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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 19-003476 Visitors: 41
Agency: Department of Children and Family Services
Locations: Jacksonville, Florida
Filed: Jun. 27, 2019
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, July 24, 2019.

Latest Update: Oct. 14, 2019
STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES To: Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC Certified Mail: 7016 2140 0000 8293 3648 d/b/a Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC Returm Receipt Requested 2528 W Beaver St Jacksonville, FL 32254 Case# 2019-C04DU1131-6 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED the Department has imposed a Civil Penaity in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Dollars ($1,560.00). The Department's authority and grounds to impose this sanction are explained below: 1. The Department of Children and Families is authorized by section 402.310, Florida Statutes, to sanction Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC d/b/a Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC for violations of child care licensing standards in sections 402,301 — 402.319, Florida Statutes, and chapter 65C-22, Florida Administrative Code. 2. Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC is licensed under chapter 402, Florida Statutes, and chapter 65C-22, Florida Administrative Code, to operate a child care facility known as Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC License #C04DU1131 located at 2528 W Beaver St, Jacksonville, FL 32254. The facility's license is currently a REGULAR License. 3. During a Complaint Investigation on March 14, 2019 DCF Licensing Counselor, Cassandra Virgo, determined that: The director responsible for the daily operation of the Program did not have an active Director Credential. Counselor reviewed personnel files and determined that the Director's Credential expired on April 3, 2019. 4. The foregoing facts violate CCF Handbook, Section 4.7 (B) which states: Section 402.305(2)(f), F.S., requires a child care facility to have a credentialed director. Every applicant for a license to operate a child care facility or a license for a change of ownership of a child care facility must document that 1 the facility director has an active Director Credential prior to issuance of the license. An applicant for the Director Credential must meet the requirements referenced in CF-FSP Form 5290, Florida Child Care Director Credential and Renewal Application, which is incorporated by reference in 65C-22.001(7)(k), F.A.C. CF-FSP Form 5290 may be obtained from the department's website at www. myfifamilies.com/childcare. All applications and documentation will be verified, and if complete, the credential will be issued by the department or its designated representative on CF-FSP Form 5252, Florida Director Credential Certificate, which is incorporated by reference in 65C-22.001(7)(g), F.A.C. B. Each child care facility must have a credentialed director who is on-site a majority of hours, excluding weekends and evening hours that the facility is in operation. Documentation of majority of hours must be maintained and available for review by the licensing authority. 5. The violation described above is a Class II violation of child care licensing standards. {tis the facility's third (3) Class If violation of Child Care Facility Standards Classifications Summary #34-04 Credentialed Staff within a two-year period. The same violation was previously cited on December 6, 2018 and they were cited again on January 24, 2019 at which time they received a fine for $50.00. The fine imposed for this violation is One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Dollars ($1 1560.00) at $60.00 per day for twenty-six (26) days from April 22, 2019 through May 28, 2019. (excluding holiday, weekends and closed days). If you do not wish to contest the findings of this administrative complaint, piease submit a cashier's check or ‘_orger made payable to the Florida Department of Children and Families, Child Care Regulation Office, P.O. Box 2417, Jacksonville, FL 32231, RIGHT TO ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING SSE NIG TRATIVE PROCEEDING IF YOU BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT IS IN ERROR, YOU MAY REQUEST AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENCLOSED “NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS UNDER CHAPTER 120, FLORIDA STATUTES” NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS UNDER CHAPTER 120 FLORIDA STATUTES oY, FLURIVA STATUTES IF YOU BELIEVE THE DEPARTMENT'S DECISION I$ IN ERROR, YOU MAY REQUEST AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING UNDER SECTIONS 120.569 AND 120.57, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO CONTEST THE DECISION. YOUR REQUEST FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT BY 5:00, P.M., NO LATER THAN 21 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER YOU RECEIVED NOTICE OF THE DEPARTMENT'S DECISION. You must submit your request for an administrative hearing to the Department at the following addresses: David Tucker Chief Legal Counsel Department of Children & Families P. O. Box 2417 Jacksonville, FL. 32231-0083 IF YOUR REQUEST FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING IS NOT RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT BY THE ABOVE DEADLINE, YOU WILL HAVE WAIVED YOUR RIGHTS TO A HEARING AND THE DEPARTMENT'S PROPOSED ACTION WILL BE FINAL. If you disagree with the facts stated in the Department's decision, you May request a formal administrative hearing under section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. Ata formal hearing, you may present evidence and arguments on all issues involved, and question the witnesses called by the Department. If you do not disagree with the facts stated in the notice, you may request an informal administrative hearing under section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes. At an informai hearing, you may present your argument or a written statement for consideration by the Department. Whether you requesting a formal hearing or an informal hearing, your request for an administrative hearing must meet the requirements of Rule 28-106.201(2) or Rule 28- 106.301(2), Florida Administrative Code. In either event, your request for an administrative hearing must: 1. Include a copy of the decision received from the Department; 2. Be prepared legibly on 8% by 11 inch white paper, and 3. Include ail of the following items: (a) The Department's file or identification number, if known; (b) Your name, address, email address (if any) and telephone number and the name, address, email address (if any) and 3 telephone number of your representative, if any; (c) An explanation of how your rights or interests will be affected by the action described in the notice of the Department's decision; (d) A statement of when and how you received notice of the Department's decision; (e) A statement of all facts in the notice of the Department’s decision with which you disagree. If you do not disagree with any of the facts stated in the notice, you must say SO; (f) A statement of the facts you believe justify a change in the Department's decision; (g) A statement of the specific rules or statutes you believe require reversal or modification of the Department's proposed action; (h) A statement explaining how the facts you have alleged above relate to the specific rules or statutes you have identified above; and (i) A statement of the relief you want, including precisely the action you want the Department to take. Section 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, requires the Department to dismiss your request for hearing if it is not in substantial compliance with the requirements above. Mediation as described in section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available. However, other forms of mediation or informal dispute resolution may be available after a timely request for an administrative hearing has been received, if agreed to by all parties, and on such terms as agreed to by ail parties. The right to an administrative Proceeding is not affected when mediation or informal dispute resolution does not result in a settlement. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by certified mail return receipt no. 7016 2140 0000 8293 3648 to Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC Bg Busy Bees Childcare and Learning Center LLC, 2528 W Beaver St, Jacksonville, FL 32284 this 37 day of June 2019. d Wh 1 Mala Ramoutar Safety Program Manager SUIS aSd-4D 9896-S8P (t06) LLZZE Cprioly ‘ayauosyrer Aemssasdxg uo 6ulpy 0765 Wd 00:9 Wd 00:9 Wd 00:9 Wv 00:9 Wv 00:9 WY 00:9 Bujuses35 punosby2eg B UOREINBay are pyiyD ‘sayiwey PUP UdIPIIYD JO JUSULedag suoesadg Jo sinoy ‘Aouaby Bujsuasy] pay any vow 16 :Aypede> pasuasry WNnuWixey) ‘98ND 10J papuadsns 40 Payonas aq Anw asuary SIYf 0707 ‘6L dy y6nouy) 6L0z ‘oz Udy SAIPA9 S] SLIP siyy “Ay|DeJ 249 P]!Y> siya ayesado 0} asuady] jenuuy ue saroidde ‘saynyeys epuoj4 ‘GLEZOb-LOE ZOv SuONDas UI pazLoYyNe pue uawedag 242 Aq paidope ‘spuepuers Ayyiney 31k ply ‘apo> aanensiuwpy epluoly ‘77-9 za}deyD YM payjdwiod sey Aqyi5ey a4e9 priya siya yey paysies Hulaq serwey pue usspjiy> jo juauedag aul ITI 483U85 Buwea] pure aseopjiyd saag Asng 432UMQ vSZZE ‘diz alfAuosyper :AyID ¥§ JoAeSg M 8767 ‘ssouppy J2@ang :A4yuno> LELLAGPOD sequiny ayersyiye> 71 49]U85 Buluesy pue arerpyiyD saag Asng :Ayioej jo awey ISUDITT JO a1voTyNIa7D Aoe.y aseD pyryy aeuBbisag so 40}e4)SIUILUpy UoIBay WSLS dSd-a 2, Wifi, — 7956-S8b (p06) LLZZE eprsoy4 ‘afpauosyper Aemssoidx3 uoyGuyay Oz6S Wd00:90 Wd00:90 Wd00:90 Wd00:90 Wd00:90 W¥00:90 wv00:90 Wvo0:90 W¥00:90 WV00:90 6u1U82295 punoufppeg 2 UONeINBay die> PIYD 'sayjwurey Mg nus Pam any vow PUP UaIPiIYD Jo juaWedag ‘uoReIadO Jo sunoyy ‘Auaby Buisuasy 16 :Ayede> Pesuact] winwixeyy “@SND9 404 papuadsns 40 payonas aq Aow asuary siyy 6L0Z ‘OE sequiaydas YGnoiy) LOZ ‘Oz judy SAPaYe S! aJIYyIIAD si “AYR a1ed pps 514} s}e1ado0 0} asuady [PUOISIAO1g & Sanoidde ‘SBINIEIS EPUOL4 ‘61 ¢-ZOp- LOE'ZOv SuONDdas Ut pazuoyIne pue Juswyedaq 34) Aq paydope ‘spuepueis Aye aie PItUD “epad eanensiuupy EPUO}y ‘77-DS9 saIdeyD YM Paljdwo> sey Ayyioey ae pyr SIU1 JEU paysies Hulaq Sale 4 pue uaspjiy> jo qusuedag ay, 371 49}Ua5 Buyweasy pue SRIPIIYD saag Asng UME vS7ZE :diz aAuosydeP :Ay> 45 JBAeS 87 ?SSOd S a M 8zSz Ppy 5 aNV N af 7 leang :(quno> LELLNGPOD saquiny ayerysua> < mo, oy % Ty ~ 1, C@X2 ?, *eayaaa DT1492U8 Burusea] pue SEOPIIYD seag Asng :Ayp9e4 Jo aweN SSUS9TT JO a¥OIID Amory area pry) a 2 wa we 7) BOUBUNLDS pUEN/AsuD_CIuEDX sys OB OXsm)D MMM yOOP Alpi LUD suri NeunAHULomp InBaly seqiyose pu Ex IOUICU iovesoaNpe pub ~fojdue Qa/wy 8D st ye} SANYQUI¥ VASVTY & AUSERAING, 4JOITMIO uojeonpz rnin Pooupny Ajseg aB2T}OD pPorrq>ay_ 29 AyrunurUO-) an ‘voneonpg oy doe ‘Sossajorg ‘Huay Aneg ALI 610Z/F1/P JUBLBBBUEYY 222 DAD 90 2}79'5U RUOREN (AS3IN) [PHUOpIT) s,LOiwASTUTLUpY PBLOTIEN S$ AOIN UTR ONS Aq smoy S3ururtex) / [euoNes0A GF Jo uoKa|duroa oy} ospaymouype juamaSeueyy eID PIEYD Jo agnNsUyT PeuOTeN ay} Yum Zuoye aBayjop pestuypay, 29 Ay UMUTUIOD FV aU, NOWATdW09 40 FIVIIIILNI9 Sy EN, i pes “fie SY Gf WW? 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Reporting Child Abuse and Neglest (CAAN) 4 3797397 08/13/2011 Child Growth and Development (CGAD) 6 3797399 08/13/2011 Behavioral Observation and Screening (BOAS) 6 3797308 08/13/2014 _ CHILD CARE FACILITY PART 2 Special Needs Appropriate Practices (SNP) 10 In-Service 06/09/2019 ONLINE IN-SERVICE Basic Guidance anc Discipline (BGD) (in-service only ; ry? course after 01/01/2018) Rl 5 3787231 —o@/og2011 Early Lite: for Children Age Birth through Three (ELC I (in-service only course after 01/01/2016) © , é eee eee Em t Literacy for VPK Instructors (VPK) (In-service , only course after 01/01/2018) 2 Se ee Safe Sleep Practices for Child Care (SAFE) _ 1 In-Service O8M4:2017 SPECIAL CERTIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS Effective Expiration Level / Area / VPK Certificate # Date Rate Statf Credential Verification NECC 5963217 otog/201e 08/13/2021 Director Credential Level! 6211062 08/23/2018 08/23/2024 INTRODUCTORY TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. Part! Child Care Facility 30 Hour Training Requirement has been completed, Yes Part ll Child Care Facility 10 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. Yes School-Age Child Care 40 Hour Training Requirement has been completed, No Family Child Care Home 30 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. No Early Literacy $ Hour Training Requirement has been completed. Yes Girector Office of Child Care Regulation See" S\ Se CHILD CARE TRAINING TRANSCRIPT 6 Fy Student: Monica L Bailey % e Student ID: 264193 Date: 03/08/2019 “ae AND ie SAVEL FAMILIES.COM NIN Hours Certificate # Date CEUs CHILD CARE FACILITY PART 4 Introduction to Child Care (ICC) _ oo 20 1266467 (04/24/1999 oe Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (CAAN) 4 In-Service 07/03/2009 Behavioral Observation and Screening (BOAS) 6 2308721 04/18/2009 _ CHILD CARE FACILITY PART 2 Pre-School Appropriate Practices (PSP) _ ae 10 1319100, 02/04/1998 . Special Needs Appropriate Practices (SNP) . 10, In-Service = 02/08/2019, FAMILY CHILD CARE Fundamentals of Family Child Care (3 Hr) (FFC) . 3 1276690 04/15/1999 . ONLINE IN-SERVICE (imeenies ony couse aferbo%/2016) ) «§mSenice—_oprnrz009 Sayeanembiniesgremn Orem ssn owcrza os SPECIAL CERTIFICATIONS AND CREDENTIALS Effective Expiration Level / Area | VPK ficate # Date Date Staff Credential Verification === CEC 2902130 09/09/2016 07/19/2019 Director Credential = _. Level | __, 3621784 __ 02/08/2019 02/08/2024 INTRODUCTORY TRAINING REQUIREMENTS, Part | Child Care Facility 30 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. Yes Part Il Child Care Facility 10 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. Yes School-Age Child Care 40 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. No Family Child Care Home 30 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. No Early Literacy 5 Hour Training Requirement has been completed. Yes 3 hepa ba te Gye Office of Child Care Regulation Wdd0'90 Wd0o90 We00:90 if Wd00:90 wivoo:¢0 wvoo:90 Wwyoo:90 wvoc:90 wv00:90 ug ny pam any uow suonesedg jo sino} 16 ‘AyDede> pasuasy wnuixeyy *asnb2 49] papuadsns 40 payonas aq Apu 3sUarT SIU] 6LOZ ‘6L lady ySnoiy] 6LOz ‘oz Auenues BAIDSYS S| SPIN siyy “AUR B1Bd P]ly sity ayetado 07 asuady JEUO|S|ADI @ SaAOIdde ‘sayNje}s EPO] ‘GL EZOv-LOE'ZOF SUOIIDAS UI pazuouineg pue juauiedag aut Aq paidope ‘spuepueis Ay[oe4 ae> pli ‘@apo> saneusiulpy epiiol4 ‘7Z-Dsg ualdeyD UM payduiod sey Aryjoes aae> pylud siyy weyy paysnes Gulag seqiluey pue Usp] Jo juawedag aul DTT 48]UaD Burusee] pue aierp|iUyD seag Asng usumg yS7@ZE diz AT[PAUOSHIEL :AUD Jas AAR|G ISBAA BZSTZ ssauppy jeang :Ayunoz LELLAGVOD UsquINK ayeayiya 371 48}U85 Burwies] pue sespyiyD saag Asng :AqI9e4 jo wen ISUSSTT JO a1e9 TNIV) AWTIOV,y ae pruyg v9S6-Se8P (706) LLZCE Epuo}y ‘ojpiauosyper Aemsseidxg uoySurry 0765 Buyuda.ngs punoiBy2eg 9 UONEINBay aveD pyyD ‘sayuey pue UdIP[Y> Jo UsUeEdag Quaby Bujsuasr7 EpHOLA JO Form W-4 (2019) Future developments. For the latest information about any future developments related to Form W-4, such as legislation enacted after it was published, go to www.irs.gov/Formw4. Purpose. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personai or financial situation changes. Exemption from withholding. You may claim exemption from withholding for 2019 if both of the following apply. * For 2018 you had a right to a refund of ali federal income tax withheld because you had no tax liability, and * For 2019 you expect a refund of alt federal income tax withheld because you expect to have no tax liability. If you're exempt, complete only lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 and sign the form to validate it. Your exemption for 2019 expires February 17, 2020. See Pub. 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, to learn more about whether you quality for exemption from withholding. General Instructions if you aren't exempt, follow the rest of these instructions to determine the number of withholding allewances you should claim for withholding for 2019 and any additional amount of tax to have withheld. For regular wages, withholding must be based on allowances you claimed and may not be a flat amount or percentage of wages. You can also use the calculator at www.irs.gov/W4App to determine your tax withholding more accurately. Consider ees eee ee neeees veneer Separate here and give Form W-4 to your employer. Keep the worksheet(s) for your records. Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate > Whether you're entitled to claim a certain number of allowances or exemption from withholding Is subject ta review by the IRS. Your employer may be required to send a copy of this form to the IRS. rom WW =f Department of the Treasury Intarnal Revenue Service using this calculator if you have a more complicated tax situation, such as if you have a working spouse, more than one job, or a large amount of nonwage income not subject to withholding outside of your job. After your Form W-4 takes effect, you can also use this calculator to see how the amount of tax you're having withheld compares to your projected total tax for 2019. If you use the caiculator, you don't need to complete any of the worksheets for Form W-4, Note that if you have too much tax withheld, you will receive a refund when you file your tax return. If you have 8 Employer’ 's name and address (Employer: ar boxes 8 and 70 if sendity to IRS and complete boxes 8, G, and 10 if sending to State Directory of New Hires.) 10 Employer ALF number (EIN) 9 First date of employment i For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 4. Cat. No. 102200 Form Wed 12019) Provider Name: Busy Beg's Childcare & Learning Ce: Nee Printed by: Alexandra Zephirin OCA Number: 041626542 Department of Children and Background Screening Result Families This individual's eligibility status as of 2/25/2019 is provided below. The employer must retain a hard copy of this result in the individual's employee file. If we become aware of a change in an individual's eligibility status, an email notification will be sent to the most recent employer of record in the Clearinghouse or the last provider to submit a Screening request through the Clearinghouse. It is recommended health care and/or service provider employers check the screening results of staff regularly as an individual's status may change based on information received. If you become aware of an event that may change the employee's eligibility please contact your specified agency, Department of Children and Families, at 888-352-2842. The employer must take the appropriate action when a change in status occurs in accordance with Section 435.06, Florida Statutes. Applicant Name: SSN: Date of Birth: Race: Sex: GINA PERPALL i i WHITE FEMALE Retained Prints Expiration Date: 2/22/2022 Clearinghouse Screening Available?: Yes Department of Children and Families Eligibility The Department has reviewed child welfare records for the State of Florida. This search was conducted in Florida’s Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS}. ~ There is no record of the applicant being fisted as the caregiver responsible for a verified finding of abuse, abandonment or neglect of a child. The individual may request additional information pursuant to s.39.202, Florida Statutes. item Status Eligibility Determination Date DCF General Eligible 3/23/2017 DCF Child Care Eligible 3/23/2017 DCF Substance Abuse - Adult Only Eligible 3/23/2017 DCF Summer Camps Agency Review Required DCF Mentat Health Agency Review Required APD General Agency Review Required APD Developmental Disability Centers Agency Review Required APD coc Agency Review Required Employment History (as reported to Fiorida’s Background Screening Clearinghouse by provider employers.) Provider Position Hire Date End Date Employee or Staff Person 06/05/2018 Employee or Staff Person 03/27/2017 Employee or Staff Person 03/27/2017 08/02/2017 Director 07/18/2016 https: -Happs.ahca.myflorida.convbgsweb2/Profile/PrintVerificationEarm/1 600198 2 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Name: Ginn ferp alt Telephone: God - 52 [- 139 § Address: ¢%O (, (i Wis bur ¥ St * Prospective employer ust verify Job Tide, dates of sploypeal. and inguire chout job peefoymance when contacting previous euiployers. Please note dates contacted & document previous employer responses regarding Job Tide, dates of employment, and job performance in shaded space List your employment history for the past five years. Name of Present or Last Employer: Mandana Ch \ \A\ncod Leow ANG, Center Address: 4A Aa ro Hood. RA Telephone: +} Cue (ale? - BAe Your Job Title: mv; AC eckye | Vok Teather super Supervisor’s Name: Nowa. Ramos From: VL Vy (le ro: /__/__ Reason for Leaving: CAN ROM A “ as oye crit ae zene * Job Tide Person conn Name of Previous Employer: _ Nour | ( g. (4 © aS a Pogels_ Address: SC \\ _ ton ea _Telephone: _ 4 Your Job Title: Mee Te GLY Supervisor’s Name: (5. . 4 ulie+ From: (oy 40 / ate to: \p_/ |_/[U Reason for Leaving:. Be Hour O° pe tunity Name of Previous Employer:__ mae oun au the thot ad ) - Address:_ _Plandine . _flyvd Telephone: oe Your Job Title: VEU ? Teacher __..Supervisor’s Name: Na. fthe a Yt From: 4 N98 6 To: AD ANDND \5 reason for reaving. 2 HOY Spaast Lt iy Dus (ouh bo jth bi (od abe Ni wrk as woul \e ) 22284¢— \unecl eke” cay er gel Guantell Beorah She wee Phan see doy Ub IF gptione th HL 922310088. USPS.com® - USPS Tracking® Results Page | of 3 U SPS Tr a ckin g FAQs > (https://www.usps.com/faqs/uspstracking-faqs.htm) Track Another Package + Remove X Tracking Number: 70162140000082933648 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:33 pm on June 7, 2019 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254. Y Delivered June 7, 2019 at 12:33 pm Delivered, Left with Individual JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 Get Updates \v yoeqpes4 Text & Email Updates Tracking History June 7, 2019, 12:33 pm Delivered, Left with Individual JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:33 pm on June 7, 2019 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32254. June 6, 2019, 7:37 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tRef=fullpage&tLe=2&text28777=&tLabe... 6/21/2019 USPS.com® - USPS Tracking® Results Page 2 of 3 June 5, 2019, 11:10 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information See Less A Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. ‘ yoeqpee, FAQs (https://www.usps.com/faqs/uspstracking-faqs.htm) The easiest tracking number is the one you don't have to know. With Informed Delivery®, you never have to type in another tracking number. Sign up to: https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tRef=fullpage&tLo=2&text28777=&tLabe... 6/21/2019

Docket for Case No: 19-003476

Orders for Case No: 19-003476
Issue Date Document Summary
Oct. 14, 2019 Agency Final Order
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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