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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 04-003201 Visitors: 27
Agency: Department of Children and Family Services
Locations: Tallahassee, Florida
Filed: Sep. 10, 2004
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, November 3, 2004.

Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2024
i : 89/01/2804 @7:47 8589211983 PAGE 86 ns fs On baa” p (4 Sé / voy ‘) ; 0 . . uy, ; Ait ip Revocation of Child Care Facliity Licenshy/ & "17 hyde] STATE OF FLORIDA ARs DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES 78 IN THE MATTER OF: A Civil Penalty Against a 4 WS) 3 Ms. Renita Alten-Dixon il - 7) 2D C { Renita’s Articulate Child Development & Enrichment Center 3948 Woodville Highway Tallahassee, FL 32301 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT NATURE OF THE CASE 1. This case arises from the Respondent's failure to comply with Sections 402.301- 402.319 et seq., Florida Statutes with respect to licensure requirements. 2. This is an administrative actlon for imposition of civil penalties per known incident(s) of occurrence as authorized In section 402.310, Florida Stalutes. 3. Pelitioner, Slate of Florida, Department of Children and Families is the administrative agency of the State of Florida, charged with the duty to enforce and administer the provisions of Chapter 402, Florida Statutes. 4. On January 2, 2004, the facility was notified by certified mail that Renita’s Articulate Child Development & Enrichment Center was in violation of 5.402.305 (2)(f), Florida Statutes and 65C-22.003 (7)(a), Florida Administrative Code in that documentation of your director credential had not been provided lo the Department. The facility was given 10 business days from the date of the lelter to provide documentation (a copy) of the director credential certificate or training transcript. The facility was advised that failure to comply with documeniation requirements will result in the immediate issuance of a provisional license for a period not to exceed six months 5. On January 16, 2004, the Department had not received documentation of the facility's director credential, therefore the facility was issued a provisional license for the perlod January 2, 2004 through July 2, 2004. As part of the correclive action, the Department requested monthly updates on the facility’s progress towards earning a director credential or hiring a director with the appropriate credential, to be given to the licensing representative by mail or telephonically. These updates were due by the 15" of each month. 6. On June 2, 2004, the facility was notified by certified mail advising the facility of the continued noncompliance and that documentation must be recelved by the Department or action to revoke the provisional license will be initlated. ag/Gl/2004 Arid? 864992113898 PAGE Therefore, you are hereby noti®: --? of ihe Departmerit’s Intent to revoke your licensa to operate Renita’s Articulate Chiig Development & Enrighment Venter. This decision Is based on the facitity’s failure to comply wilh s.492.305 (2)(f) and 65C-22.003 (7)(a), Florida Administrative Cc* hic:. state in pen respective’: “By January 1, 2004, the (director) credential shall be a minimum standard for licensing” “Burguant to Section 402.305 (2)(f), Florida Statutes, every child care facility director must have a director credentlal by January 1, 2004, which consists of the foundatlona! level or the advanced level. As of January 1,2004, every applicant for a license to operate a child care facillty or a license for a change of ownership of a child care facility must document that the faclllty director has a director credential prior to issuance of the license to operate the facility". NOTICE OF RIGHTS This decision constitutes final agency action unless a person who is substantially affected by it submits a written request for hearing thal is received within twenty-one days fram the date on which he or she first receives this notice. The request for hearing must also meet the requirements of Section 120.562, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and either Rule 28-106.201 or Rule 28- 106.301, Florida Administrative Code, or else It will be dismissed as required by Section 120.569(2)(c), F.S. That law and those rules require the wrilten request for hearing to Include the follawing information: 4. Thename and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number if known; 2. The name, address and telephone number of the parson who Is asking for the hearing (the petitioner). 6. Thename, address, and telepnone number of the pelitioner's representative, if any, 4. An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interesls are o1 will be affected by the agency decision; 5. Astatement of when and how the petitioner received nolice of the agency decision; 6. A statement thal the petitioner does not dispute the facts upon which the agency relied but that it wants to exercise the right to be heard anyway OR a statement that the petilioner does dispute the facls upon which the agency relied and a list of the facts In dispute; 7. Aconelse stalement of the facts as the petitioner perceives them to be, including the specific facts set out by the agency that the pelitioner wants the agency to reverse or change: a9/al/2@a4 Hrd? 85892115888 PAGE . 8. Astalement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner believes requires the agency to reverse or modify its decision; and 8. Astatement specifying what .ction the petitioner wants the agency to take In the malter Failure to request a hearing in writing and within the time frames required in this notice or failure to provide the information required by the law and rules governing requests for Chapter 420 hearings constitutes a complete waiver of any right that a substantially affected person may have to challenge this decision The requesl must be received by the following persons at the following addresses on or before twenty-one (21) days of the date on which this notice was first received by the person requesting the hearing: John Perry Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk Assistant General Counsel Department of Children & Families Department of Children & Families Office of the General Counsel 2639 N.Monroe Street, Suite 100A 4323 Winewood Bivd., Bldg. 1, Suite 407 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Tallahassee, FL. 32301 STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES LLaphLags Ange! Trejo Zone Program Director CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE { HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by U.S. Certified Mail #7003 (630 0006 gay, 6495, Return Receipt Requested, in accordance with ss. 120,60(3), Florida Statutes, this La day Keeley 2008 STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES /o, fe (7. Disthic: Adminietrator of Bees a PAGE 49 8549211988 a7id? a9/61/ 264 7003 1640 0008 9341 &495 P OF ENVELOPE To Hit PLACE STICKER AT TO) TC Retum Reeiapt Fea (Endorsement Requéred) Ms. Renita Allen-Dixon © " Renila’s Articulate Child Development and Sea Enrichment Center *PC3948 Woodville Highway “* ‘Tallahassee, FL 32301 7003 1680 0004 9341 bYaS TT 9/91/2084 Q7:47 PAGE 18 8509211888 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLE7E THIS SECTION ON CELIVERY m Complete ltams ‘2 and 3. Also complete ham 4 if Rastric.x "Jelivery Is desired. ® Print your name and address on the reverse So that wé can return the card to you. @ Attach this card lo the back of the malipisce, or on the front if spacs permits. D, is delivery address different from item 17 0] Yée Hf YES, enter delivery address below; © No 1. Anicle Addressed ta: Mr. Angel Towels Luva Ded Child Cove Cent 2501 Leke Bradford “TeNehassen. FU Bas0 3. Service Type ‘ fACenitiod Malt 1 Express Mail , O Ragistered C Retum Receipt for Merchandise | 1 Insured Mat = C.0..0. 4. Restricted Dallvery? (Extra Foe) D Yea “tontatemunicstis 7003: 8Q COOL 234 65Y { ( i PS Form 3611, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102588-92-M-1840 ’ t COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A ie Printed Name) O. la Oelivery address different from \t YES, enter delivery address below: SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION @ Complete lterns 1, 2, and 3. Also complete itam 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. @ Print your name and address on the reverse $9 that we can return the card to you, @ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front If space permits. "Mo. Renta riy en =D ¥0n “Rew 's Ack cule. Cl Wa tr a. Service Type Certified Mall 2) Express Mall OC Registered D Return Recelpt ter Merchandise D insured Ma = 6.0.0. , 4 Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fas) C Yos ! Fc Tal\ahasse e. 5) PS 102585-02-Mr1540

Docket for Case No: 04-003201
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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