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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 06-001613 Visitors: 23
Respondent: BETWEEN BUNS
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: May 08, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, July 17, 2006.

Latest Update: Feb. 07, 2025
eee c License No, 5851721 8 FEN BUNS dent License Type 2014 espon , Case No, 2006012116 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, ("Pettloner’), files this Administrative Complaint against BETWEEN BUNS, ("Respondent'} and says: ‘ 4. Stale agency charged with regulating the oparation of public ladging establishments and Petitioner Is the public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.185 and Chapter 508, Florida Statutes, 2. Respondentis, and has been at all times matarial hereto, licensed by or Bubject to the jurisdiction of the HAVEN BLVD., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328377 3. Inspection of this estabiishmant conducted pursuant to Sec, 509,032, Florida Statutes, raveaind violatlons of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rulas promulgated therato governing operation of the establishment The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit A," WHEREFORE, Petitionar respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or mare of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per affense; mandatory attendance at Raspondent's expenge at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/ar any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto, Signed March 07, 2006 . Uf La i ~~ Valeria Freeman, District Manager By dalegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT. Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1840 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399~1 007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT nas been hand served by me on this day of _, 2006. Received by: we Operator's Signature Inspector's Signature Title Title Case Number, 2006012115 ; ber aieed 1220.08 : 2044 Moblie Food Dispensing Vehicia : Dietict Number: tones ee me ° BETWEEN BUNS License Number 5851721 Het Sia “~———Lcensa-‘Number- 5851721 moe eofGs/<006 Ga:dg 8584146749 DBPR 0Ga _ . "AGE Exhibit & License Type: 2014 MOBILE Foop DISPENSING VEHICLE Case Number. 2006012115 Safaty Code Incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, Fire Prevention General Provisiona, Florida: Administrative Code, and 610-4 -004(5), Florida Administrative Code, . (FAC), in the following particulars. Capy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced Inspection(s) pe attachea herato and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B, * 1.03A-07-1 3-501 1G(A) FC: (A) EXCEPT DURING PREPARATION, COOKING, OR COOLING, OR WHEN TIME is USED AS THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONTROL AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 3 501.19, DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OR ABOVE; OR (2) ATA TEMPERATURE SPECIFIED IN THE FOLLOWING: {A) 41 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OR LESS; HOT DOGS IN THE REACH-IN COOLER WERE 49 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT, 2..21-12-1 3-304.14(B)(2) FC:: (B) CLOTHS USED FOR WIPING Foop SPILLS SHALL BE (2) WET AND CLEANED aS SPECIFIED UNDER PARAGRAPH 4-802,11(D), STORED IN A CHEMICAL SANITIZER ATA CONCENTRATION SPECIFIED IN SECTION 4-501.114, AND USED FOR WIPING SPILLS FROM FOOD-CONTACT AND NONFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES OF EQUIPMENT, WET WIPING CLOTHS WERE NOT STORED IN A CHEMICAL, SANITIZER BETWEEN USES, 3. 23-03-] 4-601.11(C) FC: (C) NONFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF AN AGCUMULATION OF DUST, DIRT, Foop RESIDUE, AND OTHER DEBRIS THERE WAS A BUILD-UP OF GREASE ON THE HOOD FILTERS, 4. 51-09-1 84 C-1.002(5)(B) FAC:: (B) ANY CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF SEATS PROVIDED WHICH MAY AFFECT THE LICENSE FEE, THE FLORIDA CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT, FIRE SAFETY, BATHROOM REQUIREMENTS OR ANY OTHER SANITATION AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN LAW OR RULE, SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE DIVISION BY THE OPERATOR THE MOBILE Foon DISPENSING UNIT WAS PROVIDING SEATING FOR CUSTOMERS, OBSERVED EIGHT SEATS IN THE AREA. “denotes critical violation Gase Number: 2006012115 License Number: 5851721 BETWEEN BUNS District. cs License Type 20-4 64/11 PSfEO/ 2986 8A:4g 8584146749 DBPR OGa — - “AGE . ‘ ° Exhibit A 5, 22-24-1, 4-602.11(E) FC: (E) EXCEPT WHEN DRY CLEANING METHODS ARE USED AS * SPECIFIED UNDER-SECTION-4-603. 14; SURFAGES-OF-UTENSILS-AND EQUIPMENT-CONTAC TING FOOD THAT IS NOT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SHALL BE CLEANED: (1) AT ANY TIME WHEN OBSERVED RESIDUE/SOIL BUILD-UP ON THE POTATO SLICER, INSIDE THE REACH-IN COOLER AND IN THE STORAGE CONTAINER FOR FRIES, * denotes critical violation Case Number: 2006012115 License Number: 6851724 BETWEEN BUNS e hone an een District’ ca License Type: 2014 85/11 eves? <666 8B: 4q 8504146749 DBPR OGA PAGE @6/1) ~ yu) Zo Page 1 + STATE OF PonmMA DEPARTMENT OF SUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND wureseqyflorida,com /dbpr CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT 7 OO ERGAL NOTRE = RESTAURANTS EXHIBIT B * Falbure to comply with thts Notice may la Rdae an mdm intsdyetion complaint that may result le, suspatadan or rewocetion of your fcansm : and Fines, U26/08 4:10:50 PM Waming HTDSAS4721 oe _ TOG Callback Inspection Dats and Tine inspection Raaron —— Uoanse Number BETWEEN BUNS, INC, [ACMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT recommended] 407.826 S112 on Owner Name i Area Code/Telephone Number BETWEEN BLINS ' Burinexs Naina Trapection Rexukt ——————~ 0 1172172005 Number of Unite Requested Callback Date/Time Inttial Warning Date . : 4601 E COLONIAL DR . ORLANDO AL 32819 Aakirass ] Gy | State | Bip om, ee Camments it for wry Administrative Camptamt. ech in cooter at 49 degrees, Nation; 21-13.4 bared Potertially hazardous. food cold held at graster than 41 degrees Fahrenhalt, Hoe dogs §3 degrees, tess than four hours. Ceti Back found hot dogs In let wiping clath not stored in sanitizing rolution between uses, Qinsac 1/26/06 . Date Signeture of Recipient Radplart: John Loticdne Title Owner Phone: 407 a26 5112 DBPR Form HR 5022-005, Ybor fede se lncpector Signature For further Information Please contact: Norma Gondon Sanitation and Spociviiets 400 West Rodinton Stremt Suita B02, Ortendo, FL. 32801 80-487. 3395 OTA E0EH 68GB: dg 8584146749 DBPR OG. ° - PAGE 87/11 r “al , Page 2 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINERE ANT PROFESSIONAL REGULATION seme Number HTDsesia1 DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAL i Www myfloridecam/dbpr Business Name C TWEEN BUNS ca oF EX __ on - Atnaeremereenonmeronr EXHIBIT moe 1726/06 4:10:59 PM Failure to comply with thie Notice tay Initinte ays admintatratine Complaint thir may result in cuspenulen or revocation of your Ulcers jolation: 22-15-4 h-in' coatsr not cleaned Pilar to wecumulation of roll residue, lolation: 22-18-4 bserved sail residue {n storage containers for fries, fiolatton: 22-23-4 DBPH Form HR 5072-005 . tates sagt gop ovtGS/ 2686 88:49 85641496749 DEPR OGA PAGE @8/11 STAT? OF FLORIDA Page | DEPARTHENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION . OIVISTON OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS EXHIBIT bE wonwtmyfloriis,com/dbpr : - FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT. LEGAL NOTICE Falture to comply with thle Notice may Initiets an adminixtrative complaint that may result in miapension or tevecation of your Necnse and Sines. LY21/05 3:39:36 pM . Complaint Full : J HTD58S1721 TOG a a . a cada Inspection Data and Vine Inspection Reason irense Number BETWEEN BUNS, INC. ; WARNING: Owner Nata Viaiutions In tha Operation of your -— fe mee ve BETWEEN BUNS xtablichmant must be coyrected by: Area Code/Telephone Number Businace Name inspection Result ] 12/21/2005 08:00 AM OL-APR-O6 ; - Number of Unit Callback Date/Time Ucense Expiration . 1601 E COLONTAL oR . ORLANDO Fi. 32819 Addreks 7 City ] Stale | Wip [ete ~ ~ —— ten 45: Arm Extinguishars and Fire Suppression Syators Danes 8 Hocd Supprealon tyne Fre Extinguisher, found Infut kitrhan haw w contfewtton date of os Trem 20: Warawashing Sanitization Item 54a: Cert. Food Moenagers Item 03: Food Tempenstures Sanietzer Type: Nat Set Up found wt Concentration of 0 Pp, Chill, pram aroe, 147 i Hat dogs, prop area, 198 Degrees F Ghovre, preg eres, 153 Depres F. “Hot dogs, reach fn Confer, $3 Degrees F. Manager Name: John Uotine Certification Date: 3/24/05 Cartified by: NaHonnl Registry of Food Safety A Class ABC type Fite Extinguisher toured In/at Professionals tchan hue @ canifeeton datm of 3/05 ACleew ARC tyne Fire E¥Snpubshar, found tn/al litchen has » cerfiction date of 4/08 Water Source: Municlpal/utiity. Provided Web Site: Www myflorida comydbpr Teelmowtedge racelpt of this inmpection form and comments, DA Ae ality Jet : qyayos Date Signature of Raciplent . ncpector Signature _ Recplent: John Lotiotine For further information plerse contact Til Notma Gordan . . Owner 400 West Rabinson Street Nurth Towa Ste, 202 Phone: 407 826 5112 Orlando, A 32601 850-487-1395 "01m Approved saurca 703b Hot food at proper temperatures “O16 Wholesome, saund condlion "03¢ Foods properly couked/reheam ~ 62 Original container; properly labeled, date marking 703d Foods praperly cooked Tre om PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL "03a Cold Food at proper Temperatures during storage, display, Fervice, transport, and cold holding “05 Thermomevery provided and Conspicuously placed — 729 Fadilties to maintain product temperature + 06 Potentally hamndous foods property thawed ViolUane marked with an ester are eritkal ralttions. Rem marked YES are in compillanea, Iona Marka NO are violations, Specmic detsie of Mlalation eve iste! on zuberauent pepes, Tremy marked N/A are Not Applkable, ems Marked 2 N/O are Not Observed, and wera not balng conducted at the Uno of Inspection OBPR Form HA 5022-015 : ae cn - TOSS e966 6B: 4g 8584146749 DBPR OGA ~ PAGE 89/1] Atal Page 2 STATE OF FLORIDA a DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION | Ucense Number DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS HOG = Lamsasi7z woww-mytlorkda.com/dbpr EXHIBIT Duta FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT, Lo 1/21405 319 46 PM. : LEGAL NOTICE STATUS] PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL Pe saes GAREAGE AND REFUS? DispasAl —— Yex “07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not reserved Yer 3 Containers covered, adequate Rumber, insect snd rodent proof, emptied at Proper Intervals, clean Yes "088 Food protwction during Storage, preparation, display, ervice, transportation Yes 4 Outside storage area clean, endks.ra property canatricted | Yes. "08h Cross-contamination, equipment, Pertonnel, storege ; Yas *08c Potantiai for Cmss-conkamination; storage practtcess STATUS INSECT AND RODENT CONTRO ~ damaged food segregated Yes "35a Prosence ar lnsects/rodents, Animaly prohiblted Yes "09 Foods handled with minimum contact Yes “35b Outer Openings probected from incects, rodent proof Yaa 10 In use foad dispensing utensils Properly stored STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS STATUS PERSONNEL Yes 6 Alors: Properly Conctructad, clean, drained, coved Yes "14 Personnel with Infeclons recticted Yes 7 Walls, callings, and attached equipmant, Constructed, dean Yer “12a Hands washed ond Clean, gaod hygianic practices . (observed), atamative operating plan Yer B Lighting provided az mquired. Aidurws shieided ~ Yeu “12b Propar hygienic Practices, eating/drinking/emaking Yes 39 Rooms end equipment = Vonbod at required (evidence) STATUS Yes 13 Clean clothes, hair restraints Yer . StaTus FOOD EQUIPMENT AND ITENSILS No iY store 49 Food contact surfaces designed, constucted, maintained, Yes "4b Toxic Reme labeled and used properly 7 re] installed, located Yee 2 Premed malntalved, Free of Uttar, unnecastary anielea. . Ct Ye fa an fod sortact : retited to samen eeuPiment Properly wtored, Kitchen Yes "16 Cishwashing facilities pa —~ remem sea area, launtiry wach 2. Rinse 3, Sanitizn Yes __ [4 Cann snd soiled tinen ogregated and properly ptored Yes status! : SAFETY Yer a Fire extinguishers proper and suificlant Yes Yes :"46 Exiting cystart - sdequatn, goad reper Yes No "47 Alectrical wiring ~ adequate, 900d rapalr . Yes: "20b Sanitizing temperature . "48 Gas appliances ~ Proparly installed, malnteined Na 21 Wiping clathe clean, used properly, shored "49 Flammablejcomburllble materials. properly atored No 22 Food contact curfaces oF equipment end utensils clean GENERAL No [23 Non-food conknct surfaoex clean Yer ‘50 Current license properly Sisplayed ~~ Yes 24 Storage/handiing of clean equipment, utensils No /51 Other conditions Sanibary and gate operation” STATUS SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES . Yes 52 Faleymisleading statements Published or sdvertiged Telsting Yes 25 Service tems broperly stored, handled, dispensed ta food/beverage Yes 26 Single service articles not fB-Ured Vos "532 Food Trnagernedt cartitcation valid STATUS WATER AND SEWAGE/PLLM@ING Yar ~ 3b Employee baning vaildation ~ Yes "27 Water courea safe, hot and cold under pressure Yes ~___ 84 Fiori Clean tnduor Ara — res "28 Sewage and waste water diaposed properly Yes SS Automatic Gratuity Nala Yes 29 Plumbing Installed and mamtalned ° Ves hg Copy of Chapter 509, Rorlda Statutes, svallatie Yes 30 Croce-connection, back siphonage, backflow SYATUS GENERAL ~ STATUS TOXUET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES Yes 57 Hogphatity Education Program Information provided Yes aL Tollet and handwashing facilites, number, convenient, Yes Smoke Free ~ ~~ detigned, installed - _ - * Fett et, nopid sak dopone tone a Total Number of COS Visltions: drying devices, Hesue, covered waste receptacles *l Tora! Number of Repent Vi lolatlore e Visiatons marked with en atteriak are critkel vloltoms Rams marked YES are in compilancs. Inns Marked NO are viblations, Specirk details af violation a9 feted on mibtequent pagar, Teme marked NYA are Nor Aopikable, Iams Marked ay W/D are Not Qbcarved, and were not being conducted at thes me of Inspectiai: DUPR Ferm HR S022-p15 NE EMO BO. Ge 8564146749 DBPR OGA : PAGE 16/11 : Page 1 STATE OF FLORIDA age DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Lcenna Nurrhes DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS HOG HT 9851721 unanw.myfloridu.com/dbpr EXH | B IT Boecten owe tae FOOD, SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT. _ : 11/2 1J05-4 39-36 PM LEGAL NOTICE van Failure to comply with thts Notice may Initiate «in admintatrattye complaint that may result In suspension of revacetion of pour ileanse _ and fives. Wamtng(s): 03A-07-1 - Observed potentially hazerdaur food cold held at grester then 41 degracs Fahrenheit, Hot dogs 53 degrees, lese than fou hourg 24-12-1 - Wet wiping cloth net stored in sanitizing solution between uses, 22-23-1 - Observed encrusted, sofled material on slicer, Potato slicer. 22-15-1 - Reach-In cooler not claened Prior to accumulation of goil residue. 22-A8-2 © Observed soll residue in storage contalners far Mes, 23-03-1 - Observed build-up of greace on manfood-contact curface of hood filters, ‘ 414-091 - Observed toxtc tern stored in food preparation area, Ratd Sant and roach spray stored with hat dog buns. 47-45-1 ~ Observed an uncovered electrical box, 5126-1 - Mablle food dicpencing velycle providing seating for customers without proper rectroom support. Observed B Seats at MFDV wea, DDPR Foren HR 5022-615

Docket for Case No: 06-001613
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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