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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-001698 Visitors: 31
Respondent: BETWEEN BUNS
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Apr. 13, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, May 11, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
OT IG STATE OF FLORIDA / i = DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION te E p DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND . RP; PROFESSIONAL REGULATION uiv; Fug ; Petitioner, ane leds vam ADH EH OF License No. 5861721 CARIN Au VE BETWEEN BUNS License Type 204 ; NGS Respondent, "Case No, 2008061255 : ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (“Petttioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against BETWEEN BUNS, ("Respondent’), and says: . ‘ 1, Patitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Flotida Statutes, 2, ‘Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the ‘Division of Hotels and Restaurants, The respondent's business addyess of record is 1601 E COLONIAL DR, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32819.The malling address of record ig BETWEEN BUNS, at 14525 FOX HAVEN BLVD., ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32837, . 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec, 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules Promulgated thereto governing Operation of the éstablishment. The Violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "6", Incorporated herein by reference, : WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following. penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Depariment’s Hospitality Education Prograrn; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief. authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or'the rules promulgated thereto, Signed November 07, 2006 > Valerie Freeman, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: ; Gharies F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 : ; Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Straat Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: _- ; | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been 2008, hand served by me on this day of 008 Received by; Inspector's Signature . Operator's Signature ——————$ Title Title Case Number 2008081255 District Number. 04 License Number: 5851721 2014 Form revised 10.10.08 BETWEEN BUNS . Exhibit A License Number; 5861724 License Type: 2014 MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLE Case Number: 2006081255 : . FC as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Racommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative’ Code, NFPA as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, Fire Prevention, General Provisions, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1,004(5), Florida Administrative Code, “ denotes a oritical violation. Itis alleged that on May 27, 2005, November 21, 2005, January 26, 2006, November 1, 2006, Navember 2, 2006 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the foltowing particulars. Gopy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. * 4,95A-05-1 6-501.111 FC:;, CONTROLLING PESTS. THE PRESENCE OF. INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS SHALL BE CONTROLLED TO MINIMIZE THEIR PRESENCE ON THE PREMISES BY: (A) ROUTINELY INSPECTING INCOMING SHIPMENTS OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES; (8) ROUTINELY INSPECTING THE PREMISES FOR EVIDENCE OF PESTS: (C) USING METHODS, IF PESTS ARE FOUND, SUCH AS TRAPPING DEVIGES OR OTHER MEANS OF PEST CONTROL AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTIONS 7-202.12, 7-208,12, AND 7-206.13; AND (D) ELIMINATING HARBORAGE CONDITIONS. OBSERVED EVIDENGE OF A ROAGH AGTIVITY WITHIN THE MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLE, SEVENTEEN LIVE ROAGHES WERE OBSERVED ON THE HINGES OF A REACH IN COOLER, ONE WAS OBSERVED INSIDE THE COOLER AND ONE WAS OBSERVED ON THE EXTERIOR. (11/1/06 AND 14/2/06). an 2. 51 FS 509.261 (3) REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSES, OTHER CONDITIONS SANITARY AND SAFE OPERATION, THE DIVISION SHALL POST A PROMINENT CLOSED-FOR- OPERATION SIGN ON ANY PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT OR PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT, THE LICENSE OF WHICH HAS BEEN SUSPENDED OR REVOKED: THE DIVISION SHALL ALSO POST SUCH SIGN ON ANY ESTABLISHMENT JUDICIALLY OR ADMINISTRATIVELY DETERMINED TO BE OPERATING WITHOUT A LICENSE. IT IS A MISDEMEANOR OF THE SECOND DEGREE, PUNISHABLE AS PROVIDED IN S. 775,082 OR S, 775,083, FOR ANY PERSON TO DEFACE OR REMOVE SUCH CLOSED-FOR-OPERATION SIGN OR FOR ANY.PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT OR PUBLIG FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT TO OPEN FOR OPERATION WITHOUT A LICENSE OR TO BE OPEN FOR OPERATION WHILE ITS LICENSE IS SUSPENDED OR REVOKED. THE DIVISION MAY IMPOSE ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS SECTION. THE "CLOSED FOR OPERATION" SIGN HAD BEEN COVERED. (11/2/16). 3, 541 FS 509.032 (2) (B) INSPECTION OF PREMISES, OTHER CONDITIONS SANITARY AND SAFE OPERATION. FOR PURPOSES OF PERFORMING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS CHAPTER, THE DIVISION HAS THE RIGHT OF ENTRY AND ACCESS TO PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS AND PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS AT ANY REASONABLE TIME. THE OPERATOR ATTEMPTED TO OBSTRUCT INSPECTORS ABILITY TO CONDUCT A REQUIRED 24 HOUR RE-INSPECTION, THE OPERATOR TOLD THE INSPECTORS TO NOT TOUGH HIS TRUCK AND ’ THAT HE DID NOT WANT THE INSPECTORS ON HIS PROPERTY. A POLICE ESCORT HAD TO BE OBTAINED. (11/2/06). * denotes critical violation District: 04 Case Number: 2006061255 License Type: 2014 License Number: 5851721 File Number: 18780 BETWEEN BUNS Exhibit A 4.51-09-4 _610-1.002(5)(B) FAG: (B) ANY CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF-SEATS PROVIDED WHICH MAY AFFECT THE LICENSE FEE, THE FLORIDA CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT, FIRE SAFETY, BATHROOM REQUIREMENTS OR ANY OTHER SANITATION AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED IN LAW OR RULE, SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE DIVISION BY THE OPERATOR, 61C-1.002(5) FAC:;_ THE CRITERIA FOR LIGENSING PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS AS DEFINED IN SUBSECTION 509.013(5), FS, SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. A) NON-SEATING ; 2, MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLE — MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLES ARE CLASSIFIED AS ANY VEHICLE MOUNTED PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS WHIGH ARE SELF-PROPELLED OR OTHERWISE MOVABLE FROM PLACE TO PLACE AND ARE SELF-SUFFICIENT FOR UTILITES, SUCH AS GAS, WATER, ELECTRICITY AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO ACQUAINT ALL OPERATORS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND RULES. ALL MOBILE FOOD DISPENSING VEHICLES REQUIRED TO HAVE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS SHALL SUBMIT THIS NUMBER TO THE DIVISION ON THE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. F.S, 509,221 SANITARY REGULATIONS, (2) (A) EACH PUBLIC LODGING ESTABLISHMENT AND EACH PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT SHALL MAINTAIN NOT LESS THAN ONE PUBLIC BATHROOM FOR EACH SEX, PROPERLY DESIGNATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY RULE, THE DIVISION SHALL ESTABLISH BY RULE CATEGORIES OF ESTABLISHMENTS NOT SUBJECT TO THE BATHROOM REQUIREMENT OF THIS PARAGRAPH, SUCH RULES MY NOT ALTER THE EXEMPTION PROVIDED FOR THEME PARKS IN PARAGRAPH (B). ON 11/1/08, EIGHT SEATS WERE OBSERVED OUWTSIDE OF THE MOBILE UNIT, (5/27/05, 11/21/06, 1/26/08, AND 11/1/06). . ‘ : “denotes critical violation . District: 04 Case Number: 2006061255 License Type: 2014 License Number: 5851721 File Number: 18780 BETWEEN BUNS ) : } Paye 1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS ANO RESTAURANTS . wunwanyfiorda.com/dbpr EXH | B IT B . POOD SERVICE THSPECTION REPORT ; " LEGAL, HOTICE i Falire to comply with thie Hotice may intiate an administrative complaint that may resak In euspendion of hvocation of your Heanee and Gres. 14/01/06 03:27 PH . Routine SBSI7ZL HIDG Htepection Date and Tine Tinpection Reston License Humber BETWEEN BUNS, ING . BETWEEN BUNS , Area Code/Tefephone Number Business Name 4un7 umn Une (Rance bpration 4601 E COLONIAL DR. : ORLANDO, 32819 Rares [Chy /Biate |2p Tete Penk, traich in conten, ‘4 Degrees F, ‘Sankttzer Type: Not Set Up found at conrentrauion of 0 PPM, NOTE: Itetres marked above with an aaberiek (*) Indicate 4 violation by Wil Gorta . : mt Code Enforoement as the unit Has no mobility. Tites are fat.Gectrcal torduk unit apporrs ty be permanent, reference no 24306 vouch activky was observed by Inspector WIM Garis, atabhshinant Open and Serving the General Pubic at the time of inspection Provided Web Site: wav.myfarkda,.com/dipr Take en Csorrtel lel Hou, is theo pera ro Se Sa tartan. Be Show + 1-01-06 ae ween Ht ker Date . Slaneture of Reciptent inspector Signature Recipiant John Z 7] Ltée, Sep ; ! Por further infarmabon please contact: Sevitt Bachoo Tie owes Suz Sanmeaton and Safety Specatst-400W Ralilason Strwa ry N Photts: vot 82 sande ofl 32001-1760 SOUR Os AE TEMPERKTORE CONTR *03a Cold food at proper temperatures durtig storage, display, survicn, Gramsport, and cotd holding *02 Original conthinar; properly labeled, date marking [NO ab Hat food at nrepertenperatire "02-12 Consumer advitory on reny/undermoke| oysters [No | Fade Foods codhed/rehasted STE Case SY a Rw STMOMEETS provided conaplcicuely ploced Vialitions marked with an stark ary critical violations, Ibume marked IN ara in compliance, Stems Marked OUT ara vielationa, Spacife details of violation ara Hated on Subsequent pages, Items matked N/A ars Not Applicable, Itume Marked as N/O are Not Obsarved, and were not being conducted at the lime of inapection, DBPR Fars HR 5022-016 Page 2 Lense Number STATE OF FLORIDA HDG sasiza1 DEPARTHENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION : DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name . wow. miyfioridie.com/dépr EX 1B nes Foon series Jnstemon REPORT f T tangy 0ar27 0 , biiF TEMPERATURE CONTROL U7 Unwrapped oF potentially hazal a | Gos food not re-served 3 Containers covered, adeniaice limber, kngect nied rodent i ’ 08a Food pritection during storage, prapamiion, dbepiay, emptied proper Hs oan service, transportation OuBide a, enclae POST *08e Potential for Gross-eantam ation; storage practices, IREECT AND RODENT CONTROL 2 $e i rte a —— ai ti a a mn WR eT ———] a PERSORNE Se Rea a saat —————J sierra ——————J Pr are reesei lila witli hone mfg and maltenance equininent thorized personnel hivecesary ai Properly stated, Kitchen restricted tp au OF clean equipment, utensils - ; |_—__SS aTa ap ~~ na 26 Sinaia eervine artlckas Tae reused |__ #TATOS | WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING | “2? Water sotct sata, hot and cod under presstite ee ee 29 Phumibing installed and malntatned ee eat —— 37 HospRalty Education Program Information provides Violations marked With an avturiak are erieal viglationa, Ibemme marked 14 ara f compliance, ftame Mariesd OUT are ‘viollane, Specific datalla af vidlation are fated on Gubsaquent pages, Itama niarked N/A are Not Applicable, ttama Marked as H/6 are Not ‘Observed, and wera not baing conducted a3 the tine of Inspagtion, O8PR Form HR 5022-015 : , ek } , ) aes Lcense Number a tind FLORIDA a HTDG 5851721 USINI PROFESSIONAL B DEPARTMENT GF ERS REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: meenmgmeneemrar EXHIBIT peer 4/0/06 03127 PH Fallure to comply with this Notios hay Initiate an administrative complaint that may reautt Iq suspension or revocation of yor Tiperwe and fines, Warntng(s): ‘ Si-O4-L:Mobha food ditpending vehitie not reporting to commmissary as requbted, . : : 51-26-1:Mobile food dispensing vahicls provkling seating for customers without Proper resiroom support Observed elght seats, Repeat Vialstion, Be Chee encrusted, soded material on potatn alicer, Repent Violatto: 20M0-L: Chlorine sanitizer Not at proper minimum strangth for manual wargwashing. Corrects On Site, 36-14-L:Observed netiue accutnulated on Wtchen floar, ‘24-05-11 Observed residue buld-up on Nonfood-contart surface Handwashing wink, . I-01: Obetrvist accumubrtion of debris in ttree-compartmant: wink: OBA-IS-L:Food stored In a solled sink.Potatoes . 37-10-11 Observed attached équiprinnt nated with a black tke substance Shower walls, 32r15-4tNa handwashing sign provided at a handitak used by foad employees, 35D-14-1 Observed screan in winddts tomyln poor repalrEntrance,: 23-03-1 Obsarved bulid-up of grease on Nonfood-curitact turfacn.Fryers . 43-29 LINo Class kK portable fire extinguisher. T-A7+LObuerved soiled reactiein tuoter ganksts, 254-05 LObeened Poach activity as evidenced by (ive roaches fourtd by 1 Inside 2 reach In cooker ‘1540541: Observed roach acthity a3 evklenced ty Ite roaches faund 1 on the outsktevot the reach i enoter S5A‘05-1:Oboerved roach acthity as evidenced by live roaches found 17 on tha hinges of tha reach in cooler 0004-1: Obgarved bare hand contect of ready-to-eat food by employees ond astablistinant tas na approved Alternative ‘Operating Procedure In effect. grabbed brasd with bare hands. ‘DBPR Form HR 5022-015 Paga 4 Ucense Number STATE OF FLORIDA HIDG = Sayi720 DEPARTHENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESRIQHAL REGULATIO; mace” EH Byres cae FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE "ne oatz7 PA Failure te comply With this Notion may initiate an admlntetrathea complaint that nay requit In suspension o# Favocation of your feanse and fires. 22-15-1iReech-tn cooker not cleaned prior to accumutation af soll reskiue, 37-06-1: Observed walt soled with arcumutatad grease. behind the cooking equipment, 43-03-L:Observed employee with no halt restraint, ‘DBP Form HA 5022-015 Page 1 STATE OF FLORIDA * DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL, REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS EX : wae thyfloride.comldbpr ‘ Hy, BI T B CALLBACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failura to comply with thie Notica may initie ; hat may reeult in suspension or revocation of your lleonge and fines. 11/01/06 02:38 PM 5851721 HTOG. : EE en TOG Callback Ingpection Date and Time License Number BETWEEN BUNS, INC. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT Owner Name recommended, Area Code/Telaphane Number BETWEEN BUNS Gusiness Name tnapactian Result 11/21/05. ——___. Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Initial Warning Date 1601 E’COLONIAL DR ORLANDO, 32819 Address / Clty / State / Zip / eto. ’ potato slicer,inside the reach in Coolarand,.In the storage contalnar-for-fries-+4/106-The- potaio slicer tase Tesidue/sor build up Admimistrative Complaint requested, . Will Gorls ac¢ompanled Savitrl Bachoo on this Stipulation Call Back, he following Item(s) have bean rocammendad for Admintuative Complaint: The Moblle Food Dispensing Unit wag Providing seating for customers, Observed elght seats tn the area, he following item(s) are In compliance: ae 3A-07-1 Hot dogs In the reach In cooler ware 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 2112-1 Wat wiping clathe were not Stored in & chemicat sanitizer batwaen uses, 23-031 Thera was a bulla up of grease on the hagd fillers, | Borne Perched 11/06 Dale Signature of Recipiant . Inspector Signature Recipient: Operator did not want te sign, . ne waner information Please gantact: Bvitr Bachoo a document left an the counter Sanitation and Safety Specialist 400 W Robinson jane: Streat 802 N Oriando Fl 32801-1760 8 5 OBPR Farm HR 5022.05 : 50 487 139 LEGAL Fallore te compty with this Notice may diltiabt 0 adininlstrytivg complalnt 11/02/06 03:21 PM Calaack Inapection Date and Time BETWEEN BUNS, INC, Dane Rae — GETWEEN BUNS Business Name 6 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS weew myfforida.com/dhor ‘CALL, BACK INSPECTION REFORT NOTICE Paga 1 au eel CHIBIT B hat may result tt suapension or revocation of your ticense and + SaL724 HIDG Deense Number” Area Codé/Telephane Number s1yo2/2006 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Antal Warming Date 1601 £ COLONTAL OR . ORLANDO, 32819 Radresa / Uy TST Zp 7 ee : Comments folowing Htarn(s) have been recommended far Adminitrathe Complaint: @ food dispenaing vehicle Hot reporting ta comitimiscary as rexpulredd, ASA0F-1 sianas = 2 Srrasndz, ache + “ tite —meneer eer seanremeemennn Date Signature of Reclplent a Trapecir Suvi Reclpiant: Gperator did not sign For further information please contact: ‘Tie Savitr) Bachag Santtation and Satety Speciatet 400 W Robinson Street 802 N Phrorras Orlando FL 32601-1760 850 487 1395 ODPR Form HA 5022-005 } ; ) Puye 2 Ltense Number STATE OF FLORIDA sasi72i DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL recinamsons ., DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAUTUNTS: Mey ftuseas Hame wer. myflotida.com/dber 7 pi ETWEEN BUNS CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT ' ote LEGAL NOTICE 1102/06 03121 PM Fallitre to ootipily witia this Notice may Initiate an wnimialetrative comptelut that Hiay rdalt in suspension or revocation of your Lcanne and fitiee. attached equipment soled with » black ke substance Shower walls. 3 B7-OGL od walt soled with accumulated grease, behind the eovking equiament, tation: Sf 14-1 aibon: 32-15-21 o bandvesstiog siga provided at 3 handulnk used by food employees, lations 23-05-1. ch:in cooter not deaned prior to accumulation of coll residue, : : Page 3 ) ; ) osrezs Number STATE OF FLORIDA HYG RaSL721 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESUIORAL REGULATION Busineas Hame DIVESION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Ohi EN -BUNS ‘weewsmyflorida.com/dbpr son Dat CALL RACK INSPECTION REPORT . KOTICE 11/02/06 03:24 Pm Fallure to comply with this Notice may initiste an adminietrative complaint that may result In anepenalon of revocation of your thenee and fines. ptatio 1102 Abserved employee with no hatr restraint, 3 OF O42 od bore hand contact. of ready-to-eat food by employers and esuabichmvent has no annroved Akemitve Operating Procedure in effect. aribbed bread weith bore tuinds, hy, dod stored in a soiled slik.Potaines . . e folowing Rem(s) bre In compliance: 7 ISAS roach acthy 23 evidenced by tv roaches found 1 on the hinges ofthe reach in cocker Hofathon: 354-051 : roach activity as evidenced by hve rozctnts found 2. cn the outeahevar ther tisach ft cooker, 3 OAD : loring sankizer not at proper minimum strenott for manual warewoching, Corrected On Site, OBPR Farn HR 5022-005 i, , ) . "DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DBPR Division of Hotels and Restaurante LEGAL NOTICE Food Service Inspection Report (1 2012 Thane Park Faced hey, i) BEET 2013 Catering /, Hy (I Unscheduled (ROUT) 2014 Moblla Food Dispensing Vehicle 1 Ltesnsing (L1G) 1 2048 Vending Machine 7 mplatnt Full (COMP) . Complalat Parilel (SPAR) (" o Disaster Response (DSTH) ™ COMMMIAL DAE C1 Epidamigtogieal (EPI) Chy, Stata, Zip: . 7 & & C) Service Request (SERV) % g At Apino 228 \ Quality Assurance (CA) oD # OUT | | u.atOla_| Food oblained from approved source cmvetttn emparcera subse. Approved Sources Rio) H 1 Qib__{ Wholesome, sound condition ‘ rremininae sseanaand mise sndbserene NiA {02 | Original container, properly tabelad, dale marking ! , shell stook tags, 02-11 | Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked oysters _ _ ! bm ve Consumer Advisory i : 02-13! Consumer advisory on rawlundercoaked sina products | . - | j Gold food at proper temperatures during storage, dizpla Servic, transport, — | i Potentially pn eT 03a | ede om 9 Storage, ep ms el a Hazardous Food = IN | OUT) WO! 1-030 | Hot food at proper temperature Time/Temperature "IN [OUT + NO; QUAY| 030 | Foods propery cookedifeheated 6 TIN} OUT | NO 1_ 03d _' Foods properly caolad I he. ad, OF | Unwrapped or potentially hazardaus food nol re-served Protection from Contamination : i __083__,_Food protection during sloraga, preparatian, dlaplay, service transportation _* vf 080! Cross-contaminatton, equipment, personnel BHI cep een te, ‘ 22__{ Food contact surfaces clean and sanitized : NO | 408, 7 Foods handled with minimum contest 1 Personnel with infections restricted ! etnep ae se eben. 1. 41b_! Toxie substances properly labeled, used peel a : ; Hands washed and clean, good hyglenio practices (observed), allemative Personnel | Ni our @ig> | ‘a ;-Speratiog plan oo rove imitate tat eines LIN | OUT | |. 42h _! Proper hygleni¢ practicas, eatingidrinking/smoking (evidence) - j | } Restrooms with salf-clasing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility clean, i i 32 I supplied with hand soap, disposable towels or hand drying devices, tissue, i i i ;_coverad waste receptagtos if Chemical | ..A4a,_}Toxlo substances properly stored - ee 1 Demonstration of 53a__{ Food management cerlifigation valid Knowledge rt tion | ROSA meine mm ened TERT toe POE SEC OoR AR MAGEE Sars a] —Tema N arte, , + Dal wl i 1 E 53b [Wanting Glven (WARN) gO ene Gormlat Callback J Seasonal (SEAS) CO Eiergerey Order Calback = Complied (e0C to Administrative Complain Galiack — Tine Oo Emarganoy Order Callback - Tima Extension (AC: Extension (EOEX) o Administrative Complain| Callback - Not oO Emergency Order Culltiack — Not Complied (EONO) J Closed — Out of Business (COPB) Compliad (AGNO) ExcknoWledye tote fpt-ot thasaligpectiontoniigant ADETIONADEA PONS COMMERTE ORGAO oAtrtod wdtill GOL? : OE A359. peck $ Sx Tnapactors Telephon 2APR Form HR SUZ2-015 www, MyFlorida,com/dbpr 2008 May 2 i heh Foran, DEPARTIAL.ud OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DBPR Division of Hotels and Restaurants ; ‘ : LEGAL NOTICE ‘Rye Bait Food Service Inspection Report _ "COMPLIANCE STATUS [77°04 Fasciies to maintan product femparatura 05 “Thermometers provided and conspicuously placad 06 Potentially hazamous foads properly thawed "OB¢ Potential for erags-contarnination, Blorags practless; damaged food segregated 10_In use food dispensing ulenslis properly slaved. wfeot13_ Clean clothes, hair restraints a 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, maintained, propa ts. Aninials prohibited ("355 Outer opening polected fom insect, edent poo — C1 36 Physleal faclities-foors properly constructed, clean, drained, coved ‘ ‘ . 37 Physical faciilies-walls, celiings and attached equipment, constructed, clean . 38 Lighting provided as required. Fbdures shielded id equi Installed, located 49 Rooms an ment = vented ag requited Nd 15. Non-food contact suaces designed, conalructed, maintained, 40. Employes fockers provided and used. clean Installed, located C] 16 Dishwashing fadiities designed, constructed, operated malntenance equipment property stored, Kitchen restricted. 1.Wash 2. Rings 3, Sanitize : L_} 43 _Complete seperation from lvinglsleeping area, Taundl C1 17 _Thermomaters, gauges, (esi Kils provided [7] 44 Clean and soiled linen segregated and stored 18 Pre-ushed, scraped, soaked [a5 Fie extinguishers proper ed sutigart 49. Wash, tinge water clean proper temperature FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Oste(e) itizing concentration +__ppny *20b Sanitizing temperalure “Fahrenheit { 21 Wiping cloths clean, used properly, stored 23 _Non-food contac surfaces clean 247 Storage/handling of clean equipment ulenalls 7 = (J 42 Premises matntaned, no unnecessaty aflicies. Cleaning & SUPPREBEION SYSTEMS: Data(t) “27 Watet sourca safe, hol and culd under preegure ' *28 atlon Sewaye and wasia water dispased properly ne 29 Plumbing inatalfed and malntamed Cy &2 petelmiseading statements published or adverined relating | - : lo food/baverage : 20. Crogs-connection, back siphonage, backhiow ; J "31 Tollel and hand washing factities, number, conventant, designed, | by54_ Florida Claan indoor AIrAct Compliance 4 qealy t installed . [65 Automatin Gratully Notioa ; ee ao | 33 Garbage containers coverad, adequate number, Insect and rodent L_] §6_Copy of Chapter 509, Florida Statutas avaliable prool, elviptied at proper intarvate, clean ' LJ 37 Hospltallly Education Program Information provided __ ltemi No. | Violallons cited In this cpracted within the time frames below, of a stated on pa g g bile: vnet ont The. outa Gla setd d Le Yt wit (x he Strent, Iuanlechate. © © | pase be, ZMEBGEUCY PDrebeté CY PAE THC, oe Ean fi + [Pc@Acmter/ Luamedoate Ft MA Mo to A . oO re TUR) CHIEU TED QESTRICLY Tite Wee A Ch FER A AIP Sars

Docket for Case No: 07-001698
Issue Date Proceedings
May 11, 2007 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
May 09, 2007 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Apr. 19, 2007 Response to Initial Order filed.
Apr. 13, 2007 Administrative Complaint filed.
Apr. 13, 2007 Election of Rights filed.
Apr. 13, 2007 Agency referral filed.
Apr. 13, 2007 Initial Order.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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