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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 06-001595 Visitors: 303
Judges: J. D. PARRISH
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Stuart, Florida
Filed: May 05, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, June 19, 2006.

Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
Fil ep VS. STATE OF FLORIDA Hy) DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION “Zh May DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS oA Ms DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND & ox “Sioy 4] PROFESSIONAL REGULATION HE) Tp age Petitioner, a ee - “ARINGG VE License No, 9900000 . LEEWARD AND eee dent License Type 2052 ( 6-| BGS seponco Case No, 2006005481 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against LEEWARD LANDINGS, (“"Respondent’), and says: 4. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging esiablishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent Is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 1730 SEAWAY, FT PIERCE, FLORIDA .The mailing address of record is LEEWARD LANDINGS, at 1931 SE ST LUCIE BLVD, STUART, FLORIDA 34996. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and/or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B”, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto. Signed February 01, 2006 . Valerie Freeman, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 4940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: THEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this day of , 2006, Received by: Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature ee Title Title Case Number; 2006005461 : Form revised 12.20.05 License Type: 2052 Non-Licensed Lodging District Number: 04 . LEEWARD LANDINGS License Number: 9900000 ' boawrageie phan ExhibitA - , ~ f'fy License Number: NO LIC , 200 Ng y License Type: 2052 NON-LICENSED LODGING Em & Case Number: 2006005481 a Agu tls FC as.cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of ine ff Public Health Service, Food and Drug Adminisiration, incorporated by Chapter 51C, Florida A\ A iis y ; Qe ia 104 ee iministr idieyetve/ Code, NFPA as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association | ic : Safety Coda, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, Fire Prevention, General Provisions, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. itis alleged that on JUNE 22, 2005 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. 1.38-02 609.241(1) AND (2)FS LICENSES; ANNUAL RENEWALS, EACH PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OBTAIN A LICENSE FROM THE DIVISION. SUCH LICENSES MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED FROM ONE PLACE OR INDIVIDUAL TO ANOTHER. LICENSES SHALL BE RENEWED ANNUALLY, APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. EACH PERSON WHO PLANS TO OPEN A PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT ... SHALL APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A LICENSE FROM THE DIVISION PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF OPERATION. A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, AS DEFINED IN S, 718.103, WHICH DOES NOT OWN ANY UNITS CLASSIFIED AS RESORT CONDOMINIUMS UNDER S. 509.242(1)(C) SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR OR RECEIVE A PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE. IT iS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LICENSEE TO RENEW THE LICENSE PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. ANY PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT OPERATING ON AN . EXPIRED LICENSE IS DEEMED TO BE OPERATING WITHOUT A LICENSE, AND SUBJECT TO THE PENALTIES PROVIDED FOR THIS OFFENSE IN LAW AND RULE. ESTABLISHMENT WAS OPERATING WITHOUT A LICENSE. A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP HAD OCCURRED AND THE NEW OPERATOR DID NOT APPLY FOR A LICENSE. * denotes critical violation Case Number: 2006005481 District: 04 License Number: NO LIC - License Type! 2052 ». LEEWARD LANDINGS : vs ogee eta capes Seca tie tae wh MS. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ~ Division of Hotels and Restaurants CONTROL NUMBER (INSPECTOR Counsy File Bamber” Ao GAL.NO T INSPECTERN REORY io <3 nomic * “ LICENSING = Serer © Gwe Gi to OWNER NAME SUBIR ea: Ti f G veted Properties. mp ho, 4 yp, aD LANINIES ye ney use ADDRESS Oo nl gy, 7 / 7 30 CEA AY : “| * © ‘individual Dwelling im® Transient Apartment "ET: PERLE a “FOR RESORT CONDOMINIOIS AND RESORT DWELLINGS ‘ONLY Number of Bldgs ‘Building No. | Unit Na, Counry No. of Bidg, ams ow Fs) es Fe SET BEN 4) ZIP (Oplianat} (3 Group Gondo © Group Dwalling o (3 Collective Conde CO Collective Dwelling oa Nontransient Roaming House : INSPECTION REASON. Fallure to comply wilh this Blotice may initiate rn 1B Routine administrative complaint that may ‘result in Oo =| om» ae 30 Complaint suspension or revecetion of your Heanse and finas. oo | o| sea it 4 Information |____ INSPECTION RESULTS _ a Cm | ows 1 (0 ANY VIOLATIONS noted herein must be ow w@ ae aw DISPOSITION corrected by tha NEXT ROUTINE INSPECTION, 2] Bs bd] 2 ee 60 Pending WARNING: . Violations In the operation of your 3) fe Be es establishment must be corrected by: (<3) @ : 5 Date: — Tine a 3 @® ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT recommended w =a - haned upon repeated violations(s). w 2 w Seasonal Las) a 68 EMERGENCY ORDA racommondad based pen viointlons that are a severe snd framediate threat to the pub. See reverse +t side for explanation of. cltatia MO nO ao xO 10 oO s2f) 2a a2 1309 1 23 350 “Daf “Oo 2Ol wo vost sf asl 38) an 1a} 26 ae wo 7 wo BiG osf3 vel] ‘20 "208. ot wh wh wl CIRCLED ITEMS ARE {WN VIGLATION yorxtak on OH4lerleS ch saan ol lan Rat ous ed on lances abistaich otbite ihn Baday) 9b receipt 4 us Repo a aciyaismrve Compleat LIU Bt REMINDER: Your license expires: Ty P POSRAS fuspector's Sh NP. tou OF LERTION TIRE acknowledge recelpt of this Inspection form and comments. Na Ato Naz) yO) 3744 Recipient's Signature Evtablichment Telephone « Daradime | EXHIBIT id May ; = hd 5 an, 5 41: , SENDER: COMPLETE 7 nt If space 1. Article Addressed to; THODICe# wstays PO pert 737. SG 3} (wae Ave. Stu Gad Uy. 3449, TA j i |e WPS ZA ., Addressee Reet i Fe 15 ves Jf YES any 3. Servicg Type . O centited Mal Express Malt O Registered 102505-00-44.n950 rroperly Appraiser - DLLUCIE \ inty, tL. PROPERTY RECORD CARD rage Lorl Eg ‘f Tropical Water Properties LLC Record: 2 of 2 <> Spec-Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home eint eB, Property Identification = f party ay és Site Address: 1720 SEAWAY DR ParceliD; 2401-501-0051-000-7 Sec/Town/Range: 36;348:40E Account #: 154283 4j Map 1D; 147368 Land Use: M-F < 10U . {f: Zoning: City/Cnty: FORT PIERCE Me 4 / Ownership and Mailing Legal Description Wille Owner: Tropical Water Properties LLG FT PIERCE BEACH S/O BLK 4 LOT 21 AND THAT PART wi Address: 4931 SE St Lucla Bld ON NAS DESC IN DBK 159-173, 266 (OR 2051- Stuart FL 349968 + Moraes Sales Information Assessment FV Total Land and Building Date Price Cade Deed Book/Page 2005 Val: 300800 Land Value: 239600 Acres: 0.25 8/9/2004 1000000 0B wD 2051/2546 Assessed: 300800 Bullding Value: 61200 10/24/1997 290000 02 WD 1110/1949 Ag.Cradit: 0 Finished Area: 2937 SqFt . Exempt: i] Taxable: 300800 TotalTax; 8086.34 BUILDING INFORMATION i a Exterior Features : . View: - RaofCover: SA - Asph Shingle RoofStruct: GA - Gable ExiType: MFH-M.F.LOWRIS YearBit; 1950 Frame: . Grade: B-D EffyrBit: 1977 PrimeWwall: BP - Gone Block StoryHght: 0010-1 Story Na.Units; 2 SecWall: - Intarlor Features . BedRooms: Electric; MX - MAXIMUM PrmintWalt; PF - PF FullBath: 2 HealType: - . AvgHVFI: STD 1/2Bath: HeatFual: - Pem.Flors: TZ - Terraza AIC: 0 ‘Heated: 0 “%Sprinkled: 0 Special Features and Yard items Land Information Type YES Qty. Units Qual, Cond, YrBtt. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 4 OBOD-M-F < 10U 345-SqFeet 10890 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND !5 NOT WARRANTED. http://www.pasic.org/PRC.asp?move=prev&card=| &prelid=2401 50100510007 12/8/2005 Property Appraiser - St.Lucie \ anty, ri vage 1 orl . PROPERTY RECORD CARD Tropical Water Properties LLC = =Record: 4 of 1 <> Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exesnptions Permits Home Print Property Identification Site Address: 1720 SEAWAY DR ParcellD: oe 000-0 Sec/Town/Range: 36 :34S:40E Account #: Map 1D: 14/388 Land Use: wre 10U EXHIBIT B Zoning: City/Cnty: FORT PIERC Ownership and Mailing Owner: Address: Sales Information Date Price Troptcal Water Properties LLG 1931 SE St Lucie Blvd Stuart FL 34996 Logat Description More. FT PIERCE BEACH S/D BLK 4 LOT 20 AND ON NAS DESC IN DOBK 169-173, 266 (OR % Code Assessment FV Total Land and But Deed Book/Page 2005 Val: 390800 Land Value: 239 8/9/2004 7000000 08 WD 2051/2544 Assessed: 380600 Building Value: 1812603 ater =m 10/23/1997 290000 02 wo 1110/1948 Ag.Credit: Q Finlshed Area; 3731 a * 4/2/1991 230000 00 WD 0734/0758 Exempt: 0 am, - 4N3/N1991 0 Of ac 0732/2425 Taxable: 390800 oa ~“ 7/13/1880 o 41° WD 0698/1681 TolalTax: 10505.8 BIVM976 85000000 cv 0256/1761 BUILDING INFORMATION Exterior Features . View: - RoofCover: SA - Asph Shingle RoofStruct: HP - Hip ExtType: MFH-M.F.LOWRIS YearBit: 1972 Frame; . Grade: c-C Eff cit: 1985 PrimeWall: 8S - CB Stucco StoryHght: 0020 - 2 Story NoUnils: 2 SecWall: - Interior Features o . BedRooms: 4 Electric: MX - MAXIMUM PrmintWall: DW - Drywall FullBath: HeatType: FHA - FrodHotAir AvgHUFi: STD V2Bath: 2 HealFuel; ELEC - Electric Prm.Fiors; CU - Camet AIC, 100 “Heated: 100 “Sprinkled: 0 Special Foatures and Yard Items Land Information Type YS Qly, Units Qual. Cond. YrBit. No, Land Use Type Measure Depth SWAV - RES POOL AVG Y 4 220 AV AV 2000 1° OBO0D-M-F < 10U 345 -Sq Feet 10890 PAOt = POOL DK-AVG Y 4 420 AV AV. 2000 FNVB - VINYLFENCES' Yo 42 AV AV 2000 FNM4 = WRGHT IRON 4 Y o4 72 AV AV 2000 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED, http://www. pasie.org/pre.asp ?prelid=240 1 501 005 00000 12/8/2005

Docket for Case No: 06-001595
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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