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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-002688 Visitors: 80
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Shalimar, Florida
Filed: Jun. 15, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2025
Jun 15 200% ©9946 @6/14/2087 22:38 8584146749 DBPR OGA PAGE 44/11 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, VS, BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN teense Type 2010" Respondent. ; Cuse No, 2006057641 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND FROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN, ("Respondent”), and says: 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with ragulating the operation of public lodging establishments. and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, 2, Respondent is, and has been at all times matarial hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 757 HARBOR BLVD UNIT 15, DESTIN, FLORIDA 32541. The mailing address of record is BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN, at 757 HARBOR BLVD UNIT 15, DESTIN, FLORIDA 32541, 3. Inspection of this astablishment conducted pursuant (o Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the astablishment. The violatlon(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhiblt “A,” attached herato and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B", incorporated herein by refarence. ; WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully raquests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penaltias: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Educatian Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license Issued puysuant {o this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto. Signed.October 20, 2006 . Ken Hensdill, District Manager By delegation of the Diractor, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0153831 Oepartment of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERV[CE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER; 7180 3901 98. O&BS | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this day of 2008. Received by: - Inspector's Signature Operator’s Signature Title Title EXHIBIT A steer Case Number: 2005057641 Form revised 10.10.06 Ucansa Number, 5808623 2010 BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN Jun 15 2007 = =9:46 DBPR OGA PAGE @5/11 86/14/2867 22:38 8584146749 Exhibit A License Number: 5603623 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number. 2008057641 “FC” as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chaptar 61C, Florida Administrative Code. "NFPA" as cltad herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, "Fire Prevention, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. “" denotes a critical violation, \tis alleged that on September 7, 2006, October 8, 2008 the licansee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. 1.14-37-1 4-501.12FC:: CUTTING SURFACES, SURFACES SUCH AS CUTTING BLOCKS AND BOARDS THAT ARE SUBJECT TO SCRATCHING AND SCORING SHALL BE RESURFACED IF THEY CAN NO LONGER BE EFFECTIVELY CLEANED’AND SANITIZED, OR DISCARDED IF THEY ARE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING RESURFACED. : OBSERVED CUTTING BOARD CREVISED/GROOVED AND NO LONGER EASILY CLEANABLE. * 2. 22-409-1 4-602,11(A) AND (B) FC:: EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT. SURFACES AND UTENSILS. (A) EQUIPMENT FOOD-GONTACT SURFACES AND UTENSILS SHALL BE CLEANED: (1) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF THIS SECTION, BEFORE EACH USE WITH A DIFFERENT TYPE OF RAW ANIMAL FOOD SUCH AS BEEF, FISH, LAMB, PORK, OR POULTRY; (2) EACH TIME THERE IS A CHANGE FROM WORKING WITH RAW FOODS TO WORKING WITH READY-TO-EAT FOODS, (3) BETWEEN USES WITH RAW FRUITS OR VEGETABLES AND WITH POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD; (4) BEFORE USING OR STORING A FOOD TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE; AND (5) AT ANY TIME DURING THE OPERATION WHEN CONTAMINATION MAY HAVE OCCURRED. (B) SUBPARAGRAPH (A)(1) OF THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY IF THE FOOD-CONTACT SURFACE OR UTENSIL |S IN CONTACT WITH A SUCCESSION OF DIFFERENT RAW ANIMAL FOODS EACH REQUIRING A HIGHER COOKING TEMPERATURE AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 3-401.11 THAN THE PREVIOUS FOOD, SUCH AS PREPARING RAW FISH FOLLOWED BY CUTTING RAW POULTRY ON THE SAME CUTTING BOARD. OBSERVED TABLE MOUNTED CAN OPENER DIRTY. OBSERVED COOKS LINE REACH-IN COOLER GASKETS DIRTY. 3, 23-06-1 4-801.14(G) FC:; (GC) NONFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF AN ACCUMULATION OF DUST, DIRT, FOOD RESIDUE, AND OTHER DEBRIS. OBSERVED COOKS LINE EQUIPMENTIFRYER SIDES WITH GEASE BUILDUP, OBSERVED HOOD SYSTEM GREASY INCLUDING FILTERS PARTIALLY GREASY ON BOTTOM SIDE. OBSERVED DIRTY DISHMACHINE EXTERIOR, 4.36-13-1 6-501.12(A) FC:: (A) CLEANING, FREQUENCY AND RESTRICTIONS. THE PHYSICAL FACILITIES SHALL BE CLEANED AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO KEEP THEM CLEAN. OBSERVED FLOOR GREASY UNDER FRYERS/EQUIPMENT ON COOKS LINE. Casa Number. 2006057641 District Number. 06 Lioanse Numbar; 5803623 2030 Form revised 10,410.08 BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN Jun 15 200? 9:46 86/14/2887 22:38 8584146749 DBPR OGA PAGE @6/11 * §.46-09-1 61C-1.004(10} FAC:: EXITS SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH APPROVED ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGNS. OBSERVED EXIT SIGNS IN KITCHEN NOT ILLUMINATED. Caye Number: 2008057641 District Number: 06 Lcanse Number. 5603523 2010 Form reviced 10.10.08 BUFFALO'S REEF DESTIN Jun 15 2007 = =9:46 @6/14/2887 22:38 8584146749 DBPR QGA PAGE @7/11 CEPARTENT OF BUBWERS als PROFESBIONAL REQULATION : Divielon of Hotels and Mestaurents LEGAL NONICE 1D) 2014 Mobdla Food Dispeneing Vehicio 1 2015 Vording Machine 1 2051 Unitoensed Food CD Ueamaing (LIC) (J Comptaint Ful (COMP) (0 Complaint Partat (GPAR} (7 Dtranter Renponse (DETR) (D Epttartotagicat (EP}} (3 Senvica Request (SERV) 1 Owatty Assurance (QA) () Tramning (TRNG) eye ett las rest te we ty mest, : wy ‘. a ‘ . . ” : aad “The chcled leftera td the bot of each Rem Indicate that item's status at the éme of lnapaction Wat mppopia ot OOS ee IN In compllanca OUT =not In compliance NAO ™ notobservad N/A = not applicable COS > oorectod on.ails during inepection R= repest violation COMPLIANCE ETATUS: : cos R UN GUT 4 Ota _| Food obtained from approved source Approved Sourve rs OUT a Wholesome, sound condition [| Set ar Original container, property labeled, date marking, shall stock tags, Lae i ; 1_| Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked 02-13 | Consumer advisory on raw/undercooked animal products Cold food & proper temperatures during storage, display, servica, transport, and cold holding 03b_ | Hot food st proper temperature __ Consumer Advisory re HR Potentally N Hazardous Food { NZ] iy, ! TimefTamperature = IN | rast) 03c_| Foods properly cookediahested . PN | our | NOD 03d Fon properly coated cs eee appad of p cogil haardaws foot rete ieseried Protection from reo our_| 08a ae, P vice, Contamination [NS OUT _| O08 oe quip rt See q8 st oer (2Z)_| Food contact surfaces claan and saized an 1 _| Foods handled with minimum contact Personnel with infections restricted Hands washed and clean, good byplenic practices (cheerved), ahemative a NiO Personnel ouT TNO = = ; } _—— Racoon with sall-cosing doars, fodures operate property, facility clean, OUT supplled with hand soap, dispouabla towels of hand drying devicas, tissue, covered waste josplaches Chemical Py] our [| Toxic substances prop stared {CNY | —— [ 41b_| Toxtc substances props 5 Demonstration of oT OUT ae ae agement Sie valid Knowledge our So [ese Mian verticaton a up taa : ~ nT ismvLocabon 1 : T Dale 7 Caf — Extension Given (CBEX) Cakbeck Adis, Complaini Racormended BNO) ( _ Bentonal (SEAS) (Cased Out of Brreneae [COFE) | mL A am Ser ne PT, APO 135 wow, MyFlorits.com/dbpr 2008 May 2 DBPR Form HR 5022-015 @6/14/2887 22:38 8564146749 DR a COMPUANCE STATUS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFEESIONAL REGULATION Division of Hotals and Apataurents LEGAL NOTICE Food Service Inspection Report Jun 15 200? 9:47 DBPR OGA PAGE 48/11 Page 2 of 2 COME? COMPLIANCE BTATUS LJ ‘04 Factillers to maintaln product temperature 34 Outside storage ares clean, enclosure properly constructad (J 05 Thernometer provided and conspiounusly placed °35a Presence on Insects/rodents, Animals prohibited [_) 08 Potentially hazardous foods properly ihmved ("J °08c Potential for crope-contamination, storage practices; damaged "35h Ouler openings protected from insects, mdent proof (736 Physical feciilies-floors properly construcied, clasn, drained, coved food si ated 10. |n use food dispensing ulenslts propmity stored £3.73 Clean clothas, hair restraints [J 14 Food contact surfaces designed, Consinuctad, waa Installed, located L] 37 Phyatca! focilieg wall, cellings and attached equipment, consinicted, clean |) 38 Lighting provided as required. Fires shielded = 39_Rooms and equipment — vented as required TO 15 Non-food contact surfaces dealgned, constructed, onstucted, maintained, Installed, located {_] 16 Olshwashing facies designed, oansiructed, oparatad 1. Wash 2 Rinse J Sanitze 47 Thenmomaters, gauges, lest-kits provided L} 40 Employee lockers provided and uasd, clean z 42 Premises mainiained, no unnecessary arlicies. Cleaning & malntananey equipment properly afored, Kitchen restricted. 43 Compiate separation fram Ing/sloeping area, lain Claan and solled linen segregated and property stored 18 Pro-flushad, scraped, scaked mus °45_ Fira medinquishers — proper and eufhcient 19 Wash, rinse water clagn, , FIRE EXTINGUTSHERES Dita) SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS: Det») Fj elie corettin ae Mbit. “7/LG Y ; 7 a “2b Sanltizt fura. ° Fahrenhel "he 21_ Wiping cloths clan. uped slored (Ch fr 1Y6 23 _Non-food contact surfaces clean [J “48 Exiting system — adequale, repalr fs 24 Storagefhanding of clean equipment, utensils [ "47 Blactrical wiring — mtequale, good repair — [] 25 Service items property stored, handled, dispansad me "48 Gas sppllences — property Instaitad, malntalned 26 Singls sorvico aiten not re-used __}-48 Flambincombuie nas properly stored [| [J°50_ Current license, properly diapla { | *28 Sewage and waste waoler dlapased proper [| 29 Plumbing Installed and maintained [| 30 Croxs-connection, back siphonage, backllow mer Giher cantons sonlary andl safe Operon [| 52 Falseimiseading slatemants published or sdveriised relating to food/bevera “31 Tollat and hand washing facilities, number, convenient, designed, Installed [_] 54 Florida Clean Indoor Alr Act Compliance 1] 65 Automatic Gralulty Notice “E733 Garbage containers covered, adequate number, insect and rodent et a Clean [| 55_ Copy of Chapter S08, Florida Statutes avaliable a) 57 Hessel ty Educafion Peas Inforreton provided CS Vioklona al pis rey ort mus be rorrected win the tine free below, oF ag olated Lon page j an I Acdhtoral Comments on Attacted Sheet, Person in Charge (Stgnalure) Inspector (Signature; DBPR Form HR 5022-015 wong, MyFlorda.com/sbpr 2008 May 2 Jun 15 2007 9:48 DEPR OGA PAGE 49/11 86/14/2887 22:38 8584146749 ‘DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Division of Hotels and Restaurants Contro! Number 4 _ O28 COMMENTS SHEET 6h] se page TF of F_ Addendum te DE PR Farnys WR 8022-008, 2022-074, 5033 3 “Ors. 3032 22082. « or *22- 83, For comments tothe: “| ma dacte | CD corals [pre cole. al a cnbering nal BZ Conley fire 2 vs inttesp on _oAl probes Gr Dirhmachne 7 bev mbit —— Aw tote A grey et? vi gona! Dick f (4 Ki then eat OM fans nat cli LAW not ey 5) wetercren Lila MEE flee teadin, prin La 3 coos - “foot Corte. nit th Ww E (on. (50) hamid CPN LL ero Servi Ladle. Bsziny (Foren freasit re, mm : Bk mag / eppled fone ire Avs} ok fon- Lak fe D COM er. sDuitnes.c ~m iff ¢ tertcete primed prerbicky pat ovtedl (i. rca heater ke ted: anc yve_beodast fh hmea/ belin ted on tied Lila Fa Revised 2000 Saptamber 19 OBPR Form HR 4022-042 MyFlonds.com Jun 15 200? 9:48 86/14/2887 22:38 8584146749 DBPR OGA PAGE 14/11 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION EXHIBIT B Division of Hotels and Restaurants ; Te i of CALL BACK/RE-INSPECTION REPORT page! [ senetinayre C Lopeing Ayaan D SERVIC =| WARNING OF DIRECT NOTICE: Fallure to bein complianca with this notice at ony Ccomplied CoHearing requested o¥ complied CDut of business You yuill be Issued a Notice to :} Show Causa why sanctions OPre-conterence CoPre-haating C10n Stipulation . future Inspaction may should moths assessed againsr Clon Heering Order Ctime extended doe; ft resultin a direct Notice to your VIcanse, A hearing will be Cl other: ma: Show Cause. beld ata time em place ta be . designated by the director. poner Nama: Fprrtoe) [3x0 Yr (Er 4. Loe Business Nem: i reek Qert cm D-esbrn art | Business Address: J SP ber Business City: hat Tyftorws Oi Gres ivi (Aeghrf. Lilfrs oT D Cones frre in. Goapneds ety Dy Cats Tk PR pre mrry = Gere, pipes werk ( for LOY OES Frown Geet (3) pryphwechine 2atenion Dnt, | SBECIPIENT'S NAME (PLEASE PRINT] DBPR Form RR 5022-005 Revises 03 Pebrunry 1830 Jun 15 2007 9:48 DBPR OGA PAGE 11/11 @6/14/2087 22:38 €584146749 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Division of Hotels and Restaurants : Control Number 56 AF693 COMMENTS SHEET page “L- of L— MTS, or 5072-08, Fen cornea te (ie " UTTETC EEE © S02 2-005, 50711 a, 5022-045, Sib TRemnspechion Report. av ly ) Advodim te PEPTIC Born TER “hataing, Mourl Service, oc TACCR dispeetion: Call Rach CL) fehle roribade Can gpa Diely COD free [eitehon salt Sirs eat lim -ngstark Ww mapDd Ears 4R 5022-042 MyFiorida.com Revised 2000 Seplember 19

Docket for Case No: 07-002688
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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