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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 02-002564 Visitors: 33
Petitioner: M & L ALF/M & G ACLF, INC.
Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: North Miami Beach, Florida
Filed: Jun. 26, 2002
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, July 19, 2002.

Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
STATE OF FLORIDA ~ AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION SEP -'. 9 AHCA DEPARTMENT CLERK M & L ALF/M & G ACLF, INC wry Petitioner, tn ~ aa vs. CASE NO. 02- 2s6pe zo AHCA CASE NO. 20020261%4 STATE OF FLORIDA, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION Respondent. _/ FINAL ORDER The Respondent, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, served the Petitioner with a Notice of Intent to Impose Fine dated on April 18, 2002 notifying the Petitioner of the Agency’s intent to impose a fine for late filing of the change of ownership application. (Ex. 1) 1. Petitioner has submitted subsequently provided documentation (July 17, 2002) to the Agency removing the basis for imposing the fine. (Ex. 2) 2. The Agency received an Order Closing File From the Division of Administrative Hearings dated July 19, 2002. (Ex. 3) Based on the foregoing, there is no longer a dispute between the parties regarding this matter and this file is CLOSED DONE and ORDERED on this the AQ day of ¢ fete , 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. L(Pa Rhonda , , Secretar or Health Care Administfad Ageneé A PARTY WHO IS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY THIS FINAL ORDER IS ENTITLED TO JUDICIAL REVIEW WHICH SHALL BE INSTITUTED BY FILING ONE COPY OF A NOTICE OF APPEAL WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF AHCA, AND A SECOND COPY, ALONG WITH FILING FEE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW, WITH THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL IN THE APPELLATE DISTRICT WHERE THE AGENCY MAINTAINS ITS HEADQUARTERS OR WHERE A PARTY RESIDES. REVIEW OF PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA APPELLATE RULES. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RENDITION OF THE ORDER TO BE REVIEWED. Copies furnished to: Christine Messana, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Bidg #3 Mail Stop Code #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Elizabeth Dudek Deputy Secretary Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Bldg #1 Mail Stop Code #9 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Gloria Collins Finance & Accounting Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Mail Stop Code #14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Wendy Adams Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Bldg #3 Mail Stop Code #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Interoffice Mail) Mirlande J. Jones M &LALF 15900 Northeast 19" Court North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Florence Snyder Rivas Administrative Law Judge DOAH - The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of this Final Order was served on the above-named person(s) and entities by U.S. Mail, or the method designated, on this the fh day of , 2002. Lehiad beth Berg Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 (850) 922-5865 ~VAHCA AWC ; be - ~IAHCA 02 SEP 5 JE8 BUSH, GOVERNOR RHONDA M. MEDOWS, M MO, nthe CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN AD Typo, RECEIPT REQUESTED Ih Sifie; CARINGS | April 18, 2002 ~ Certified Article Number - Mirlande J. Jones, Administrator : , . LO 350 M & LALF/M & G ACLEF Inc. . . aoe ee aay Soh a - 15900 NE 19 Court .” SENDERS RECORD |° N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 Complaint No: 200202611 NOTICE OF INTENT TO IMPOSE LATE FINE A fine of $5000 is hereby imposed pursuant to section 400.419(8), Florida Statutes (F.S.) due to M & G ACLF, Inc.'s late filing of the change of ownership application for M & LALF, an assisted living facility. The SPECIFIC BASIS for the decision to impose a fine is: The applicant's failure to submit a change of ownership application to the Agency fora new license at least 60 days before the date of transfer of ownership in accordance with section 400.412(1), F.S. Your application was filed February 22, 2002. Information provided to the Agency indicates that ownership and operation of the facility were transferred to you as of January 1, 2002. The facility has operated without a valid license from that date to present. TO PAY Now: PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO: AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, ASSISTED LIVING UNIT, 2727 MAHAN DR., TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 ALONG WITH A COPY OF THIS NOTICE OF INTENT. EXPLANATION OF RIGHTS Pursuant to ‘section 120.569, F.S. you have the right to request an administrative hearing. In order to obtain a formal proceeding before the Division of Administrative Hearings under section 120.57(1), F.S., your request for an administrative hearing must conform to the requirements in section 28- 106.201, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C), and must state the material facts you dispute. ey A Visit AHCA online at www.fdhe. state fl.us 2727 Mahan Drive © Mail Stop #30 Tallahassee, PL 32308 2. Article Number eT 7UbO 391 344 S549 Ly 3. Service Type CERTIFIED MAIL 4, Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 1. Article Addressed to: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ca — C2 ©. Is delvery"address different tram Kem 17 MIRLANDE J, JONES RECEIVED M&L ALF AL. UNIT 15900 N. E. 19TH COURT NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33160 APR 29 2002 HEALTH FACuTy COMPLIANCE RE: SENDER: 11911639 PS Form 3811, April 2001 Domestic Retum Receipt {1, 11, MS 30 IF YOL ARE LOOKING .OR A FULL SERVICE, FAMILY ATMOSPHERE, HOME CARE PACH ITY F LORIDA STATE THINK ABOUT: M&G ALF _ (Assisted Living Facility- ALF) 15900 N.E. 19" Court North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Phone: (305) 956-7766 Fax: (305) 947-8371 {\ (lew (MA Mall AX Messnral#t locas AD ue. boas tA - © KE C24 cork all? 7) was o ff “4 74) Ma. ra f oe i My ieee B Calle pas eh BOS -FEI-LGTC: EY 2 Ta"d JUL~1lr-O@2 11:54 PN CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH City Hail, Customer Service 17011 N.E. 19 Avenue North Miami Beach, FL. 33162 (305) 948-2960 Othe & Hours. 41 Sam-d ASrnn Mon-Fri Clused Holidays See reverse side tor additional information and Desc ER INFORMATION CE, BO IMA GA Vik 4 NS OO Aven ee ty ATA WE TT He ATS EMA A) or ee Wo Ste Ont AE GLB ak TINIAN SEPTEMBER od 1 BAM 2 Wr art ON FARK COMMIT C Beit MG SUB EL IU ANG, Wine ANS I JME FAS HAN ISI Bab, { Payerg in dorcon PLEASE GRING EMTIFIL GILL WITH vou CITY OF NORTIEMUANTE BEACH Customer Service T70ET NB. 1D Avenue North Miami Beach. PL 33162 (O"™ $.01GIT 33162 OOHOA AAR, ay calldo lvl llfeat DoW eae sMeseebtiladal LUDGFR FREDERIQUE 19902 NE 19 CT NORTH MIAMI BACH, FL 93162-5783 Serco Addi PAYMENT DUE BY Account Numibse: Customer Nar 1) Ne 15902 NE 19CT ription of Billing Terms Ril Prepared on Oat H/2u02 et oe QUARTERLY SERVICES REGULAR BILL For pénenl ot O11S200 ine O46 OAreyne 3 days PREVIOUS BALANCE . S10 ob LATE PAYMCM? SURCMATIO® | zB BL GARBAGE & TRASH an STORMWATER (F EDERAL MANOA Tk) Ey co: ’ NMM WATER CHARGES MINIMA CHANGE * CONSUMPTION CHARGE UTIUTY Tax. sem te MIAMOADE COUNTY CHARGLS OCRM FEF fe wee TOTAL OUE S$ 151.81 Sa eneeliaa iar Maring Pa ymeit Ub 1 ahd ANY RETURN BAT TRA PORTION: VWATH YOLIA PRYMENT Account Number OF NOE ANGI Oy ate int US forts EOUAL HUA De! OY ydtin CPt Masa Pech gay anne te Please ante your Walaa tbaHeatfesetlesatebaatalbesateal lb dal CITY OF NORTH MIAMI RF ACH PO 80x 800427 NORTH MIAM: BEACH, FL 32160 94 27 JUL-17-@2 11:55 PM ® BELLSOUTH LUDCER FREDER IQUE rosy rape 3 Account Number: 305. 956-7786 "656 ouyy Bilt Period varia age, 14, abe 3 %. it Detailed Statement of Charges Tares taver on Regulated Services 2. Foderst Tax oo... .. ee. She eeeeee . tee 13. State Communications Tex .......5 tae MH, Local Communications Tax sissivsesceevncsteesceueeeeecees oe Totel Taxes on Regulated Services Total Taxes .,.......0, Total Lf Messages . Local Number Portability jets subscribers keop thair telophona numbers, at the same locations, even when they change tocel service providers, Federal law requiras tal@phone companies to tmplement Local Number Portability and requires that al} telecommunications carriers bear the CORES AF implementation an a camperitively neutral basis. The FCC has authorized racovery of wWhese casts through a monthty Local Number Portability End User Cnarge, which appears on your bitl. To reduce tha risk of recaiving unauthorized charges on your RalilSouth bill ase a rasult of actions by @ pravider ather than BellSauth, you may request a "third parcy bill block." The “thied parcy biit Brock" will mot block tong distance charges. You may ohtaln this btack at no charge vy contacting the BatiSouth business office. Certain restrictions appty. What's the difference between a busy office and @ productive office? AellSouth® Fastaccess® With FastAccess NSl, your affine wilt gat mare done in fess time using high-speed (nternet Service attows your office to search the Internet and for Just $79.95 2 manth, multiple Just go to QS Internet access. fastaAccess Rati ar fax at the same thme, an the seme phone line, in your aff ica can share one FastaAccess OSL cannection, computers Caostaccess.com/bizsk ar call 1 877 &54-2375 to order tuduy. Sume restrictions apply, Service requires a $50 activation fec, $199.95 Installation fee and a OSi-modem or routor. For Bel lSouth® telephones and speakerphunes may be just the answer for your smal! business. instance, a BellSouth® Model 420 4-line system halds up to 4 tines and 12 stations; it grows with yaur Oustness, And with fratures such as intercom and paging, and, data/fax ports, your business gets the benefits found In large systems at a fraction of 1 800 298-0973 and ask oa BallSauth talephone specialist how BellSouth Model cell wHiting, caller i.d. the cast, Call 420 tclephones can heip with your business necds! at www,smiblz.belisouth.com You Can Also Review and Pay Your Bill AV -A00 1827 (continued) JUL-17-@2 11:55 pm . Plo4 © BELLSOUTH LUDGER FREDFRI Que Page 4 Account Numher: 305 956-7766 656 aune Bilt Period Date: Fey Th, 2002 Messages, OGN'! MISS THE DIRECTORY CLOSING DEADLINE (tsted beiow are directories in the stale of Florida that wild soan, DIRECTORY . DCAD INE Miami : 3/29/02 If you wart ta change, add or dalete tistings, please cat! your service representative. Certain charges may apply. Additionally, residential Ssubscrihers can request a dual-name 'l$ting (example: Boh and Carol Jones}, The number te contact your service raprosantative is: Residence 305 780-235 Business 305 780-2800, Please call now, before our directory goes to press. Arter the closing date, you'll] have to wait another year, Service Provider Summary listed hetow are Local tas) and Long Distance Providers for your line(s), Line Number Local Toll Company Long Distance Company 30% 996-7766 MCI WORLOCOM AT&T LONG DISTANCE SERV, Service Provider Contact ct Number ‘MGT WOR WOR| QCOM 1 800 67445691 ATHT LONG DISTANCE SERV, 1 800 222-000 You Can Also Review and Pay Your Bill at www.smibiz.belleouth.com AV A00 1694 (continued) Sen 11:56 PM © BELL SOUT, LuoGeER FREOE KR iQue : . Q Accaune Number. 305 998-7766 656 onyy Date: van 2, 2 et, [$9 Fn JUL-LT~O2 Page 1 OO BL Bag: FOLD. that MLR ANY REICRN Tings PORTION wrry; YOUR bAYMEN) oaese Please Make check Payable tg BellSouth in US, funds, Tone \Mouny 305 956-7766 656 Obny Torat, AMounr AMOUNT due : PAID Jan Z, 2002 $217.18 ~~ Nr B04 £00298, Cy Cheek here it Corres, rondcuce included. asl Md belletesay #002948 P.O, 33009 Box CHARLOTTE NC LUDGER 28243 “0001 . JUL-17-@2 11:56 PM Page 2 © BELLSOUTH LUDGER FREDERT QUE Account Humber: 305 956-7766 656 Quhn Date: Jan 2, 2002 LUNGER FRODER IQUE 15900 NE 19TH CT N MIA BCH, FL 33162 UNRCGUI ATED. PAYMENT DUC NOTICE INQUIRIES CALL: 305 780-2187 Your tetephone biit contains # past. duc amount of $189.54 for reguinted charges and $27.58 “- for unregulated charges, guch as charges for maintenance plas, directory advertising, wirelcss soctated with 900 Para Preguntas or celtutar service or charges a6 en Espanol: and 976 services. (BO-2198 Ine total amount of your bil! fs $217.12. Please remit this amount by 01-10-02 or contact our offica at the number shown on this notice to establish satisfactory payment arrangements. We valua you as a custamer and hope that you will settia this obligation today. If you fail cto ToTAl, AMOUNT resnaive this matter, further steps may be taken NOW DUE: by Bot !Soutn and the provider of the service to $247.12 collect. Any unpaid charges billed on behalf of another service provider may result in interruption of thet serviec, reconnectian charge, or further callaccian action by that service provider. PLEASE PAY GEFORE ; tf you have naid your bilt since this notice was 01-10-02 prepared, please accent our thanks and disregard this notice. ee Page © BELLSOUTH LUDGER FREDER IQUE ~ “et Account Number: sh62—56-7188 6 uti Bill Period Daal ner aS 2002 Thank you for choosing BellSouth. We sincerely appreciate your bu Summary of Charges Vo Previous Charges Bs Amaunt Amount af Last Bilt ...... teens Crete nee eee en ene 86.02 VSN PAYMIEIES Cesare eevee ee eee ete eee e rere etna eee eee eraee 00 GaIQnee Lec eee eee eee eee eee tae nen beeen e ewe wees eae 86.02 Carreat Charges BeliSouth Monktdy baaat Strvinn Gharges ooo... cee ee ccc ceuuceeeeveres 67.97 Garner Charqes und Credits ,isseee 10.80 OS Sones 11.76 lutal Curmmak Charges tor BaltSuuth Companies covecsvecvecvccueuee 90.13 Charges Car QUhOr COMPANIES vise e rien een et ee ete e ee tne eee ee enee ee UE is NS Jotal Currant Charges Due Before May Wo v.cece ccc ce cece eas eeeeae 96 58 Taha) AMOUNT DUC Lie, cece c eee teen ret ene ner eee rete ence tenet 1H2 40 Important Notice(s) Vite Charge Reminder: A $9.00 fate Payoent Charge and a 1.5% Toterest charge may apply feel Mp balance us of Vay 1d, Noapay ment af Repatatod Charges may result in discontinuance of servicy, Failure tu pay unregulated and certain other charges, alfat which are identiticd hy ¢* on yout bill, will not result in an interruption of local service. The amount of Regulated Charges tay be obtained hy callings WS 790-2X00, Helpful Numbers BellSouth Telecommunicatians, Inc. (651) NOTE: Numbers for other companicos are listed on tmair Gill pages, Qilting Questians or ta Place an Order: If calling fram within the Clarida Bel tSauth service area ....... 30% 780-2800 If Gatling fram outside Florida or outside the tT AAN 7931-8172 Florida BEllSoueh SeryviCh dred vee se eee c eet e ene ence JUL-17F-O2 11°57 PM 0. _ CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH _ ae ee 7 Clty Hall, Customer Service Account Number ton Fe 17011 N.E. 19 Avenue aiompentetie is 7, on — North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Customer Name QO ENUOGESFREDE ¢ = (305) 948-2960 vice Address he 35909 Nget Othice Hours. 8:15am: 4.45pm Mon-Fri Service Address fig Se —. = Closed Holidays PAYMENT OUE BY 4 Be AWN RECE! Px a GN RECEP TO “icy : Sey, See reverse side for additional information and Description of Bliling Terms. Bill Prephred on 02/20/2002 . Fee, CORMAN on RTOS ON ee _ __ CUSTOMER INFORMATION QUARTERLY SERVICES PAST DUE BILL NOTICEM - For period al. 10/17/2001 thru 01/15/2002 90 days SERVICE SUBJECT TO TERMINATION WITHIN PREVIOUS BALANCE. a $10 00 7 DAYS OF PRINT DATE, LATE PAYMENT SURCHARGE ponte fe 2 . cme eee 104.25 1110 N.M B WATEH CHARGES MINIMUM CHARGE CONSUMPTION CFIA UTILITY Tax MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CHARGES DERM FEE NOVEMBER Zu" MATING 18 BP CINNIINE De THE FEY SCAN CEN A WATED DES tm TeeS tae BECK LETC RNTINUING CONSERVATION 43 a WAY OF IPE! GAN HELLY TO AUK FLITE WATER SROMITAGES Trig SOUTH LA ATES MAUAGEMERS OS TRICT IS ABKING NESIPRNTS TC UMN 1 kin WATERUNs TONO Whe Tran 3 TIMES A WEEK MOMMWELTSA’ FH SOME S9ES THAT EM te AS, COU NUMMER YUE TAIN £9A ALOR) TMATENDIN AN SVEH NLMLER, “CHE (hae O87 NEFEAS TO CoN EA) ONARGES ONG WHEN PAYINLIN OG HZON Or AYE RAINS CHINE Ott (0 CatmeR wow : veebs Ls | | o149e183 —s, ‘ . \ -— Le } 1 A penne 7 : TOS TH on he BCOMPARE YOUR USAGE || Gralagon Rate (pr 1000 gular can ee Gallons Usod “ rely CURRENT | 90 pee ana ; its. YOTAL DUE $ 1505 Paving person PLEASE RRING ENTIAE BILE WITH your! a JUL-17-62 11:58 PM oy . 0. J M&G ALF Inc. © gO By 15900 N.E. 19" ct a ~~ 9 N.M.B, Fla. 33162 doyle. ~ My Bis &: 5 Phone- (305)-956-7766 Fax- (305) 9HTHAT if MGS 7 Date: 7-10-02 Sharyn L. Smith, Chiet Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway ‘fallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 Re Case No. 02-2564 200206111 Dear Ms.’ Mrs Sharyn L. Smith, 1, Mirlande J. Jones, have not been in possession of the AI.F facility of M&L ALF 002 at 3:00pm. Tam willing and ready to cooperate with your at any time until June 7, 2 de all necessary information’ interviews to put a closure to this office at any time to provi matter. 1 am enclosing copies of letters that were sent to AHCA to try to resolve this misunderstandingy confusion between the officials of AFICA and myself Please Jet me know what I can do, because 1 fecl innocent in this matter Sincerely, Mirlande J. Jones crits rte ¥ eA 9 he JUL-18~@2 12:01 am P.aL A PLUS IMEUARUIZE AGENTY DATE WMO ‘ SES srt rafaayoo THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISGUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE A PLUS INSURANCE AGENCY INC P. 0, BOX 4370 HOLDEA. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR CLEARWATER FL aazsa-saz0 ALTER THE COVERAGE APFORDEO AY THE POLICIES BELOW 127-463-4300 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Rational Insurance Company Company G aur 9 ts 19th Court e rz ——" TT ach FL 33262 sow UY WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS ASIN 1S SUBJECT 70 ALL Trt TEAMS. [:MOGPENDENT CCA TRAST | , "WROAD EAM PREPERTY GAWacte! PERSONA, Wa AUTOMOMLE WamiLITY i ANT AO, . 1 Auk OWNEO AUTO vate Pas * COL INURE t AA wt nu to ' ] { War mscigang !, { POUSYEIFECTIV€ POLICY CAPimaTio TYPE OF wéURANCE | rOUcy MUMeEA | areiawoamn ‘oat (swoon. aus GENERAL WURIUITY . om "ROD. NWAVOC® 1a COWPREWENS.VE FOR | | 8221 e waURY Aca 1 prewstacremtons . | AU ROU FRE rae warrant LEDPERTY & AGE a LE | PrcoucrBmomeereg ores 8 ey taz9001 | 12/20/01) 1a/2e/or | 84 ?o COMenenoce 590,900 CONTA UA, Tt AD COMBINED $00,000 ' ' vet ee ee es te wate Passenye bee ee wees Seal FWP SS at: . et . | PRQECATY SAMATE ’ ' NON-OWNED AUTOS : ! ( CAWGE CARLY a Excres Lagiiry en | UMD. A FORM LO freA “HAN YMB IF a ene, WOAKCAR COMPENTATION AND GMPLOvEMG UAmUTY ng BRQME ‘OR ~* Ne PAITRDRCAECING p= + enc ORSCIIPTION OF GPERATIONS, LOCANONSNENICKH-GPEGIAL ITEMS Assleted Living Facility licensed for 6 residents located at (S900 WE 19th Court, Miant Beach FL 39162 TE HOGOER 2:5 State of Flarids Agency Adaini strat ton Acs(sted Living Uase 0 DAVE WALTIEM MOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE MOLLE MAMEO TO THE UT, Room 232 AUT FAKYAL TO MalL BUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPORE HO OBLIDATION Om LAdiiTY OF AMY Kin UPS THE COMPANY, ITD AGENCE UA MCARCCENTARsES 14 Tea ICANGELLATION «.: AHOULO ANY OF THE ADOVE EECA EXAIRATION DATE THERESE, THE (stuIw@ COMPANY WIL ENOKAVOR TD Nat 10 POLICIE® BE COnceLLen ACFORE tHE 2727 Mahan Orive Vallahasset FL 3208 ASWORREDREPACAENTATCE 77 Care fag LV &. r STATE OF FLORIDA RECEIVE if DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGENERAL COUNSEL JUL 22 2002 Agency for Health Care Administration M& LALF/M&G ACLF, INC., Petitioner, vs. Case No. 02-2564 ) ) ) ) ) ) AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ) ) ) ) ) Fon) re ADMINISTRATION, aon w 2B pas ers Respondent. 1 oe nt rr an) ORDER CLOSING FILE 7 SERVER CLOSING FILE ; w This cause having come before the undersigned on the parties' Joint Motion for Order Closing File filed July 18, 2002, it is, therefore, ORDERED that the file of the Division of Administrative Hearings in the above-ca ptioned matter is hereby closed, and jurisdiction is relinquished to the agency. DONE AND ORDERED this 19th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. FLORENCE SNYDER RIVAS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Mirlande J. Jones M & L ALF 15900 Northeast 19 Court North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Christine T. Messana, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Mail Stop No. 3 : Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

Docket for Case No: 02-002564
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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