physical, mental, and
psychosocial well-being, as defined by an accurate and comprehensive resident assessment, plan
of care, and provision of services. A class II deficiency is subject to a civil penalty of $2,500 for
an isolated deficiency, $5,000 for a patterned deficiency, and $7,500 for a widespread deficiency,
The fine amount shall be doubled for each deficiency if the facility was previously cited for one
or more class J or class II deficiencies during the last licensure inspection or any inspection or
complaint investigation since the last licensure inspection. A fine shall be levied notwithstanding
the correction of the deficiency. §400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (201 1)
69. The Agency cited Respondent for an isolated Class II deficiency.
70. The Agency gave a mandatory correction date of this deficiency of November 28, 2011.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$2,500 against Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to
§400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (2011).
71: The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraph one (1) through five (5) of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
72. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates Count I through II of this Complaint as if fully
set' forth herein.
73. Based upon Respondent’s cited State Class II deficiencies, it was not in substantial
compliance at the time of the survey with criteria established under Part I of Florida Statute 400,
or the rules adopted by the Agency, a violation subjecting it to assignment of a conditional
licensure status under § 400.23(7)(b), Florida Statutes (2011).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to assign a conditional licensure status to
Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to § 400.23(7), Florida
Statutes (2011) commencing October 28, 2011.
WHEREFORE, the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, respectfully
requests that this court:
(A) Make factual and legal findings in favor of the Agency on Counts I through IIT;
" (B) Recommend administrative fines against Respondent in the amount of $5,000;
(C) Impose a conditional license commencing October 28, 2011;
’. (D) Assess attorney’s fees and costs; and
(E) Grant all other general and equitable relief allowed by law.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to
Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the
attached Election of Rights form. All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of
Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, MS
#3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, (850) 922-5873. |
If you want to hire an attorney, you have the right to be represented by an attorney in this
Respectfully submitted this 5 day of February, 2012
Agency for Health Care A
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(850) 412-3640
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
US. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No. 7010 1670 0000 1044 4562 to: Facility Administrator
Russell Ward, Consulate Health Care of Orange Park, 1215 Kingsley Avenue, Orange Park,
' Florida 32073 and by U.S.. Mail to Registered Agent Sharon Mason, 800 Concourse Parkway
South, Suite 200, Maitland, Florida 3751 on February 2, 2012:
D. Carlton Enfinger,
Copy furnished to:
Rob Dickson, FOM
Docket for Case No: 12-002469
Orders for Case No: 12-002469