Agency: Self-contained Agencies
Locations: Largo, Florida
Filed: Feb. 19, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, March 30, 2007.
Latest Update: Mar. 01, 2025
vs COMPLAINT NO. C06-968
COMES NOW, the Petitioner, Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board, hereinafter referred to
as "Petitioner," and files this Administrative Complaint against EMILIO CESAR CUZAN, hereinafter
referred to as "Respondent," and alleges: /
1. Petitioner seeks to suspend, revoke or take other disciplinary action against the Respondent as
licensee and against his license to practice contracting pursuant to Chapter 75-489, Laws of Florida, as
2. Respondent is a General Contractor having been issued license |-CGC008964 (CGC008964).
Respondent's last known address is 550 Anson Blvd., Hallandale, FL 33009.
3. At all times material Respondent was the qualifying contractor for Rolladen, Inc.
4. On or about October 4, 2006, PCCLB Investigator Mapes observed Warren Cowart installing
shutters at 9237 — 36" Way N, Pinellas Park, FL.
5. Investigation revealed that Cowart is not licensed to do contracting work in Pinellas County.
Further, Cowart stated that he was.a subcontractor for Respondent and not Respondent's employee.
Mr. Cowart was issued a citation for unlicensed activity.
6. Performing any act which assists a person or entity in engaging in the prohibited uncertified and
unregistered practice of contracting, if the certificateholder or registrant knows or has reasonable
grounds to know that the person or entity was uncertified and unregistered, is a violation of Section
489.129 (1)(d), Florida Statutes; Section 24(2)(e), Chapter 75-489, Laws of Florida, as amended; and _
Section 26-129(b)(5), Pinellas County Code. .
7. Paragraphs 1 through 6 restated as if in full.
11701 Belcher Road, Suite 102 e Largo, Florida 33773 « Phone 727-536-4720 © Fax 727-538-4797
8. Respondent failed to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage as required in violation
of Sections 440.10 and 440.38, Florida Statutes; Section 489.114, Florida Statutes; Section
489.129(1)(k), Florida Statutes; and Section 24(2)(I), Chapter 75-489, Laws of Florida, as amended.
Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Sections 440.10 and 440.38, Florida Statutes;
Section 489.114, Florida Statutes; Section 489.129 (1)(d)(k), Florida Statutes; Section 24(2)(d)(e)(j)(\)
(m), Chapter 75-489, Laws of Florida, as amended; and Section 26-129(b)(5), Pinellas County Code.
SIGNED this 22" day of November 2006
11701 Belcher Road, Suite 102 e Largo, Florida 33773 « Phone 727-536-4720 « Fax 727-538-4797
440.10 Liability for compensation.—
(1)(a) Every employer coming within the provisions of this chapter shall be liable for, and shall secure, the
payment to his or her employees, or any physician, surgeon, or pharmacist providing services under the
provisions of s. 440.13, of the compensation payable under ss. 440.13, 440.15, and 440. 16. Anysnienctiarior
subcontactir who engages in ary public:or privaty construction In: the state atiel siedinaienl
compensation for his or her employees under tile chapter as provided in 440093.
(b) In case a contractor subiets any part or parts of his or her contract work to a subcontractor or subcontractors,
all of the employees of such contractor and subcontractor or subcontractors engaged on such contract work shail
be deemed to be employed in one and the same business or establishment, and the contractor shall be liable for,
and shail secure, the payment of compensation to all such employees, except to employees of a subcontractor
who has secured such payment.
(c) A contractor shall require a subcontractor to provide evidence of workers' compensation insurance. A
subcontractor who is a corporation and has an officer who elects to be exempt as permitted under this chapter
shall provide a copy of his or her certificate of exemption to the contractor.
(d)1. If a contractor becomes liable for the payment of compensation to the employees of a subcontractor who
has failed to secure such payment in violation of s. 440.38, the contractor or other third-party payor shall be
entitled to recover from the subcontractor all benefits paid or payable plus interest unless the contractor and
subcontractor have agreed in writing that the contractor will provide coverage.
2. If a contractor or third-party payor becomes liable for the payment of compensation to the corporate officer of a
subcontractor who is engaged in the construction industry and has elected to be exempt from the provisions of
this chapter, but whose election is invalid, the contractor or third-party payor may recover from the claimant or
corporation all benefits paid or payable plus interest, unless the contractor and the subcontractor have agreed in
writing that the contractor will provide coverage.
(e) A subcontractor providing services in conjunction with a contractor on the same project or contract work is not
liable for the payment of compensation to the employees of another subcontractor or the contractor on such
contract work and is protected by the exclusiveness-of-liability provisions of s. 440.11 from any action at law or in
admiralty on account of injury to an employee of another subcontractor, or of the contractor, provided that:
1. The subcontractor has secured workers' compensation insurance for its employees or the contractor has
secured such insurance on behalf of the subcontractor and its employees in accordance with paragraph (b); and
2. The subcontractor's own gross negligence was not the major contributing cause of the injury.
(f) If an employer fails to secure compensation as required by this chapter, the department shall assess against
the employer a penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each employee of that employer who is classified by the
employer as an independent contractor but who is found by the department to not meet the criteria for an
independent contractor that are set forth in s. 440.02. The department shall adopt rules to administer the
provisions of this paragraph.
(g) Subject to s. 440.38, any employer who has employees engaged in work in this state shall obtain a Florida
policy or endorsement for such employees which utilizes Florida class codes, rates, rules, and manuals that are in
compliance with and approved under the provisions of this chapter and the Florida Insurance Code. Failure to
comply with this paragraph is a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or
s. 775.084. The department shall adopt rules for construction industry and nonconstruction-industry employers
with regard to the activities that define what constitutes being "engaged in work" in this state, using the following
1. For employees of nonconstruction-industry employers who have their headquarters outside of Florida and also
operate in Florida and who are routinely crossing state lines, but usually return to their homes each night, the
employee shall be assigned to the headquarters’ state. However, the construction industry employees performing
new construction or alterations in Florida shall be assigned to Florida even if the employees return to their home
state each night.
2. The payroll of executive supervisors who may visit a Florida location but who are not in direct charge of a
Florida location shall be assigned to the state in which the headquarters is located.
3. For construction contractors who maintain a permanent staff of employees and superintendents, if any of these
employees or superintendents are assigned to a job that is located in Florida, either for the duration of the job or
any portion thereof, their payroll shall be assigned to Florida rather than the headquarters’ state.
4. Employees who are hired for a specific project in Florida shall be assigned to Florida.
(2) Compensation shall be payable irrespective of fault as a cause for the injury, except as provided in s.
History.--s. 10, ch. 17481, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 5966(10); s. 4, ch. 18413, 1937; s. 6, ch. 74-197; s. 23, ch. 78-300; ss. 5,
124, ch. 79-40; s. 21, ch. 79-312; s. 2, ch. 80-236; s. 14, ch. 86-171; ss. 7, 43, ch. 89-289; ss. 15, 56, ch. 90-201; ss. 11, 52,
ch. 91-1; s. 4, ch. 91-2; s. 7, ch. 93-415; s. 104, ch. 97-103; s. 4, ch. 98-174; s. 15, ch. 2002-194; s. 7, ch. 2002-236; s. 470,
ch. 2003-261; s. 8, ch. 2003-412.
440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.--
(a) By insuring and keeping insured the payment of such compensation with any stock company or mutual
company or association or exchange, authorized to do business in the state;
(b) By furnishing satisfactory proof to the Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated, created in s.
440.385, that it has the financial strength necessary to ensure timely payment of all current and future claims
individually and on behalf of its subsidiary and affiliated companies with employees in this state and receiving an
authorization from the department to pay such compensation directly. The association shall review the financial
strength of applicants for membership, current members, and former members and make recommendations to the
department regarding their qualifications to self-insure in accordance with this section and ss. 440.385 and
440.386. The department shall act in accordance with the recommendations unless it finds by clear and
convincing evidence that the recommendations are erroneous.
1. As a condition of authorization under paragraph (a), the association may recommend that the department
Tequire an employer to deposit with the association a qualifying security deposit. The association shall
recommend the type and amount of the qualifying security deposit and shall prescribe conditions for the qualifying
security deposit, which shall include authorization for the association to call the qualifying security deposit in the
case of default to pay compensation awards and related expenses of the association. As a condition to
authorization to self-insure, the employer shail provide proof that the employer has provided for competent
personnel with whom to deliver benefits and to provide a safe working environment. The employer shall also
provide evidence that it carries reinsurance at levels that will ensure the financial strength and actuarial
soundness of such employer in accordance with rules adopted by the department. The department may by rule
require that, in the event of an individual self-insurer's insolvency, such qualifying security deposits and
reinsurance policies are payable to the association. Any employer securing compensation in accordance with the
provisions of this paragraph shall be known as a self-insurer and shall be classed as a carrier of her or his own
insurance. The employer shall, if requested, provide the association an actuarial report signed by a member of the
American Academy of Actuaries providing an opinion of the appropriate present value of the reserves, using a 4-
percent discount rate, for current and future compensation claims. if any member or former member of the
association refuses to timely provide such a report, the association may obtain an order from a circuit court
requiring the member to produce such a report and ordering any other relief that the court determines is
appropriate. The association may recover all reasonable costs and attorney's fees in such proceedings.
2. If the employer fails to maintain the foregoing requirements, the association shall recommend to the
department that the department revoke the employer's authority to self-insure, unless the employer provides to
the association the certified opinion of an independent actuary who is a member of the American Academy of
Actuaries as to the actuarial present value of the employer's determined and estimated future compensation
payments based on cash reserves, using a 4-percent discount rate, and a qualifying security deposit equal to 1.5
times the value so certified. The employer shall thereafter annually provide such a certified opinion until such time
as the employer meets the requirements of subparagraph 1. The qualifying security deposit shall be adjusted at
the time of each such annual report. Upon the failure of the employer to timely provide such opinion or to timely
provide a security deposit in an amount equal to 1.5 times the value certified in the latest opinion, the association
shall provide that information to the department along with a recommendation, and the department shall then
revoke such employer's authorization to self-insure. Failure to comply with this subparagraph constitutes an
immediate serious danger to the public health, safety, or welfare sufficient to justify the summary suspension of
the employer's authorization to self-insure pursuant to s. 120.68.
3. Upon the suspension or revocation of the employer's authorization to self-insure, the employer shall provide to
the association the certified opinion of an independent actuary who is a member of the American Academy of
Actuaries of the actuarial present value of the determined and estimated future compensation payments of the
employer for claims incurred while the member exercised the privilege of self-insurance, using a discount rate of 4
percent. The employer shall provide such an opinion at 6-month intervals thereafter until such time as the latest
opinion shows no remaining value of claims. With each such opinion, the employer shall deposit with the
association a qualifying security deposit in an amount equal to the value certified by the actuary. The association
has a cause of action against an employer, and against any successor of the employer, who fails to timely provide
such opinion or who fails to timely maintain the required security deposit with the association. The association
shall recover a judgment in the amount of the actuarial present value of the determined and estimated future
compensation payments of the employer for claims incurred while the employer exercised the privilege of self-
insurance, together with attorney's fees. For purposes of this section, the successor of an employer means any
person, business entity, or group of persons or business entities, which holds or acquires legal or beneficial title to
the majority of the assets or the majority of the shares of the empioyer.
4. A qualifying security deposit shall consist, at the option of the employer, of:
a. Surety bonds, in a form and containing such terms as prescribed by the association, issued by a corporation
surety authorized to transact surety business by the office, and whose policyholders’ and financial ratings, as
reported in A.M. Best's Insurance Reports, Property-Liability, are not less than "A" and "V", respectively.
b. Irrevocable letters of credit in favor of the association issued by financial institutions located within this state,
the deposits of which are insured through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
5. The qualifying security deposit shall be held by the association exclusively for the benefit of workers’
compensation claimants. The security shall not be subject to assignment, execution, attachment, or any legal
process whatsoever, except as necessary to guarantee the payment of compensation under this chapter. No
surety bond may be terminated, and no letter of credit may be allowed to expire, without 90 days’ prior written
notice to the association and deposit by the self-insuring employer of some other qualifying security deposit of
equal value within 10 business days after such notice. Failure to provide such written notice or failure to timely
provide qualifying replacement security after such notice shall constitute grounds for the association to call or sue
upon the surety bond or to exercise its rights under a letter of credit. Current self-insured employers must comply
with this section on or before December 31, 2001, or upon the maturity of existing security deposits, whichever
occurs later. The department may specify by rule the amount of the qualifying security deposit required prior to
authorizing an employer to self-insure and the amount of net worth required for an employer to qualify for
authorization to self-insure;
(c) By entering into a contract with a public utility under an approved utility-provided self-insurance program as
set forth in s. 624.46225 in effect as of July 1, 1983. The department shall adopt rules to implement this
(d) By entering into an interlocal agreement with other local governmental entities to create a local government
pool pursuant to s. 624.4622; or
(e) By entering into a contract with an individual self-insurer under an approved individual self-insurer-provided
self-insurance program as set forth in s. 624.46225. The department may adopt rules to administer this
(2)(a) The department shall adopt rules by which businesses may become qualified to provide underwriting
claims-adjusting, toss control, and safety engineering services to self-insurers.
(b) The department shall adopt rules requiring self-insurers to file any reports necessary to fulfill the requirements
of this chapter. Any self-insurer who fails to file any report as prescribed by the rules adopted by the department
shall be subject to a civil penalty.
(3)(a) The license of any stock company or mutual company or association or exchange authorized to do
insurance business in the state shall for good cause, upon recommendation of the department, be suspended or
revoked by the office. No suspension or revocation shall affect the liability of any carrier already incurred.
(b) The department shall suspend or revoke any authorization to a seif-insurer for failure to comply with this
section or for good cause, as defined by rule of the department. No suspension or revocation shall affect the
liability of any self-insurer already incurred.
(c) Violation of s. 440.381 by a self-insurance fund shall result in the imposition of a fine not to exceed $1,000 per
audit if the self-insurance fund fails to act on said audits by correcting errors in employee classification or
accepted applications for coverage where it knew employee classifications were incorrect. Such fines shall be
levied by the department and deposited into the Workers’ Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
(4)(a) A carrier of insurance, including the parties to any mutual, reciprocal, or other association, may not write
any compensation insurance under this chapter without a certificate of authority from the office. Such certificate of
authority shall be given, upon application therefor, to any insurance or mutual or reciprocal insurance association
upon the office's being satisfied of the solvency of such corporation or association and its ability to perform all its
undertakings. The office may revoke any certificate of authority so issued for violation of any provision of this
(b) A carrier of insurance, including the parties to any mutual, reciprocal, or other association, may not write any
compensation insurance under this chapter unless such carrier has a claims adjuster, either in-house or under
contract, situated within this state. Self-insurers whose compensation payments are administered through a third
party and carriers of insurance shall maintain a claims adjuster within this state during any period for which there
are any open claims against such self-insurer or carrier arising under the compensation insurance written by the
self-insurer or carrier. Individual self-insurers whose compensation payments are administered by employees of
the self-insurer shall not be required to have their claims adjuster situated within this state. Individual self-insurers
shall not be required to have their claims adjusters situated within this state.
(5) All insurance carriers authorized to write workers' compensation insurance in this state shall make available,
at the written request of the employer, an insurance policy containing deductibles in the amount of $500, $1,000,
$1,500, $2,000, and $2,500 per claim and a coinsurance provision per claim. Any amount of coinsurance shall
bind the carrier to pay 80 percent, and the employer to pay 20 percent, of the benefits due to an employee for an
injury compensable under this chapter of the amount of benefits above the deductible, up to the limit of $21,000.
One hundred percent of the benefits above the amount of any deductible and coinsurance, as the case may be,
due to an employee for one injury shall be paid solely by the carrier. Regardless of any coinsurance or deductible
amount, the claim shall be paid by the applicable carrier, which shall then be reimbursed by the employer for any
coinsurance or deductible amounts paid by the carrier. No insurance carrier shail be required to offer a deductible
or coinsurance to any employer if, as a result of a credit investigation, the carrier determines that the employer is
not sufficiently financially stable to be responsible for payment of such deductible or coinsurance amounts.
6) The state and its boards, bureaus, departments, and agencies and all of its political subdivisions which
employ labor, and the state universities, shall be deemed self-insurers under the terms of this chapter, unless
they elect to procure and maintain insurance to secure the benefits of this chapter to their employees; and they
are hereby authorized to pay the premiums for such insurance.
(7) Any employer who meets the requirements of subsection (1) through a policy of insurance issued outside of
this state must at all times, with respect to all employees working in this state, maintain the required coverage
under a Florida endorsement using Florida rates and rules pursuant to payroll reporting that accurately reflects
the work performed in this state by such employees.
History.--s. 38, ch. 17481, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 5966(37), 7476(7), 8135(13); s. 13, ch. 22637, 1945; ss. 13, 17, 35, ch. 69-
106; s. 367, ch. 71-136; s. 11, ch. 78-95; ss. 12, 23, ch. 78-300; ss. 29, 124, ch. 79-40; ss. 16, 21, ch. 79-312; s. 1, ch. 80-324;
s. 2, ch. 82-65; s. 2, ch. 83-303; ss. 13, 14, ch. 83-305; s. 3, ch. 84-267; s. 67, ch. 85-81; s. 7, ch. 87-330; s. 43, ch. 89-289;
ss. 31, 56, ch. 90-201; ss. 29, 52, ch. 91-1; s. 36, ch. 93-415; s. 121, ch. 97-103; s. 9, ch. 2000-150; s. 96, ch. 2000-153; s. 1,
ch. 2000-368; s. 23, ch. 2001-91; s. 2, ch. 2002-262; s. 483, ch. 2003-261; ss. 11, 12, ch. 2003-399; s. 27, ch. 2003-412.
A. Section 11, ch. 2003-399, amended subsection (6) "[i]n order to implement specific Appropriations 123-130 of the 2003-
2004 General Appropriations Act."
B. Section 12, ch. 2003-399, provides that "[t]he amendment of [subsection (6) of s. 440.38], by this act shall expire on July 1,
2004, and the text of that [subsection] shall revert to that in existence on June 30, 2003, except that any amendments to such
text enacted other than by this act shall be preserved and continue to operate to the extent that such amendments are not
dependent upon the portions of such text which expire pursuant to the provisions of this act." Effective July 1, 2004, subsection
(6) as amended by s. 12, ch. 2003-399, will read:
(6) The state and its boards, bureaus, departments, and agencies and all of its political subdivisions which employ labor shall
be deemed self-insurers under the terms of this chapter, unless they elect to procure and maintain insurance to secure the
benefits of this chapter to their employees; and they are hereby authorized to pay the premiums for such insurance.
489. 114 Evidence of workers' compensation coverage.- eB
i {pchaitensay. in the event that the Division of
Workers’ Compensation of the Department of Financial Services receives notice of the cancellation of a policy of
workers’ compensation insurance insuring a person or entity governed by this section, the Division of Workers’
Compensation shall certify and identify all persons or entities by certification or registration license number to the
department after verification is made by the Division of Workers' Compensation that persons or entities governed
by this section are no longer covered by workers' compensation insurance. Such certification and verification by
the Division of Workers' Compensation may result from records furnished to the Division of Workers’
Compensation by the persons or entities governed by this section or an investigation completed by the Division of
Workers’ Compensation. The department shall notify the persons or entities governed by this section who have
been determined to be in noncompliance with chapter 440, and the persons or entities notified shall provide
certification of compliance with chapter 440 to the department and pay an administrative fine in the amount of
$500. The failure to maintain workers’ compensation coverage as required by law shall be grounds for the board
to revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal of a certificate, registration, or certificate of authority of the
contractor under the provisions of s. 489.129.
History.--s. 29, ch. 89-289; s. 1, ch. 90-192; s. 47, ch. 90-201; s. 45, ch. 91-1; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 9, ch. 93-166; s. 7, ch. 97-
228; s. 30, ch. 2001-91; s. 17, ch. 2002-236; s. 508, ch. 2003-261.
489.129 Disciplinary proceedings.
tt), “Tho bose may take any of he flowing achons against ny oo sestaines
(oy. Parlor atiy Sct sit esate: piri ery i degaet he
{k) Signing #/statement with spect to’ praject of contract falesty indicating
stir ieee te econ alee
loss tothe owner, puicheser; or contradir; ot faleely nditing
(1) On its own motion or the verified written complaint of any person, the board may investigate the action of any
contractor certified or registered under this part and hold hearings pursuant to law. When any complaint involves
a contractor certified or registered under this part for acts or omissions occurring in any area of the county that
has a local board, the board shall forward the complaint to the local board where the alleged violation occurred for
its action. Where no local board exists, or when such local board waives its jurisdiction, the board shall take
jurisdiction. The board may take appropriate disciplinary action if the contractor4 is found to be guilty of or has
committed any one of the acts or omissions constituting cause for disciplinary action set out herein or adopted as
rules or regulations by the board.
(4) Watity oF dabberately disraga and vi ng the epplichbie bu
or of any municipality or county of this state;
seca wy was uncertified arid unrogiterss
(Signing a Statement with respect tom project or contract!
idee’ to tel-owhner, purchaser, oo Conteaicior or falealy indlcating? rot
insurance.ate provided.
(m) Being found guity of traud or deceit oF ot gross:
Sec. 26-129. Revocation or suspension of certificate or registration; additional penaities and disciplinary
(a) On its own motion or the verified written complaint of any person, the board may investigate the action of any
contractor certified or registered under this division and hold hearings pursuant to law. When any complaint
involves a contractor certified or registered under this division for acts or omissions occurring in any area of the
county that has a local board, the board shall forward the complaint to the local board where the alleged violation
occurred for its action. Where no local board exists, or when such local board waives its jurisdiction, the board
shall take jurisdiction. The board may take appropriate disciplinary action if the contractor is found to be guilty of
or has committed any one of the acts or omissions constituting cause for disciplinary action set out herein or
adopted as rules or regulations by the board.
Docket for Case No: 07-000870
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 30, 2007 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 26, 2007 |
Stipulation filed.
Mar. 09, 2007 |
Order (Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time for Discovery is granted; Petitioner`s motion to continue is denied).
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Time for Discovery filed.
Mar. 06, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Certificate of Serving Interrogatories, Request to Produce and Request for Admissions filed.
Mar. 02, 2007 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Mar. 02, 2007 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 10, 2007; 9:30 a.m.; Largo, FL).
Feb. 26, 2007 |
Response to Initial Order filed.
Feb. 19, 2007 |
Initial Order.
Feb. 19, 2007 |
Election of Rights filed.
Feb. 16, 2007 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 16, 2007 |
Agency referral filed.