Respondent: GLORIA L. VEST
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Jan. 10, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, March 14, 2001.
Latest Update: Jan. 31, 2025
01 JAN 10 PH f: 20
Petitioner, )
vs. DBPR Case N° 99-83327
State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real
Estate (hereinafter "Petitioner") files this Administrative Complaint against Gloria L. Vest
(hereinafter “Respondent’”) and alleges:
1. Petitioner is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged with the
responsibility and duty to prosecute Administrative Complaints pursuant to the laws of the State
of Florida, in particular § 20.165, Fla. Stat., Chapters 120, 459 and 475, Fla. Stat., and the rules
promulgated pursuant thereto.
2. Respondent is and was at all times material hereto aj licensed Florida real estate broker,
issued license number 0319874 in accordance with Chapter 475, Fla. Stat.
3. The last license issued was as a broker c/o Globe Realty of Florida, Inc., 1353Y N.
Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, Florida 32953.
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 99-83327
4. On or about April 18, 1999, the buyer and seller exqcuted a contract for the sale and
purchase of property located at 6910 Kaylor Avenue. The closing date was set for May 28, 1999.
A copy of the contract is attached hereto, incorporated herein amd made a part hereof by reference
as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 1.
5. The Respondent represented the buyers. The property was listed by Phyllis Pryour and Mary
Bashlor of ERA/The Property Place.
6. The $1,000 deposit was being held by Globe Realty of Florida, Inc.
7. The seller’s real property disclosure statement was signed by the seller on April 8, 1999
and receipt of the same was acknowledged by the buyer on April 19, 1999. A copy of the closure
is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part her¢of by reference as Administrative
Complaint Exhibit 2.
8. A home inspection report by Russell W. Scott dated May 17, 1999 reflected that the roof
of the subject property should be repaired by a licensed contractor. A copy of the report is attached
hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit
9. A roof inspection by Robert Kirsch dated May 20, 1999 reflected that the roof of the
subject property was not serviceable and outlined specific problems. The repair work was estimated
at $3990.00. A copy of the report is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by
reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 4.
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 99-83327
10. By fax dated May 21, 1999, Respondent advised listing agent Mary Bashlor that the
buyers were not willing to close on the house based on the condition of the roof, and that the deposit
had been returned to the buyers. A copy of the letter is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made
a part hereof by reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 5.
11. By letter dated May 21, 1999 the sellers placed a claim for the deposit. A copy of the
letter is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference as Administrative
Complaint Exhibit 6.
12. By letter dated May 25, 1999, the Respondent advised the listing agent that the buyers
were willing and ready to close on May 27, 1999 if the sellers could produce a “passable roof” for
the subject property. A copy of the letter is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof
by reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 7.
13. By fax dated May 26, 1999, the Respondent advised listing agent Phyllis Pryor that the
roof of the subject property had been re-inspected and found to be unserviceable. A copy of the fax
is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part her¢of by reference as Administrative
Complaint Exhibit 8.
14. A roof inspection dated May 28, 1999 ordered by the seller and performed by Michael
R. Wiedmann reflected that the roof of the subject property to be in need of several repairs estimated
at $2400.00. A copy of the report is attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by
reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 9.
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 99-83327
15. By letter dated September 27, 1999, the Respondent provided her reasons for disbursing
the deposit to the buyers. A copy of the letter is attached hereto] incorporated herein and made a part
hereof by reference as Administrative Complaint Exhibit 10.
16. Rule 61J2-10.032(b)2, Fla. Admin. Code, provideg that:
Based upon prior decisions of the Commission, good faith doubt shall
be deemed to exist in the following situations:
2. the closing or consummation dated of the
sale, lease, or other transaction has not passed, but one or more of the
parties has expressed its intention not to close|or consummate the
transaction and the broker has not received conflicting or identical
instructions form all of the parties concerning disbursement of the
escrowed funds.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to maintain trust funds in the real
estate brokerage escrow bank account or some other proper depogitory until disbursement thereof was
properly authorized in violation of § 475.25(1)(k), Fla, Stat.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of cnlpable negligence in any business
transaction in violation of § 475.25(1)(b), Fla. Stat.
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of faillure to account or deliver funds in
violation of § 475.25(1)(d)1, Fla. Stat.
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 99-83327
Based upon the foregoing, Respondent is guilty of failure to provide written notification to
the Commission within 15 business days of the last demand o1 good faith doubt of the procedure
instituted to resolve the escrow fund dispute in violation of Fla Admin. Code R. 61J2-10.032(1)(a)
and therefore in violation of § 475.25(1)(e), Fla. Stat.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests the Florida Real Estate Commission, or the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as may b¢ appropriate, to issue a Final Order
as final agency action finding the Respondent(s) guilty as charged. The penalties which may be
imposed for violation(s) of Chapter 475, Fla. Stat., depending pon the severity of the offense(s),
include: revocation of the license or registration or permit; suspension of the license, registration
or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, imposition of an administrative fine of up to
$1,000 for each count or offense; imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand;
imposition of probation subject to terms including, but not |limited to, requiring the licensee,
registrant or permitee to complete and pass additional real estate education courses; publication; or
any combination of the foregoing which may apply. See § 475.25(1), Fla. Stat. and Rule 61J2-
24.001, Fla. Admin. Code, The penalties which may be impoged for violation(s) of Chapter 455,
Fla, Stat., depending upon the severity of the offense(s), ipclude: revocation of the license,
registration, or permit; suspension of the license, registration, gr permit for a period not to exceed
ten (10) years; imposition of an administrative fine of up to |$5,000 for each count or offense;
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest
Administrative Complaint
Case No. 99-83327
imposition of investigative costs; issuance of a reprimand; imposition of probation subject to terms
including, but not limited to, requiring the licensee, registrant, or permitee to complete and pass
additional real estate education courses; publication; restriction pf practice; injunctive or mandamus
relief, imposition of a cease and desist order; or any combination of the foregoing which may apply.
See § 455.227, Fla. Stat. and Rule 61J2-24.001, Fla. Admin. Code.
SIGNED this ¢/ Y say of fous
Ghunise Coaxum
Florida Bar N° 077348
Senior Attorney
Department of Business and
Professional Regulation,
Legal Section - Suite N 308
Hurston Bldg. North Tower
400 West|Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801-1772
(407) 481-5632
(407) 317-7260 FAX
FDBPR v. Gloria L. Vest Case No. 99-83327
Administrative Complaint
PCP: TR/LJ 8/00
PLEASE BE ADVISED that mediation under § 120.573, Fla. Stat, is not
available for administrative disputes involving this type oflagency action.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that pursuant to this Administrative
Complaint you may request, within the time proscribed, a hearing to be conducted in this
matter in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Flu. Stat.; that you have the right,
at your option and expense, to be represented by counsel of other qualified representative
in this matter; and that you have the right, at your option and expense, to take testimony,
to call and cross-examine witnesses, and to have subpoena|and subpoena duces tecum
issued on your behalf if a formal hearing is requested.
PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that if you do not file an Election of
Rights form or some other responsive pleading with the Petitioner within twenty-one (21)
days of receipt of this Administrative Complaint, the Petitioner will file with the Florida
Real Estate Commission a motion requesting an informal hearing and entry of an
appropriate Final Order which may result in the suspension or revocation of your real
estate license or registration. Please see the enclosed Expl4nation of Rights and Election of
Rights form.
16 PAYMENT: gy segyetscseeee
+7 (a) Deposit held in escrow by. la ha. Choa 00 dg, 7 (2 2Ae sero Ager in the amount of.
#48 (b) Additional escrow deposit to be made to Escrow Agent within _“— days after Effective Date (see Paragraph Ill) in the amount of.
#19 (c) Subject to AND assumption of existing mortgage in good standing in favor of
> An oe ae
20 having an approximate present principal balance of ....
#21 (d) New mortgage financing with a Lender (see Paragraph IV) in the amount of
#22 (e) Purchase money mortgage and note to Seller (see rider for terms) in the amount o'
#23 (f) Other:
#24 {g) Balance to ciose by U.S. cash or LOCALLY DRAWN cashier's or official bank checkis), subject to adjustments or prorations
2st, TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF Cg CEP BV EIS IMILE:; if this offer is not executed by any delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in writi
*26 between the parties on or before Z -Z_, the deposil(s) will, at Buyer's option] be returned and this offer withdrawn. For purposes of delivery or notice
27 execulion, parties include Buyer and Seller or each of the respective brokers or attorneys. The data of Contrac} ("Effective Date") will be the dale when the last one of the Buyer and Sel
28 has signed this offer. A facsimile copy of this Contract and any signatures hereon shall be considered for all purposes as an original. ©
#30 QO {a) This is a cash transaction with no contingencies for financing;
#31 {2 (b) This Contract is conditioned on Buyer obtaining a wyitten loan cor t within 30 days alter Effective Date fog SCHECK ONLY ONE): C) a fixed; 2) an adjustabie; WX
#32 fixed or adjustable rate loan in the principal amount of $\~ , at ari initlat Interest rate not to exceed .%, discount and origination fees not to exceed %
433 principal amount, and for a term of Ks Oyears. Buyer will make application within SS dayg (5 days: Ifjleft blank) after Effective Date and use reasonabie. difigence to obtain a lo
34 commitment and, therealter, to salisly terms and conditions of tha Commitment and close the loan. Buyer shpil pay all loan éxpenses. If Buyer fails to obtain a commitment or fails to wai
35 Buyer's rights under this subparagraph within the time for obtaining a commitment or, after diligent effort, falls to meet the terms and conditions of the commitment by the closing da
36 then either party thereatter, by written notice to the other, may cance this Contract anc! Buyer shall be refunded the deposit(s); or
Lite (©) The existing mortgage, described in Paragraph {l(c} above, has: (_) a variable interest rate; or {2 affixed interest rate of _— _% per annum. Al time of title transfer, some fix
*38 interest rales are subject to increase; if increased, the rate shalt not exceed __~-_% per annum. Sellar ghall furnish a statement from each mortgagee stating the principal balari
39 method of payment, interest rate and status of mortgage or authorize Buyer or Closirig Agent to obtain the same! if Buyer has agreed to assume a mortgage which requires appro’
40° of Buyer by the mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shall promptly obtain the necessary application andjdiligantly complate and return it to the mortgagee. Any morigagee charge(
nat not to exceed $ (1% of amount assumed if left blank), shall be paid by Buyer. if Buyer is not accepted by mortgagee or the requirements for assumption z
42 not in accordance with the terms of this Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in excess of the staled a pount, Soller or Buye y rescind this Contract by written notice to the olt
a party unless either elects to pay the Increase in interest rate or excess mortgage cl anges.
*44V, TITLE EVIDENCE: At least 10 ~~ days before closing daje, (CHECK ONLY ONE): ‘Seller shail, al Sella
#45 expense obtain (CHECK ONLY ONE): Q abstract of title; or LY title insurance commitment (with legible copia
irs expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's allorney; or () Buyer shalt at Buyc
of instruments listed as exceptions attached thereto) and, atler closing,
46 owner's policy of title insurance.
#47 Vi. CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the closing documents delivered on a 99, unless modified by other provisions of this Contra
ES) lines, unless otherwise stated hereln); taxes for year of closing and subsequent years; assumed mortgages|and purghage + it gfy (if additional items, see addendur
g purpose(
56 have accepted Property in its existing condition as of time of taking occupancy unless otherwise stated herein.
571X. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions, riders and ad
§8X. RIDERS: {CHECK those riders which are applicable AND are attached to this Contract):
+60 (CONDOMINIUM "as Is”
*62 XI. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONE): Buyer C) may assign and thereby be released from any furthed liability under thls Contract; [) may assign but not be released from liabi
+63 under this Contract; ore may not assign this Contraet.
65 {a) Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that when accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of rac
66 that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding Radon or Radon testing may be obtained from your County Public Health u
67 (b) Buyer acknowledges receipt of the Florida Building Energy-Efficiency Rating System Brochure.
68 (c) tf the real property Includes pre-1978 residential housing then a lead-based paint rider is mandatory.
“69 (d) if Seller is a “foreign person” as defined by the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, the parti
70 (e) If Buyer will be obligated to be a member of a homeowners’ association, BUYER SHOULD NOT EX
MUM REPAIR: Saas: Seller shall not be responsible for payments in excess of:
OD. for treatment and repair under Standard D (if blank, then 2% of the Purchase Price).
J ¢ I. — for repair and replacement under Standard N (if blank, than 3% of the Purchase Price)
tenda shall control al lt printed provisions of this Contract in conflict with the
es shall comply with that Act.
79 Approval does not constitute an opinion that any of the terms and conditions in this Cc jould be accapted by the parties in a particular transaction. Terms and conditions shouk
80 be negotiated based upon the respective interests, « e and bargajning positions of i interested persons.
#82 - _ ——.
83 (Buyer) (Seller) (Data)
#4 Gc Beauly Of Tax MO. # i 235 Soca Seoutty oF Tes 10. # foe ete
as LB Cun Y— 9g f 1, PSG
86 ~ (Buyer) (Date)
+*87 Social Security or Tax 1.0. Hn 2.
#88 Deposit under Paragraph ie) sxe IF QTHER THA CASH, THEN SUBJECT TO CIEARANCE,
ly of Tax LL.D. # 2 7 O popes
____ (Escrow Age
89 BROKER'S FEE: The brokarynamad balowincludi ind coaparaling brekere-arethe only brokers of Oh to as tian in conneclion with Del aca
+90 Name: PACS 5 OE. _ 2. = EXHIBIT. PAGE___/ ___.
gat Cooperating Brokers, IP any Listing Broker
HU epee eae ee
119 O. TEHML) ROAUUL Leo nut Unurine cee ;
119 Convot Operator (Operator) to determing it Inere it any visite active tarmite inlestation of visiole damage from|
120 4 days trom date of written notca inarect within which to have cost of imeatment, I required, astrnaied by the O ator and all damage inspected and esumated by a licensed buddar or ganar
121 contractor, Seller shall pay valid coets of leaatmant and repair of all damage up to Ine amounl proved in Paragmap Xill(a). It estimaled coats exceed thal amount, Buyer chall have me option o
197 canceling tis Contract winin $ days after recep of contractors repair astimals by giving written notice to Saflerfor Buyer may alect 10 proceed with the (ransaichon and receive 4 Credit at clasin
172 on the amour provided In Paragraph Xili(a), “Tarmitas* shail be deemed lo include ail wood Gesvoying organisins (equred 1 ba reporied under the Florida Pest Conrol Act, a8 amended.
124 E. INGRESS AND EGRESS: Sellar warrams and represents Inat thera is Ingress and agress to (he real property sufficient for its Intended use as described In Paragraph Vil hereof, litte tr
125 which is in accordance with Standard A.
128 F, LEASES: Saar shal, not lesa tan 15 Gays defore closing, furmen ta Buyer copies of all writen leases and @
127 vooupanty, rental rates, Sdvaneed renl and security deposhs paid by tenant. It Seder ls unable lo obtaln such
128 wathwn thal tina period In the form of a Seller's affidavit, and Buyer may thereafter oomtact tanan| to confirm such}
129 G, LIENS: Seller shall furnish to Buyer at time ot closing an affidavit attesting lo the absence, unless otherwise
130 liznors known to Seticr and further ullesting mat there nave been no improvements oF repairs to Ihe real property for 90 days immediately preceding date of closing if the real property ha
131 been improved of repaired within that ume, Seller shall Ocliver rataases oF waivers of construction Wana exdouted by all genaral conkactors, subcontractors. Suppliers and maleriaimen t
132 addition 10 Selter's tien atigavit setting forth tha names of all euch general Contractors, subcoMlEctors, Buspp Jars aNd matearialmen, further affirming thal af chacges bor improvements ¢
133 repairs which could serve as at Dasis lor a construction ken of a ctaimn for damagas huve tccn paid oF wilt bp pald at the closing ot this Contract.
134 H. PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shai! ba held int tha county wherein the real property 3 kocaled at the offite of m6 arlomey or other closing agent (Ciosing Agent’) designated by Sete
Vip 1. TIME: In computing ta periods of less than six (6) days, Saturdays, Sundays and stala or national iagpi holidays shail be excluded, Any time pariads provided tor herein which sha
146 end on a Saturday, Sunday, or a lugal hoviday shall extend to §:00 p.m. of ilk: next Dusiness day. Time Is off the essence In this Contract.
137 J. CLOSING DOCUMENTS: Salle/ shail furnish the deed, bill of sale, construction lien affidavit, owners pogpession affidavit, assignments of leases, lenant and mortgagee estoppel letter
198 and Corrective mstrumenis. Buyer strall furnish closing Hatement, mortgage, mortgage nole. security agroa ent and financing slateamenbs,
139 K. EXPENSES; Documentary stamps on the daed and recording of corrective Instruments shall be paki Dy Getler. Cocumentary stamps and intanyibis lax on tha purchase money Mongay
140 and any Mortgage assumed, mortgagee bila muusANcE Commitment wiih releted faaa, and rocording of puichase money mortgage to Seller, deed arid financing statements shail be pa:
143 by Buyer, Uniaas otherwise provided by law of rider to this Contract, charges for tha following ietated fille fsorvices, aamaly litle or abstract onarga, ile examination, and aentamen! a
142 closing fea, shall be paid by tne party responsible for furnishing the titla evilence in accordance with Paragraph V.
14] L, PRORATIONS: CREDITS: Taxes, assessmenis, rent. interest, insurance and other axpenses of the Properly shall ba prorated through the day before closing: Buyer shall hava The opti.
146 ol (aking over axisting policies of insucunce, it essumable. in which event premiums shall be prorated. Cash at closing shall be increascd of decraazed as may De required by proratuwis
14y De mada through day Prine to closing, or CocUpancy. if occupancy ocaura before closing. Advance rent and] security deposits will ba cradited 10 Buyer. Escrow deposiis Natd by mortgagé
44g will Da credited lo Seller. Taxes shall be prorated based on ihe currant yaar's tax with due allowance mad for msximum allowable discount, homesiead and otner axemptions. II closir
14? gocura at a date when ihe current year's millage is not fixed and current year's assesament is available, {axes will be prorated based upon ‘such assessment and prior yeur's milage.
148 current years assessment is not availsbla, then laxes will D6 prorated On prior years tax, If there are ‘Complated improveneots on ha real properly by January Ist of year of closing, wn
149 impravemems ware not in existence on January 1st of prior yaar, then laxcs shall be prorated based upon prior year's millage and at an equitable assessment to be agreed upon detwer
150 the parlivs; failing which, request shall be made to the County Property Apprawzer for an intormal assessment taking into account available exemptions. A tax proraton based on an estima
181 shail, al request of ether party, be readjusted upon receipt of tax bil on condition thar @ statement to that bttect ig signed at closing. '
15¢ M. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, oonltrmed and ratified spacial assessment liens as of datelof closing (not as of Effective Date) aru lo bo pald by Satter. Pending liens as
159 date of closing shall be assuriod by Buyer. If the knprovement has been Subslantiaty completed as of Effective Dale, any pending tian shall be considered certified. confirined Or satin
1$4 are Salar snail, at closing. be cirarged an amounl equal to the last aalimale or assessment for the Improvement by the public body.
is N. INSPECTION, REPALR AND MAINTENANCE: Seiler warrants tat the calling, roo! (including the tascia And sofims) and exterior and Interior walls, oundalion, seawalls (Of equivalent) ar
198 Cockage do not Nave any Visible Evidunce o! leaks, water damage or structural damaye und (hat the septic|lank, pool, all appiiances, mechanical Kems, neauing, cooling, etsctrical, plumbi:
157 aysiams and machinery are in Workiiy Concition. Tha foraging warranty shail be Smiled to ine deme epeciioll unless otherwise provided In an addendum. Buyer may. al Buyers expense. ha
158 inspections made at those items wilnin 20 days after the Eflecthe ale, by a firm or matvidual specializing ix home Inspectons and noiding an oceynatonal licanse for such purpose (il require
189 oF by an approprlarely icensed Flo«ida contractor, and Guyer enail, prior to Buyer's occupancy bul nat more than 20 days after Efective Oale, teparlin writing to Seller such items chai do nol in.
160 the ubove Standarda as to detects. Uniess Buyer Srnety reports such defects, Buyer shail be deemed to have palved Sollecs warranties as t0 defects nol reported, It repairs or replacements 2
161 required 10 comply with this Standard, Seiler shall cause them to be made and snal pay up to the amount provided in Paragrrpn XIN(b). Soler is not required to make repairs of repiacumnents
18 a Cosavatic Condition uniess caused by a dufect Setar ie rasponsivie to repair or reptaca. It the cost for such] repair or replacement exceeds the umounl provided in Paragraph XIiI(b}, Buyer
163 Seller may elect lo gay such exoass, faiing which elther party may cancel thie Contract. If Satter 13 unable to cotrect the defects priar to closing, Une cos! thereo! shail be paid into cecrow at cloer
164 Seber shall, upon reasonable nouca, provide utlities Servica and a0cess 10 ihe Property for inspections, including a walkthrough prior to clasing. fo confirm that all items of personal propeny &
105 On the real property and, subject to the forgoing, that all required repairs and replacements have been al und that the Pronenty, including. but not limited to, lawn, shruddery and poot, ita:
166 has been maintained In the condition existing as of Effective Date, ordinary wear Bnd tear excepted. For as 8g i
167 the jlam wes designed fo operate: (b) “Cosmetic Condition” means aesthetic imperfections Mat Go Not affact the working Condition of the ilem, including, Dul not limited to: pitied marche; miss!
168 OC turn screans: logged windows; tears. wom spots, oF discoloralion of foor coverings. wallpaper, or window tfea
169 flooring, fhiuras, or mirfors; and Minor cracks in foors, tiles, windows. driveways, sidewalks, of pool decks; jand (c) crackéd root lies, curling or worn shingles, oF Kmited roof te shall not
170 considered defects Seller must repair of reniace, so long as there is no evidunce of actual leaks of leakage of BYUCtuTal damage, Dul messing tige will be Seiter’s responsibiy lo replace or rup.
171 0. RISK OF LOSS: ff the Propery is damagad by firs ur other casualty before closing anc cost of restora Hon doee not exceed 3% ul lhe assessed valuation of the Property sa dsmag:
170 cost of rastorailon shall be an ob&yalion of Sellar and closing shall proceed pursuunt to the terms of this Cohtract with restoration custs escrowed al dosing. ff the cost of restoration excet
171 3% of the assessed valuation ot the Property 90 damayyd, Buyer shail hava the aption of elther taking the Property as ig, together with either the 34% of any insurance proceeds paya
174 by virtue of such loss or damage, of of canceling this Contract and receiving return of the daposit(s).
105 P. PROCEEDS OF SALE; CLOSING PROCEOURE: The deed hall be recorded upon clearance of tund
176 Buyer's expensa lo show lille in Buyer, without any encumbrances or change which would render Sellers
177 Nekt In eecrow by Suller’s acomey or other mutualty acceptable escrow agent for a period of not more th:
178 (aul of Buyer, Buyer snail, within the 5-day period, natity Seller in writing ‘of the defect and Seficr shall haya 30 days trom date of receipt of such notttication (0 cure tha defect, If Sellcr |.
1/9 to limely cure ine defect, all deposii(s} and closing funds shall, upon writen demand by Buyer and in 5 days afer cemand, be rewumed 10 Buyer end, simullaneously win s:
190 repayment. Buyer shall retum the personal property, vacate lhe real property and reconvey the Property to Selter by specks warranty deed and bill of sale. If Buyer fails lo (nuke tin
18 demand for refund, Buyer shall Lake title a$ is, waiving all rights against Sever as 10 any intorvcning datectlaxcapt as may be available to Buyer by virtue of warrannes conlained in the d:
192 oF bill of sale. II a portion of the purchase price Is to be derived (rom instilulionai financing or refinancing, Fequirements of the lending institution as to place, Ume of day and procedutes
183 closing, and for disbursement of morigage proceeds shall control over contrary provision In this Contyact. Soller snail nave the right to require from the lending institution a wii
184 Commitment hat d will Nol withhold disbursement of mortgage procecds as a result of ary litle defect atl ibutable to Buyer-morigagor. The escrow and closing procedure required by
\8 Slandard shail be walvad if the tile agent insures adveres matters pursuant 10 Section 627.7841, FS., ag amended.
186 Q, ESCROW: Any escrow agent (“Agant’) raceiving funds or equivalent is authorized and agreey by acteplance of them to deposit hem promptly, hoki sainc in escrow and, aubjac
187 cloarance, disbursa them in accordance with tennis and conditions af this Contract. Falture of funds to clear shall not excuse Buyar's performance. If in doubl as 10 Agent's duties o¢ tabu
188 unda¢ the provisions ot this Contract, Aganil nay, al Agent's option, continue to hold ine subject matter oljthe escrow until the parties nereio agree to its disbursement oF yntit a judgerr
18) ot 8 court of competent Jurisdiction shail determing the rights of the parties, or Ageal may deposit same the clerk of the circuil court having jurisdiction of the dispute. LJpon nolily
yw all parties concarned ol such action, all liabillty on the part of Agent yhall fully lerminata, except to the extant of accounting for any items previously dalivered Out of escrow. Ii a licen
191 real eslate broker, Agent wilt comply will: provigians of Chapter 475, F.S.. 88 amended. Any suit betwabn Buyer and Sever wherein Agent is made a pany because af acting as AC
12 Neraundar, or in any Suil wheram Agent interpkeads the aubject matter of the escrow, Agent shail recover|reasonabte attomuy's ices and cosle incurred wilh thase amount Io be paid i:
193 and wut of the escrowad funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court costs in favor of the prevalling party. The Agent shall not be liable 10 any party or parson for misdeliver
(94 Buyer or Seiler of nems sudject lo Ine escrom, unless such misdelivery is due to willful breach of tha prayisions of this Contract or grous negligence of Agent.
19 A. ATTORNEY'S FEES; COSTS: In any litigation, including brasch, snforcenient or interpretation, arising out of this Contract, the prevailing party tn such litigation, which. for purpose
196 mia Standard, shall nciude Seller. Buyer and any brokars acting in agency or nonagancy relationships authorized by Crapier 475, F.S., as amended, shail bo entined to reccver fram
19) non-prevalling party reaconable attomey’s feos, costs and expenses. .
198 S. FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE; It Buyer fails to perform this Contract within the ime specified, Inch
199 be paid, may be racovered and relained by and for the account of Seiler 33 agreed upon liquidated damages, consideration for tha execution of this Contract and in tull seulement of
200 claims: whereupon, Buyer and Seller shall be catieved of all obligations under this Contract; or Seiler, at Setiac’s option, may proceed in equity lo entorce Severs rights under inis Cont
201 iL or any reason other than (uiture of Sevier to make Settar's tits marketable after diligent cttort, Seller fails] nagiocts of rafuses to perform this Contract. Buyer may seek specific perform:
2 of elect 10 receiva Ihe return of Buyer's ceposii(s) withoul thereby walving any action for damages resuliing from Setiers dreach.
400 T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE; PERSONS BOUND: NOTICE: Nether this Contract nor any notiog of il shail be recorded in any public records, This Contract shall bind and inu:
208 the Lenetit of ina parties and their successora in interest. Whonever the context permits, singular shall Include plural aod one gander shail includa all, Nolice given by or to the attarne
208 atvy party ahal be as effective as if given by or to tnat party.
204 U. CONVEYANCE: Satter shall convey thie to the reai properly by Slalulory warranly, Yrustee’s, personal represenlative’s Or Guardian's deed, as appropriate to ine status of Setter, sut
20; only to matters contained in Paragraph Vil and thoue vibenwise accepted by Buyer Personal propery shall, al ine request of Buyer, be transtarred by an angolute bill of sale with wart
208 ol lila, subject only [0 sich manars as may ba otnennse provided for herein. .. .
203 V. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No prior or prasent agreements or representations shall be binding pon -Byyer of Seller unless inctuded in thls Contract. No moditicatton to or cnange 0
210 Contract shall be valid or binding upon the partes unless in writing und executed by the pany or partias|intanded lo be bound by il.
wt W. WARRANTY: Soller warrants at there are 00 facts known to Seller, rater apa stfecting the value. df the Property which sra not readily observable by Buyer or wnich nave not |
22 aisetoged to Buyer. jy pee “apes hi he over {
termite infastauon. excivding fences. If ener or doth are found, Buyer shan hav
Oppel letters from each lanant socoityng the nature and duration af the ienanr:
from ach tenant, de same information shail be lumened by Seiler to Ruye
information. Sater shall, al dosing, deliver and assign ail original leases to Buys.
$a provided for herein, of any financing statement, claims of lian of potenti:
Ss. Ian abalract of tide has Deen furnished. evidence ul liUc stall be continued
tie unmarketable from the vate ol (ne iaat evidence. All closing proceeds shail
5 days after closing vate. If Salier’s Ute is rendered unmarkelable. through
iding payment of an deposits, tha deposin(s) paid by Buyer and deposit(s) agree
FHA APPMALSALS Lb 2d GAYA Loot BBE wes wr re ee .
contract, the Purchaser shall not be obligated to complet¢ the purchase of the property describ
herein or to incur any pénalty by forfeiture of earnest mpney deposits or otherwise unless the
Purchaser has been givén in accordance with UD/FHA or VA}requirements a written statement by
the ‘Federal Housing Commissioner, Veterans Administration
forth the appraised value of the property of not less than $ he Purchaser
shall have the privilege and option of proceeding with cohsummation of the contract without
regard to the amount of the appraised valuation. ‘The appraised valuation is arrived gt to
determine the maximum mortgage the Department of Housing find Urban Development will insure.
HUD does not warrant the value nor the condition of the property. ‘The purchaser shduld satisfy
himself/herself that the price and condition of the property are acceptable." /
Seller is required to pay these items: { /
mn f
Doc Stamps on Deed Assignment of Mtg.| Fee a : /
3 we . our
Document Prep Fee Underwriting Fee vourver Fees
‘Tax Service fee Flood Check
notwithstapding any other provision of this
y Corfeiture of earnest money or other-
Wy described herein, if the contract
e property as established by the
ave the privilege and option of pro-
gard to the amount of reasonable
VA APPRAISAL: “It is expressly agreed that,
contract, the Purchaser shall not incur any penalty b
wise be obligated to complete the purchase of the proper
purchase price or cost exceeds the reasonable value of tl
Veterans Administration. ‘The Purchaser shall, however,
ceeding with the consummation of this contract without v
value established by the Veterans Administration."
Seller is required to pay these items:
Doc Stamps on Deed ‘Tax Service Fee Flood Check
Document Prep Fee Assignment of Mtgj Fee Courier Fees
Termite Inspection Underwriting lee
the terms and conditions of the Sales
ue and correct to the best of our
ered into by any of the undersigned
REAL ESTATE CERTIFICATION:, ‘I/We hereby certify that
Contract for the sale of property described herein are t
knowledge and belief. No other agreements have been en
other than those disclosed on the Sales Contract."
oever, for the purpose of obtaining
Departnent of Housing & Urban
of ‘influencing in any way the action
blishes any statement, knowing the
$5,000 or imprisoned not more than
WARNING! ! Section 1010 of Title 18, U.S.C. provides: "W
a loan, shall be offered to or accepted by the
Development for insurance...or for the purpose
of such Department, makes, passes, utters or p
same to be false, shall be fined not more than
two years, or both."
| PAGE. IK _
or u Direct Endorsement Lefider settin :
bylict #/
NAME: “Roazer U/ .Posron TELEPHONE NUMBER: 447-639
in Florida, a Seller is obligated to disclose to a Buyer all known facts that may niaterially affect {ie value of (he Property
being soll and that are not readily observable. This disclosure statement is designed to assis| Selter in complying with the
i “s requirements under Florida Law and in Brevard County, Florida, [tis not a watrantylol any kind by the owner(s)
of any agent(s! in this transaction, and is not a substitute for any inspections ar warranties the parties may wish to obtain.
‘This disclosury is made pursuant to Section 689.61, Florida Statutes, All Partics may refer to (hib information when they
evaluate, markel or present Seller's property to Prospective Buyers. The following representations are made by the scller(s)
and are not the representations of any agents. .
Are you aware of existing, pending or proposed fegal uctions, claims, spcical assesinents, asscusments (including home-
owner ass)diation’s maintenance fees or proposed increases in assessments and/or maintenance fees) affecting the property?
NO_ ZZ. YES . If yes, explain:_ s
(A) Are you aware of any deed restrictions? NOY YES
If yes, explain:
Are you ware of uny proposed changes to the restrictions? NO. YES_. yes, explain:
Are you aware of any resale restrictions? NO_y”_ YES.
. Ifyes. explain:
isa homeowner associatiott, is membership mandatory? NO_7_ YES and are fees charged by the
homewonsrs wssociation?NO_ YES. . Ifyes, explain:
‘Are you aware if access toads are private . public Zi If private, describe the termg and conditions of the
maintenance agreement:
Are you awate if the property is stibject to lease? NO. vu — YES____., Ifyes. explain: _
Are vou aware of any walls, driveways or other features shared in common with adjoining land:
wwnicrs, encroachments.
boundary line disputes, setback violations or easements affecting the property’? NO___ YES.
If yes, explain:
Ig any portion cf the property fenced? NO. YES Z. If yes, are you aware of any|portion of the fence which i
shared in common with adjoining landowners.encroachments, boundary line disputes. setback Violations or casements
ullecting the fence? NO. YES____. If yes, explain:
Are you avrare of any past or present scttlivg, soil movement or sinkhole problems on the pro
properties? NO__ YES. .. Ifyes, explain:
‘Are you aware of any past or recent problems with driveways, walkway:
(A) Ate you aware on any substances, materials or products which may be sn cavironmentat hqeard such as, but not limited
{o, asbestou. urea, formaldeliyde, mdon yun. lead-based, puint, fuel er sheitient storage tanks (active er ubnndoned), or
contamlnated soll or water on the propertyYNO__“_ YES. Ifyes. explain: .
—_—— ee ae
(B) Are you aware of any condition or proposed change in the vicinity of the property thal coulf{ affect the value or
desirabllily of the property, such us. but not limited to, proposed development, excessive nolse, Ruusual odors or proposed
roadways? NO_ 7 YES _. Ifyes explain:
18 1993 B4:34PM PS
ERA. THE PROPERTY PLACE . PHONE NO. : 407 269 2322 Apq.
(C) Arc you aware of wetlands, mangroves, archeological sites or other elvironi
property? NO). YES, Uyes, explain:
—L mn -
entally sensili¥e areas located on the
Are you ayare of any Zoning violations . Honcomfonning uses, or violations of *
YES . If yes, explain:
seloack” requirdments?
Are you aware if the property is zoned for its current use? NO___ YES__ 7"
Ane von an ano
Are you wars of whether any improveitents, including any additions are in
NOL YES. . If yes, explain:
viglation of current zoning regulations?
Are you aware of any termite inspections within the last 12 monilis? NO__;
——. a -
Do vou have any knowledge of termites. dry rot oF pests on or arecting a
ny improvements locate} on the property or any
Structural damage to the property by (crmites, diy rot or pests? NO.
) f YES. . If yes, ekplain;__
Are you aware of any structural condition, or in the case on a homeowner agsociation, any coucditjon in the carmunon
elements that could affect the value or desirablibity of the property? NO_X_ YES. If yts, explain: _
Are you ‘aware of any improvements or udditions to the property, whether by your or by others, thg
violation of building codes? NO__X YES. if yes, explain:
Ate you uware of whethor any improvenients, ingludin
Noh YES____. If yes, explain
(have been constructed in
ng additions have been constructed without necessary permits?
Ate you aware of whether any improvements, including additions are located belew the base floor
YES ____ fyes, are you aware of whether such
community flood plain management ordinance? NO
+ Are you aware of any roof defects? NO__X YES____.. Ifyes, explain: |
elevations? NO _><7__
improvements have ben constructed in violation of the applicable
YES. Wyes. explains
——__. a ee
Has the rcof leaked since you owned the property? NO _ xX YES . [Fyes, please explaln whit was done (a
Correct the leaks:
Are you aware if the roof has been replaced? NO YES — Ifyes, when?
theroof? NO__ YES _ Lf yes, is iCtransferable? NO . YES
Copy of th: warranty, Are you aware of any roof inspections within (he last 12 months? NO.
explain arid provide a copy>
_. Is there a warranty on
tyes, please provide a
YES____, Ifyes.
What is your drinking water source: Public A Private well__Otlicr source __ | If your drinking water is
from « well or other source, when was your water last checked for safety and what was the result of the test?
Do you have a water sofincr? NO x YES » Ifyes, is it owned ~ teased
ae » Do you have a
sewer or septic system? —_S#pHe. Are you aware of any septic tanks ar wells that are ol currently being used?
wNO__X. YES__ If yes, explain:,
wate Of any plumbing leaks? “NO. x YES If yes, explai
a FSRTESTTT TTT SUbGhc meester reser-aeeereeeree
Are you uwvate of any conditions that could affect (he value or desirability of the property rel
lating ko the septic tank drain
fleld, sewer lincs or any other plumbing related item?NO XL YES. If yes, explain
Are you
Doos the property have a pool? NO Ke YES ___. Hottub? NO_. YES
Spa? NO xX YES___. Ate you a\vare of any conditions Tegatding thec~ stems that could affect teh value or
desirublity of the property? NO x. YES . yes, explain: -
Are vou aware of any damaged or malfunctioning switches, receptacles or wiring? NO } " ES
Are you aware oF any conditions that {affect the value or desirablity or operating capacity of ihe electrical system? NO
fon WHS uy Wyes, explain; aa
Indictac existins equipment: Air Conditioning: Central PC. Window/Wall _ Number df units 7
Heating: Electuic |X _-_ Fuel Qi Gas _. Other Salae tle Aeennd ar
. 3? 269 23% 23SPM Pa
FROM: ERA THE PROPERTY PLACE PHONE NO, : 4? 269 2522, Hey. 18 1999 Qd:3SPM
Water Heater: Electric Gas _____ Solar Owned. Leased _
Are you aware of any probliies regarding these items? NO YES ____. If yes, explain —_—
Indicate existing equipment:
Security Systems: NO _xX. YES _____ Leased OWNED ______ Connected to C| tral Monitor
Monthly Fee
Suuke cstecters: NO a. YES. Are vou
above-duscritied equipment? NO x YES
aware of any conditions that could affect the valuc of desirablity of the
[f yes, explain:
1s there: anything else that you feel you should disclose to a prospective purchasey because it may
materially affect teh value or desirability of the property? NO _»
This disclosure statement concerns the condition. of the teal estate and is not a wartanty of any kind by te owner(s) or any agent(s)
is this transaction, and is not a substitute for any inspections or warranties the partics may wish to obtain,
sal aS ZT sa
The Selling Real [state Agent acknowledges recsiving a copy of this Disclosure on _.
Date __¢-7-97
Selling Agent __.
. : PAGE 1 OF 3
Fome Inspection Service
Russell W. Scott
A licensed Home Builder For Over 20 Years
1930 Murrell unit
Rockledge, FL
STATE # RR 0032837 Brevard County #2185
Hebe: 6361245 \ Pulzer!| 635-7310 [rte iips |
Address 6910 KAYLOR
This report is unbiased and reflects only the opinion of the inspector, The inspection and
the report ar: not intended to be technically exhaustive. |This regort docs not reflect any
warranties nor guarantees adequacy or performance of any| system, unless such guarantee or
warranties are expressly given in writing. Furthermore, this i spection and report shall not be for
tha purpase of determining compliance of a system or component with any government or non-
governmcatal regulations, cades, or requirements. This inspection is performed according to the
standards of the industry and is conducted as a limited time up to one hour) home inspection.
Considerition is made and taken into account as to the age of the structure and ail systems and
components és to their function stility. There is no analysiq performed on the following: soil,
water, air, materials, or septic system. This is not a termite in pection. No function ability test is
perterme:! cn self cleaning or continuous cleaning ovens, ice makers, water scftening/purification
ecuipmesl, AC ducts and- determining adequacy/size of the AC system for the dwelling. Only
one cycle is checked for function ability in the followi appliances: washer, dryer and—
dishwasher, Furniture and appliances wil! not be moved in arder to access walls, switches and
EXHIBIT. 8 pace. 27
: (407) 636-3666
Box 3073
Cocoa, FL 32924-3073
DATEL Hey, 2a?
6 KO Wave Br —
T fan dutgukd Npew fof of
7 taat ech heo a pr oer ser ~ dptesel
Retin Let 639 a cers R bz Py Caller
2 a — Lo a , 2 L Z ; J
roy ora! Ke ge. cal byted Bt Lt,
woh! B08 na Serof 2iptel / 12) 2
235 Vine seal Cpwet on ud alae ee ee
| Lh een “fet pme |
act _ har 6" 2 es |
4 1 Der a2eb 4 bert ors (pede Z nil. _| -—___
asd L pane + a ay tol is pd Meal |
pli ibete salle 3 pe, dedi - neh L Cd
Lk aah po 474 eo - — Maaeed on odbc 7
an net 2 RKeveeshS at
KE 004290)
< OF
raved ——f
brhlud #5
Globe Reality Of Florida, Inc.
1353 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite Y
Merritt Island, Florida 32953
Fax (407) 452-8505
Bus. (407) 453-1100
SUBJECT: 6910 Kaylor Av, Port St John
Dear Mary,
Per your request of noon today, the Buyers are nojtifying you as agent for the
Sellers that they are unwilling to close on the house due to the condition of
the roof and the Sellers' refusal to repair it.
I have returned their earnest money deposit, less
as no claim was made on it.
ayments for the inspections,
OF [zi /79
(2 usec ae
Pe a ee iwi Me 6 Hut oD gvee
£3 (497) w2-1987 tg (407) 627-1057 Poder’, Posten
Robert and Julia Posten
6910 Kaylor Ave
Cocoa, FL 32927
May 21, 1999 -
LRA ‘The Property Place
3436 8. Hopkins Ave
‘Litusville, Lb 32780
Atm, Maury Bashlor
Subject: Claim for camest money deposit
Relerence: Contract for Sale and Purchase
6910 Kaylor Ave. Cosoa, 1132027
In accordance with the referenced contract, as the sellers wa are placing a claim for all
gurmnest_moncy deposit per puragraph § of the contract. This is based on the Fax
transmittal trom Gloria L, Vest, Cenniry 21 Globe Reality pf Fl. ine. dated May
21,1999, which states that the Buyers ¢ David Ham and Petfa Ham) are unwilling te
close. of
Paragraph two of the Fax states that “Ehave retumed camekt money deposit. fess
payments for the inspections , as no claim wus made on it} As defined in Paragraph N
ofthe contract. “Lhe cost of home inspections are to be at the buyers expense.
In accordance with paragraph N (inspections. repair and m intenanec) of the contract.
all inspections as perteining to sellers warran'y were to be completed at Buyers expense
within 20days after the eflleetive date (4-18-09) and reportfto seller in writing , all
items that do not meet standards as to detects, unlexs buyey report such defecis, buyer
shall be deemed to hate waived seller's warranties as to defects not reported. ‘The
inspection by Home Inspection Service -Russell W. Scott f $-17-99) and the roof’
inspection performed hy AH Weather Roofing and Constudtion io, (4-20-09) were
clearly performed hevond the 20 day time ft: me as specilietl in the contract. No written
report as to any defects were received trom the buyer to the seller within the 20 day
time period The only information received fron buyers/ agent as lo any delects were
the faxed copies of the above noted inspections on (5-18-49 and 5-20-99) which were
beyond the alloted time in the contact,
Robert Poston, Juba Poston
eU 4977 Us Ori PL
Tah Be
. Sylhet #7
: an,
1 3 3
Globe Reaity Of Florida, Inc.
Town Square
1353 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite Y
Merritt Island, Florida 32953 <
(407) 453-1100 / Fax (407) 452-8505
May 25, 1999
Mr. Chuck Morris
ERA The Property Place
3436 S. Hopkins Ave.
Titusville, FL 32780
Re: 6910 Kaylot Ave., Cocoa, FL. 32927
Dear Chuck:
I am in receipt of the Sellers' letter clai ing the escrow deposit
for withdrawal from the contract. I will x ~iterate, the Buyers
are ready, willing, and able to close on Fr day, May 27th, the
contract closing date, if the Seliers will donvey 2 "passable roof".
The Buyers relied upon the Sellers! Property Disclosure which did
hot mention any roof problems or un-license repairs.
When a licensed contractor indicated concern over the roo£ condition,
the Seller, Ms. Poston, allowed us a roof i spection in writing,
dated May 18, 1999 which I thought extended |the deadline for inspection,
and since that item was the only one of condern, I believed it allowed
the Buyers the right to withdraw based on t at report. :
The Buyers have called V.A. representatives jand I have asked the
lender, Countrywide if they would mortgage a property with an
“impassable roof". We await the ruling.
Years ago, a Seller could hide defects and the Buyer would suffer,
but today we are required to disclose fully. If a Realtor misses a
date for inspection, it does not allow a Se ler to force a veteran
buyer to comply or lose their escrow. According to our legal counsel,
our contract is a "meeting of the minds”, n thing more till proven in
Borer Mech
Globe Realty Of Florida, Inc.
1353 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite ¥
Merritt Island, Florida 32953
Fax (407) 452-8505
Bus. (407) 453-1100
| Lol Co Age hothst KX MALY |
Epbihe lL #F
SUBJECT Kory Ne ape Unr 6 HO Bachar Cy ,
Vhapler , | 7
Bel Hersel, e- Cnoprilr/| Che 2
netin at T6380 anh : i senarueree abhlp
Lr Lo yy padralarcin, Chil Joey Aapetka
el Bo Lone Ay beens Abe pire,
636-3666 anil Ry
HH erce_ 34 —
Michael R. Wiedmann
Industries Inc.
1426 W Peachtree st.
(407) 631-1306 fax{407) 631-7011
Cacea, FL 32922
Siocon ave
PORT ST. JOHD, FL 33607 |
. 15 1999 G4:47PM P4
Globe Realty Of Florida, Inc. =e
1353 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite Y
Merritt Island, Florida 32953
Fax (407) 452-8505 a , .
Bus. (407) 453-1100 September 27 Liepoi tte UF
Maria.C. Ventara
Dept. of Business & Professional Reg.
Bureau of Investigative Services
400 W Robinson St. N501
Orlando, Fl, 32801-1732
SEP 3 0 1999
Re: DBPR case #99-83327 REAL ESlALE
Dear Ms. Ventura:
Pardon the delay of my written response, but recent inclement weather played havoc
with my business.
I will open my remarks that I knowingly violated a ru
but with ethical cause. The Sellers sought retributi
because they would not accept a seriously defective r
retired from the military and staying with friends ti
fhey were not in a position to wait for an EDO to sati
behavior. '
e for escrow disbursement,
mn against my veteran Buyers
lof. The Buyers were newly
l they could buy a house.
isfy the Sellers vindictive-
This transaction has distressed me greatly because I
actions to defraud a buyer as was perpetrated by this
by her two agents, Phyllis Pryor and Mary Bashlor. I
pursue this matter, because I will have to address so
suspect she thought nothing would be addressed but th
ve never seen such flagrant
seller, Julia Poston, assisted .
ad hoped Ms. Poston would not
unethical actions, but IL
escrow disbursement.
I will answer the complaint from the Seller dated Augu
Paragraph 1 : The Buyers never breached the contract.
sing on the contract date of May 28, 19|
May 27th and their agent Phyllis Pryor
said "they will put the house back on ¢|
t 9, 1999.
We were heading toward clo-
9. The Seller withdrew on
Paragraph 2 : No, I do not have the right to distribu
always on the books. Around 1986, the
my office we should not seek signatures
when a contract was clearly void, becau
spiteful and refuse to sign. If the sy
escrow disputes, perhaps this law will
e funds, but this law wasn't
ormer chairman of FREC told
for an escrow disbursement
e an upset seller could be
tem gets burdened with many
hange again.
Now to answer the Seller's letter dated May 21, 1999,
paragraph 1 : The Seller demanded a written statement
were unwilling to close. Mary Bashlor
I asked Mary what the Seller's intentio:
COMBEAtNI her the Buyers wanted to close
to give me any feedback and demanded I
0... drawal<—THE7imp lication was that the §
{ Z Se butJshe would not confirm nor deny that
Each Office Is Independently Owned An
laim for earnest money deposit.
on May 21st that the Buyers
alled me with that directive.
was regarding roof repairs
on the house. She refused
ubmit the statement of with-
ller would not repair the roof,
So I carefully noted her
Operated AGE
O1 JAN 10 PM I: 20
request in my statement and the Seller
I knew the next step would be to claim
they demand a statement of withdrawal
out stating their intentions regarding
deposit before a claim was made. It a
a withdrawal statement from she Buyers
it would look as if all faulz lay with
was faxed to Mary Bashlor, she said sh
going to repair the roof. I was delig
out and proceeded with the Buyers’ su
The Seller ordered her own roof inspec
called me and said the roof had been r
re-inspect and he discovered the Selle
using pieces of tin and other material
work was to be performed by a licensed
advised them of this fact. They never
the roof repair, and calling in their
me believe he had done the work when t
roof had been repaired.
paragraph 3: The Seller questions the time for insp
"welcomed' the Buyer to have a roof in
May 18, 1999, thereby extending the tii
the roof. The Buyer requested repairs
$500 limit on the contract. When Sell
s refusal to repair the roof.
the deposit, why else would
even days before closing with-
the roof? So I released the
pears they thought by getting
before stating their intention
the Buyer. After the statement
never said the Seller was not
ted that we might work things
ey, insurance, and financing.
ion, then on May 25th her- agent
paired. I called my roofer to
hadpatched over rotten wood
. Surely the Seller knew the
roofer, and surely their agents
intended to spend any money for
oofer was a smokescreen to make
le agent called me to say the
ctions on the contract, but she
ipection and signed and dated it
le for inspections at least to
x replacement that exceeded the
x refused May 27th and stated she
would put the house back on the market,| she cancelled the contract,
not the Buyers.
This has been a trying experience for me, as I have a
ethical manner and never cause harm to the public. I
against me or any of my associates, and I have been a
I have spoken with two attorneys and both felt the Se
fraud against the Buyers. Both attorneys advised me
not my desire. I had hoped the Seller would be reaso
dropped. Perhaps I have shirked a responsibility to
past reason has prevailed and litigation prevented.
witnesses and documents to confront my complainants.
I have listed exhibits by date and enclose a table of
Sincerely, 2. yy
‘Gloria L. Vest
ays conducted myself in an
ave never had a charge filed
broker since May 17, 1982.
ler was attempting to commit
lo take actions, but this was
lable and the matter would be
e profession, but in years
lowever, I stand ready with
Docket for Case No: 01-000112PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 28, 2001 |
Final Order filed. |
Mar. 14, 2001 |
Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 14, 2001 |
Joint Motion to Place Case in Abeyance (filed via facsimile).
Feb. 20, 2001 |
Amended Notice of Video Teleconference issued. (hearing scheduled for March 26, 2001; 1:00 p.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to type, date and location).
Feb. 13, 2001 |
Amended Notice of Hearing issued. (amended as to location only).
Feb. 09, 2001 |
Joint Motion to Relocate Formal Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Feb. 01, 2001 |
Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Feb. 01, 2001 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Feb. 01, 2001 |
Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for March 9, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Viera, FL).
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Initial Order issued.
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Agency referral filed.
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions and Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 10, 2001 |
Notice of Appearance Request for Production of Documents (filed by S. Johnson).