Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Panama City, Florida
Filed: Nov. 06, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, January 31, 2008.
Latest Update: Jan. 10, 2025
Petitioner, a “| . 5 | O s
v. Case Nos. 2007010324
COMES NOW the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
(hereinafter “thé Agency”), by and through the undersigned counsel, and files this administrative
complaint against the Respondent, GOLD KEY DEVELOPMENT, INC., d/b/a CARRIAGE
INN, (hereinafter “the Respondent”), pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes
(2006), and alleges:
This is an action to revoke the license of an assisted living facility pursuant to Subsection
429.14(1)(e)2, Florida Statutes (2006), Subsection 408.815(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2006), and
Subsection 408.815(1)(d), Florida Statutes (2006), or alternatively, to impose an administrative
fine in the amount of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00), pursuant to Subsections
429.19(2)(b)-(c), Florida Statutes (2006), based upon the facility committing one Class I
violation and seven Class II violations.
1. The Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter pursuant to sections 120.569
and 120.57, Florida Statutes (2006).
2. The Agency has jurisdiction over the Respondent pursuant to Sections 20.42,
120.60, and Chapters 408, Part II, and 429, Part I, Florida Statutes (2006).
3. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 28-106.207.
4. The Agency is the licensing and regulatory authority that oversees assisted living
facilities in Florida and enforces the applicable federal and state regulations, statutes and rules,
governing assisted living facilities. Ch. 408, Part II, and Ch. 429, Part I, Fla. Stat. (2006); Ch.
58A-5, Fla. Admin. Code. The Agency may deny, revoke, or suspend any license issued to an
assisted living facility, or impose an administrative fine in the manner provided in Chapter 120,
Florida Statutes. $§ 408.813, 408.815, 429.14, Fla. Stat. (2006).
5. The Respondent was issued a license by the Agency (License Number 10146) to
operate a 35-bed assisted living facility located at 3409 W. 19" Street, Panama City, Florida
32405, and was at all times material required to comply with the applicable federal and state
regulations, statutes and rules governing assisted living facilities.
The Respondent Was Cited For One Class I Deficiency and Seven Class II Deficiencies
In Violation Of F.S. 429.14(1)(e)1 and 2
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1] through 5.
7. Under Florida law, the Agency may deny, revoke, or suspend license issued under
Chapter 429, Part I, Florida Statues, or impose an administrative fine in the manner provided
under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, for any action enumerated in Subsection 429.14(1)(a)-(n),
Florida Statutes. The Respondent is being cited for one Class I and seven Class II deficiencies. §
429.14(1)(e), Fla. Stat. (2006).
8. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in Counts IT
through IX. .
9. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
10. As a result of this complaint survey, the Agency cited the Respondent for one
Class I and seven Class deficiencies in violation of Section 429.14(1)(e)1 and 2, Florida Statutes
11. The Respondent was cited for and committed one Class J and three or more Class
II deficiencies in violation of Section 429.14(1)(e)1 and 2, Florida Statutes (2006).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to revoke the license of the Respondent to operate the above-
referenced assisted living facility.
The Respondent Failed To Ensure Proper Assistance With Self-Administration of
In Violation Of Section 429.256(3){a), Florida Statutes (2006)
Isolated Class I Violation
12. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs | through 5.
13. Under Florida law, all staff of an assisted living facility must assist residents in
self-administer medications in the follwing manner: Medication, in its dispensed, properly
labeled container, shall be taken from where it is stored and brought to the resident. Section
429.256(3)(a), Florida Statutes (2006). .
14. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
15. Based upon record review and interview, the Respondent failed to comply with
the above-referenced provision.
16. Based on record review and interview, the Respondent failed to ensure that when
staff provided assistance with self-administration of medication, it did not assist in the following
manner: Medication, in its dispended, properly labeled container, shall be taken from where it is
stored and brought to the resident which was not done for one of fifteen sampled residents
(Resident #2). The surveyor’s findings were:
1. A tour of the facility was conducted on 04/06/2007. During the tour it was
observed that sampled resident #2 had 8 Insulin (pre-filled by a Licensed Practical
Nurse/LPN no longer at the facility or employed by. the facility) syringes filled
with a clear liquid stored in the facility's medication room. There was no name
(who they were for), date drawn up/filled, type insulin, amount of insulin to be in
each syringe, or any other identification to the 8 prefilled syringes. During the
observation of the 8 syringes it was revealed by review of the Medication
Observation Record (MOR) for sampled resident #2 that the physician's order was
for 16 units of the Insulin to be given every day and it was also observed that 3 of
the 8 syringes had between 17 & 18 units of the clear liquid in them. The facility
supervisor stated, "They belong to sampled resident #2."
2. An interview with sampled resident #2 was conducted on 04/06/2007. During
this interview the resident acknowledged that the facility did not allow him to
draw up his own insulin or have his medication (insulin and oral medications) in
his room to self administer but that the facility staff (Aid & Supervisor) would
bring the pre-filled (see item #1 above) medication (insulin) to his/her room when
the scheduled time for administration was each day and was not allowing him/her
to draw up the medication from the medication (insulin) vial.
3. An interview with the facility's supervisor was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this interview the supervisor acknowledged that the previous
employee (an LPN), no longer working at the facility, had pre-drawn insulin
in syringes for sampled resident #2 and they were stored in the facility's
medication room (Note: Syringes were unlabeled with any name, date or
substance in them). The supervisor also acknowledged that there had been no
licensed (physician, nurse, physician's assistant, registered nurse practitioner)
person in the facility to assist in or administer medications to residents since
the LPN left the facility on 03/22/2007. The supervisor also acknowledged
that the staffs Aids were taking the pre-filled insulin syringes to sampled
resident #2 every evening at the scheduled time and that the resident was not
drawing up his/her own medication as per the self administration process.
17. The Respondent’s deficient practice constituted a Class I violation, pursuant to
Chapter 429.256(3)(a), Florida Statutes (2006).
18. The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class I violation in an
amount not less than $5,000 and not exceeding $10,000 for each violation as set forth in Section
429.19(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2006). A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of
the violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000).
The Respondent Failed To Ensure Each Resident Was Determined To Be Appropriate For
Admission To The Facility Based On The Medical Examination Report
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.0181(n)1-3
Isolated Class II Violation
19. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
20. Under Florida law, an assisted living facility is required to ensure that each
resident is appropriate for admission to the facility based on the medical examination report. Fla.
Admin Code R. 58A-5.0181(1)(n)1-3.
21. On or about April 6, 2006, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
22. Based on observation, record review and interview the facility's administrator
failed to ensure each resident was determined to be appropriate for admission to the facility
based on the medical examination report for 5 of 15 (#4, #5, #6, #7, & #8) sampled residents.
The surveyors’ findings were:
1. During a tour of the facility it was noted that there was no licensed nursing
personnel/staff at the facility. The administrator and the Supervisor stated, "The
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) walked out on 03/22/2007 and we have not had
any nurses since." The administrator also stated, "and we won't hire any more
after this." The facility did not have a licensed nurse working at the facility
between 03/22/2007 and the day of the complaint survey.
2. A review of the resident's records was conducted on 04/06/2007. During these
record reviews it was revealed that the following residents were documented on
the DOEFA Form 1823 in the questioning statement - Does the individual need
help with their medications (Yes/No)?, and if Yes please describe; to require
"Nursing" Staff to "Administer" medications in lieu of unlicensed staff
"Assisting" with medications:
Sampled resident Description when question answered - "Yes"
Sampled resident #4 ("Nursing Staff needs to dispense medications")
Sampled resident #5 ("Nursing Staff needs to administer medications")
Sampled resident #6 (Left Blank)
Sampled resident #7 ("Needs to be given medications" Note: additional hand
written in other ink than the original - “Error, Yes box checked and after the
above statement, "Needs to be given medications," "self administers," was written
in. There was no new or updated DOEA 1823 for this resident. There was no
documentation for this alteration of the original DOEA 1823 form in the resident's
chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this."
Sampled resident #8 ("Licensed Nurse to Administer" Note: the word
"Administer was scratched out using a different ink and the words “assist if
needed later with medications" was written in. There was no documentation in
the resident's chart to show there had been a change in the resident's status. There
was no documentation for this alteration of the original DOEA 1823 form in the
resident's chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this.") ,
3. An interview with the facility's administrator was conducted on 04/06/2007.
The administrator could not show any documentation where any of the above
resident's were re-evaluated by the physician (Physician's Assistant/Advanced
Registered Nurse Practioner) and not longer needed to have their medications
administered instead of assisted with. The administrator also stated, "After today
they all will be assist only residents." The administrator also could no show
where the resident had been assessed/evaluated for further residency continuance
at the facility.
4. Also during the tour it was observed that sampled resident #2 had 8 Insulin
(pre-filled by a Licensed Practical Nurse/LPN no longer at the facility or
employed by the facility) syringes filled with a clear liquid stored in the facility's
medication room. There was no name (who they were for), date drawn up/filled,
type insulin, amount of insulin to be in each syringe, or any other identification to
the 8 prefilled syringes. The facility supervisor stated, They belong to sampled
resident #2."
5. An interview with sampled resident #2 was conducted on 04/06/2007. During
this interview the resident acknowledged that the facility did not allow him to
draw up his own insulin or have his medication (insulin and oral medications) in
his room to self administer but that the facility staff (Aid & Supervisor) would
bring the pre-filled (see item #1 above) medication (insulin) to his/her room when
the scheduled time for administration was.
6. An interview with the facility's supervisor was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this interview the supervisor acknowledged that the previous employee
(an LPN), no longer working at the facility, had pre-drawn insulin in syringes for
sampled resident #2 and they were stored in the facility's medication room (Note:
Syringes were unlabeled with any name, date or substance in them). The
supervisor also acknowledged that there had been no licensed (physician, nurse,
physician's assistant, registered nurse Practioner) person in the facility to assist in
or administer medications to residents since the LPN left the facility on
03/22/2007. The supervisor also acknowledged that the staff Aids were taking the
pre-filled insulin syringes to sampled resident #2 every evening at the scheduled
time and that the resident was not drawing up his/her own medication as per the
self administration process and there was no one to verify that the correct amount
of insulin was in each syringe.
23. The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
24. The Respondent's deficient practice constituted a Class II violation, pursuant to
Florida Administrative Code Rule 58A-5.0181(1)(n)1-3.
25. | The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation as set forth in Section
429.19(2)(b), Florida Statutes (2006). A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of
the violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
The Respondent Failed To Have At Least One Staff Member Who Is Trained In First Aid
And CPR At All Times When Residents Are In The Facility
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.019(4)(a)4
Isolated Class II deficiency
26. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs | through 5.
27, Under Florida law, an assisted living facility is required to have at least one staff
member who is trained in First Aid and CPR in the facility at all times when residents are in the
facility. Fla, Admin. Code R. 58A-5.019(4)(a)4.
28. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility. .
29. Based upon record review and/or interview, the Respondent failed to comply with
the above-referenced provision.
30. Based on observation and interview the facility failed to have at least one staff
member who is trained in First Aid and CPR, as provided under Rule 58A-5.0191, in the facility
at all times when residents are in the facility. The surveyors’ findings were:
1. An initial tour of the facility was conducted on 04/06/2007. During this tour it
was noted that there were 3 staff members in the facility upon the survey team
arrival (Supervisor, Cook, & Aid). During the process of the tour the
administrator arrived at the facility. No other staff members arrived at the facility
until after the AHCA main office was notified of the deficient practice at
approximately 5:45 PM Central Standard Time.
2. A review of the facility's personnel records was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this review it was revealed that there was no staff member in the facility
certified in Ist Aid or CPR at or during any portion of the survey until after the
notification of the AHCA Field Office was conducted.
3. Interviews were conducted on 04/06/2007 during the survey of the 3 staff
members and administrator. During these interviews the Administrator,
Supervisor, & Cook acknowledged they did not have a Ist Aid or CPR
certification. The resident Aid at the facility was the only individual that thought
he/she may have a Ist Aid and CPR certification but did not produce
documentation to show this during or after the survey. A call from the
administrator to the resident Aid (who had left the facility) at the end of the
survey (after notification to the Field Office was completed) was conducted to see
if documentation could be produced and to have the Aid return to the facility.
The call was not returned by the Aid and the Aid did not return to the facility and
no documentation was produced to verify that the Aid had current CPR/1st Aid
31. | The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
32. The Respondent’s deficient practice constituted a Class II violation in that it
related to the operation and maintenance of a facility or to the personal care of residents which
the agency determines directly threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the
facility residents, other than a class I violations.
33. . The Respondent’s deficient practice constituted a Class II violation.
34. | The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited class IT violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation as set forth in Section
429.19(2)(b), Florida Statutes (2006). A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of
the violation.
35. | The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
The Respondent Failed To Encourage And Allow Residents Who Are Capable Of Self-
Administering Their Medications Without Assistance To Do So
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.0185(1)(a)
Isolated Class Ii Violation
36. | The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
37. Under Florida law, an assisted living facility is required to encourage and allow
residents who are capable of self-administering their medications without assistance to do so.
Fla, Admin. Code R. 58A-5.0185(1){a).
38. | Based upon record review and/or interview, the Respondent failed to comply with
the above-referenced provision.
39. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
40. Based on observation and interview the facility failed to ensure residents who are
capable of self-administering their medications without assistance must be encouraged and
allowed to do so for 1 of 15 (#2) sampled residents. The surveyors’ findings were:
1, A tour of the facility was conducted on 04/06/2007. During the tour it was
observed that sampled resident #2 had 8 Insulin (pre-filled by a Licensed Practical
Nurse/LPN no longer at the facility or employed by the facility) syringes filled
with a clear liquid stored in the facility's medication room. There was no name
(who they were for), date drawn up/filled, type insulin, amount of insulin to be in
each syringe, or any other identification to the 8 prefilled syringes. During the
observation of the 8 syringes it was revealed by review of the Medication
Observation Record (MOR) for sampled resident #2 that the physician's order was
for 16 units of the Insulin to be given every day and it was also observed that 3 of
the 8 syringes had between 17 & 18 units of the clear liquid in them. The facility
supervisor stated, "They belong to sampled resident #2."
2. An interview with sampled resident #2 was conducted on 04/06/2007. During
this interview the resident acknowledged that the facility did not allow him to
draw up his own insulin or have his medication (insulin and oral medications) in
his room to self administer but that the facility staff (Aid & Supervisor) would
bring the pre-filled (see item #1 above) medication (insulin) to his/her room when
the scheduled time for administration was.
3. An interview with the facility's supervisor was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this interview the supervisor acknowledged that the previous employee
(an LPN), no longer working at the facility, had pre-drawn insulin in syringes for
sampled resident #2 and they were stored in the facility's medication room (Note:
Syringes were unlabled with any name, date or substance in them). The
supervisor also acknowledged that there had been no licensed (physician, nurse,
physician's assistant, registered nurse practioner) person in the facility to assist in
or administer medications to residents since the LPN left the facility on
03/22/2007. The supervisor also acknowledged that the staff Aids were taking the
pre-filled insulin syringes to sampled resident #2 every evening at the scheduled
time and that the resident was not drawing up his/her own medication as per the
self administration process.
41. The Respondent’s deficient practice constituted a Class II violation in that it
related to the operation and maintenance of a facility or to the personal care of residents which
the agency determines directly threaten the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the
facility residents, other than a class I violations.
42. -The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation as set forth in Section
429.19(2)(b), Florida Statutes (2006). A fine shall be levied notwithstanding the correction of
the violation.
43. The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
The Respondent Failed To Ensure Each Resident Admitted Or Assessed For Continued
Residency At The Facility Was Capable Of Taking His/Her Own Medication With
Assistance From Staff If Necessary To Meet Residency Criteria
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.0185(4)(a)
Isolated Class II Violation
44, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
45. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
46. Based on observation, record review and interview the facility failed to ensure
each resident admitted or assessed for continued residency at the facility was capable of taking
his/her own medication with assistance from staff if necessary to meet residency criteria for 5 of
15 (#4, #5, #6, #7, & #8) sampled residents. The surveyors’ findings were:
1. A review of the resident’s records was conducted on 04/06/2007. During these
record reviews it was revealed that the following residents were documented on
the DOEA Form 1823 in questioning statement - Does the individual need help
with their medications (Yes/No)?, and if Yes please describe; to require "Nursing"
Staff to "Administer" medications in lieu of unlicensed staff "Assisting" with
Sampled resident Description when question answered yes
Sampled resident #4 ("Nursing Staff needs to dispense medications")
Sampled resident #5 ("Nursing Staff needs to administer medications")
Sampled resident #6 (Left Blank)
Sampled resident #7 ("Needs to be given medications" Note: additional hand
written in other ink than the original - "Error, Yes box checked and after the
above statement, "Needs to be given medications," "self administers," was written
in. There was no new or updated DOEA 1823 for this resident. There was no
documentation for this alteration the the original DOEA 1823 form in the
resident's chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this.")
Sampled resident #8 ("Licensed Nurse to Administer" Note: the word
"Administer was scratched out using a different ink and the words "assist if
needed later with medications" was written in. There was no documentation in
the resident's chart to show there had been a change in the resident's status. There
was no documentation for this alteration on the orginal DOEA 1823 form in the
resident's chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this.")
2. An interview with the facility's administrator was conducted on 04/06/2007.
The administrator could not show any documentation where any of the above
residents were re-evaluated by the physician (Physician's Assistant/Advanced
Registered Nurse Practioner) and no longer needed to have their medications
administered instead of assisted with. The administrator also stated, "After today
they all will be assist only residents." The administrator also could no show
where the resident had been assessed/evaluated for further residency continuance
at the facility.
The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
The Respondent’s deficiency constituted a Class I deficiency.
The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
The Respondent Failed To Provide Care And Services Appropriate To The Needs Of
Residents Accepted for Admission To The Facility
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.0182
Pattern Class II Violation
The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
51. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
52. Based on observation and record review the facility failed to provide care and
services appropriate to the needs of residents accepted for admission to the facility for 6 of 15
(#2, #4, #5, #6, #7, & #8) sampled residents. The surveyors’ findings were:
1. During a tour of the facility it was noted that there was no licensed nursing
personnel/staff at the facility. The administrator and the Supervisor stated, "The
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) walked out on 03/22/2007 and we have not had
any nurses since." The administrator also stated, "and we won't hire any more
after this." The facility did not have a licensed nurse working at the facility
between 03/22/2007 and the day of the complaint survey.
2. A review of the resident's records was conducted on 04/06/2007. During these
record reviews it was revealed that the following residents were documented on
the DOEA Form 1823 in the questioning statement - Does the individual need
help with their medications (Yes/No)?, and if Yes please describe; to require
"Nursing" Staff to "Administer" medications in lieu of unlicensed staff
"Assisting" with medications:
Sampled resident Description when question answered - "Yes"
Sampled resident #4 ("Nursing Staff needs to. dispense medications")
Sampled resident #5 ("Nursing Staff needs to administer medications")
Sampled resident #6 (Left Blank)
Sampled resident #7 ("Needs to be given medications" Note: additional hand
written in other ink that the original - "Error, Yes box checked and after the above
statement, “Needs to be given medications," "self administers," was written in.
There was no new or updated DOEA 1823 for this resident. There was no
documentation for this alteration of the original DOEA 1823 form in the resident's
chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this.")
Sampled resident #8 ("Licensed Nurse to Administer” Note: the word
"Administer was scratched out using a different ink and the words "assist if
needed later with medications" was written in. There was no documentation in
the resident's chart to show there had been a change in the resident's status. There
was no documentation for this alteration of the original DOEA 1823 form in the
resident's chart. The facility (Administrator/Supervisor) could not produce any
documentation to show this change in the resident's status. The Administrator did
state, "The nurse that walked out set us up for this.")
3. An interview with the facility's administrator was conducted on 04/06/2007.
The administrator could not show any documentation where any of the above
resident's were re-evaluated by the physician (Physician's Assistant/Advanced
Registered Nurse Practitioner) and no longer needed to have their medications
administered instead of assisted with. The administrator also stated, "After today
they all will be assist only residents." The administrator also could no show
where the resident had been assessed/evaluated for further residency continuance
at the facility.
4. Also during the tour it was observed that sampled resident #2 had 8 Insulin
(pre-filled by a Licensed Practical Nurse/LPN no longer at the facility or
employed by the facility) syringes filled with a clear liquid stored in the facility's
medication room. There was no name (who they were for), date drawn up/filled,
type insulin, amount of insulin to be in each syringe, or any other identification to
the 8 prefilled syringes. The facility supervisor stated, "They belong to sampled
resident #2." ;
5.. An interview with sampled resident #2 was conducted on 04/06/2007. During
this interview the resident acknowledged that the facility did not allow him to
draw up his own insulin or have his medication (insulin and oral medications) in
his room to self administer but that the facility staff (Aid & Supervisor) would
bring the pre-filled (see item #1 above) medication (insulin) to his/her room when
the scheduled time for administration was.
6. An interview with the facility's supervisor was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this interview the supervisor acknowledged that the previous employee
(an LPN), no longer working at the facility, had pre-drawn insulin in syringes for
sampled resident #2 and they were stored in the facility's medication room (Note:
Syringes were unlabeled with any name, date or substance in them). The
supervisor also acknowledged that there had been no licensed (physician, nurse,
physician's assistant, registered nurse Practitioner) person in the facility to assist
in or administer medications to residents since the LPN left the facility on
03/22/2007. The supervisor also acknowledged that the staff Aids were taking the
pre-filled insulin syringes to sampled resident #2 every evening at the scheduled
time and that the resident was not drawing up his/her own medication as per the
self administration process and there was no one to verify that the correct amount
of insulin was in each syringe.
53. | The Respondent’s deficient practice was related to the operation and maintenance
of the facility or to the personal care of residents which indirectly or potentially threatens the
physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the facility residents and constituted a class III
deficiency as provided for in Subsection 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2006).
54. The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
55. The Respondent’s deficiency constituted a repeated class III deficiency.
56. The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Flonda, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
The Respondent Failed To Have A Master Or Duplicate Key For All Resident Rooms At
The Facility To Be Used In The Event Of An Emergency
In Violation Of F.A.C. 58A-5.023(4)(g)
Isolated Class II Deficiency
57. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
58. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its Facility.
59, Based on observation and interview the facility failed to have a master or
duplicate key for all resident rooms at the facility to be used in the event of an emergency. The
surveyors’ findings were:
1. A tour of the facility was conducted on 04/06/2007. During this tour it was
observed that the suite 39/40 resident room (sampled resident #1) was locked and
was not accessible to the survey team. An attempt for the staff to open another
door was unsuccessful due to furniture against the door. An interview with the
administrator was conducted on 04/06/2007. During this interview the
administrator acknowledged that the resident's room (suite 39/40) was locked and
stated, "Since he is a “part owner" in the facility this surveyor could not enter that
room for survey purposes and also stated, "I don't have a key for that room."
(Note: the staff later tried to find a way into the room for the purposes of
conducting the survey but were unsuccessful.) When the staff and the
administrator were asked the general where about of sampled resident #1 the
administrator stated, "We don't have to keep track of him as he is part owner.”
60. The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
61. The Respondent’s deficiency constituted a Class II deficiency..
62. | The Agency shal! impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
The Respondent Failed To Have Documentation Of Current Certification In An Approved
First Aid And CPR Course In At Least One Personnel Record For Staff On Duty At The
In Violation of F.S. 429.275(2) And F.A.C. 58A-5.024(2)(a)1 And F.A.C. 58A-5.0191(4)
Widespread Class II Deficiency
63. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5.
64. On or about April 6, 2007, the Agency conducted a complaint survey of the
Respondent and its facility.
65. _ Based’on record review and interview the facility failed to have documentation of
current certification in an approved First Aid and CPR course in at least 1 personnel record for
staff on duty at the facility, as provided under Rule 58A-5.0191 at all times when residents are in
the facility. The surveyors’ findings were:
1. An initial tour of the facility was conducted on 04/06/2007. During this tour it
was noted that there was 3 staff members in the facility upon the survey team
arrival (Supervisor, Cook, & Aid). During the process of the tour the
administrator arrived at the facility.
2. A review of the facility's personnel records was conducted on 04/06/2007.
During this review it was revealed that there was no staff member in the facility
certified in Ist Aid or CPR at or during any portion of the survey.
3. Interviews were conducted during the survey on 04/06/2007 of the 3 staff
members and administrator. During these interviews the Administrator,
Supervisor, & Cook acknowledged they did not have 1st Aid or CPR
certification. The resident Aid was the only individual that thought he/she may
have a 1st Aid and CPR certification but did not produce documentation to show
this during or after the survey.
4. A call from the administrator to the resident Aid at the end of the survey was
conducted to see if documentation could be produced and to have the Aid return
to the facility. The call was not retuned by the Aid and the Aid did not return to
the facility.
66. The Respondent was given a mandatory correction date of May 6, 2007.
67. The Respondent’s deficiency constituted a Cass IT deficiency.
68. | The Agency shall impose an administrative fine for a cited Class II violation in an
amount not less than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each violation.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to impose an administrative fine against the Respondent in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1000).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner, State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests the Court to enter a final order granting the following relief:
1, Make findings of fact and conclusions of law in favor of the Agency as set forth
2. Revoke the license of the Respondent to operate the above-referenced assisted
living facility.
3. Secondarily, in the altemative to license revocation, impose an administrative fine
against the Respondent in the total amount of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000).
4. Enter any other relief that this Court deems just and appropriate.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to
Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the
attached Election of Rights form. All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of
Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, MS
#3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, (850) 922-5873.
If you want to hire an attorney, you have the right to be represented by an attorney in this
Respectfully submitted 7p } § day of September, 2007.
Florida Bar # 0768715
Agency for Health Care
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
(850) 922-5873
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Administrative Complaint and Election of Rights form
have been served to: Administrator and Registered Agent, Jane A. Jones, 3409 West 19” Street,
Panama City, Florida 32405, by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested (7004 2890 0000
5527 1275), and to Owner Gold Key Development, Inc., 3409 West 19" Street, Panama City,
Florida 32405, by U.S. Certified Mail, Retum Receipt Requested (7004 2890 0000 5527 1282),
on this _[$ a day of September, 2007. (\ a
fi Ly f a
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Docket for Case No: 07-005105
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jan. 31, 2008 |
Order Closing Files. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 25, 2008 |
Order (Petitioner`s Motion to Compel is granted).
Jan. 24, 2008 |
Motion to Remand Case to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Jan. 23, 2008 |
Motion to Compel filed.
Jan. 14, 2008 |
Motion to Strike Respondent`s Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings filed.
Dec. 14, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Request for Production filed.
Dec. 14, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Interrogatories filed.
Dec. 14, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Dec. 14, 2007 |
Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Discovery on Respondent filed.
Dec. 11, 2007 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 7 and 8, 2008; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Dec. 10, 2007 |
Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 07-5104 and 07-5105).
Nov. 14, 2007 |
Agency`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Nov. 07, 2007 |
Initial Order.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Request for Mediation filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Order of Dismissal without Prejudice Pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, to Allow for Amendment and Resubmission of Petition filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Notice of Filing Election of Rights filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Addendum to Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Nov. 06, 2007 |
Election of Rights (2) filed.
Nov. 05, 2007 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.