Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Fort Pierce, Florida
Filed: Nov. 15, 2006
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, January 17, 2007.
Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
OCT, 3 2006 12:07AM NU, 340 r
Dlo-4@d7 S
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Appell oe
AHICA Case Numbers “Mise! /Ly
Petitioner, 2006006461 & 2006007516
Certified Article Number *
Ub SAL 9889 S242 3b72
Limited Liability Company, d/b/a SPORTS
TION [hereinafter AHCA or the Agency], by and through its undersigned counsel,
hereby files this ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT against Respondent SPORTS
IMAGING CENTERS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, d/b! a SPORTS
IMAGING CENTERS, pursuant to §120,569 and §120.57, Florida Statutes, and alleges:
1. This is a two-count administrative complaint seeking:
a, to revoke Respondent’s health care clinic license. number HCC 5551,
for Respondent’s failure to secure magnetic resonance imagine (MRT accreditation as
required by law [Count {];
b, to deny Respondent's 2006 change of ownership (CHOW) licensure
application for hereinafter-specified failures to comply with licensure laws [Count IZ],
including the failure to secure required MRI accreditation.
Ol 3 2000 TZ. 0 7AM
NU. 740
9. Atall times material to this case AHCA has had and continues to have
jurisdiction pursuant to its regulatory authority under the Health Care Clinic Act [the
Act], Chapter 400, Part X, Florida Statutes [previously Part XII, prior to 2006
amendments to Chapter 400]. In the event that Respondent requests 4 formal hearing in
_ the manner required by law and AHCA thereafter refers such request to the Division of
Administrative Hearings [DOAH], then DOAH will have jurisdiction pursuant to
Sections 120,569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes.
3. Venue for any formal hearing before the DOAH shall be determined pursuant
to Rule 28-1 06.207, Florida Administrative Code.
4, Inthe event Respondent requests an informal hearing (no dispute as to under-
lying material facts), then the Agency will refer the matter to an informal hearing officer
‘who will hear the matter by telephone conference as to any arguinent on the application
of the facts to the Jaw. The Agency contemplates both that all material facts shall be
undisputed regarding any recommendation by an informal hearing officer - ¢.g,, that the
Agency revoke or not revoke the subject license - and that the rhatter shall be referred to
DOAH for formal hearing if at any time either the informal hearing officer determines, or
the parties agree, that a genuine dispute does exist over one or more facts material to an
administrative recommendation regarding licensure revocation or licensure denial,
5, AHCA is the regulatory agency responsible for the licensure of Florida health
care clinics and for implementation and enforcement of the Act, including in particular
the licensure of clinics engaged in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) services.
Nu, 750
6, Respondent SPORTS IMAGING CENTERS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability
Company (Respondent), owns, operates and is and has been doing business as SPORTS
IMAGING CENTERS [the Clinic]. Respondent’s principal business address and mailing
address is 1000 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982.
7, The subject Clinic exists as a separate “entity” under the Act. The Clinic is
located at 1000 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982.
8, Prior to Respondent’s commencing its operation of the Clinic, AHCA issued
health care clinic license HCC5551 to Indian River MRI, Inc, a Florida corporation, for
operation of its MRI clinic at the referenced Ft. Pierce location, As more specifically
alleged subsequently herein, in 2005 Respondent purchased the clinic assets and business
from Indian River MRI, Inc. and concurrently secured a transfer or change of ownership
[CHOW] licensure from the Agency. Tn any event, at all tumes material hereto - from
the effective date of the Act on March 1, 2004, to the present - either Respondent or its
corporate predecessor, operated an MRI clinic at the referenced address and were
required to comply with the Act. Respondent remains required to comply.
9. Atall times material hereto, Respondent's operation and its referenced
predecessor owner’s operation of an MRI clinic at the referenced Ft, Pierce address, was
pursuant to the referenced subject license, HCC5531.
10, Licensure requirements of the Act, set forth in §400.991, include:
400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions. —
(1)(a) Each clinic, as defined ins. 400,9902 must be licensed and shall at
all times maintain a valid license with the agency. Each clinic location
shall be licensed separately regardless of whether the clinic is operated
under the same business name or management as another clinic.
. oo
OUR Sh 200Gb PLU PAN NU. 740
48 4
(3) Applicants that submit an application on or before July 1, 2004, which
meets all requirements for initial licensure as specified in this section shall
receive a temporary license until the completion of an initial inspection
verifying that the applicant meets all requirements in rules authorized in s.
400.9925. However, a clinic engaged in magnetic resonance imaging
services may not receive a temporary license unless it presents
evidence satisfactory to the agency that such clinic is making a good
faith effort and substantial progress in seeking accreditation required
under s. 400.9935.
+ ok #
(7) Each applicant for licensure shall comply with the following
(specifics of subsection (7) requirements omitted]* * *
(e) The agency may deny or revoke licensure if the applicant has
falsely represented any material fact or omitted any material fact from
the application required by this part.
{Emphasis added, except as to section title.]
11, Licensure requirements of the Act, set forth in §400.992, include:
400.992 License renewal; transfer of ownership; provisional
ko oH
(4) When transferring the ownership of a clinic, the transferee must
submit an application for a license at least 60 days before the effective
date of the transfer. An application for change of ownership of a clinic is
required only when 45 percent or more of the ownership, voting shares, or
controlling interest of a clinic is transferred or assigned, including the final
transfer or assignment of multiple transfers or assignments over a 2-year
period that cumulatively total 45 percent or greater,
(5) The license may not be sold, leased, assigned, or otherwise
transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily, and is valid only for the clinic
owners and location for which originally issued.
[Emphasis added, except as to section title.]
OCT. 31.2006 12: 078M . NO 26000 P10
12. Because Respondent is engaged in providing magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) services, the following requirements of the Act are especially pertinent:
400.9935 Clinic responsibilities. —
(7) The agency may fine, or suspend or revolie the license of, any clinic
licensed under this part for operating in violation of the requirements
of this part or the rules adopted by the agency.
(11)(a) Each clinic engaged in magnetic resonance imaging services
must be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, the American College of Radiology, or the
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, within 1 year
after Licensure. However, a clinic may request a single, 6-month
extension if it provides evidence to the agency establishing that, for good
cause shown, such clinic can not be accredited within | year after
licensure, and that such accreditation will be completed within the 6-
month extension. After obtaining accreditation as required by this
subsection, each such clinic must maintain accreditation as a
condition of renewal of its license.
[Emphasis added, except as to section title.
13. The Act provides additional authority to the Agency to revoke a license, as
400.995 Agency administrative penalties.—
(1) The agency may deny the application for a license renewal, revoke
_or suspend the license, and impose administrative fines of up to $5,000
per violation for violations of the requirements of this part os rules of
the agency. In determining if a penalty is to be imposed and in fixing
the amount of the fine, the agency shall consider the following factors:
(a) The gravity of the violation, including the probability that death or
serious physical or emotional harm to a patient will result or has resulted,
the severity of the action or potential harm, and the extent to which the
provisions of the applicable laws or rules were violated.
(b) Actions taken by the owner, medical director, or clinic director to
correct violations.
OCT. 34. 2006 12:07AM NG 9400 FU
(c) Any previous violations.
(d) The financial benefit to the clinic of committing or continuing the
koh oR
(7) Any clinic whose owner fails to apply for a change-of-ownership
license in accordance with s. 400.992 and operates the clinic under the
new ownership is subject to a fine of $5,000.
[Emphasis added, except as to title.]
14, With the enactment of the Health Care Clinic Act in 2003, and the referenced
requirement that then-existing clinics and any other clinics formed prior to July 1, 2004,
must seek and secure a “temporary” clinic license, the Agency issued numerous clinic
temporary licenses with effective dates between March 1, 2004 and July 1, 2004. As
amended, the Act additionally requires all clinics established after July 1, 2004, to secure
a valid clinic license pursuant to the Act and for all clinics, regardless of when licensed,
to maintain a valid license (see ¢.g,, statutes referenced in {10 above).
15. Respondent’s Clinic constitutes a health care clinic as defined by the Act,
which Clinic is subject to licensure under the Act. In the Spring of 2004, Indian River
MRI, Inc. [Indian River MRI], Respondent's referenced predecessor both in title and in
operation of the MRI Clinic at this location, sought licensure under the Act by filing its
application for clinic licensure, expressly seeking licensure of this Clinic at this location,
as a clinic that provides MRI services.
16, Among other things, Indian River MRI's licensure application met the
requirements of referenced §400.991(3) in that Indian River MRI presented evidence to
the Agency that it was making a good faith effort to secure the MRI accreditation
OCT. 31.2006 12:00AM . NO 940 0° FLL
required by the Act. More specifically, among other things, Indian River MRI provided
_ to the Agency a copy of its letter dated March 8, 2004, to the American College of
Radiology (ACR), asking ACR about Indian River MRI’s securing a certificate of
accreditation from ACR “for the Hitachi 7000 Ft. Pierce location.” A copy of that letter
dated March 8, 2004, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHICA’s Exhibit “A.”
17. Based both upon the 2004 licensure application submitted by Indian River
MRI to the Agency for operation of the Clinic at the referenced Ft. Pierce address, and
upon the evidence that Indian River MRI was making a good faith effort to secure the
required MRI accreditation, in due course on or about May 18, 1004, the Agency issued
a temporary Clinic license, WCC5551, Certificate #6821, to Indian River MRI, effective
March 1, 2004, for operation of the Clinic at the referenced Ft. Pierce address. A copy of
that letter dated May 18, 2004, and of that license, are attached hereto and made a part
hereof as AHCA’s Composite Exhibit “B2” The license expiration date on the face of
the temporary license is February 28, 2006.
18. On our about I anuary 25, 2005, less than a year after the issuance of the
temporary license to Indian River MRI, Respondent advised the Agency by the filing of
its change of ownership [CHOW] licensure application (2005 CHOW application] of its
then imminent acquisition of the Clinic from Indian River MRI, to be effective February
15, 2005, The individual principal in this acquisition by Respondent was one CHRIS
VERNA. A copy of Respondent's (6-page) 2005 CHOW licensure application is
attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHICA’s Exhibit “C.” The 2005 CHOW
application includes Respondent’s acknowledgment of the requirements of the Act for
OCT. 31. 2006 12:08AM NOO74d FP, 13
MRI accreditation and expressly advises the Agency (see page 5) that MRI accreditation
is “pending” by the American College of Radiology [ACR].
19. Based upon Indian River MRI's 2004 licensure application of Indian River,
with knowledge of the concurrent pending nature of Respondent’s 2005 CHOW licensure
application, on or about February 17, 2005, the Agency in its ordinary course, of business
issued to Indian River MRI a “standard” clinic license, HCC5551 (the same license
number as in Indian River MRI’s referenced temporary license), Certificate #8519,
effective January 6, 2005, for operation of the clinic at the referenced address, A copy of
the cover letter dated February 17, 2005, and copy of that standard clinic license, are
attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHCA’s Composite Exhibit “D.” The
license expiration date on the face of that standard license is February 28, 2006, the same
expiration date as on Indian River MRI's temporary license (consistent with the uniform
treatment by the Agency of all such changes of licensure from temporary to standard’),
20. Indian River MRI never secured the required MRI accreditation for the
Clinic’s operation at the referenced Ft, Pierce address. Nor did Indian River MRI ever
suggest to the Agency that ithad secured MRI accreditation for use at the Clinic (at the
Ft, Pierce location) of some MRI unit (e.g., a mobile MRI unit) that Indian River MRI
conceivably could have believed that it might legitimately be able to use at the subject
Clinic as. an “accredited unit.”
21. The Agency is aware that certain confusion might exist over a merger in
February 2004 of Indian River MRI with another corporation (Mobile Resonance
Imaging, Inc.) with the two corporations sharing the same business address (with Indian
River MRI being the “surviving entity of this merger”). However, any such confusion
OCT, 31. 2006 12:00AM : WW. 74a °F
does not change the underlying material fact that neither Indian River MRI nor any other
entity with a relationship with Indian River MRI, ever secured the required MRI
acereditation for the Clinic (in Ft. Pierce) during the time that Indian River MRI operated
the Clinic. Indian River MRI did tell the Agency (see the letter in Exhibit “A”) that it
had received MRI accreditation from ACR for its Vero Beach MRI clinic, specifically for
use of a “Phillips Intera 1.5” MRI unit. In summation, however, none of these
questionably-pertinent facts about any such confusion means anything other than the
pertinent fact, and material allegation here, that no smokescreen regarding MRI
accreditation activities can hide the fact that the activities of Indian River MRI (after
filing its licensure application in the Spring of 2004 for operation of the subject MRI
Clinic in Ft, Pierce) were only ostensibly, rather than actually, directed at securing MRI
accreditation of the Clinic within one year of the May 18, 2004, issuance of the
temporary license.
22, On or about February 28, 2005, Respondent SPORTS IMAGING
CENTERS, LLC, with CHRIS VERNA as the principal owner of the corporation at that
time, acquired the business previously operated by Indian River MRI, including the
physical assets and equipment for operating the Clinic at the referenced location, and
more specifically also including Indian River’s MRI equipment and its MRI services
business. A copy of the first page of a Bill of Sale between Respondent Sports Imaging
Centers LLC and Christopher Verna, as buyers, and Leslie Waller, signing the bill of sale ,
on behalf of himself individually and for “Mobile Resouance (sic) Imaging” is attached
hereto and made a part hereof as AHCA’s Exhibit “E.” (Notably, the Agency is not
privy to and does not have a copy of, ag of the date of the service of this Administrative
OCT. 31. 2006 12:00AM NO 94d P19
Complaint, the referenced “List of purchased assets” that ostensibly is attached to the Bill
of Sale as its exhibit “A”.]
23, The Agency in due course thereupon on April 4, 2005, less than one year
after the issuance of the temporary license for the operation of the Clinic, issued to
Respondent standard clinic license HCC55S1 (same clinic license number as on the
previous licenses), on Certificate #8859, effective February 28, 2005, for operation of the
Clinic under the Clinic’s same, unchanged referenced Ft. Pierce location, but under the
changed name of the corporate licensee (SPORTS IMAGING CENTERS , LLC). A
copy of the Agency’s cover letter dated April 4, 2005, and copy of that standard clinic
license, are attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHCA’s Composite Exhibit “F.”
The license expiration date on the face of this license is February 27, 2007.
‘24. Months passed, with the Agency receiving no information from Respondent
regarding the required MRI accreditation of the Clinic, or of any MRI unit, or of any
progress being made with respect to the “pending” MRI accreditation by ACR that
Respondent did state and report on its 2005 CHOW application.
25, More than two years (29 months) have passed since the issuance of the
referenced temporary license HCC5551 to Respondent’s predecessor licensee (Indian
River MRD) without any MRI accreditation of the Clinic ever occurring for the operation
of the Clinte at the referenced Ft. Pierce location under any of the three different
certificates of Licensure issued under this MRI clinic license number HCCS551.
26. More than eighteen (18) months have passed since the Agency’s lieensure of
the Clinic specifically to Respondent, without Respondent having secured the MRI
accreditation required under the Act.
OCT, 31, 2006 12: 08AN . NQ 940 PF. 1a
27. Neither Respondent nor its predesssox licensee under this referenced license
ever requested any extension of time to secure MRI accreditation.
28, On June 19, 2006, the Agency received Respondent’s change of ownership
[CHOW] licensure application [2006 CHOW application], essentially advising the
Agency of a reportedly yet-to-occur substantial transfer of the ownership interest in the
Respondent corporation, from CHRIS VERNA to one RAYMOND M. WINDSOR.
Documentation provided to the Agency indicated that the transfer would occur on or
before August 15,2006. The 2006 CHOW application indicates in handwritten notes on
its face (see page 5 of 7 in section VID that Respondent concurrently submitted to ACR
with the filing of the application itself, a check for $2100, in anticipation of Respondent's
own consultant “coming to site in August of 2006." A copy of the 2006 CHOW
application is attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHCA’s Exhibit “G.”
29, The Agency timely responded by sending Respondent its “omissions” letter,
dated July 10, 2006, informing Respondent of various deficiencies in the 2006 CHOW
application that rendered it “incomplete.” The omitted items include the Agency’s
request for Respondent’s “certificate of accreditation or any application for a certificate
of accreditation for current MRI services.” A copy of the Agency's letter dated July 10,
2006, is attached hereto and made a part hereof as AHCA’s Exhibit “H.”
30. On July 31, 2006, the Agency received Respondent’ s response to its
referenced omissions letter. Among other things, Respondent said:
a. that the closing on the transfer of ownership was not occurring in the future in
August 2006 as previously stated, but had already occurred four months earlier on March
15, 2006;
OCT. 31. 2006 12:0¢AM NU, 9440
b, that Raymond M. Windsor had taken over the majority interest (ownership) in.
Respondent, become Respondent's managing partner, including for the operation of the
subject Ft. Pierce Clinic, and as such managing partner had “entered into a purchase
contract for new MRI equipment” which is “to be installed in September (2006), which
will replace the existing 5 GE Sigma;”
c. that this latter MR unit, a mobile unit, impliedly the one jn use at the Clinic in
2006, including currently, had ACR accreditation for use by someone at some time,
somewhere, that the Agency here alleges never included any accreditation for use by
Respondent at the subject Ft Pierce Clinic); and
d, that, in any event, such accreditation not incidentally “expired in November of
2005" which the Agency here alleges means that Respondent knowingly continues to
provide MRI services with an MRI unit for which the asserted once-existing accreditation
pertained to some other user’s use at some other place, and which in any event expired
eleven (11) months ago (November 2005).
A copy of Respondent's referenced response (3 pages) is attached hereto and
made a part hereof as AHCA’s Composite Exhibit “1.”
31, Respondent continues to engage in providing MRI services at the Clinic,
notwithstanding the long-standing failure of Respondent and its predecessor Indian River
MRI to secure the required MRI accreditation.
32. Raymond M. Windsor, prior to becoming Respondent's managing partner,
had personal experience in the ownership, state licensure, operation and management of
Windsor Imaging, an MRI clinic in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Such experience includes
that Mr. Windsor, as managing partner for the operation of Windsor {maging, signed the
OCT. 31.2006 12:00AM ; NW, 749
2004 licensure application for the licensure by the Agency of Windsor Imaging as an
MRI clinic. That application evidences Mr. Windsor’s personal knowledge as far back as
2004 both that the Act requires MRI accreditation of censed MRI olinics in this state,
and that Windsor Imaging did secure the required MRI accreditation in compliance with
the Act.
33, As and for its Count |, the Agency re-alleges the factual allegations of
paragraphs 1-32 and incorporates those allegations here as if fully stated in this count.
34, As alleged, more than one year has passed since the Agency’s licensure of
the Clinic without Respondent having secured, at any time in 2004, 2005 or 2006, the
MRI accreditation required under the Act for the Clinic to provide MRI services.
35. Respondent's referenced licensure under clinic license number HCCS51,
Certificate #8859, thus currently exists contrary to and in direct violation of the express
requirement of referenced §400.9935 (11)(a) of the Act, to wit: that a health care clinic
that is engaged in providing MRI services must secure accreditation within one year of its
36. Respondent, through its Clinic, not only continues to be engaged in providing
MRI services in violation of the Act, and in violation of its spirit and intent specifically
with respect to MRI services, but also appears quite willing to do so for many months in
the future in the absence of Agency action to revoke the referenced license for its failure
to secure the required accreditation.
37, The facts and circumstances surrounding Respondent’s violation of the Act
by its failure to secure MRI accreditation of the Clinic as required by the Act, particularly
OCT. 34.2006 12:00AM NO 24d 0 PV?
for so long and so blatantly, fully warrant revocation of the referenced license by the
Agency pursuant to either §400,9935 (7) or §400.995(1) of the Act.
38. As and for its Count Il, the Agency re-alleges the factual allegations of
paragraphs 1-32 and incorporates those allegations here as if fully stated in this count. .
39. On the facts and law as alleged herein, the Agency has determined that it has
the factual and legal basis for denying Respondent’s referenced 2006 CHOW licensure
application for operation of the Clinic under a new license to Respondent, as required by
§400,992 of the Act upon a transfer of ownership as significant as that which occurred
here, Among other things:
a. Respondent has been in direct violation of the express requirement of
referenced §400.9935(11)(a) of the Act, to wit: that a health care clinic that is engaged in
providing MRI services must secure accreditation within one year of its censure. This
requirement of the Act cannot be circumvented or avoided lawfully by the transfer of the
majority ownership in the subject licensee/limited liability company and the subsequent
attempt to secure a re-licensure of that non-compliant licensee to operate an MRI clinic
(the subject Clinic) under facts and circumstances such as exist here.
b. The Agency also has determined that a material misrepresentation of
fact occurred here as to the 2006 CHOW application in that Respondent tried, and then
capitulated on its attempt to misrepresent to the Agency that the 2006 CHOW application
was timely filed; when it was uot. Such material misrepresentation constitutes a violation
of the Act that supports denial of licensure, pursuant to referenced §400,991(7)(e) of the
Act. The Agency has determined that Respondent’s attempt to correct this violation of
OCT. 31. 2006 T23)9AM NW, 740 reo£v
the Act by admitting to the falsity of the representation, cannot and does not cure the
violation in this case, under these facts and circumstances.
c. The Agency also has determined that Respondent unlawfully operated
the Clinic after the transfer of ownership to the new majority owner of the limited
liability company on March 15, 2006, by operating without a valid license, in violation of
§400.991(1)(a) of the Act. -The Agency has determined that Respondent's operation of
the Clinic under the new ownership of the limited liability company, without first
securing the CHOW license contemplated by §400.992(4) of the Act, left Respondent
without a valid license as of the March 15, 2006, date of the transfer of ownership interest
to the new majority owner, These acts of transfer by Respondent's principals, bath the
individual buyer (Varna) and the individual seller (Windsor), not only establish a
violation of §400.992(4) of the Act on that date, but also constitute the violation of
§400,992(5) of the Act. That referenced subsection, as a matter of law, contemplates that
a health care clinic license is valid only for the clinic owner - to wit, the Hcensee limited
liability company here ~ under the individual ownership of that clinic owner (i.e., the
100% ownership of the LLC by Varna) that existed prior to the transfer. Otherwise, there
is little point to requiring the CHOW licensure process (upon a transfer of a 45% or more *
interest in an LLC) to take place prior to the actual transfer,
40, The Agency has considered the referenced sanctions available to it under the
Act, and specifically also has considered the factors set forth in §400.995(1) [See f 12
above] and has determined that the facts and law support the following agency actions:
a. As to Count], revocation of HCCU 5551;
OCT. 31.2006 12: 094M
NU 740 0 TZ}
b. As to Count II, denial of the 2006 CHOW licensure application.
41, AHCA intends to issue its final order imposing these sanctions and, ifa
hearing is sought in this matter by Respondent, ABCA respectfully requests of the
administrative law judge or informal hearing officer that he or she enter his or her
recommended order that the Agency enter its final order imposing such sanctions.
Respectfully submitted this igthay of October, 2006.
Dawrey ae
Tom R. Moore, Esquire
ANCA Senior Attorney
Fla. Bar No, 097383 -
Agency for Health Care Administration
Palmer Building, HCCU, MSC #53
272'7 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308-5407
(850) 488-0215 (office)
(850) 488-5897 (fax)
OCT. 34. 2006 12:09AM NW 74
> | re © 4
The following exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
O} ig ' ‘ 0
- AHICA’S Exhibit “A” + Indian River MRI letier dated March 8, 2004, regarding “Hy Sree
applicant's MRI accreditation effort. 1A Rings! VE
AHICA’'s Composite Exhibit “pr - Agency's cover letter dated May 18, 2004, and
temporary license HCC5551 issued to Indian River MRI.
AHCA’s Exhibit “C” - Respondent's (6-page) 2005 CHOW licensure application.
AHCA's Composite Exhibit up” - Agency’s cover Jeter dated February 17, 2005,
and standard clinic license 11CC5551 issued to Indian River MRI.
AHCA’s Exhibit “E” - Bill of Sale between Respondent Sports Imaging Centers LLC
and Christopher Verna, as buyers, and Leslie Waller, signing the bill of sale on behalf of
himself individually and for “Mobile Resouance (sic) Imaging.” [The Agency does not
possess a copy of the referenced attachment of a list of assets. ]
AHCA’s Composite Exhibit sc - Agency's cover letter dated April 4, 2005, with
standard clinic license HCC5551 issued to Respondent SPORTS IMAGING CENTERS.
ABICA’s Exhibit “G” - Respondent's 2006 CHOW application.
AYICA’s Exhibit “A” - Agency's “omissions” letter dated July 10, 2006.
AHCA’s Composite Exhibit “I” - Respondent's response (3 pages) to AHCA’s
omissions letter, received by AHCA July 31, 2006.
OCT. 34. 2006 12:09AM : NW. 750 FLoo£3
: f / i s}
Sm fe
06 om Esah
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing, he 4 3: 4g
pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Specific options for 4 ORY CISION pe
administrative review of the relief sought herein are set out in the attached Electionpt, OTR AT ys
Rights form and explained inthe attached Explanation of Rights form. : RIGS nE
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health Care
Administration and delivered to:
Mr. Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk
Agency for Health Care Administration
Building #3, MSC #3
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Please also furnish a copy thereof to the above-named AHCA Senior attorney
who prepared and signed this Administrative Complaint (see address below signature).
OCT. 31. 2006 12:07AM
The undersigned AHCA counsel hereby certifies that a truc and correct copy of
the above and foregoing Administrative Complaint, together with its exhibits “A”
through “T" and with an Blection of Rights form, has been furnished to the first addressee
below by certified mail, return receipt requested, and also furnished to Counsel for
Respondent by U.S. mail and telephone facsimile at the address and to the facsimile
number indicated: )
Raymond M. Windsor, Managing Partner
1000 Virginia Avenue
Ft. Perce, Florida 34982
Lester J. Perling, Esq.
Broad & Cassel
Counsel for Sports Imaging
P.O, Box 14010
- Ft, Lauderdale, Florida 33302
Telephone: (954) 764-7060
Facsimile: (954) 761-8135
on this 0! day of October, 2006.
Tom R. Moore, Esquire
AHCA Senior Attorney
Fla. Bar No, 097383
Agency for Health Care Administration
Palmer Building, HCCU, MSC #53
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308-5407
(850) 488-0215 (office) :
(850) 488-5897 (fax)
o £T
Docket for Case No: 06-004639
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jan. 17, 2007 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 17, 2007 |
Joint Motion for Remand filed.
Nov. 29, 2006 |
Response to Initial Order filed.
Nov. 28, 2006 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 22, 2007; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Pierce, FL).
Nov. 16, 2006 |
Initial Order.
Nov. 15, 2006 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 15, 2006 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Nov. 15, 2006 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.