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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 06-002274 Visitors: 55
Agency: County School Boards
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Jun. 26, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, September 15, 2006.

Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
SCHOOL BOARD OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AND THROUGH ITS SUPERINTENDENT, RONALD BLOCKER, Petitioner nespondent Dl “ ) 974 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT Vs. Karen Hamilton RONALD BLOCKER, as Superintendent of Schools, for and on behalf of the Schoo! Board of Orange County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as “Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against Karen Hamilton (hereinafter referred to as “Respondent”). Petitioner seeks the severance of Respondent's continuing contract with | Petitioner pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. The Petitioner alleges: 1. The Respondent, at all times maierial to this Complaint, was employed as a classroom teacher by the Petitioner, the Schoo! Board of Orange County, Florida. The Respondent was hired on March 15, 1971, and is currently a resource teacher at Lakeville Elementary School. 2. The Respondent holds a continuing contract of employment with the School Board of Orange County, Florida. 3. That on or about February 5, 1999, the Respondent was issued written directives regarding the appropriate way to discipline students. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A is a copy of the directives. 4. That on or about August 31, 1999, the Respondent received verbal counseling from the Principal regarding the perception by students who witnessed her administering discipline. 10. 11. 12. 13. That on or about January 7, 2000, the Respondent received written directives regarding her interaction with students and to avoid any type of verbal intimidation. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment B is a copy of the directives. That on or about December 1, 2000, the Respondent received written directives for name calling, grabbing a student, and placing students outside the classroom unsupervised as a form of discipline. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment C is a copy of the directives. That on or about January 2, 2002, the Respondent was issued a letter summarizing the recent meeting she had with her principal regarding her conduct towards colleagues. The fetter included recommendations for trainings and resources that could be of assistance. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment D is a copy of the letter. That on or about September 26, 2003, the Respondent was issued a letter of reprimand for speaking rudely to a student and violating the previously issued directives. . That on or about December 4, 2003, the Respondent was issued a letter of reprimand for hitting two students with a book. That on or about December 14, 2004, the Respondent received verbal counseling from the Principal for bringing toy guns to school. That on or about February 10, 2005, the Respondent was issued directives for locking students out of the class, throwing away their class work, and threatening to give them an “E” Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment E is a copy of the directives. That on or about September 20, 2005, the Respondent was issued a letter of reprimand for grabbing a student by the arm. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment F is a copy of the reprimand. That on or about April 3, 2006, the Respondent hit a child with a plastic bowl because she was mad that she tripped over the student's chair. 14, That on or about April 13, 2006, the Respondent and her Representative attended a predetermination meeting. The Respondent did not recall the incident at first then she stated that it was accidental. 15. That on or about April 13, 2006, the Respondent was placed on Relief of Duty. While the Respondent has been on relief of duty her students have requested not to be returned to her classroom because they are afraid of her. Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment G is a copy of the summary from students. 16. Such actions, individually and collectively, by the Respondent are in violation of School Board Policies, gross insubordination, misconduct in office, willful neglect of duty, and a violation of the Code of Ethics and the Principals of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida. 47. Said violations, individually and collectively, are sufficient grounds to sever the continuing contract status of Respondent, Karen Hamilton, and to terminate her employment-with the School Board of Orange County, Florida. THEREFORE, the Superintendent of Schools for the School Board of Orange County, Florida, recommends that the Board sever its continuing contract relationship with the Respondent and terminate immediately the employment of Respondent, Karen Hamilton. Dated this 24th day of May 2006. Frank Kruppenbacher, Esq. Florida Bar No. 238597 Attorney for Ronald Blocker, Superintendent, the School Board of Orange County, Florida 445 W. Amelia Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (407)317-3411 ATTACHMENT A qf ey. Margaret G. Osteen, Ed.D., Principal “311 West Princeton Street » Orlando, Florida * 32804 » 407/245-1840 ears MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1999 TO: Karen Hamilton FROM: Margaret Osteen0 SUBJECT: Conference February 2, 1999 This memorandum shall serve as a summary of our meeting on February 2, 1999. On that date we met in my office to discuss concerns pertaining to an incident on the St. Augustine trip January 28, 1999. You will recall that | asked: you to do-the following in the future when disciplining students 1. You are to correct or redirect students in a way that does not direct attention to the student or to yourself. 2. You are to avoid even the appearance of verbal intimidation while dealing with ' students. This includes any actions which subject students to embarrassment. Should you need clarification of my expectations, you are to see me for further direction. signature indicates only that | received a copy of this directive. c: Employee Relations ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Orange County Public Schools « "An Equal Opportunity agency” ATTACHMENT B a2 SE ee eee DATE: January 7, 2000 TO: Karen Hamilton FROM: Margaret Osteen’ Bd.D. Principal SUBJECT: Summary of Meeting/Directives As a follow-up to our meeting today, you are directed to do the following: You are to limit your discussions with students to professional matters, This includes, but is not limited to, comments which pive the appearance of intimidation or harassment. Limit comments to students to matters directly related to academic endeavors, not to students’ personalities, You are to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times while interacting ' with students, staff, and community. i Should you have any questions about my expectations, you are to come to me for further direction, Cc: Employee Relations My dignature indichtes that f Teceived a copy thi: di Teh AD [i ; S$ memorandum PEG is We | JAN 7 1 2000 | | | ORANGE COUNTY PLIEt ~OOLs EMPLOVEE Rf’ 3 | | - | | ATTACHMENT C Wris2 DCPS 3% OCPS EMPLOYEE RE NOQ. 063 Ete , ee, “o “i we AA ATE years November 29, 2000 Ms. Karen Hamilton ? BCEIY Ee Princeton Elementary Schoo! DEC 0 4 2000 ORANGE coun TY Pup Dear Ms. Hamilton: EMPLOYEE ReLamon Os This letter shall serve as 3 summary of our meeting on November 15, 2000 at the Educational Leadership Center. At that meeting we discussed your interactions with students and parents. Based on student statements, parent's letters and your response, | have decided to issue the following directives: You are to limit your discussion with students to professional matters. You are particularly directed to avold conversations of a personal nature. 2. You are to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times while interacting with students, staff and the community. 3. Students are to be under your immediate supervision at all timas. This includes but is not limited to placing students outside the classroom for disciplinary reasons. You are to follow the guidelines for student discipline in the school handbook, 4. \f you should have any questions regarding my expectations, you are to come to me for further clarification. As we discussed, you must be aware of how your comments and discussions are being perceived by students and parents. | am concerned with the repetitive nature of students’ and parents’ complaints but appreciate your willingness to work on a solution. | am expecting immediate improvement in your performance. Any additional violations of this nature could result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Sincerely, Margaret Osteen, Ed.D. Principal a Copy of this letter. Orange County Public Schools * "An Equal Opportunity agency" f .. Margaret G, Osteen, Ed.D., Principal 311 West Princeton Street « Orlando, Florida © 32804 « 407/245-1840 bee ATTACHMENT D eee ae et DP Ov ho NO. @@1 ELEMENTARY D BOELY E)) December 21,-2001 JAN Of pene te eatiE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS hrs. Karen Hamitton EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Princeton Elementary School Dear Mrs. Harnilton: This letter shall serve as a follow-up to our meeting on November 28, 2001, At that meeting we discussed recent interactions between you and staff and previously issued directives regarding your conduct. . As a result of that meeting, we agreed that additional assistance should be provided to ensure your success. | am recommending the follawing training classes: January 10, 2002 — Core Values and Their Place in Education January 31, 2002 ~ Defusing Angry Parents February 22, March 1, and March 8, 2002 — Seven Habits of Highly Effective People April 6, 2002 — Dealing with Stress and Hostile People hl» In addition, to the resources we discussed at our meeting, | also recommend that you contact Cindy Frongello at 407-245-1780, Ext. 246, Ms. Frongello is a prevention specialist with the school district who has agreed to provide additional guidance. If you become aware of additional training that would assist you, please contact me immediately. REN > | expect all staff members to conduct themselves in a professional manner while interacting with students, staff and the community, and you are reminded that previously issued directives remain in effect. Mars OL Margaret Osteen ' Principal . . , er indicates only that | have received a copy ne of this letter. A SCIENCE MAGNEY SCHOOL e MARGARET G. OSTEEN, ED.O., PRINCIPAL atl WEST PRINCETON SYREET « ORLANDO, FLORIDA 326904 « 407.245.1840 ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS + AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGENCY Pa2 ATTACHMENT on OER OS Bee St - iPooe 4, + . oe . ; , Kim Stutsman. Principal . hevitle ; \ ‘ . iinice Quint, Asst, Fiincipal | Q eal \ Johnelle Pauley. Secretary poy , EH =% On Tack For E. xcellence SERIE DIETS OCG SW SON PETIT TE a FG EEDA a IER OTERO FSEIE s papka, Flaridss 32703 (307) 834- 6110 Fe.X (407) B14: 6120 Poly ours 19, QV Ms, Kare Hanuliin Lakeville Elementary ‘ Dear Ms, Hamilton. Under certa Tegarding the expectat in nature. ances TH bev ve disticy, Suc ae istcrrad 10 ag directives, at: are not diseiplinan , punary Tt is important to understand, however; that all enypayees are recuired to ‘al. sw the muies, pravedpres, policics amd direcnon of management cruel sil to corapl with the divecnon oy Management, il is possitrle (hat disciplinary activa may re: . , ‘ . Since directives are clarifications af ey fectations rayarding falure conduc: v1 performance, they remain in force indefinitely. Consequently, you may anach o statement clarifying wy concems you want | to be made a part of the record. ® You are jot J permissi adauinistrata © Texpect aiiatati to meet the e@ staff und she commiumity, wy ciil rehitt ps outlined inthe dati wovthit, poli- ae that it will moi be! necessa:y (0 adelregs Spectation se questions regardiny Trust that you uzlergrand the ssf this unter and such concerns in the fi Should you have any quesner: these directives, you sie te commet me for clarification LHITe, 2 fos io Kirn | Stutsman, EAS. > ature Indicdres only that ! have tec Employee Relation ATTACHMENT F ae = Augo i a SL ie Oe ee LAKEVILLE ELEN huge Kim Stutsman, Principat Lakeville Eloy as Qs ton Pee 2015 Lakeville Road, Apopka, Flovida 39703 (407) 814-6110 EX (407) 814-6120 September 20, 2005 HAND DELIVERED Ms, Keren Hamilton Lakeville Elememary School Dear Ms. Hamilton: This letter shal! Be as a summary of our meeting at the Educationa: Leadership Center on Sepember 13, 2605, and’4g a‘letter of reprima that datc we met to discuss an allegation of udent. misconduct on your part. Specifically, that you erabbe Following investigation of the meident and considering all informaticn resented, it is my conclusion that your conduct was inappropriate, Such conduct cannot and will not be condoned, Lam now advising you that the Principles of Profassional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, section G13-1.006, requires that the educator: (3) (a) Make reascnable cffert to protect the student from conditions har nful to learning and/or to the student's mental/or physical health or safety. 4A duective vill he issued to you im a separate correspondence that ou.:lines the district's tions regarding your conduc? wi the future. | am advising you that should there be another incident of a similar nature discipline, up to and including dismissal may be recommended, Provided there are no snmilar incidents for a period of five (5) years, this lever of Teprimand nay be apprnicid with a statement that it is no longer valid for the putyosc of discipline, Should you need clarification of the concerns addressed herein, you are to cantact me immediately. Sincerely, 7 Kimi. Stutsman, Ed. §, Principal ; VLA ate received a copy of this reprimand, i PPS Area Superintendent Employer Relutions File Simmer cere orn REA TN An ner rer nt FTP yore ing PACS alana vee Ot reer ree remem ne lteter G GE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Orange County Sehnu! Board is an equal opportunity agency i) O03 BAROV ELE Dia Ea) eh RR RE ND Ste NE Kim Stutsman, Principal Janice Quint, Asst. Principat E g if anton’ Johnelle Pauley, Secretary cs 5 ile Road, Apopka, Florida 3270. ) 814-6110 FAX (407) 814-6120 2015 Lakeville Road, Apopka, Florida 32703 07) Guyeu ‘AX (407) aren Hamilton Lakeville Ele THEM barry Dear Ms. Hamilton: ityy: . on Under certain circutnstances it becomes tecesgaryito provide wrinen clarificat 9n or guidance regarding the expeutations af the districf, Such letters are’ réferred to as directives, ard sire not disciplinary in nanire, ' wt ry SB ‘ Lis important to ‘undérstand, hOweyer, that all employees are required to follow the rules, Frocedurcs, policies and direction of management! Rhould an employee fail to comp!y “ith the direction of Management, it is possible that disciplinary action Thay'result, Stace directives arc clarifications of expectations regarding fiture conduct 0-p:rformance, they remain in force indefinitely, Consequently, you May attach a statement clarifying any: crncerns you want to be made a part of the record. At this time fam directing that: ® You are to refrain from touching students except as is absolutely necessary ic: ecfect a reasonable, lawful and/or educational Purpose. You are responsible for protecting studer ts ‘who may be engaged in potentially harrrefu) Activity however, you must avoid even the ap senrance of the intppropriate use of physical intimidation, « You ere to avoid even the appearance of verbal intimidation while dealing with students, staff or the community. This includes, but is not limited fo, yelling, profanity, commen’; of a disparaging nature, or actions that subject anyone to embarrassment, % You are to avoid even the appearance of retaliation toward anyone involved 11 wis matter, T trust Uhat you understand the seriousness of this matter and that it will not be nusessary to address ach concerns in the future. Should you have any questions about my expectations or westions regarding * directives, you are ty contact me for clarification, ‘Kim L Stutsman, Ed.5, Principal Schoo} ! : Lon fer ; Piet ahd! -— (A My-Signatie indicates only that 1 have reccived 4 copy ate of this letter, sence a6 ne peep PP Ut Seeniaeme ecmeiacetinetemereet eee eS ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS | Omy School Board is an cqual opportunity agency enter rnin The Grange ATTACHMENT G I was asked by Mrs. Armel, second grade teacher, to come to her room as some of her students had a concern. When I arrived, Mrs. Armel explained to me that she picked her students up from specials, they had science that day. She informed me that several of her students reported to her that Eddie, a student in her class got hit with a plastic bowl on the hand by Mrs. Hamilton, science teacher. I spoke to Eddie privately, and asked him what happened. He told me he was sitting in the time out desk and Mrs. Hamilton walked by his desk and tripped 2 times. She asked him to push in his chair. He told me he did and pushed in as close as he could. She tripped a third time, got mad and hit him with a plastic bowl she was carrying in her hand. He said it hurt. I then got witness statements from 3 students. They were scared and felt bad for Eddie. Today, April 13” the students had science class. They asked their teacher, Mrs. Armel if they could stay with her. She asked them why and they said they were scared of Mrs. Hamilton. One student saw her in the cafeteria and told his teacher he was scared of her. Mrs. Ivy Hoyler Assistant Principal I RE ID Rk he BE eb ELLE Blo 002 ae - .. _ 4 vi 7 Ci “Rf2 CE jit fe pee pel pe ‘ — r teresa a — >» . ee Le — Pa fad ee eng ~___ EMPLOYEE RELATIONS. _______— G4°03°06 MON Lotob rat 207 slaOlev BARD acto OL 4 +0 day Ot 2c L20ce, nie on ian wesw Ring and She triP or ni foe: y 1G ad She ws a= a ae : ve bate, Sh = in, LT yin TAN wh & 2. Weng: wi th A howl, NIERTEO a ~ At aaa — ) “P, EMPLOYEE | Re.aTions dir olsblek 94/03-06 MON 15:59 FAX 407 $146120 LAKEVILLE ELEM @oo1r _, +] a a m t : t | } . ; tp tf wend ey ad. ede f lh Poon f¥ Woe bet P i’p. & elk a re a rr q yy ue rrr Re weet vation in fh ay al . an i Rai ee So i = Get i aA a oe oe a a _ amen —: Mieke Med SEQ METS Fad UG Glabiell LAKEVILLE ELEM tg) 02 IN Serenc< She Lire Decl Beer ; Char and Sach iy Beet auc Mor Ae Kitt Chas. ee _ a a : ~~ FUPLOVEE REEATIQ(yg « ——--— Moe tear MO MIN teed e Pak as Copy Distribution: White - Principal's Supervisor {io be forwarded to Personnel Services after review is completed) Canary - Evaluator Pink - Evaluatee Karen Hamilton Name Lakeville Elementary. staOlel CAREVILLE ELEM 002 ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL FINAL ASSESSMENT REPORT : 2005-2006 Social Security # School Year Resource teacher: Science School Early Childhood Ed.: Elementary Ed. Teaching Assignme it Certification Held cc FPMS. AC/ICC/PSC/Othur FPMS or Alternative Form Contract Status Observation Mode E = Effactive Directions: ER = Effective with Recommendations “_*NL= Needs Improvement *7= Inafieciive NA=Not Applicable] Using the rating code above, place the appropriate code in the box next to the criteron named. Definitions of rating ‘codes are printed on the reverse side of this form. *Specific recommendations for Improvement must be included. 1, [| Classroom Management and Discipline » Promotes selRexpression by students and enables them to contribute through discussion and activities = Provides for the health and safety of students while maintaining flexibility to meat their needs + Alds students in managing time efficiently : . « Uses.physical facilities and equipment to the best advantage 7 eure Maintains instructional momentum Begins Instruction promptly ° Handles material in an orderly manner Promotes effective classroom interaction, communication and mutual respect while working independently orin a group . Creates an atmosphere of mutual respect between students and teacher Stops misconduct Devalops high expectations for stt deat achievement and behavior and c.early conveys them to all sti deits in a positive, consistent, cam, and fair manner Pesitrvely reinforces appropriate stride it behavior tl. [e| Curriculum Knowledge ¢ Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate technology (.e., ‘ « Plans for integration of curriculum as appropriate manipulatives, hardware, software, etc.) as it relates to the + Presents concepts, princ ples, and rules effectively curriculum « Presents evidence for va ue judgment « Relates the curriculum to students in a meaningful manner by’ utilizing real-world applications Comments:_Mrs. Hamilton is extremely knowledgeable abou the elementary sclence curriculum ani plans lessons to relate to the real- world. ih. Planning and Delivering Instruction Facilitates classraom discussion Uses evaluative techniques to improve teaching-leaming experiences » Establishes district curriculum and mission statement + Defines instructional goals clearly » Plans for individual differences by individuallzing instruction as far as possible to the level of each student in his/her learning style « Plans an appropriate sequence of skills * Collects information about each student (cumulative records, diagnostic test scores, ¢tc.) and maintains the confidentiality . of that information « Expresses enthusiasm verbally, challenges students anduses + body behavior to show interest in students long-range and immediate objectives and . strategies for instructional activities in accordance with the .* Checks for student unde: stinding throughout the lesson presentation and in all types of learning activities » Manages time efficiently and organizes work Uses a varioty of classro 9m activities and instructional materlals which are challanzing to students » Orients students to class vork/mainiains academic focus « Conducts beginning/ending reviews and emphasizes important points + Recognizés response/anipt “les/gives corract feedback e ~=Maintains accurate student records « Provides students with a1 opportunity for independent and guided practice of new learning Clarifies and, when necessary, prasents instruction in more than one modality Provides a revisw of closure activity in all naw learning aclivitles * Uses a variety of instructional materials and resources * Circulates and assisis students and dignifies all responses 2 Gives directions, assigns/checks comprehension of » Provides activities which er.courage students to think homework/seatwork/assignments, glves feedback + . Utilizes questions to buil] academic comprehensioniiesson * Presents an objective, purpose or anticipatory set for each tiew lesson : « Gives clear directions and procedures for all student assignments and activites . development _. « Provides opportunities fcr ovtside participation and utilization of community resources + Reviews test itams/gives reasons for answers + Orients students to activities at hand as frequently as necessary to allow for maximum on-task learning Comments:_Karen's lessons are well planned and meet the district benchmarks and Sunshine Stale Standards. it is recommended that Karen deliver her lassons in a manner that make students want tp come to the sciance lab because thy find itinteresting and motivational. : : _ 3TD307 515706 MON £2:5% FAR 407 3146120 LAKEVILLE ELEM 003 iV. [=] Assessment of Student Performance and Professional Development Plar + Records student grading/progress to reflect reasonable + Uses appropriaie skills an! strategies that pramote progress . creative/critical thinking cepabilities of students « Shows that planning and records reflect movement on » Assesses students’ readings: at the beginning the school continuation of skills year » Refer students with special needs for appropriate assistance e Uses skills gained from the F ‘ofessional Development Plan ¢« Provides appropriate course modifications process to make instructional decisions » Demonstrates sensitivity towards multi-cultural diversity + Balances formative and si mriative assessment that measure - Responds to the individual needs, aptitudes, talents and and support student progr 2su learning styles of students by Using a variety of assessment « Completes the Profession af evelopment Plan process techniques » Documents student perfor na ce in a variety of appropriate + Reviews multiple student performance data including both ways state and local required assessments and gives inputinto the «+ Provides data which reflect overall improvement in students’ ~ Professional Development Plan process based on the date performance Comments:_Karen has completed the IPDP process and Professiona! Growth plan. Vv. [nt] Interpersonal! Skills + Consults with other teachers, team leaders, depariment « Assists students in the eviluatian of their own growth and heads, consultants and specialists development + — Cooperates in planning special programs and activities during + Guides students in changing negative attitudes into positive school hours and constructive ones Maintains good rapport with colleagues, staff, and students Shares ideas, materials, methods and concerns regarding Interprets and clarifies sct oc’ policy/pragrams ‘Uses a varlety of methods te communicate with students with professional colleagues parents/community » Seeks innovative or best practices for the classroom . » Clearly conveys to parents their child's academic achievement * Shows concern for students, their farnilles and personal and classroom behavior problems « Encourages parent/communily participation in school activities » Is consistent and fair in counseling with students, individually and conferences and in groups + Uses a positive approach i in parent relations and rmairiaina » Demonstrates sensitivity to multi-cultural diversity confidentiality » Helps students ta develop positive self-concepts and student behavior. patterns Comménts: An improvement plan needs to be put in place for this area, Students need to feel that faren is sensitive, thet neds and that she” as concern for their well-being. ee Professional Responsibilities . Participates in the development and implementation of schoo!» Develops a personal profiiss onal development plan and policies and procedures when given the opportunity demonstrates work toward achieving these goals ¢ Supports school and district prograrns and activities » Demonstrates an awaren 2s5 and utilization af school * Participates in school and district committees resources « Demonstrates a positive attitude toward the teaching « ls appropriately certificated ity instructional field(s) profession » , Updates knowledge in fie d I:y taking additional collage ¢ Shares in the evaluation and effectiveness of the educational courses, inservice particiyatyan or engaging in other learning program with the School Advisory Council activities + Abides by state statutes, district policies, and teachers’ code s Meets professional obligetions on time af ethics » Respects the rights of otters to express divergent opinions * Remains controlled and effetive under pressure . + Operates as 6 team merrbe: as well as a leader Comments:_ Karen needs to follow state statutes, district policies and teachers’ code of ethics. Itis i nevrative that she not touch students. An improvement plan needs to be pul in place in this area. Overall Assessment Rating (check one): E= Effective ’_ ER = =ffuctive with Recommendations = Needs Improvement l= ineffentive , __ a. Evaluator’s Signature bs ld Lieto Date. EEE Evaluatee's Signature. bri ftinvt of GE mit Date__ “Al indicators may not be applicable to your teaching assignment. ” The signature of the teacher does not necessarily imply agreement with the assessment, bu! rather acknowledges that it has been discussed with the evaluator. 3TD307 Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:35 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs : Leave Fname BLANK if the soci NOT correct. . BESctey CLOSED : El, Poke econs e208 = as - to Records: ; Case Mor: Hire' Date: | SASATL Dnt! Le 0251 ar Sopv: [MARGARET OSTEEN————~+d;S Suny WHA oftaseDuts[ Ofte Cats 9 J top, }. Alleged . REDUCTION OF EFFECTIVENESS‘CONDUCT UNBECOMING A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE ‘Offset jaeeoi ea oot Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:39 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs Leave Fname BLANK ifthe social security, number is EEO-Case: | co NOT correct. E ase}: a . ie close> a Date Inactivated eT to Recards:; SET towel Mar: | | Date Closed: 1 03 4 Findings | ir Date: [3/150971 [Usdts| 1 |'WL#'[ 0281 _|'WE NAME! PRINCETON ELEM SCHOOL } Sape: [earcar OSTEEN : fo ss GE] Sov ame: PRINCETON ELEI L Offense Date: t/i2m2003 | ! Offense’ Code: Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:52 PM Host: AEL-iT-VONSCHS User: vonschs sat i com Date Inactivated to Records:.: Sagy: | [WY HOYLER = [LAKEVILLE ELEMENTARY omnis be] ) “pODNe 7 ASSAULT/BATTERY/FIGHTING - DIRECTED AGAINST STUDENTS-NONSEXUAL _ STUDENT ALLEGED THAT TEACHER GRABHED HIM TIGHTLY ON HIS UPPER ARM Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:50 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs Leave Foamie. BLANK if the social iaksecurity niumber is is NOT correct. . . BzO-Caset . CO cab Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:47 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs Leave Fname. BLANK if the soci NOT correct. : SOEGIN 004 | a —— ate Closed: joes Beale | Sns87 JU 1} g Supe, “Tan QuaNT MS, HAMILTON “ALLEGEDLY ‘BROUGHT TOY GUNS TO SCHOOL. aND DIRECTED STUDENTS TO SHOOT THEM OUETTES oy A LESSON ON FORCE AND MOTION EMPLOYEE WAS VERBALLY COUNSELLED BY meiner wget ae ¢ i Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:43 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs ‘Leave Fname BLANK if the socialsecurity.number is NOT correct. ‘ Shwe tos evaral students “allege that Ms. “Farallon rade thom rif with Their face to the wall while other students watched a mo .| This action was taken becanse the students failed to retum i d scianine ce contracts pemitting them to perfoxm Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:30 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs Status Findings | +}PRINCETON ELEM SCHOOL | Hive Dates’ aflsisTl U: Offense'Date: ster] Otenst' ASSHULTBATTERY FIGHTING - DIRECTED AGAINST STUDENTS-NONSEXUAL ‘Alleged | ‘Offense: Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:25 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs Ea Employee Rel tions Cas . praca Date Inactivated Case Mg pee Date closed: un indings | to Records: » ates] 35097) | Units Wi! [PRINCETON ELEMSCHOOL _ : 7 Sapy: ‘(MARGARET OSTEEN Offinise Date: —_} Offénst Code: ee ‘ROD: th ' pb No Pay ED | ‘Alleged: ° REDUCTION OF EFFECTIVENESSCONDUCT UNBECOMING A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Offense: Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:21 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS oo User: vonschs Leave Fname BLANK ifthe $0 NOT correct. ‘Hire Date: ean — 1M Spy: ficaRcaneT OSTEEN EI] of Print at: Monday, April 03, 2006 02:35:57 PM Host: AEL-IT-VONSCHS User: vonschs a: Status j, Date Inactivated to Records: Karen Hamilton’s statement for April 3, 2006 Mrs., Armel’s 2"! Grade 1:00-1:40 PM Second grade classes were doing the OCPS-CIA lesson on Waste Water to Clean Water which:is a hands-on, role-playing activity in which students work together in groups of 4 to make a plan as a sanitary engineer (wastewater plant worker) to remove debris from the water and make it drinkable again. Each table was given a cup containing coffee grounds, pebbles, raisins, and spaghetti pieces. I also provided each group with a sieve, screen filter, coffee filter, paper towel, measuring cup, and plastic bowl. As each person in the group took a turn working with the materials, I alternated walking from group to group and writing group findings on the white board. Students were eagerly participating in the step-by-step process. Some were so excited that they forgot the rule about keeping themselves and their chairs under the table. At some time during the lesson while passing out or collecting materials back from the students, I tripped over the leg of a chair that was away from the group table. I fell against the chair hitting both knees on the back of the chair and my right arm with a small white plastic bowl in my hand on the table. The bowl touched the student. I asked him if he was all right. He said yes. I apologized for falling on him. Ireminded the whole class that accidents happen when chairs aren’t where they are : supposed to be in the classroom and in the workplace many accidents occur when the equipment isn’t stored properly. : ' ‘The lesson continued without further reference to the accident. ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS P.O. Box 271 e Orlando, Florida e 445 W. Amelia Street 82802-0271 (407) 317-8200 32801-1127 April 13, 2006 HAND DELIVERY Karen Hamilton Lakeville Elementary Ms. Hamilton: continue until this office notifies you otherwise. During the investigation, you have certain contractual rights, including the tight to have representation in meetings. | understand that you may have questions regarding your Relief of Duty status. If So, you may call me at (407) 317-3239, enior Manage! Employee Relations ced indicates receipt of this notice Date Cc: Kim Stutsman CTA Carol Gay "The Orange County School Board js an equal opportunity agency” ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Fax to: Professional Practices Office Date: June 20, 2006 Fax: 850.245-0621 From: Shonda Von Schriltz Senior Manager Employee Relations ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Phone: (407) 317-3239 Fax: (407) 317-3271 Email: E-mail! www.ocps.net RE: Karen L Hamilton -Teacher © *” Summary: Ms. Hamilton has had numerous incidents while an Elementary School Teacher with Orange County Public Schools. Ms. Hamilton was terminated June 13, 2006. Administrative Complaint attached. DATE: __June 20, 2006 DISTRICT REPORTING FORM 1. DISTRICT: _OCPS (a) CONTACT PERSON: _ Shonda Von Schriltz (b) PHONE:__ 407-317-3239 2. RESPONDENT'S NAME: _ Karen Hamilton (a) ADDRESS: _ 616 Archbald Avenue, Altamonte Springs FL 32701-7916 (b) RESPONDENT’S Phone: (HOME) 407-831-3626 (WORK) n/a (c) DATE OF BIRTH: _ 5/11/1942 (d) SSN: (e) DOE CERTIFICATE #: 0000295714 RG (f) YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: employed since 03/15/1971 (g) SCHOOL: _ Lakeville Elementary School (h) POSITION: _ Resource Teacher () SUBJECT/GRADE LEVEL: _ Resource RRR EKA KER ERE RIKI AIRE RIB E REESE EERE IRINA SERIE ERIE IK AA IAAI B IIIA IAEA BRERA IAEA, CONTRACT STATUS CURRENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS ANNUAL = —-_«__X STUDENT CONTACT RESIGNED CONTINUING == SUSPENDED WITH PAY TERMINATED x PROF. SER SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY NONRENEWED SUBSTITUTE TEMPORARY DUTY REASSIGNED TO ALLEGATION:___Numerous incidents reported, see administrative complaint GEICO III I III IAI TOR RR IIIT TR IIT RR AIR BITRE TRIKE REAR R IAAI ARIAS AAI IAAL ES IRAE. ENCLOSE THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: 1. All District Investigative Materials (i.e. notarized statements, arrest report(s), court documents, newspaper articles, local investigative reports, termination documents, letter of resignation, district disciplinary action documents(s). 2. Copy of the Respondent’s Florida Educator’s Certificate, and Most Recent Application for a Florida Educator’s Certificate. 3. Name, Address, Telephone Numbers, Date of Birth, and School NOW attending of ALL VICTIMS and WITNESSES, if not already included in the District Investigative Materials (complete page two if necessary). AREA NORTH ~ SHONDA VON SCHRILTZ June 13, 2006 Board Meetin INSTRUCTIONAL EMPLOYEE REN HAMILTON — Termination hite/Female Age: 63 Ms. Hamilton has been employed since March 15, 1971 and is currently a resource teacher at Lakeville Elementary. It is recommended that Ms. Hamilton be terminated on June 13, 2006. (See administrative charges attached)

Docket for Case No: 06-002274
Issue Date Proceedings
Sep. 15, 2006 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Sep. 14, 2006 Joint Notice of Settlement and Stipulation for Dismissal filed.
Jul. 24, 2006 Substitution of Counsel and Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Brown).
Jul. 19, 2006 Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Assistant Principal Ivy Hoyler filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Vernita Brown filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Assistant Principal Ivy Hoyler filed.
Jul. 18, 2006 Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Principal Margaret Osteen filed.
Jul. 12, 2006 Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 21 and 22, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Jul. 12, 2006 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 10, 2006 Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jul. 10, 2006 Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jul. 10, 2006 Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Jul. 10, 2006 Notice of Service of Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Jun. 30, 2006 Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 28, 2006 Respondent`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 28, 2006 Respondent`s Notice of Appearance (filed by E. Swanson).
Jun. 26, 2006 Initial Order.
Jun. 26, 2006 Administrative Complaint filed.
Jun. 26, 2006 Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Jun. 26, 2006 Agency referral filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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