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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 02-001375PL Visitors: 45
Agency: Department of Education
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Apr. 05, 2002
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, June 6, 2002.

Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
ob STATE OF FLORIDA — EDUCATION PRACTICES COMMISSION TOM GALLAGHER, as Commissioner of Education, Petitioner, vs. ANDREW PETTER, __ ee Respondent. / ADMINISTRATIVE COMPL, Petitioner, TOM GALLAGHER, as Commissioner of Education, files this Administrative Complaint against Andrew Petter. The Petitioner seeks the appropriate disciplinary sanction of the Respondent’s educator’s certificate pursuant to Sections 231.2€2 and 231.28, Florida Statutes, and pursuant to Rule 6B-1.006, Florida Administrative Code, Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, said sanctions specifically set forth in Sections 231.262(6) and 231.28(1), Florida Statutes. The Petitioner alleges: JURISDICTION 1. The Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Cert ficate 6 65716, covering the area of Mathematics, which is valid through June 30, 2003. pushed two students in his class after he was involved in a verba! altercation with them. Respondent grabbed one female student, T. H., and knocked her belongings off her desk and pushed her against the wali with his forearm against her upper chest and held a -water bottle above her head as if to threaten to strike her with it. In the process, Respondent also struck another student in the back of the head with his elbow. be aba TOE en he li ll RMR ME cea abe : rae aa ene i Andrew Petter Administrative Complaint *: Page 2 of 2 _ STATUTORY VIOLATIONS . COUNT 1: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent has violatec. the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida prescribed by State Board of Education. RULEVIOLATIONS : COUNT 2: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Rule 6B- 1.006(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code, in that Respondent has failed to make reasonable effort to . Protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental health and/or . physical safety, ; : ° COUNT. 3: The allegations of misconduct set forth herein are in violation of Rule 6B- 1.006(3)(e), F lorida Administrative Code, in that Respondent has intentionally exposed a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. : R RE, the ‘etitioner recommends that the Education Practices Commission impose an appropriate penalty pursuant to the authority provided .n Sections 231.262(6) and 231.28(1), Florida Statutes, which penalty may include a reprimand, probation, restriction of the authorized . Scope of practice, administrative fine, suspension of the teachir g certificate not to exceed three years, permanent revocation of the teaching certificate, or combir ation thereof, for the reasons set forth herein, and in accordance with the Explanation and Election of Rights forms which are attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, EXECUTED on this_ 6 * day of po , 2000, Commissioner of Education, State of Florida United Teachers of Dade 2929 S.W. 3rd Avenue (Coral Way), Miami, Florida 33129 - 305) 854-0220 Fax (305) 858-8923 Pat L. Tornillo, Jr. Murray Sisselman Executive Vice President President [> October 19, 2001 oo tossed cnctata tibet Mr. Jerry Whitmore Please Reply To: Leslie A. Meek, Esq. The Office of Professional Practices Services Law Department Florida Education Center, Room 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 “Ronald G. Stowers, Esquire Department of Education Suite 1701, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ms. Kathleen Richards Education Practices Commission 325 West Gaines Street Turlington Bldg. Room 224-E Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400 RE: Tom Gallagher, as Commissioner of Education vs. Andrew Petter Case No.: 989-2032-M Dear Sir or Madam; Please be advised that as of Monday, October 29, 2001, the Law Department of the United Teachers of Dade will be located in our new offices at 2200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33137, Our main number (305) 854-0220 will remain the same. We mzy be reached at that number once Wwe move. Once we receive our specific phone and facsimile naimbers we will provide you with an update of our contact information. ~ Ifyou should have the need to contact us in regards to the above noted case, please feel free to do ~ oat the address and phone number above. Leslie A. Meek, Esq. cc: Andrew Petter Ssociation/United (FEA/United) @ Arnerican Federation of Teachers (AFT) American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) =: STATE OF FLORIDA EDUCATION PRACTICES COMMISSION TOM GALLAGHER, as Commissioner of Education, Petitioner, vs. ANDREW PETTER Case No: 989-2032-M Respondent. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL d O€ Yd¥ Io PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Leslie A. Meek, Esq. General Counsel for w rey United Teachers of Dade, hereby files this Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Lisa N@ Pearson as counsel for Respondent Andrew Petter, au Loe Ls Le. Lisa N. Pearson, Esq. Leslie A. Meek, Esq. Former Counsel for Respondent Counsel for Respondent United Teachers of Dade United Teachers of Dade 2929 SW 3” Ave. 2629 SW 3™ Ave. . Miami, FL 33129 Miami, FL 33129 Resp ar pitted, ISA N. PEARSON, ESQUIRE Assistant Genera. Counsel United Teachers of Dade-Law Dept. 2929 SW 3" Strest , Miami, Florida 33129 Tel. No.: (305) 8414-3040 Fla, Bar No.: 0122343 fon wn rr og OT Fe ce CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a e and correct copy of ‘he above and foregoing was mailed this oS day of n 2001, to Ronald Stowers, Esquire, Office of the General Counsel, Suite‘1701, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400. (Mel fuer LISA N. PEARSON, ESQUIRE nee Ha 06 Ue 10 ig F £ | UNITED TEACHERS OF DADE Law Department Elizabeth duFresne Leslie A. Meek General Counsel Assistant General Counsel September 7, 2000 Ms. Kathleen Richards Education Practices Commission 325 West Gaines Street Turlington Bldg. Room 224-E Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400 Re: Tom Gallagher, as Commissioner of Education ys Andrew Petter Case No.: 989-2032-M. Dear Ms. Richards: Enclosed for your consideration are the following documer ts in support of the above reference case: e TADS Annual Evaluation forms for the years; 1995-1996, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999. e Three letters of support ¢ Evidence of Mr. Petter’s attendance in the Advc.cate Program e Job recommendation letter Task that these documents be included in the file that i is set to the Education. Practices - oo ; Commission when this case is heard. Thank y you for your assistance in this matter. incerely, - =) w 2 wl| os = - Lisa N. Pearson : “s Staff Attorney o LNP/acl 2929 Sw 3rd Avenue (Coral Way) Miami, Florida 33199 ~~ (305) 854-3040 FAX (305) 858-1348 ADVOCATE PROGRAM, INC. 1515 N.W. 7TH STREET SUITE: MIAMI, FL. 33125 | (305) 649-8422 Last Name First Name Initial Case # PETTER ANDREW M98-65:.80 Home Address City state & Zin Code 7442 ROOSEVELT ST HOLLYWCOD, FL 33024-5334 Home Phone SS_# Chargels 954-961-5479 364~36-1958 BATTERY Program Term Intake Dace Judge DPM2 6 June 22, 1999 BETH BLOOM bo Reports & Evals Required: 0 Attended: 0 Balance: 0 Date Last Attendei: / of Sessions : Code ' Assigned Attended Missed Balance Last Attended ZCPEL 8 cae 0 QO 10/12/1999 Community Service Hours 0 Balance: O Due: / ee Required: QO Completed: Special Conditions Money Information $175 200.2. $0200. Paid: $175.00 39,00. ~ $0.00 / a Disposition: ST on:11/22/1999 *37Rs séht: 0 - Last Hours: BIS Wd It dasag ee wee ee ttl diana eli ALA, as as iia Eb oe ae oe a a cre dep EE yy AP Snag RE vE | s ANNUAL EVALUATION FULL TIME TEACHERS SCHOOL YEAR 1995-1996, NAME (LAST) . (FIRST) : {MIDOLE) DATE OF EMPLOYMENT 1 IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR) PETTER,- ANDREW W ‘ | ISCHCOL EMF LOYEE NUMBER SOC. SEC. NUMBER 7601 WM H TURNER TECH. ARTS SR 177084 364-36-1958 CONTRACT STATUS (Check One) A-1 O A-2 | A3 C] cc | Beginning teacher L_] Professional Service Contract {x} j i i ' } OTHER CONTRACT STATUS (Please Specity) O SUBJECT AREAS OF CERTIFICATION (if teaching out of held) D — =! COMPONENTS A and B OVERALL SUMMARY RATING Acceptable kK] Unacceptable i_/| PRINCIPAL’S RECOMMENDATION (CHIECK ONLY ONE) 1. RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT i] 3. RECOMMIINDED FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT A-4 Oo {Documentation Attached) _ 2. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT im 4, OTHER (Srecity) | (Documentation Attached) (Documentation Attached) | COMPONENT A CATEGORIES | - VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS CATEGORIES ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE ! I. PREPARATION AND PLANNING The teacher shows evidence of preparation and planning in structuring the | :arning experiences of students. \l. KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER The teacher demonstrates subject matter competence while teaching. ill. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT The teacher administers activities well so that pupils are able to understand expectations [x] and work efficiently with little disruption. IV. TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION The icacher insiructs at levels wnich are commensu: cts with the intellectual and X devciopmental needs of learners, presents content in sequential and orderly fashion — and interactions pertinent to lesson objectives. V. TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS x] The teacher establishes positive and constructive relationships with student: to stimulate and maintain a positive learning environment. VI. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES . ; The teacher utilizes a variety of informal and formal assessment techniques which motivatel 5] and enadie students to learn and which assist the teacher in understanding ‘he degree of : student learning and the degree to which instructional objectives are being zttained. COMPONENT B CATEGORIES VII PROFESSIONAL RESP¢ Vil. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY The teacher acts in a professional and responsible manner to carry out assijned duties and comoly with district and schooi policies in a timely manner. Pursuant to F.S. Chapter 231.29, employee evaluations shall be confidential until th: end of the schoot year immediately following the schoo! year during which each evaluation is made. OBSERVATION DATE(S) 5/08/96 SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL eT - pate —OLn £ Fg SIGNATURE OF TEACHER tot weet Ne — DATE 13[ 9¢@ (Teacher’s signature means ONLY that the teatter has nN and Feceived the docum::2nt.) . TO183P29 SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF TEACHER (Teacher's Signature means the teacher REMARKS __ OF OBSERVER G S ZL a cm TADS DADE COUNTY a et cramer pustic scHoors CAI Post-Observation Re dort AEE SESSMENT AND Full Time Teache DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM rs (Middle) DATE OF OBSERVATION Sy &/ FL TIME OF _OBsg RVATION rrom 7 FS py 72," 5 7s SL CZx and + Acceptable indicators are checked, Unacceptable indicators a “= COMPONENT a CATEGORIES | — vi i PREPARATION AND PLANNING wa 2 of 2 —--..- B. 2 of 2 MNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER YA : (Cheek One} Zz B 3 of 4 Ve CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT ~~ A. 3 of 3 —~f B. 3 of 4 Cc. 3 of 4 TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION TS, of 4 of of of of of of ZTOHm™MOO Dp OW WwW ww w APRA SR ppp of TEACHER~—S JUDENT RELATIONSHIPS “ow 3 of 4 Jf es 4 of 5 ASSESSMENT/* CHNIQUES : JA. 2 of 4 B. 3 of 3 ccelved the document.) re left blank and require prescription. CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS es — = | i cities ee DADE COUNTY . T A D Ss zACHER ASSESSMENT AND | PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ANNUAL EVALUATION FULL TIME TEACHERS . F SCHOOL YEAR 1997 - 1998 NAME (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDOLE) : DATE CF EMPLOYMENT . (IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR} PETTER, ANDREW W ; SCHOOL EMPLOYEE WUMBER ISOC. SEC. NUMBER ~| 7601 WM H TURNER TECH, ARTS SR 1770 84 364-36-1958 CONTRACT STATUS (Check One) arc] A-2 | ] A3 { cc C] Beginning “eacher [_| Professional Service Contract OTHER CONTRACT STATUS (please Specity) SUBJECT AREAS OF CERTIFICATION (If teaching out of field) (10 &} COMPONENTS A and B OVERALL SUMMARY RATING Acceptable x] Unacceptable O PRINCIPAL’S RECOMMENDATION (CHECK ONLY ONE) 1, RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT ky 3. RECOMMENDED FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT A-4 O (Documentation Attached) 2. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT O 4. OTHER (Specify) _ C (Documentation Attached) (Documentation Attached) COMPONENT A CATEGORIES | - VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS io —_—_ eee [ CATEGORIES ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE I. PREPARATION AND PLANNING The teacher shows evidence of preparation and planning in structuring the learning exoeriences of stucents. il, KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER The teacher demonstrates subject matter competence while teaching. LX) C 1 Il. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Some E The teacher administers activities well so that pupils are able to understand expectations [x] 3 and work efficiently with little disruption. IV. TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION The teacher instructs at levels which are commensurate with the intellectual and dévelopmental needs of learners, presents content in sequentia: and orgerly fashion | __ and facilitates interactions pertinent to lesson objectives. = cS V. TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS The teacher establishes positive and constructive relationships with students to stimulate and maintain a positive fearning environment. en _ ee i VI. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES - : The teacher utilizes a variety of informal and formal assessment techniques which m« vate ~X] Cc] anid enable students to learn and which assist the teacher in understanding the degres of L Student learning and the degree to which instructionai objectives are being attained. = . _ wae | COMPONENT B CATEGORIES VI! PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES | KL ~ xk = — Vil. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY i The teacher acts in a professional and responsible manner to Carry cut assigned duties [x] Cc] i _ and comply with district and schoo! policies in a timely manner. Z we secs cae as _| Pursuant to F.S. Chanter 231,29, employes evaluations shall be confidential unti-tpe end of tie school year immediately following i the school year during which each evatuation is made. OBSERVATION DATE(S) 01/20/98 MMR FZ SIGNATURE OF TEACHER ML ALD D Chiu (Teacher's signature means ONLY that the te écher fas seert and received the cocument.} SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPA FM-2883 Rev.(02-95; TO183P29 fh ee ee ical ‘ TADS DADE COUNTY . TEACHER ASSESSMENT AND BS pustic scHoo.s ~=9 CAI Post-Observation Report DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM Full Time Teachers NAME (Last) \ (First) (Middle) DATE OF OBSERVATION | PETTER | ANDREW fle [4 SUBJECT AREA OR GRADE OBSERVED TIME OF OBSERVATION i t | MATHEMATICS From [I 79 |! 74, REMARKS: i) ici | DE : Hi bet ras tie weed | a Le SIGNATURE Sey ey Coptiata tk OF OBSERVER piss Ag y + IDATE soit bt ty (TITLE) ‘ | f FEL ES) O SIGNATURE OF TEACHER _ DATE att i) } : (Teacher's signature means the s“s&en and received the document.) Acceptable indicators are checked. Unacceptable indicators are left blank and require prescription. COMPONENT A CATEGORIES | — VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS |. PREPARATION AND PLANNING ’ A 2 of 2 —_ a LB, 2 of 2 a el Il. KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER \ A. (Check One} _ —. —. Bo 3 of 4 a _ (I CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT “ ~\ ~ “A 3 of 3 a & ea kB 3 of 4 7 (2> Ca. e pt BOF LET @ “ee 4 ~ IV. TECHNIQUES. OF INSTRUCTION —K A 3 of 4 Cc Ga & Li Bo 3 of 4 a Z es v Cc «3 of 4 1 @. & xD. 2 of 4 4 @. a —-— E 3 of 4 a @. e i 3 of 4 a a ‘es —<, G@ 3 of 4 1 : ; atu 3 of 4 G a & V. TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS KZ A 38 of 4 ZB. 4 of 5 VI. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES tA 2 of 4 ‘on B. 3 of 3 (4 AQ) ba lho DADE COUNTY TA D Ss \CHER ASSESSMENT AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ANNUAL EVALUATION FULL TIME TEACHERS SCHOOL YEAR 1998 - 19819 NAME (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) OATE OF EMPLOYMENT . KIF LESS THAN ONE YEAR) PETTER, ANDREW W SCHOOL EMPLOYEE NUMBER = |SOC. SEC. NUMBER “| 7601 WM H TURNER TECH, ARTS SR 177034 364-36-1958 CONTRACT STATUS (Check One) A-1 J A-2 i) A-3 O ce O Beginning Yeacher L_| Professional Service Contract ix] OTHER CONTRACT STATUS (Please Specify) OO SUBJECT AREAS OF CERTIFICATION (if teaching out of field) im COMPONENTS A and B OVERALL SUMMARY RATING Acceptable &] Unacceptable [] PRINCIPALS RECOMMENDATION (CHECK ONLY ONE) 4. RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT 3. RECOMMENDEC FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT A-4 ia (Documentation Atteched) 2. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT Cc 4, OTHER (Specify) _ C (Documentation Attached) (Documentation Atte ched) COMPONENT A CATEGORIES I - VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS CATEGORIES ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE |. PREPARATION AND PLANNING The teacher shows evidence of preparation and planning in structuring the learning experiences of students. Co li, KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER ix] C_] CS _ The teacher demonstrates subject matter competence while teaching. ll. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT The teacher administers activities well so that pupils are able to understand expec:ations cx_] LL and work efficiently with little disruption. IV. TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION The tzccher instructs at levets which are ccramensuraic. with the intellectual and x] { “f.? ~ += developmental needs of learners, presents content in sequential and orderly fash on Saar ~ + . and facilitates interactions pertinent to lesson objectives. fe V. TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS — £ The teacher establishes positive and constructive relationships with students to st mulate | and maintain a positive learning environment. VI. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES oo vos ae mi The teacher utilizes a variety of informal and formal assessment techniques whict motivate ~ and enable students to learn and which assist the teacher in understanding the degree of Cc) student learning and the degree to which instructional objectives are being attained. COMPONENT B CATEGORIES Vil PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Le VI. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY uo ns oo , j The teacher acts in a professional and responsible manner to carry out assigned duties (=) Cc] and comply with district and school policies in a timely manner, ee ee ooo Pursuant to F.S. Chapter 231.29, employee evaluations shall be confidential until the enc of the school year immediately following the school year during which each evaluation is made. FM-2883 Rev.{02-95: T018a3P29. SUBJECT AREA REMARKS DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (ce cette sre ie ell TADS CAI Post-Observation Report Full Time Teachers TEACHER ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM DATE OF OBSERVATION.. /-AO TA TIME OF OBSERVATION FROM /2°3, Sop. RADE OBSERVED SIGNATURE OF OBSERVER SIGNATURE OF TEACHER (Teacher's signature means the teacher Acceptable indicators are checked. Unacceptable indicators are left blank and require prescriptionry ses —— IV. ny —— Vv nr — Vi fs one , a _ DATE seen \and received the document.) cows] COMPONENT A CATEGORIES | — VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS PREPARATION AND PLANNING A. 2 of 2 ale \ 2 of 2 KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER A. (Check. One) XB 3 of 4 @ C CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT _ ) << G& 30 4 €2) @) @ | —— H 3 of 4 of RELATIONSHIPS TEACHER STUDENT A. w, B iat ~ 8 ie, ASSESSMENT me teues 2 of 4 3 of 3 G S |S feae@ee@aa@ oa Name: “Tiffany Robinson , School: North. Miami Sr. High ere rere ‘Date: August 13,2000 ° 52) ‘ID# 1979329 — Grade: 10th ~~ Dear Mr. Petter: mo . - I think that: you are such a wonderful teacher, you ¢ are one’ - of the best teachers that I ever had..The reason I say so is because _ you don't take: nothing from nobody, ‘and you don't show favoritism. You ‘are a strict teacher, but you are not as strict as T Suspected you tobe. If I were in charge of the school board I would make s sure that there. oo were more teachers just. like you. . 7 : — » Thourghout. the summer. I learned s $0 much, ver “thought » sa ot could go through a.whole book of: Geometry i in6: neeks. If youwerea ~ teacher that liked to take things the easy way then we would still =.” probably | be on the 5th chapter. You are a’teacher that like to have fun = _ but ina mathematical/hard way. T like the fact that you tell us a joke - or a story or two just to get us throughout the day. I think that is so . nice because 5 hours a day of ' Geometry could get “ally boring and © tiring. : , 7 Se ‘But, of all things Ir think that’ ‘you are a a great teacher, and keep the discipline up in your class, Also, thank, you ‘for, a great ‘summer r of Geometry — Sincerely, ~ > 3S ° = = Me fete: | 5 _ pHHISTRA - } Joe ane Be ; Te my concecn, | alive that this © ummec_has heen one o§ the ¢trictress bod Sectue Lad. Tt fs inecedsble the Way _ we_tenen Geomeley a only bweeks, Teegly like the way you deach bs v4 telling —os—sforys — and makina Sokes. that jc oc wony lo make ous elats a bit bettec, Thanks Se a{{ the hime. you spend On Wh. aa thin ix thal _ Steict neo does o and T olo belive thot T leaned alot iy this sommec. Toor Student : : a Rates TDH7307BUS Shoal Hat iam: Se thoh Grade: 2 - _ 2 [oes wn roy ee ee = =~ GES = =p __ 256° en 7 - RB _co om tf seg an a oer ts 19 Fascinating. Fa Ree Ate ify y UNITED TEACHERS OF DADE Law Department - Elizabeth duFresne Leslie A. Meek General Counsel Assistant General Counsel - * August 23, 2000 Ms. Kathleen M. Richards Executive Director Education Practices Commission 325 West Gaines Street Suite 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Tom Gallagher, as Commissioner of Education vs, Andrew Petter Case No.: 989-2032-M Dear Ms. Richards: Si pou Ati Maw isa N Pearson LNP/rec Enclosure F:\USR\RACHELE\CLIENTEL\PETTER\TadsEPC,doc 2929 SW 3rd Avenue (Coral Way) @ Miami, Florida 33129 (305) 854-3040 FAX (305) 858-5348 E> meer DADE COUNT. TADS "TEACHER ASSESSMENT AND EC) PUBLic SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM S ANNUAL EVALUATION RCCEIVED FULL TIME TEACHERS £12 2PACTices SCHOOL YEAR 1999 - 2000.15 28 PH NAME (LAST) PETTER, ANDREW W ISCHOOL " EMPLOYE = NUMBER “ab: . Mp 3 7601 WM H TURNER TECH. ARTS SR 177084 36436-1958 “ CONTRACT STATUS (Check One) A-1 | A-2 C AS O ce im Beginning teacher [_] Professional Sefiee GontragX] (FIRST) (MIDDLE) ° DATE OF se aRENT re . |(IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR) oe : Zo "3 OTHER CONTRACT STATUS (Piease Specify) Ce, oA = a aoe A ‘7 eo SUBJECT AREAS OF CERTIFICATION (it teaching out of field) cate, im COMPONENTS A and B OVERALL SUMMARY RATING Acceptable Unacceptable im a : PRINCIPAL’S RECOMMENDATION (CHECK ONLY ONE) 1, RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT 3. RECOMMENDED FOR ANNUAL CONTRACT A-4 CL . (Documentation A tached) gO 2. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR EMPLOYMENT CJ 4, OTHER (Specify (Documentation Attached) (Documentation A tached) COMPONENT A CATEGORIES | - VI CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS L CATEGORIES ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE I. PREPARATION AND PLANNING ~~ a The teacher shows evidence of preparation and Planning in structuring the learnitig x Cc] experiences of students. he teacher demonstrates subject matter competence while teaching. lll EEE eee eo Hl, KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER K C4 Hl. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT The teacher administers activities weil so that pupils are able to understand expe stations C7 and work efficiently with little disruption. 'V. TECHNIQUES OF INSTRUCTION . The teacher instructs at levels which are commensurate with the intellectual and | developmental needs of learners, presents content in sequentiai and orderly fast ion Cc] and facilitates interactions pertinent to lesson objectives. V. TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS ~~ Cx] The teacher establishes positive and constructive relationships with students to stimulate t and maintain a positive learning environment. Vi. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES The teacher utilizes a variety of informal and formal assessment techniques whicli motivate [7] ‘| and enable students to learn and which assist the teacher in understanding the degree of Student learning and the degree to which instructional objectives are being attained. Se ere end COMPONENT B CATEGORIES VII PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Vil. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY —— a The teacher acts in a professional and responsible manner to carry out assigned duties Cx] C7] and comply with district and schoo! policies in a timely manner. —_ Pursuant to F.S. Chapter 221.29, employee evaluations shall be confidential unit tee end of the school year immediately following i “xo the schoo! year during which each evaluation is made. OBSERVATION DATE(S) SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPA SIGNATURE OF TEACHER Sp a a (Teacher’s signature means ONLY thaythe teachér has seen and received the document.) FM-2883 Rev.(02-95) TO183P29 0: Subject: Importance: kr-- Kathleen High Stowers, Ron Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:56 AM Richards, Kathleen; Odom, Tamara; Stowers, Ron whitelock formals charles whitelock has requested the following 23 cases be sent to doah for formal hearing. chuck will be representing the department in these cases. you do not have to send all of them at once and i: is ok to streach out their delivery to doah over the next 2 to 3 weeks. thanx. robert alonso genear brown isabelle camille donovan collins robert cooper ivy dominguez gloria forbes ellen goldberg charles harris monica hernandez henry hill sharon horn terrance jett steven kaye gretchen marsh mary mcelrath andrew petter charles redier . harry rolle lynne rushing eric stephens devon tyson teginald white

Docket for Case No: 02-001375PL
Issue Date Proceedings
Jun. 06, 2002 Order Closing File issued. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 05, 2002 Joint Motion to Cancel Hearing and to Relinquish Jurisdiction to EPC (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
May 03, 2002 Notice of Taking Deposition, T, Hamilton (filed via facsimile).
May 03, 2002 Respondent`s Request for Production (filed via facsimile).
May 03, 2002 Respondent`s First Interrogatories to Petitioner (filed via facsimile).
Apr. 19, 2002 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Apr. 19, 2002 Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for June 11 and 12, 2002; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Apr. 15, 2002 Notice of Appearance (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Apr. 15, 2002 Response to Intitial Order (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Apr. 05, 2002 Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 05, 2002 Election of Rights filed.
Apr. 05, 2002 Agency referral filed.
Apr. 05, 2002 Initial Order issued.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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