Respondent: IVY K. DOMINGUEZ
Agency: Department of Education
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Jun. 05, 2001
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, June 18, 2001.
Latest Update: Feb. 24, 2025
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a Can,
February 7, 2001
Ms. Ivy Dominguez
...15389 South Dixie Highway, #5
“Miami, Florida 33143 CERTIFIED MAIL
Be st pee ee RE: Finding of Probable Cause
SSN: 086-38-97 86
“Dear Ms. Dominguez:
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 231.262 and 231.2615, Florida Statutes, and
“Rule 6A-4.037, Florida Administrative Code (Rules of the State Board of Education), I find
~ that probable cause exists to justify sanctions against your certificate as provided in Sections
231.262(6) and 231.28(1), Florida Statutes, which penalties may include reprimand, .
wn, restriction of the scope of practice, suspension not to exceed three years, revocation
ten years or the permanent revocation of your teaching certificate.
UNvessiyTowrR Unwversity OF SOuTH Fiorina, St.Peterssurs Campus
© Avenue, #726 TauaHasse€, Fiorina 32399-0400 POY 248, 140 77H Avenue Sourd
=” Fr, Laupeabau, Flosibé 33301 (850) 487-1785 ° SC 277-1785 Sr. PeterssurG, Fiorina 33701
(954} 762-5322 Fax (850) 413-0378 * SC 993-0378 (727) 553-3730
Fax (727) 553-1033 .
Fax (954) 762-5197
ae hitp://www
__ Commissioner of Education,
. Petitioner,
~ Respondent.
tioner, CHARLIE CRIST, as Commissioner of
‘Complaint against Ivy K, Dominguez. The Petitioner seeks the appropriate disciplinary sanction
f the Respondent’s educator’s certificate pursuant to Sections 231.262 and 231.2615, Florida
St and pursuant to Rule 6B-1.006, Florida Administrative Code, Principles of Professional
Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, said sanctions specifically set forth in Sections
231.262(6) and 231.2615(1), Florida Statutes.
iil «filial
The Petitioner alleges:
{. The Respondent holds Florida educator’s certificate 441764, covering the areas of
EN EEE ERAT T REE cee . . . : : * [sve 7
ntary education, mentally handicapped education, and physically handicapped education,
is valid through June 30, 2003. |
adent wa ‘as ‘ah exceptional
stead Senior High School, in the Miami-Dade County School
ii i ii Sc 5 i i ah is i inn i i a inh. = ii
cation, files this Administrative
__ Commissioner of Education,
. Petitioner,
~ Respondent.
tioner, CHARLIE CRIST, as Commissioner of
‘Complaint against Ivy K, Dominguez. The Petitioner seeks the appropriate disciplinary sanction
f the Respondent’s educator’s certificate pursuant to Sections 231.262 and 231.2615, Florida
St and pursuant to Rule 6B-1.006, Florida Administrative Code, Principles of Professional
Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, said sanctions specifically set forth in Sections
231.262(6) and 231.2615(1), Florida Statutes.
iil «filial
The Petitioner alleges:
{. The Respondent holds Florida educator’s certificate 441764, covering the areas of
EN EEE ERAT T REE cee . . . : : * [sve 7
ntary education, mentally handicapped education, and physically handicapped education,
is valid through June 30, 2003. |
adent wa ‘as ‘ah exceptional
stead Senior High School, in the Miami-Dade County School
ii i ii Sc 5 i i ah is i inn i i a inh. = ii
cation, files this Administrative
ra hy K. Dominguez
Administrative Complaint
.. Page 2 of 3
~ 3. During 001 school year, Respondent acted inappropriately by striking
students with rulers , folders, slapping students on the arm and in the face, and using offensive
language. Respondent failed to maintain order in her class and allowed students to leave her class
without permission and without reporting their absences appropriately to school authorities. .
‘4, "On or about September 21, 2000, was in possession of a controlled substance
Marijuana. “Respondent was ‘tested i ina “Reasonable suspicion drug screen” and was found to have
~ recently used marijuana.
231 2615(1)(0), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has been guilty of gross immorality or an act
involving moral turpitude.
" set forth herein are in violation of Section
~ 231.2615(1)(6), ; upon investigation, has been found guilty of
personal conduct which seriously reduces her effectiveness as an employee of the school board.
COUNT 3: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Section
5(1)G@), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has violated the Principles of Professional
or the Education Profession in Florida prescribed by State Board of Education.
ative Code, in that Respondent has failed to make reasonable effort
1 conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental health
- Ivy K. Dominguez
Administrative Complaint