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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 07-004813 Visitors: 15
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Sarasota, Florida
Filed: Oct. 22, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, November 5, 2007.

Latest Update: Mar. 11, 2025
Oct 22 2007 13:03 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 3/11 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, vs. License No. 6804192 BRAVO EATERY . License Type 2010 Respondent. Case No. 2007043782 f ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitionar’), files this Administrative Complaint against BRAVO EATERY, ("Respondent’), and says: 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondant's business address of record is 1995 MAIN ST, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34236,The mailing address of record is BRAVO EATERY, at 1995 MAIN ST, SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34236, 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sac, 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 609, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit ‘A," attached hereto and incorporated hereln by reference. inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B*, Incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or mara of the follawing penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense: mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, of refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any ather relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto, Signed August 03, 2007 Claudia M. Fields, Deputy District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Reguiation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Turnidiff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Streat Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFI IF SER’ BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: Ti 901 9849 9956 0398 | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this day of 2007. oe Received by; Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature Title Title Oana Number 2007043782 File Number: 147085 District Number: 07 Licanse Number 6804192 2016 Farm revised 07.07.07 BRAVO EATERY Oct 22 2007 13:04 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @4/11 Exhibit A License Number: 6804192 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number; 2007043782 FC as cited herein references specific provisions of tha Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code, NFPA as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, Fire Prevention, General Provisions, Florida Administrativa Goda, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. * denotes a critical violation, It t@ aflaged that on June 26, 2007, June 27, 2007 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulara. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. * 4, 03B-03-1 3-607.16 (A)(1) FC: (A) EXCEPT DURING PREPARATION, COOKING, OR COCLING, OR WHEN TIME IS USED AS THE PUBLIC HEALTH CONTROL AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 3- 501.198, AND EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF THIS SECTION, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD SHALL BE MAINTAINED: (1) AT 135 OEGREES FAHRENHEIT OR ABOVE, EXCEPT THAT ROASTS COOKED TO A TEMPERATURE AND FOR A TIME SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 3- 401.11(B) OR REHEATED AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 3-403.11(E) MAY BE HELD ATA ‘ TEMPERATURE OF 130 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OR ABOVE; POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD NOT HELD AT 135 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT OR ABOVE WITH PIZZA ON SERVING LINE AT 83 AND 127 DEGREES F. * 2.35A4-03-1 6-501.112 FG:: REMOVING DEAD OR TRAPPED BIRDS, INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS. DEAD OR TRAPPED BIRDS, INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM CONTROL DEVICES AND THE PREMISES AT A FREQUENCY THAT PREVENTS THEtR ACCUMULATION, DECOMPOSITION, OR THE ATTRACTION OF PESTS. OBSERVED THREE DEAD ROACHES ON PREMISES ON PREP TABLE, SIX IN GREEN STORAGE CABINET, AND TEN IN UNUSED FRONT CABINETS. TEN ROACH BAIT UNITS ON WALLS IN REAR PREP KITCHEN, TWO ON WALL IN UTILITY ROOM, AND ONE ON WALL AT FRONT COUNTERI/PIZZA PREP AREA. MONTHLY PEST CONTROL BY ORKIN PER OWNER-COPY OF PEST CONTROL REPORT NOT AVAILABLE. * denotes critical violation District 07 Case Number, 2007043782 License Type: 2070 License Number: 6804192 File Number: 147085 BRAVO EATERY Oct 22 2007 13:04 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 5/11 Page f STATE OF FLORIDA ° DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ) 1th FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT Failure io comply with thig Notice mary Initiate an acininisrative aniepisirt that may neeull in surpension or naveocadon of your linpnes and fines. OG/2B07 12:36PM Routine an04i92 SEAT Inepection Date and Time Inspection Reason License Number BRAVO IT, RY ING i i BRAVO EATERY, Area Code/Telaphone Number Business Name Inspection Result $0 O6i27/2007 08:00 AM 01-DEC-07 Number of Units Callback Date/Time License Expiration: 1998 MAIN ST SARASOTA, 34236 Address / City / State / Zip / ety, tem 53a: Cert, Food Managers torn 20: Warewarhing Sanitization Manager Name: Auralia Glecinio Doge wath in coatoe, 8 Chogrann Certification Date: 7/11/02 Certified Smvees/pravy, seam tablesfbain marie, 142,108 | by? Florida Restaurant Assocation Degretn F. Postarten, putfot nine, 40 Cagreaa F. Reedy tg eet PHF, eppch In cooler, t2 Cogrong in ‘Comminuted mans, roach in coco, 41 Dagrann F, ‘Soupe-PHF, nae lablewbain maria, 151 Degrees F_ manibalia, sian molewbein mare, 158 Nem 03: Food Temperatures Coniminuted maau, wath in cooler, 42 Degraes F, (tem 45: Fite Exingui hers and Fire fates klicken hes 9 certifention data of 206 NCTE: heme marked above with an aateriak {7} indlerte a violation Inspector's Comments is waternoater In utllityroom-40 gal-35000 BTL-16Odeg max. temp, If pizza on aleplay cannot be maintained at 135 degrees or above Time in fleu of ampersture procedures mist be followed. Water Source: Mucicipal/Utility. Sewage: MucicipalUbtity. Eniployees trained by Florida Restaurant ition [acknowledge recoipt of this inepection form and comments. 08-26-07 Signature of Recipient {hepactor Signature Date . i : Recipient: Auratto Giacinto Por further information plaase contact: Tite Owner Aniheny Pose Sr, Sanitation & Safaty Specialist 4100 Centar Point Phone: 941.906.9500 350.487.1395 TUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL 7034 Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, display, eervies, B0U *01b Wholesome, sound condition | in in four “02 Orighial container, properly labeled, dale marking [wa | £02011 Consumer advisory on rawunds ad cystors, jin wa I IG | J WA “02-13 Consumer advieary on faw/underssoked animal Viplatlgns miatland with an asterisk are critical vigtations, ante Marked iN arein compliance. tems Marked OUT era viownana. Specific detalts of vioketion ara Rated on E Peter DBFR Form HR 50224116 Oct 22 2007 13:04 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 46/11 ; Page 2 STATE OF FLORIDA EAT eB04182 ARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name 2. DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRAVO EATER wana ayfloria, ' Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT O6/26/07 12:36 PM LEGALNOTICE Fallrre fo comply with thie Notios nusy initisie an aciministrative complaint thet may reeul in suxpenaon or vocation of your lieenes and fines. STATUS. PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL 33 Containers covered, adequate number, insact and rodent 08a Food protection during sinrage, preparation, display, procd, amptied st proper intervals, clean service, Tansportaton 34 Outside storage ares leer, anclosure proparly ‘12h Crost-contemination, equipment, persannal, storage constructed "O86 Potential for craes-contamination: storage practices; STATIS segregated z G | Pie ARLA rise Presence of insscta/rodenta, Animals prohibited 35b Outer openings protected from ingaats, roden proof FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS 37 Walls, callings, and attached equipment, coratructad, clean damaged food se PERSONNEL M14 Personne with infectiong restricting 12a Hands washed and glean, good hygienic practices (obearved), allarnative operating plan Tab Proper hygienic practices, sating/drinking/smoking {evidence} 12 Clean clothes, halr restraints : 1d Food eamtact suttaces dealgried, constncted, ingintainted, imnetaited, Icated 15 Nonfood contact surfaces designed, eonstrunted, maimained, installed, located 3 & 0 Employes lockers provided and used, clean 413 Tonic items properly stored *41b Toxic tems labeled and used proper! 42 Premises maintained, free of liter, unnecessary onticies, leaning and maintenance equipment properly stored. Kitchen restictad to authorized personnel M15 Dishwashing facilities designed, constructed, operated ete separation from Iv Jaundl pl - q/sleaping ataa, 44 Clean end soiled linen segregated and properly stoned ig 1. Wash 2. Rinse 3, Sanitize M17 Thermometers, gauges, teal kite provided 15 Wash, rinse water clean, proper temperature, "45 Cire extinguishers - propar and sufficlant Sli a EI 2 ie ES instniied, maintained +45 Flammable/combustibie motorlals - propery stored GENERAL 61 Other conditions sanitary and safe operation 52 False/misleading statements published or advertised +20b Sanitizing temperature. Wiping tothe clan, used properly, stored! qg concentra 22 Fond contact surfaces of equipment and utanalia cleat 23 food contact surfaces clean 24 Stocage/nandiing of clan equipment, utonsis STA SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES 2 & s | _____[25 Servica hems properly stored, handled, dispensed relating tn tood/bavarage | 26 Single rarvice ariciesnot re-used | "83a Food management certMication valid |____ P27 Water source aaa, hot and cold under preceure | | | | __.-_.]*20 Gross-connection, back siphonage, packhaw | leer —___-GENERAL 57 Hospltalty Education Pragrarn Information pravided | | #31 Tollet and Handwashing facilities, number, convenient, casted, installed Talal Number of COS Violations: “92 Restrooms with self-closing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility dean, supplied with handsoap, disposable Total Number of Fiapear Violations: towels or hand drying devices, Issue, covered waste : g ‘a 4 > > Fy i Violations marked with af acteriak are crtical violations, lteres mathed IN ate in compliance. Hams Marked OUT ara violations, Sawcifc details of violation are Ssted on subsequent pages. tems marked N/A ara Not Applicable. lems Marked as N/O ore Not Observed, and were not baing conducted of the (ime of inspection, DBPR Ferm HA 5022-019 Oct 22 2007 13:05 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 7/11 moor. Litansa Ateneo STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 6804192 ; DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION goo staat EX H IB IT B DIVISION OF HOTELE ANC RESTAURANTS BRAVO emp i wee riyflorkdta.convdbpr Inspection Date rik] ion Wat FOOD SERVICE INBPECTION REPORT 0828/07 12:36 PM LEGAL NOTICE Fislure to oonply with thie Notes nay Initiate sie administrative complaint that rrry rineuit In suapeneion of nrvecation of your feane ard fines. Vrotation(s): 22-44-4:No handwaghing gign provided ata hondsink uned by food employeés.-restioom, 46-00-1:Exit algne not property flumindted.restroom halway, A716 Blacricat catets miaaing cover plotes-hohind prep iadle and far fixe, 22-15-1-Reache(n freezer not cteaned peige ro. secumutation of pail renidue o bottom of unit interior, 35A-03-1:Observed three dead machor on promises on prep tabla,rix in greet forage cabinel, and ten in unuged fron! cabinets. Tan roach bal units on walls in néar ptap Kitchen, te on wall In uillity em, dod ons on wall pf frontcounter/pleza prep ares. Monthly pest control by Orkin per cwrer-cony of pest cone! repori not avaiabin, 36-1561 -Observed (od dabrit Accumiulited of kiichen feor under sauce kettle, 98a028-1:Csanvea uacovered food In holging ankdry atoraga area In-ougar and It containar ced opon bog of pacts in green storage cabinet, 22.16-1:Hand wash sink jacking propat hand frying provisions in prep Kitchin add pizee prep area, 45441-4-Portable fire extinguisher (eg outotdate for kRehen extingusher, 21-12.1:Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses, 29+1D-TsLight net functioning in utllity.racm, 47-08-1-Observed extension cord in use for nonetemporary oofigd for washing moching In wiltity room. 23-08-17: Obeqrved build-up of food detris, dust or dir on noniood-contact surface on Kitchen prastic wire ehplving, 22.24.1:Observed bulkiup of slime on soda dispensing nozzle, 05-00-7:No conspicuousty located tharmometer in Holding unis 098-03-1:Petentially hazardous (ood not held at 135 degrees Fahrenheit of above with pizza en serving ling af $3 and 127 degrees. DBPA Form HA 5022-015 Oct 22 2007 13:05 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 8/11 eniait B STATE OF FLORIDA omar DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROPEBSIOMAL REGULATION q of L ONISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS wrew myflorida.com/dbpr FOOD SERVIGE INSPECTION REPCAT LEGAL NCTICE Failure to comply wth this Motios may Inkinte an adminieiniive complaint ihe may peau In eumpenedan or revocation of your license and fines. 3.17 Rlouline: 6804192 SEAT Inspection Date and Time Inspection Reason Ligansa Numer BRAVG ITALIAN EATERY, INC ‘Ovmer Name 947908 95 0 oa rpms BRAVO EATERY Area Code/Talaphone Number Businage Name Ingpection Reet 0 12/1/07 Number of Units Catiback, Date/Tirne License Expiration 1995 MAIN STREET SARASOTA, 34236 Address / City / Stata / Zip/ atc. {tem 03: Food Temperatures jam $34; Gert, Food Managers Item 20: Warewashing Sanitization | Item 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Pon Syrians Lintas “piazza, fron Fira, Bs Dagrene F, Manager Name: Aurello Giacinto Coriification Date: 7/11/02 Certified by: Florida Restaurant Association NOTE: teme marked above with.an sateriak (*) indionte 6 violation Inepector's Comments bit A. Employees trained by Florida Restaurant Association acknowledge receipt of thie inepection form snd comments, 06-27-07 Stanoture of Recplent Ingpastor Signature Date Reciptent heat Gincinto For further information pines contact: , Anthony Posa Tale manager $1, Sanitation & Safety Specialist 4100 Center Point Phone: 741.506,9500 850.487.1395 30) 02 nsumer advisory or ay/undercooked oysters, *02-13 Goneummer advitery on reaw/undercpoked animal Violations marked with an asterisk ave critical viglations, Iwent marked IN are in Compliane®, tam Marked OUT are viglation#, Spectic detalla of violation ara llatnd on OBPA Form HF 0272018 Oct 22 2007 13:05 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 9/11 gyuiait 8 vee tite 5 of STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 6804792 SEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Ni DIVISION GF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRAVO EATERY we myflorice.c ' Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 06/27/07 03:17 PM LEGAL NOTICE Fallure io comply with thie Mote many initiate art adminietrative complaint thet may result in eumpenaion or rnocation of your license and fined, PHP TEMPERATURE CONTROL | status _| GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL P07 Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not re-served 3 Containers covered, adequate number, insect and rodent} service, transporlation | O84 Food protection during storage, preparation, display, ms emptied at proper inlarvals, clean nce of insects lin __ 1 Personnel with infections rostictod 37 Walls, callings, and attached equipment, constructed, “12a Hands washed and clean, good hyglonic practices Clean (observed), allemative operating plsi | __ Ba Lighting provided 2a required, Fixtures shielded "12b Proper hygienic proctioes, estingidrinking/amoking =| L3 Roome and equipment - vantad as required {(svidence) OTHER AREAS me ee oe lockers provided and used, clesn FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS lin __[*41a Toxte nema property stored | | 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, lin (+47 Toxia items tabeled and used prope fmaintalned, installed, located 42 Premisaa mainwined, fred of litter, unnecessary articies. 15 Non-feod qantact surisoea designed, constructed, Cleaning and maintananns equipment praparty éterad, [| maintained, installed, located Kitchen restricted to buthorzed pareonnel 48 ishwashing facilites dasigned, constructed, operated | ia Complete separation from living/sleeping area, laund 1. Wash 2. Rings 4, Sanita | __|44 Clean and solled Iinen eagragated and properly stored 47 Themhometets, gauges, test kits provided STATUS + , 4 24 Wiping doths clean, used properly, stored "22 Food conlast surfaces of equipmant and utansils clean 24 Non-food contact surfaces clean 46 ting Svat: ate, apa 47 Eldeten! wiring - adequate, qood rpair 49 Flammable/combustibia materials » properly stored *50 Currant lleanes property dleplayed 51 Oth aitions Sanitary and safe ope | tary ef 60) 52 Falsa/misiaading statements published or advertised relating to food/beverage 53a Food management certification valid H83b Employed training validation 54 Eloride Glean indoor Alc Act 5G Automatic Gratuity Notion BE 25 Servies Hams property stored, handlad, dispensed 26 Single sarviee articies not reused WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING lgpoced prope wasle walor disper +30 Croas-connection, back eiphonage, backfow TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES "31 Tollet and hendwashing facilities, number, convantent, +28 Sewage ond py of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, avaiable designed, Installed "a2 Restrooms with set-clazing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility clean, supplied with handsoap, disposable fowats of hand drying devices, tase, covered waste a] bait & ai} ] | lal | ie Totat Number of COS Viglatians: Total Number of Repeat Violations: 1 Viglen marked wih an palenen ate critica! viotatiang, Roms marked IN are In compilance, lems Marked QUT an violations. Specific details of violation are listed on subsequent page. Items marked NIA are ot Applicable. tteme Marked as N/Q are Nox Observed, and ware act boing tonducied at he tee of inspeciion, BPR Form HR 5022-015 Oct 22 2007 13:06 laf22/28ea7 12:57 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 18/11 . | ene conanlte? ph lest b STATE OF FLORIDA _ SEAT 68041 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 5a ace Nama PIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRAVO EATERY wew myfiorida.comidigr Inspection Dat Sspection le FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 06/27/07 03:17 PM LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notion mery initiels an eciminigintive compiping thet may real! in suepeneion oF revocation of your Acanse and fines, Adminitrative Comptaint(s): 50-08-1:Esteblishment apavating with a suxpanded Hotel and Festaurarit Rcenge- St customers dining at time of call-back-ne other customers adrved during callback: inapection, Violation(s): 13A07-1:Obaenad patentlally hazardaus food col! held at greater chan 41 dagregs Fanmnhgd with pizza al front serving tne at 85. degreesTime In lieu of temparstura not im usa, 22-24-17: Observed buildup of alime on soda digpenging nozzles. 22-15-1:Reach-In cooler not cleaned prior Io a¢curpulation of soll rasidue on bottom of unit Interior. 32-15-1:No handwashing sign provided ala fandsink used hy food employees, OBPR Form HR 5022-015

Docket for Case No: 07-004813
Issue Date Proceedings
Nov. 05, 2007 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 31, 2007 Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 23, 2007 Initial Order.
Oct. 22, 2007 Election of Rights filed.
Oct. 22, 2007 Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 22, 2007 Agency referral filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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