Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Filed: Jun. 15, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, March 12, 2007.
Latest Update: Mar. 12, 2025
(wo a 86;10:(86-Und) NOLLWN s:CIS® » S069:SINC » DGS TL-UAS » [ML UGlMeg Weysea] ad 2494) Suvi AY OADY O07 aoee
wenn, (ly DUIS
vB. AHCA NO.2006004265
Return Receipt Requested
OAKRIDGE AMBULATORY SURGERY LLC, 7002 2410 0001 4234 8989
d/b/a OAKRIDGE AMBULATORY 7002 2410 0001 4234 8996
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration
(hereinafter “AHCA”), by and through the undersigned
counsel, files this Administrative Complaint against
Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery, LLC, d/b/a Oakridge Ambulatory
Surgery, LLC (hereinafter “Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery,
LLC’) pursavant to 28-106.111 Florida Administrative Code
(2005) and Chapter 120, Florida Statutes (2005) hereinafter
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine
in the amount of $274,000.00 pursuant to Section
95.1065(2) (a) Florida Statutes and Rule 59A-10, Plorida
Administrative Code.
Wa ShT AML 9000/62/90
neo/eog Ry
85-20:(85-WUL) NOLAN» \0I80 « S0G9:SINCLs ADEM Ta-HAS ew uOleg wiyses] med ZecGhs] g0nz/ez/G LW QADH Ose aD Yd
2. ° This court. has jurisdiction pursuant to Section
120.569 and 120.57 Florida Statutes and Chapter 28-106
Plorida Administrative Code. ,
3. Venue lies in Broward County, pursuant to 120.57
Florida Statutes and Chapter 28, Florida Administrative
Code. , ,
4. AHCA is the enforcing authority with regard to
ambulatory surgical centers licensure law pursuant to
Chapter 395, Part I, Florida Statutes and Rules 59-10,
Florida Administrative Code.
5. Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery, LLC is a 4 bed
capacity ambulatory surgical center facility located at 1000
N.E. 56 Streat, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 433334, and is
licensed under Chapter 395, Part I, Plorida Statutes’ and '
Chapter 59A-5, Florida Administrative Code,
" couNT r
Sections 395.0197(1) (a) and 395.1055, Florida Statutes, and
Rule 59A-10/002(10), Florida Administrative Code
:6. AHCA reralleges and incorporates paragraphs (1)
through (5) as if fully set forth herein.
Ya Qh T AML 9000/82/90
aea/baa ih
84-20-(6S-Uu) NOUN s C189 069:SING s UPGRMTLA-UAS FL. 4Eeg wayses] Hd ZS) 9O0ZICIS LY GASH sOGiP BOW
7. During a complaint investigation conducted on
4/26/06 and based on interview and record review the
facility Risk Manager Designee, who. ig a licensed Risk
Manager and/ Risk Manager failed to implement the internal
Risk Management program requiring the documentation,
investigation, analysis, and corrective actions to be taken
relating to several staff reported incidents of alleged
sexual misconduct by a specific employee. The sexual
misconduct/assault by the staff affected 1 of 5 sampled
Patients (#4). ,
8. During the investigation of CCR #2006003748 on
4/26/06 a Registered Nursé (RN) stated in an interview at
approximately 2:00 PM, in May, a Surgical Technician was
observed with his/her hand on the pubic area of a sedated
female patient. The patient .was in the Recovery Room after
conscious sedation, asleep on a bed with a curtain almost
fully closed. There was a slight opening between the
curtaina where the RN was able to observe the Surgical
Technician's action. The RN, who observed this action,
grabbed another nurse working in the Recover Room to witness
what he/she saw. Roth nurses observed the Surgical
Technician touching the sedated patient's pubid area.
oO. The RN further stated, in the interview on
4/26/06, he/she went to the Risk Manager Designee and
reported what the RN had observed. The RN stated the Risk
Yd OPT ANT 9007/67/c0
8Q-0{66-Uu) NOLLWUNG s C180 5 S069:SINO s UFAEMTLA‘UAS seu jbiMec waqsesl we 296°) goOzICzG LY QADY 08/6 Bove
Manager Designee told him/her, that the RN was harassing the
Surgical Technician, and berated the RN. The RN went back
to the Recovery Room in tears and told the other RN what had
happened after his/her reporting of the witnessed incident
to the Risk Manager, The second RN became fearful and
refused to tell the Risk Manager what he/she also observed,
after learning what had transpired with the first RN.
10. Subsequent to the above incident the said Surgical
Technician, observed to have indulged in non-consensual
sexual misconduct, was observed by the same two RN's
assisting the said patient te the restroom to dress the
patient ‘prior to the patient being discharged. The male
Surgical Technician was observed going into the bathroom
with the female patient unaccompanied by a female staff and
to close the door. The first RN (initial witness and the
reporter of the incident) wanted to stop the Surgical
Technician from being alone with the patient, and knocked on
the door telling the patient her spouse was there to pick
her up. The patient was then discharged.
11. During an interview with the second RN witness on
4/26/06, at 2:15 PM, the nurse stated, the first RN had
grabhed him/her to witness the situation in the Recovery
Room. This RN saw the Surgical Technician with his hand on
the patient's pubic area. Per this nurse, the first RN
interrupted the Surgical Technician. The second RN confirmed
Yd QF: HAL 9007/87 /e0
AG-0{65- Ud) NOLLVWNG 0180 SOG9'SINO UPESTLZUAS «lew WEieg arses] we ZK: QoOzICzI LY QAOU 06/9 BO¥e
the Surgical Technician took the patient to the restroom and
Closed the door; the first RN knocked on the door and
removed the patient; the first RN reported the incident to
the Risk Manager Designee, and the first RN came back
erying, and stated the Risk Manager Designee had said he/she
did not want to hear anymore, and was sick of the RN
harassing the Surgical Technician. The second RN further
stated, - he/she did not call the police because the RN
thought it was to be handled with the management.
12. It 4g to be noted the regulation at a,
395.0197(10) (a), Florida Statutes, requires "any witness who
witnessed or who ‘possesses actual knowledge of the act"
‘(sexual misconduct (9) (c) that ia the basis of an allegation
neo/900 Fy
shall: (a) notify the local police.
13. During an interview with the Risk Manager Designee
on 4/26/06, at approximately 2:30 PM, he/she stated that no
one reported any incident in May. The Risk Manager Designee
further stated, he/she only learned of the incident from the
Newspaper article published April 23, 2006. In addition,
the Risk Manager Designee stated there was a 51 year old
patient involved in an incident with the Surgical
Technician. Per the Risk Manager Desiqnee he/she had been
reviewing all of the patient records from May, and still is
unsure which patient it could be, and what could have
happened. *
Ya BbST ANT onnz 77 /en
4¢-20(86 Mu) NOLLYUNG 520189 SO69:SING JFEMTLACUAS x oULL yByMeg weyses] id 24:9) 9O02IZIS AW CINDY OSI BOW
14. Review of the clinical record for patient #4,
vevealed a legal letter dated April 10, 2006 requesting the
entire chart of the- patient for services dated May 3, 2005.
Enclosed/attached to the letter is a Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) complaint medical
authorization form executed by the patient.. the facility
was again made aware of a complaint/allegation of sexual
misconduct. by a staff against the patient at the time of
receipt of the mentioned letter, but still failed to.
implement the internal risk management program to include
the documentation of an alleged oveurrence of and incident
on their incident report form, the investigation of the
gccurrence and determination of the cause(s), and the
reporting of such an incident to the State Adult Protective
Service: (APS) . ) ) .
1S. Review of the personnel file of the ‘identified
' Surgical Technician revealed the employee was terminated by
the facility on 8/15/05. The reason documented for the
texmination is, the Surgical Technician did not complete the
probation period for that position and another position was
not available. Attached is a typed letter from the Riak
den /igala
Manager: Designee documenting’ what he/she had heard in a
prior conversation with an RN who complained about the
Surgical Technician. The documentation by the Risk Manager.
Designee includes, the RN felt the Surgical Technician
Yd RPT ANT onn7/e7 en
4$-20(65- Ul) NOLL C180 S069:SINC s ZVGSMTL‘UAS FIL Blog wayses) wid Ze) guozCzG LY OAOY 06/8 BOY
"stared" at female patients and on one occasion, when the RN
was preparing a female patient for surgery, the RN asked the
Surgical Technician to leave the room, and the Surgical
Technician refused.
16. During an interview with the Risk Manager Designee
on 4/26/06, at approximately 2:30 PM, he/she stated that the
Surgical Technician was terminated because of the inability
nen enn
to grasp the position of a Surgical Technician. When the
Surveyor showed the Risk Manager Designee the statement
he/she documented in the employees file, the Risk Manager
Designee stated, "oh I did not remember that being there",
17. During an interview on 4/26/06 at approximately
12:30 PM with the RN who made the complaint acknowledged in
the Risk Manager Designee's documentation in the Surgical
Technician the RN specified the staff perform atanding preps
(preparation of the surgical site) on female patients prior
to surgery. The RN gave the following deseription: the
patient stands up naked with arms above the head and legs
spread open; the staff swab Betadine solution all over the
patient's body, including the breast and between the legs.
In addition the RN aaid, several nurses observed the
specific Surgical Technician would stop doing work and would
turn facing the back of the patient, and watch the
procedure. In this position the patient would not be able
to see the Surgical Technician, The patient would be
Ys Ref) ANT annzse7/en
Non Ban TH
84-0(6s-) NOLLVENG s C189 $06SIN s UPAMTLATUAS slot julien wayses] We 24:9) SOOCIIG LY CADY O66 BOW
unaware because they would be faced the other way. The
nurses requested the Surgical Technician leave the Room on
these occasions. This happened a couple of times. The Ri
indicated he/she told the Risk Manager Designee about the
behavior of the Surgical Technician at least a few months
prior to the Surgical Technician being transferred to
Endoscopy in September 2004.
18. Upon inquiry, the surveyor learned, the RN did not
fill out/complete an incident report, or sign one, The RN
further stated when any nurse complained about the Surgical
Technician, the Administration stated they were harassing
him. The RN said, he/she didn't report the behavior or
incidents anymore because other staff did and got “in
trouble" for harassment; they transferred him to a surgical
unit to be a Surgical Technician; It is like a promotion; a
Physician, complained about the Surgical Technician staring
at the patients breasts, and then the Surgical ‘Technician
was terminated.
19. All the nurses’ complaints prior to the
Physician's complaints: were not investigated. The
Physician's complaints were not documented or placed on an
incident report form as-required by the regulations and the
facility policy.
20., Review of the incident reporting policy and
procedure reveal it mandates:
Wi ge’) BNT annz/e7 en
nea avait
84-20-(8-U) NOLLWUNG ‘0180 s $060'SINO s UF BAMTLA-UAS sew yubKeg wojsea] We Zac 9OURIEZS LY CAOY CHO Bove
A. To document all unusual circumstances which,
may affect, patients or employee’s safety or patient care.
B. To document all inquiries, so that preventive
action can be initiated to avoid recurrences.
c. To provide a mechanism for reporting ail
circumstances, recommending action and monitoring action
taken and the effectiveness of the action.
21, Patient #4 was not informed of the incident which
occurred to the patient's person while she was sedated.
There was no incident report generated or investigation
conducted regarding the incidents.
22. The police was not informed of ‘the incident for
patient #4 as required at Section 395.0197(10(a), Florida
Statutes. The Surgical Technician continued to work/function
as an employee at the facility for at least one year after
the first RN complained. The staff, as reported, became
afraid to make any complaints to the facility based on the
Risk Manager Designee's reaction to the reports they made,
Staff who complained about the Surgical Technician behavior
and the inappropriate behavior he was observed performing
were reprimanded. The facility Risk Manager Designee did not
investigate and document any and all complaints and
implement the risk management mechanisms The said Risk
Manager Designee failure to investigate reported incidents
was cited in an appraisal visit conducted 4/29/02 by the
Yd 09:7 BOL 9006/82/90
84; 20-66) HOLLY CISD + SO69:SINC ZPESNTLA'UAS «et UflMeg Wasea] We Zb:QP:} QOOZIUIS LY CASH Oil 30¥d
Agency for Health Care Administration. The Risk Manager
Designee/Risk Manager/ facility failed to follow their
policy ‘and procedure as well as State regulatory
As of 4/26/06, during the process of the
investigation, when the Risk Manager Designee, the staff and
the Administrator were asked during an interview, are you
knowledgeable of the requirements to notify the police
department upon receipt of a complaint of witnessed sexual
misconduct and Adult Protective Services of the allegation
of sexual misconduct from a'patient against a staff. The
replies were as follows:
A. The nurses replied, "no, I didn't knew."
B. The Risk Manager Designee replied, "I didn't
know’ until it was in the news." The Risk Manager Designee
also stated on 4/26/06 she still felt it wasn't witnessed
and did not have to he reported.
c. The Administrator stated, “if it waan't
witnessed it doesn't have to be reported."
As found and documented in this report at item #1,
sexual misconduct relating to patient #4 was
It was determined at the time of the 4/26/06
investigation that the managerial staff continues to: fail
the severity of the facility's failure to,
Yd 09:7 AL 9000/82/80
95-20:(S5-W.) NOLLYUN + -CISO » S060:SING » ZUGANTLSUAS , SUL Tulkeq weyseS] We ZP:Ob QO0EICZIG LW QAOH s 0CrZb Ove
document /record "all" incidents and to investigate all
reported incidents, Furthermore the staff failed to honor
the affirmative duty of all health care providers and all
agents and employees of the healthcare facility to report
incidents of patient abuse to the State of Florida Adult
Protective Service. :
26. The failure to implement the risk management
program requirements and continued failure to comprehend and
implement the State regulatory requirements placed the
safety ‘and welfare of the patient as well as all current
patients at risk to be subjected to sexual abuse by staff
and or others on the facility grounds. The high potential
for placing patients at the risk for abuse with continued
failure to document knowledge of an incident and to
investigate its occurrence, as demonstrated in the continued
failure to document the incident which occurred to patient
#4 again after receiving written notification dated April
10, 2006 and after learning, of it in the newspapers April
23, 2006, place the patients safety at risk and constitutes
immediate jeopardy.
Based on the foregoing, Oakridge Ambulatory
.LLC violated Section 395.0197(1) (a), Florida
Statutes, and Rule 59A-10.002(10), Florida Administrative
Code and the fine assessed is $136,000.00 ($1,000.00 per day
x 136 days from 2/04/05 through 8/15/05). This deficiency
Yi = OS:7 Sy 9007/87/80
46-0(6S-Wul HOLLY «C180 SOBQ:SING s ZNGAMTLEUAS sew, Blog wayses] We Z¥:9K:) 9OOZICZG LY QAOW ONC) 30¥a
also. was ‘ground for the Immediate Moratorium imposed on
05/01/06. ,
Sections 395.0197(9), Florida Statutes
28. AHCA re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1)
through (5) as if fully set forth herein.
29. During the complaint investigation ‘conducted on
4/26/06 and Based on review of facility records and staff
interview conducted on 4/26/06 the facility failed to
substantiate the. facility implemented. the policy for
notification of the local police by witnesses who possess
actual knowledge of sexual misconduct and to adhere to the
regulatory requirement at Section 395.0197(10) (a), Florida
Statutes for notification of the local police by witnesses
who possess actual knowledge of sexual misconduct by
personnel. Furthermore the facility Risk’ Manager Designee
(a licensed Risk Manager) failed to investigate every
allegation of sexual misconduct made against, a personnel who
has direct patient contact. This. failure affected at the
least two patients (#4 & #2) who received care and services
at the facility between February 2005 and August 15, 2005.
Non /e TAT Ya TS:T AML 9000/82/90
Aen /PTOlR
B0-20-(6S-uuu] NOLLYEING C189 « $0GOSSIN« FGSATLA-UAS «atu, ubiKeg weseal We Z9:9'4 900CICzIG L¥ QAOY ONL BOW
During the investigation of CCR #2006003748 on
4/26/06 a Registered Nurse (RN) stated in an interview at
approximately 2:00 PM, in May a Surgical Technician (staff
was observed with his/her hand on the pubic area of a
sedated female patient. The patient was in the Recovery
Room after conscious sedation, asleep on a bed with a
curtain almost fully closed. There was a slight opening
between the curtains where the RN was able to observe the
Surgical Technician's action. fhe RN who observed this
action, grabbed another nurse working in the Recover Room to
witness what he/she saw. Both nurses observed the Surgical
Technician touching the sedated patient's pubic area.
The RN further stated, in the interview on
he/she went to the Risk Manager Designee and
reported what the RN had observed. The RN stated the Risk
Manager Designee told the RN, the RN was harassing the
Surgical Technician, and berated the RN. The RN went back
to the Recovery Room in tears and told the other RN what had
happened after his/her reporting of the witnessed incident
to the Risk Manager. The second RN became fearful and
refused to tell the Risk Manager what he/she also observed,
after learning what had transpired with the first RN.
Subsequent to the above incident the said Surgical
Technician, observed to have indulged in non-conseneual
sexual misconduct, was observed by the same two RN's
YA TST AML 9000/02 /S0
BS-Z0:(S5-UU) NOLLYUN CISD + S069:SING s LDGAMTLaanS . [auuL yyGiveg ways) me 2F:9b:} 900zIG2/S LW GADH - 00/6) Bove
assisting the said patient to the restroom to dress the
patient prior to the patient being discharged. The male
Surgical Technician was observed going into the bathroom
with the female patient unaccompanied by a female ataff and
‘to close the door. The first RN (initial witness and the
ocd /STOR)
reporter. of the incident) wanted to stop the Surgical
Technician from being alone with the patient, and knocked on
‘the door telling the patient her spouse was there to pick
her up. The Patient was then discharged.
33. During an interview with the second RN witness on
4/26/06, at 2:15 PM, the nurse stated, the first RN had
grabbed him/her to witness the situation in the Recovery
Room. This RN saw the Surgical Technician with his hand on
the patient's pubic area. Per this nurse, the first RN
interrupted the Surgical Technician, The second RN confirmed
the Surgical Technician took the patient to the restroom and
closed the door; the first RN knocked on the door and
removed the patient; the first RN reported the incident to
the Risk Manager Designee, and the first RN came back
crying, and stated the Risk Manager Designee had said he/she
did not want to hear anymore, and was sick of the RN
harassing the Surgical Technician. The second RN further
stated, he/she did not call the police because the RN
thought it was to be handled with the management.
Yd TST AML 9002/82/80 .
84-20(88-UU) NOLLVNG «N89 SO68'S Is YESMITLA-UAS a uEAeg wyses] wach) gouztels AW CAOY 06/9) 30M
During an interview with the Risk Manager Designee
on 4/26/06,: at approximately 2:30 PM, he/she stated that no
one reported any incident in May. The Risk Manager Designee
, further stated, he/she only learned of the incident from the
Newspaper article published April 23-30. In addition the
Risk Manager Designee stated there was a 51 year old patient
involved in an incident with the Surgical Technician. Per
the Risk Manager Dasignee he/she had been reviewing all of
the patient records from May, and still is unsure which
patient it could be, and what could have happened.
At the time of the investigation on -4/26/06,
Patient #4's clinical record contained a letter dated April
2006 requesting the entire chart of the patient for
services dated May 3, 2005, Upon the receipt of this
the facility was again made aware of a
complaint/allegation of sexual misconduct by a staff against
a patient, however failed to implement the internal risk
management program to include the documentation of an
alleged occurrence of an incident on their incident report
form, the investigation of the occurrence and determination
of the cause(s), and the reporting of such an incident. to
the State Adult Protective Service (APS).
During an interview on 4/26/06 at approximately
12:30 PM with the RN who made the complaint acknowledged in
the Risk Manager Designee's documentation in the Surgical
YOY TGs] ANT onn7/e7 en
8G-20-(6S-WH) NOLLYANG s C189 s $060‘SIN LPEEMMTLACHAS soul, yyEideg weysea] Wd Zr) QOOTIRIG LW CAD s OIL) BOM
Technician's personnel File, the RN specified the staff
perform standing preps (preparation of the surgical site) on.
female patients prior to surgery. The RN gave the
following description: the patient stands up naked with
arms above the head and legs spread open; the staff swab
Betadine solution all over the patient's body, including the
breast and between the legs. In addition the RN said,
several nurses observed the specific Surgical Technician
would stop doing work and would turn facing the back of the
and watch the procedure. In this position the
patient would not be able to see the Surgical Technician.
The patient would be unaware because they would be faced the
other way. The nurses requested the Surgical Technician
leave the Room on these occasions. This happened a couple
The RN indicated he/she told the Risk Manager
Designee about the behavior of the Surgical Technician at
least a few months prior to the Surgical Technician being
transferred to Endoscopy in September 2004.
Upon inquiry, the surveyor learned, the RN did not
fill out/complete an incident report, or sign one. Neither
did the Risk Manager complete an incident report upon
notification of the Surgical Technician's inappropriate
The RN further stated when any nurse complained
about the Surgical Technician, the Administration stated
Wa 2S:T FL 9007/87 /e0
Bi-20(ss-u) NOLLYENG 189 SO60'SINO JNG3M TLS HAs ous Glog wiayseg] Wd CPGh:) 9002ICzIs LY OAOU, OGRE 3D¥d
they were harassing him. The rn said, he/she didn’t report
the behavior or incidents anymore because other stafF did,
and got “in trouble" for harassment; they. transferred him to
& surgical unit‘to be a Surgical Technician; It ig like a
Promotion; a Physician complained about the Surgical
Technician ataring atthe patients breasts, and then the
Surgical Technician was terminated.
39. All the nurses’ complaints prior to the
Physiciants | complaints were not investigated. The
facility police, neither was there evidence found to
substantiate the physician's complaints were investigated,
40. Review of the incident reporting policy and
procedure reveal it mandates;
A. To document all unusual circumstances, which,
may affect Patient or employee's Safety or Patient's care.
B. To document all inquiries so that preventive
.action can be initiated £0 avoid recurrences,
Cc. To provide a mechanism for reporting all
circumstances, recommending action and monitoring action
taken and the effectiveness of the action.
42. It was’ learned .£rom the review of facility
documents and staff interviews, Patient #2 complained to
nursing personnel on 2/4/05 that male staff #1 (said Staff
3G; 10:{98-UNL) NOLAN +0180 s S080:SINOs 1M TAs UAS «fowy, ube waseal Wel ZP94°) 9OOZICRIS LY ADU: OCi6) 30d
involved in the incident above in example #1.) touched her
breast and placed his finger into the subject's sexual
organ. Interview on 4/2
personnel reported pat
6/06 with staff revealed nursing
ient #2's complaint to the
administrator/Risk Manager Designee who documented an
incident report:
42. Review of the incident report dated 02/04/05 on
4/26/06 revealed it specifies, staff #1 touched the
subjeat's preasts and placed his hand down the subject's
pants and touched the “belly button". The documented
information differs with the actual reported patient's
‘complaint. The incident report completed by the Risk Manager
Designee documents, & patient. had made a complaint against a
"male staft member"; the
staff member touched the patient
inappropriately; the patient stated the sta£E member touched
her breast ‘and put his hand down the patient's pants and
‘ touched the patient's belly button; the patient appeared
quite upset although still quite sedated. The Risk Manger
Designee as per the report assured the patient it would be
43. The results of
the investigation document, the
staff member stated he/she had removed Flectrocardiogram
(EKG) leads from the patient's chest area and checked the
abdomen a8 indicated.
Yd 29:7 AML 9002/£¢/80
gg: zo:les ul) WoLLYUNG 180 S06'SINO SENT AAS am weg wwejsea] Wa ZH°90L QOOEICIS LW CADU : OC102 30¥e
44. Review of the personnel file of the
individual/personnel alleged to have behaved inappropriately
revealed there was no evidence of the complaints against
him. As it relates to the 2/04/05 inceident/occurrence the
staff member wae coungeled to be conscious of his activities
with patients and to explain the procedures to them prior to
touching them.
45, It was learned during stati interview on 4/26/06
that staff #1 isolated female patients, by taking them into
the bathroom while he was supposedly assisting them to
change/drese .
46. After the 2/04/05 incident a charge nurse
instructed staff #1 to stop the practice. StafE #1 stopped
it for a few weeks and then resumed the behavior of
isolating female patients in the bathroom. During ataft
interview on 4/26/06 staff further stated, a Plastic Surgeon
made complaints about staff #1 staring at female patients;
the plastic surgeon wrote a letter about the behavior of the
staff. Several staff members corroborated on 4/26/06 that
the Plastic Surgeon had made the complaints, and
subsequently etaff, #1 waa terminated three days after the
facility received the Plastic Surgeons letter, on Bugust 15,
a7. It is to be noted there was no indication the
staff complaints of observed sexual misconduct by staff #1
020/020 Yd 29:7 WML 9002/8%/80
or his inappropriate behavior were ever investigated. - In
addition there was no information regarding the staff
complaints found in staff #1 personnel file, or any written
evidence (incident reports) to substantiate an acknowledge
of the repeated allegations of sexual misconduct involving
staff #1, or the investigation of the allegations made
staff #1. The only allegation documented and
investigated was that made by patient #2.
The police was not notified of the ineident
to patient #4 as required at Section
395.0297(10) (a), Florida Statutes. The Surgical Technician
continued to work/function as an employee at the facility
for at least 6 months after the first RN complaint was made
of witnessed sexual misconduct by staff #1 against patient
Personnel who complained about staff #1 behavior and
the. inappropriate behavior he was observed performing, were
reprimanded. The facility Risk Manager Designee did not
investigate and document any and all complaints and
implement the risk management mechanisms,
The said Risk Manager Designee failure to
investigate reported incidents was cited in an appraisal
visit conducted 4/29/02 by the Agency for Health Care
Administration, . The Risk “Manager Designee/Risk
Manager/facility failed to follow their policy and procedure
as well as State regulatory requirements.
Yd €S:7 ML 9007/87 /¢e9
As of the 4/26/06 investigation, when the Risk
Manager Designee, the staff and the Administrator were asked
an interview, are you knowledgeable of the
requirements to notify the police upon receipt of a report
of a witnessed sexual act / misconduct, and to report
information regarding abuse to Adult Protective Services.
The replies were as follows:
A. ‘The nurses replied, "no T didn't know,"
B. The Risk Manager Designee replied, "I didn't
know until it wags in the news." The Risk Manager Designee
also stated on 4/26/06, who still felt it wasn't witnessed
and did not have to be reported. A reasonable explanation
was never provided regarding why all incidents reported were
not documented and investigated,
The administrator stated, "if it wasn't witnessed
it doesn't have to be reported."
As of 4/26/06 it was determined the Managerial
_ personnel and staff ‘continue to be ignorant/lack the
appropriate knowledge regarding the facility policy
requirements as well as the regulatory requirements. The
failure to implement the policies/risk management program/
and the regulatory requirements and the Continued ignorance
of these requirements place the safety and welfare of all
patients receiving care at the facility at visk(s).— Such
risks constitute an immediate jeopardy to all patients,
Wi CC°T ONT annzsossnn
84°20:(SS-UL) NOLLYUNG s CISD » SO6S:SING . AUBIATTLALYAS «own, uCikeg weysea] wa zp:96:] 9o0ziezls AW ADH sOR/ez Bove
Based on the foregoing, Oakridge Ambulatory
ULC violated Section 395.0197(1)2, Florida
Statutes, and the fine assessed is $2,000.00 ($1,000.00 per
sexual abuse incident). This deficiency also was ground for
the Immediate Moratorium imposed on 05/01/06.
Sections 395.0197(1)2, Florida statutes
AHCA re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1)
through (5) as if fully set forth herein.
During a complaint investigation conducted on
and based on interview and record review, the
facility failed to ensure there are two ‘people in the
Recovery Room at all times, This affected 1 of 5 sampled
patients (#2).
Review of an incident report dated 2/04/05
documented a patient had made a complaint against a "male
member". The staff member touched the patient
inappropriately. Per the report, the Patient specified the
staff member touched his/her breast and put his/her hand
down the patienta pants and touched the patient's "belly
The patient appeared quite upset although still
quite sedated. The Risk Manager assured the patient it
would be investigated.
Yd 9:1 AML 9000/82/s0
0G-20(S-Uu} NOLAN s C180 »S069°SINOs JVGBATTLAWAS Ful yhog weysesl wa zp9 QOOZIEZIS LY CADH sOG/#2 39d
57. The facility investigation documented the alleged
staff member said he/she had removed Blectrocardiogram
(EKG) leads from the patient's chest area, and checked the
abdomen as indicated. The employees file was reviewed and
there were no other complaint 's found (See ROOl in this
report for other reports against said employee) . Per the
facility investigative report into this incident, the staff
member was counseled to be conscious of his/her activities
with patients and to explain the procedures to them prior to
touching them. —
, 58. Review of the Risk Manager Designee (licensed Risk
Manager) evaluation revealed documented, the Nurse
Administrator spoke with the patient and, employee, and it
was understood that while the patient ‘was recovering £rom
anesthesia, the medical assistant/surgical technician and
the Registered Nurse (RN) were recovering ‘ the’ patient
(attending the patient in the Recovery Room). The medical
assistant/surgical technician was removing the EKG leadg
from the patient's chest. The RN stepped away from the
patient for less than two minutes to get a package. There
were two other patients in the area. This weport failed to
meet the requirement at §9~a-10.0055(2) Florida
Administrative Code,’ which specifies the report must be a
clear and concise description of the incident including
exact elements as needed.
Yd §9:T NL 9002/¢2/80
80-20-(9S4UU) NOLLWRING + “0180 » $060:SINO s HGRA TLA-AAS [etm yUEKeg wose We Ze96:F SOUZIEZS Ly QAOY Ulse 3O¥d
59. During an interview on 4/26/06 at approximately
12:00 PM with the RN who was present as per above deseribed
occurrences, he/she specified he/she (the RN) was at lunch
when the incident occurred.
Based on the above, the medical assistant/surgical
technician was left by himself with the’ patient in the
Recovery Room. As per the RN, when he/she returned from
lunch he/she gaw there were two Patients. He/she went to
evaluate patient #2, and found the patient laying on the
left side. The patient confided in the RN that a male staff
member had touched the patient's breasts and had inserted a
finger into the patient's vaginal area. The RN took the
patient to the Nurse Manager's office. The patient relayed
the same information to the Nurse Manager. The patient was
lucid at the time, and was sure of what took place. The RN
stated there may have been another employee from Admissions
who went to the Recovery Room at the time of the incident,
but he/she was not sure. This other employee. would not have
been a clinical personal. Furthermore, the State requlations
at 59A-5.0085(3) (a), Florida Administrative Code specifies;
a registered professional nurse shall be present in ‘the -
recovery area at all times when a patient is present.
Tt is to be noted, the description of what
occurred per the patient and nurse is documented otherwise
than what the patient reported,
We PST AML 9000/80/50
64. The failure to ensure two personnel are always in
85-20:(85-UL} NOLLYUN + CISD sS089:SINC » ZPGANTLa- HAS 5 Lows Jutikeq waysea] md 2h:9¥:} 90OZIEZIG LW OAOY = 06/02 3Ovd
During a tour of the facility on 4/26/06, there
were three employees observed in the Recovery Room. The
staffing was reviewed, and there were three to five
employees scheduled per documentation provided to cover the
Recovery Rooms at all times. The staff was unable to
provide, for review upon request, the previous schedules for
the Recovery Room.
The facility was unable to substantiate the two
person rule which requires two persons be in attendance in
Recovery Room except when emergency circumstances
require otherwise, was in place on the day of the above
incident and consistently implemented.
the Recovery Room, one of which shall be present in the
060/920 9
Recovery Room "at all times" shall be a professional nurse
leave the safety and healthcare of the patients at risk.
The risk constitutes an immediate threat to the health
welfare and safety of the patients and thereby ‘conatitutes
an immediate jeopardy to all patiénts’ safety.
Based on the foregoing, Oakridge Ambulatory
LLC violated Section 395.0197(1)2, Florida
and the fine assessed is $136,000.00 ($1,000.00
per day x 136 days from 2/04/05 through 8/15/05). ‘Thia
deficiency also was ground for the Immediate Moratorium
imposed on 05/01/06.
Wa oT aM 9000/82/90
46-2065) NOLLYUN «C180 S060'SNC ZF ATLA WAS. Tew yuteg Uwayse3] Wel Z:9P:1 QOOZIERIG LY GAOY s OCI 20¥d
WHEREFORE, AHCA requests this Court to order the
following relief:
A. Make Factual and legal findings in favor of the
Agency ‘on Counts I, II and IIt.
B. Assess a fine against the facility in the amount
of ($274,000.00).
The Respondent igs notified that it has a right to
request an administrative hearing pursuant to ‘Section
120.563, Florida Statutes, Specific options for
administrative action are set out in the attached
Explanation of Rights. All requests for hearing shall be
made to the Agency for Health Care Administration, attention
Agency Clerk, 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3, Tallahassee,
Florida 32308, Velephone (850) 922-5873.
ehson E. Rodney, Esquire
AHCA — Senior Attorney
Spokane Bldg., Suite #103
8350 NW 52™ Terrace |
Miami, Florida 33166
(305) 470-6802
060/120) Wa PST ahh 9000/80/90
6-20-(-UU) NOLLWUNG s 0189 + $069:SINO s ERM TLA-HAS s[ouy ybiyleg weyseal Wal 269%) SOOZICCS LY ADU + 08/82 39¥d
Copies furnished 'to:, : 4
Diane Reiland
Field Office Manager
Agency for Health Care Administration
5150 Linton Boulevard, Suite 500
Delray Beach, Florida 33484
(U.8. Mail)
Hospital Program Office
Ageney for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #31
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(Interoffice mail)
Jean Lombardi
Agency for Health Care Administration
Finance and Accounting
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #14
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(Interoffice mail)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy hereof was sent by
U.Ss. Mail, Return Receipt Requested to Diana Albert,
administrator, Oakridge Ambulatory, LLC, 1000 N.E. 56e
Street, Fort Lauderdale, Plorida 33334, and to c. fT,
Corporation System, Registered Agent, 1200 South Pine Island
Road, Plantation, Florida 33324 on Wass Li, 2006.
E. Rodney, Esq.
00/920 Wa PST AML 9000/62 /S0
Docket for Case No: 06-002115
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 14, 2007 |
Final Order filed.
Mar. 12, 2007 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 09, 2007 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Response to Motion in Limine filed.
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Response to Motion to Dismiss filed.
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Respondent`s Motion in Limine to Exclude Police Reports Pertaining to its Former Employee, GLJ filed.
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Mar. 05, 2007 |
Motion to Dismiss filed.
Feb. 01, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Second Request for Production filed.
Jan. 03, 2007 |
Request for Production of Documents filed.
Nov. 30, 2006 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Agency Clerk Richard Shoop filed.
Nov. 29, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (A. Levine) filed.
Nov. 27, 2006 |
Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Nov. 15, 2006 |
Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for March 13 through 16, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Nov. 14, 2006 |
Joint Notice of Availability for Trial filed.
Nov. 08, 2006 |
Subpoena ad Testificandum filed.
Nov. 07, 2006 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by November 14, 2006).
Nov. 06, 2006 |
Unopposed Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Nov. 06, 2006 |
Re-notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Agency Representative filed.
Nov. 02, 2006 |
Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Oct. 26, 2006 |
Order on Petitioner`s Motion for Protective Order.
Oct. 25, 2006 |
Amended Certificate of Service filed.
Oct. 25, 2006 |
Notice of Filing (Amended Certificate of Service).
Oct. 24, 2006 |
Respondent`s Response in Opposition to Petitioner`s Motion for Protective Order filed.
Oct. 20, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (A. Levine) filed.
Oct. 18, 2006 |
Motion for Protective Order (Apex Deposition) filed.
Oct. 17, 2006 |
Order Regarding Petitioner`s Motion to Expedite Response for Production of Documents (motion is denied as moot).
Oct. 16, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (2) filed.
Oct. 11, 2006 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Expedite Response for Production of Documents filed.
Oct. 05, 2006 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Agency Representative filed.
Oct. 05, 2006 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Sep. 27, 2006 |
Request for Subpoenas filed.
Sep. 25, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (S. Simas) filed.
Sep. 25, 2006 |
Respondent, Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery LLC`s Notice of Filing Official Return of Service- Si Simas filed.
Sep. 18, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (2) filed.
Sep. 18, 2006 |
Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Sep. 15, 2006 |
Amended Notice of Rescheduled Deposition Duces Tecum (Corrected as to Date Only) filed.
Sep. 12, 2006 |
Notice of Rescheduled Deposition Duces Tecum (Original Deposition was set for July 20, 2006 but was Canceled) filed.
Sep. 12, 2006 |
Notice of Continued Deposition Duces Tecum (Continuation from July 25, 2006) filed.
Sep. 07, 2006 |
Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Aug. 23, 2006 |
Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 14 through 17, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL; amended as to days of hearing).
Aug. 08, 2006 |
Notice of Filing Verified Responses to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Aug. 02, 2006 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 13 through 17, 2006; 10:30 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Jul. 31, 2006 |
Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Jul. 27, 2006 |
Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Unverified Responses to Interrogatories and Responses to Requests for Production filed.
Jul. 27, 2006 |
Respondent`s Reply to Petitioner`s Response to Objection to Noitce and Response to Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Respondent`s Responses to Petitioner`s First Request for Production filed.
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Cartolano).
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Notice of Filing Unverified Responses to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Nichols).
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Supplement to Respondent Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery LLC`s Emergency Motion for Protective Order filed.
Jul. 24, 2006 |
Respondent Oakridge Ambulatory Surgery LLC`s Emergency Motion for Protective Order filed.
Jul. 21, 2006 |
Petitioner`s Response to Objection to Notice and Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Jul. 20, 2006 |
Subpoena Duces Tecum (S. Gupta, M.D.) filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 |
Objection to Notice and Revised Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Jul. 13, 2006 |
Notice of Unavailability filed.
Jul. 12, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by B. Udolf).
Jul. 10, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by M. Hines).
Jun. 27, 2006 |
Notice of Filing; Notice of Production from Non-party filed.
Jun. 27, 2006 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jun. 27, 2006 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 5 through 8, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Jun. 26, 2006 |
Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 20, 2006 |
Request for Production filed.
Jun. 19, 2006 |
Notice of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Jun. 16, 2006 |
Initial Order.
Jun. 15, 2006 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by B. Lamb).
Jun. 15, 2006 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jun. 15, 2006 |
Petition for Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Material Fact filed.
Jun. 15, 2006 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.