Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Panama City, Florida
Filed: Nov. 26, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, December 12, 2007.
Latest Update: Feb. 24, 2025
Petitioner, AHCA Nos. 2007010195 (Fine)
vs. (Conditional License)
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter “Agency”), by
and through undersigned counsel, and files this administrative complaint against
“Facility” or “Respondent”), pursuant to §§ 400, Part II, 408, Part II, 120.569 and 120.57, Fla.
Stat. (2007).
1. This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand
five hundred dollars ($2,500) based upon Respondent being cited for one isolated Class II
deficiency, pursuant to § 400.102(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2007), (AHCA No. 2007010195).
Additionally, this is an action to impose a conditional licensure rating from July 19, 2007,
through September 5, 2007 pursuant to §400.23(7)(b), Fla. Stat. (2007) (AHCA No.
2. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 120.569, 120.57, 120.60, 400.062, and
408.813, Fla. Stat. (2006).
3. Venue lies in Bay County, pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code R. 28-106.207.
4. The Agency is the enforcing authority with regard to skilled nursing facilities
licensure pursuant to § 400, Part II, Fla. Stat. (2007), and Fla. Admin. R.5S9A-4.
5. Respondent operates a skilled nursing facility located at 1336 St. Andrews Blvd.,
Panama City, Florida 32405, having been issued license number 10340961. Respondent was at
all times material hereto a licensed nursing facility under the licensing authority of the Agency,
and was required to comply with all applicable rules and statutes.
§ 400.102(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2007)
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set
forth herein.
7. That an off-hours entry re-certification survey was conducted starting on Sunday,
July 15, 2007 at approximately 5:00 p.m. through July 19, 2007. The facility was not in
compliance with 42 CFR 483 & 488 requirements for Long Term Care Facilities.
8. Based on observation, record review and interview the facility failed to
investigate injuries of unknown ongin and protect residents from potential injury for 4 of 27
residents (#5, 16, 25, 26); and neglected to provide care and services to prevent worsening of a
pressure ulcer for 1 of 27 residents #17. The findings include:
1. A review of the abuse "Self-Paced Learning Module" given to employees
during orientation did not include training in identification and investigation of
injuries on unknown source.
2. An observation of the resident # 16 on 7/18/07 at 12:55 P.M. the right side of
the resident's face was black, purple and brown from the hairline to the bottom of
the neck. The bruising covered the complete right side of the resident's face and
across the bridge of the nose. The resident's right eye was red and almost swollen
An interview with the resident at this time stated “isn't it ugly" indicating her face.
The resident pulled back her hair and displayed a large raised area to her head at
the beginning of her hair line on the right side. The area was approximately 2 cm
raised and 2 cm in diameter. The resident stated the "man with a big stick hit
A review of the medical record revealed on 7/8/07 at 11:00 P.M. the nurse
documented the "resident was found on floor, upper torso under bed. Resident
had arms wrapped around bar under bed, had urinated on self. Resident babbling,
holding onto bar, tried to undo amns, resident screaming to leave her alone. Staff
gently unwrapped arms from pole and slid her out from under bed. Large
hematoma noted right forehead around temple area." The resident was sent to the
Emergency Room. The medical record did not contain a report from the
Emergency Room. The nurse’s note 7/9/07 at 5:30 A.M. stated the Emergency
Room staff called and papers were sent with the resident. The resident was to be
awaken every 3-4 hours x 24 hours due to “head trauma.”
An interview with the LPN on 7/18/07 at 3:30 P.M. stated the resident #16 had no
other bruising to her body or other injuries, except to the head and face.
An interview with the C.N.A. on 7/19/07 at 6:30 A.M. stated on 7/8/07 she was
making rounds at approximately 10:00 P.M. and resident #16 was not in her bed.
The C.N.A. found the resident under the bed holding on to the bar under the bed.
The C.N.A. and nurse attempted to assist the resident out from under the bed.
The resident began screaming "Why did you do this to me?" among other things.
The resident had a knot on her head and it took about 10 minutes to calm the
3. An interview with the Risk Manager/Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) on
7/18/07 at 12:30 P.M. stated the bruising to resident #16 is "better." She stated
the event was recorded as an observation on the floor under bed at 11:00 P.M. by
aC.N.A. with arms wrapped around the bed frame under the bed. She stated the
C.N.A. was making walking rounds and discovered the resident on the floor. The
resident was not seen or heard prior to being found on the floor. She stated it took
"several" staff members to get the resident out from under the bed. The resident
had a large bruise to the right side of face. She stated the resident was screaming
when staff attempted to get her out from under the bed. The resident was
"thinking someone was going to hurt her." She stated the facility did not have a
copy of the Emergency Room report to review the physician's findings and
discharge instructions. The ADON stated she did not investigate the injury any
further because of the resident's dementia. The incident was attributed to
Dementia. She stated the staff take such good care of the residents, are caring and
would not abuse the resident. The ADON stated did not "even approach from an
abuse" prospective. The ADON was unable to explain how dementia would
cause a large knot to the head with a hematoma. She stated was unaware of any
other injuries to residents which were not witnessed.
Resident #5 (also on the same locked unit with resident #16) on 6/24/07 was
found at 2:15 A.M. with a hematoma to left temple. The ADON stated this injury
was not investigated as an abuse investigation. This injury was also un-witnessed
and both residents had no other injuries to their bodies. The ADON stated had not
put the two incidents together until questioned by the surveyors. Both of these
residents are on a Locked Unit with 27 other residents.
A review of the facility's Immediate Abuse Reports from 1/1/07 to 7/18/07
revealed no reports of Injuries of Unknown Source.
4. An observation of the resident #5 on 7/19/07 at 9:10 A.M. revealed the
resident with healing hematoma over left eye.
A review of the medical record revealed a nurse note dated 6/24/07, the nurse
documented at 2:15 A.M. "resident awoke when room mate was being cared
for...was lying on his left side. When he sat up a C.N.A. saw a moderate sized
hematoma just above left brow with some darkening under left eye...mild
swelling. This nurse asked resident if he fell or bumped his head, he stated ‘don't
know’, asked him if he knew what had happened. He again stated ‘don't know’.
No other injury noted."
An interview with the DON on 7/18/07 at 11:15 A.M. confirmed the resident was
found in bed with a hematoma over the left eye. The injury was not listed as a
An interview with the LPN on 7/18/07 at 3:30 P.M. stated the injury to resident
#5 was a "strange one." The nurse went into the room at 2:00 A.M. to assist the
roommate and the resident #5 sat up in the bed. The nurse noted the resident with
a hematoma over his left eye. The resident had no other bruising to his body or
other injuries. The resident could not tell the staff how the injury occurred. The
resident will usually yell "call the police" whenever someone is bothering him and
can indicate what happened.
An interview with the ADON on 7/18/07 at 11:35 A.M. stated the injury was
recorded as an injury of unknown source. The ADON stated the nurse noted the
hematoma to the forehead during the night. The resident was unable to tell how
the injury occurred. The resident has a history of seizures. The ADON
contributed the injury to a seizure or "walking into the bathroom door at night."
The resident is on 3 medications for seizures. The ADON stated the resident was
not witnessed having a seizure but it was assumed that is what happened. The
facility did neuron-checks after the injury was discovered which were all normal.
This is not consistent with normal findings of a resident after a seizure. The
ADON had no explanation for this. The ADON stated after the injury the
resident’s psychotic medications were assessed and the resident's Abilify was
discontinued. A review of the medical record revealed the Abilify was actually
discontinued on 5/1/07, over a month before the injury. The ADON was unable
to explain this discrepancy in her investigation. The ADON stated to the 2
surveyors present during this interview, that an investigation was not conducted to
tule out abuse due to the injury occurred during the middle of the night and the
facility felt the injury was due to a seizure.
5. A review of the medical record for resident #25 revealed the resident was
found on 6/26/07 with skin tears to left hand. The skin tear to the back of the
wrist was 1.8 cm x .5 cm and to base of forefinger 0.5 cm diameter. The resident
stated his roommate (#27) hit him. The roommate denied the allegation.
A review of the medical record for the roommate (resident #27) the nurse
documented on 6/18/07 the resident's Depakote was increased because of
aggressive behavior, combativeness, and threatening others with a cane. The
medical record contained no entry related to the allegations by resident #25 on
6/26/07. The nurse notes stated the resident was evaluated by Therapy on 6/26/07
and the cane was taken away. A review of both medical records (#25 and #27)
contained no further investigation of the un-witnessed injuries to resident #25 or
measures to protect the resident. A review of the facility's Immediate Reports
revealed no report filed for the Injury of Unknown Source.
An interview with the LPN on 7/18/07 at 3:30 P.M. stated the resident #27 would
swing his cane at staff. The cane was taken away, but the resident was given a
walker a couple of days after the cane was taken. An observation of the resident
#27 on 7/19/07 at 2:15 P.M. the resident was observed ambulating in the locked
unit with walker folded and held in the right hand as a cane.
An interview with the LPN on 7/19/07 at 11:00 A.M. confirmed resident #25 had
un-witnessed skin tears. The resident #25 would "point" to resident #27 when
asked what happened. The resident #25 would indicate a long item with his
hands. The cane of resident #27 was at the end of the bed. The LPN stated the
staff moved the resident #25 to another room after the incident. A review of the
medical record revealed no documentation of this move to another room. The
LPN was unsure of the date the resident was moved to another room. The LPN
did not see resident #27 hit the resident #25, but "there was suspicion that he hit"
the resident #25.
An interview on 7/19/07 at 1:20 P.M. with the DON, ADON, and Regional
Corporate Nurse stated the ADON is the Abuse Coordinator. Resident #27 was
upset due to resident #25 urinated on the resident, which lead to the episode on
6/26/07. This information/behavior was not documented in either of the resident's
medical record. They stated the resident #25 was moved to another room but are
unsure of date the resident was moved. There was no further investigation into
the incident to confirm the resident was abused by his roommate and no
intervention to protect the residents from the resident #27 except the removal of
the cane. The resident #27 currently has a walker and a new roommate.
6. On 07/18/07 at approximately 5:30 p.m. resident #26 was observed lying in
bed, partially covered. Three (3) large bruises were visible from the hallway on
resident #26's right arm. These injuries were of a suspicious nature and were not
new injuries.
On 07/18/07 at approximately 6:00 p.m. an LPN was asked to examine resident
#26's right arm. The LPN observed the three large bruises with this surveyor. The
bruise on the upper arm was large and roundish and was equal in size to the width
of resident #26's arm. The bruise on the elbow extended from above the elbow,
over the elbow to below the elbow, and also covered the entire outer view of
resident #26's arm. The bruise on the wrist was smaller and round only covering
about half of resident #26's arm width. Resident #26 was unable to state how the
bruises occurred. An interview was conducted with the LPN at that time. The
LPN states that she was previously unaware of the bruising. The LPN stated that
the bruising should be documented in resident #26's medical record. The LPN
further stated that skin sweeps are done weekly on every resident. Stated that the
bruising would either be documented on the ‘Weekly Skin Check’ form, or in the
Nurse's Notes.
Record review revealed no identification of bruising on resident #26. Nurse's
notes from 05/28/07, through the most current entry of 07/07/07 did not mention
any bruising or injury. On 06/30/07 a nurse documented, "Skin check performed
per weekly routine schedule. No interruptions in skin integrity noted." On
07/07/07 a nurse documented, "Skin check performed per weekly schedule. No
interruptions in skin integrity noted." On a form entitled 'Weekly and PRN Skin
Check" a nurse documented "No new areas of skin impairment" on 06/30/07,
07/07/07, and 07/14/07. No further documentation was made on this form.
An interview on 7/19/07 at 1:20 P.M. with the DON, ADON, and Regional
Corporate Nurse stated the resident #26 had now been assessed and the
appropriate State forms completed and an investigation was completed today to
rule out abuse. The staff is to be in-serviced on recognizing injuries of unknown
source to report to the Risk Manager.
7: Areview of the facility's policy on Guidance for Conducting Investigations of
abuse stated the Injuries of Unknown Source must meet 2 conditions: 1) source of
injury was not observed by any person or the source of the injury could not be
explained by the resident AND 2) injury is suspicious because of the extent of the
injury or the location of the injury (e.g. its location in an area not generally
vulnerable to trauma) or the number of injuries observed at one particular point in
time or the incidence of injuries over time. The residents #5, 16, 25, and 26
would meet this criteria related to the location of the injuries and extent of the
bruising which was not witnessed and could not be explained by the resident.
The implementation of this policy would necessitate the investigation into these
injuries to rule out abuse by another resident or other person.
The facility's policy further stated "conducting a thorough investigation" included,
the type of allegation, documentation of the details of the incident, documentation
of the injury, interview and obtain statements of each staff member with any
knowledge of the incident, interview any visitors or anyone who might have
knowledge of the incident, interview staff on other shifts, interview residents in
the same room or vicinity, identify the cognitive status of the victim and other
residents, review the behavior of the perpetrator (if known), describe any actions
taken by the facility to protect residents and to prevent a reoccurrence, identify
any medications that may cause the resident to bruise easily or may in any way be
related to the nature of the injury, review facility procedures, review and identify
any nurse's notes or other facility records that may contain information about the
The facility failed to provide evidence during the survey that this policy was
implemented and followed for the resident's #5, 16, 25, and 26.
8. A review of the medical record for resident #17 revealed a wound culture of a
pressure sore to the sacrum was completed on 6/7/07. The nurse’s notes confirm
the culture was from the wound due to abnormal drainage from the sacral wound.
The results revealed +3 growth of the microorganism of P. Mirabilis. The
physician ordered on 6/12/07 for the resident to begin the antibiotic Augmentin.
The pharmacy notified the nursing staff the patient was allergic to Augmentin.
The nurse phoned the physician and a phone order was received for Macrobid for
14 days on 6/12/07, The Culture and Sensitivity report does not list Macrobid
(Nitrofurantoin) as a medication in which the microorganism is sensitive. The
Drug Information Handbook for Nurses stated the medication Macrobid is
indicated in the treatment of Urinary Tract Infections, not wound infections. The
facility did not clarify the medication order with the physician or complete a
follow up wound culture upon the completion of the antibiotics. The wound
continued to drain foul smelling drainage after completion of the antibiotic. The
last assessment on 7/17/07 lists the drainage as gray/brown with a foul smell.
The medical record contained no communication with the physician of the
continued foul smelling drainage.
A review of the Skin Gnd the area to the Sacrum was identified on 5/15/07 as a
Stage II, with measurements of 3 cm x 6 cm with a depth of less than 0.1.
On 6/19/07 the wound increased in size from a Stage II to a Stage III with
measurements of 6 cm x 9 cm with tunneling of 2 cm (unable to assess depth of
On 6/22/07 the nurse documented the wound was not stageable. The wound was
measured weekly and continued to reveal an increase in wound size with a foui
yellow/green drainage and black wound bed.
The last measurements on 7/17/07 revealed the wound was not stageable, the
length is increased to 8.8 cm, width increased to 14.2 cm, and depth increased to
2.4cm. The drainage is gray/brown with a foul odor. The wound bed is gray.
The tunneling is increased to 2.4 cm.
A review of the nurse notes for 6/19/07". ...... Govumented the decline in the
status of ie Wound. The nuise wid not document communication with the
physician of the decline in the wound from a Stage II to a Stage III with continued
foul smelling yellow/green drainage. On 6/27/07 the resident requested to be
sent to the Wound Care center for debridement of the wound. The physician
approved of this request. The nurse documented the wound care center was
notified and stated Medicaid would not pay for the treatment. There is no further
documentation of follow up of this request.
The wound care was changed on 6/29/07. The facility protocol is for wound care
once a day, The resident requested the wound care be performed twice a day, but
later notified the nurse he would comply with the once a day protocol. Since the
wound care was changed on 6/29/07 the wound has continued to decline with
increased measurements, foul odor, and increased tunneling. There was not
documentation of communication with the physician of the continued decline of
the wound.
The resident was documented as being non-compliant with treatment because he
refuses to go to bed and prefers to stay up in the wheelchair. The nurse
documented on 7/17/07 that the resident uses his hand to reposition self in the
wheelchair during the day. The resident was observed on 7/16/07 at 2:00 P.M.
during a group meeting repositioning himself in his chair to periodically relieve
The resident's care plan stated the resident is non-compliant with treatments. The
facility's July 1-18, 2007 TAR does not list any days as wound care missed or
refused by the resident.
The resident was to receive a whirlpool each day on 11-7. A review of the July 1-
18 TAR, revealed the resident was to receive a whirlpool each day on the shift 11-
7. The nurse TAR is blank on the dates 7/1, 7/2, 7/7, 7/11, 7/13, 7/14, 7/16 and
7/17. The dates of 7/3, 7/4, 7/6, 7/8, 7/12, and 7/15 are circled, which indicated
the treatment was not given and the reason would be documented on the back of
the TAR. Only one of these days(7/10) is documented on the back of the TAR.
On 7/3/07 and 7/10/07 the nurse documented the resident refused the whirlpool
but allowed the dressing change. On 7/13/07 at 4:00 a.m. the nurse documented
the resident refused the whirlpool. It is not documented if the nurse offered the
whirlpool at a later time. There is no further documentation of refusal of the
whirlpool. There is no further documentation of the daily completion of the
whirlpool for the treatment of the pressure sore or notification to the physician of
the resident's refusal or failure to receive the whirlpool! daily as ordered.
During an interview with the resident on 7/19/07 at 12:45 P.M. with review of his
Treatment Administration Record (TAR) for 7/07, resident #17 was questioned on
the whirlpool. The resident was to receive a whirlpool daily on 11-7 shift for
pressure sore. The resident stated he does not refuse the whirlpool every day.
The resident stated the facility is using Agency nurses, who state they do not
know how to do the whirlpool. The resident stated there is a problem with
agency nurses doing the required wound care. The resident stated he is aware his
pressure sore is getting worse. The facility's MDS lists the resident's cognition
as a"0" or no impairment.
9. The above findings constitute a violation of § 400.102(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (2007), an
isolated Class II deficiency, for which a fine of $2,500 is authorized pursuant to §§ 400.23(8)(b)
and 408.813, Fla. Stat. (2007).
§§ 400.19(3) and 400.23(7)(b), Fla. Stat. (2006)
10. | The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (9) as if fully set
forth herein.
12. Based upon Respondent’s cited isolated State Class II deficiency, it was not in
substantial compliance at the time of the survey with criteria established under § 400, Part II, Fla.
Stat. (2007), or with rules adopted by the Agency, a violation subjecting it to assignment of
conditional licensure status pursuant to § 400.23(7)(b), Fla. Stat. (2007).
13. Due to the presence of an isolated Class II deficiency, a conditional license
certificate number 14762 was issued to Respondent with an effective date of July 19, 2007.
Respondent was issued a standard license certificate number 14763 with an effective date of
September 5, 2007 (Exhibits 1 and 2).
WHEREFORE, the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration,
respectfully requests that this court:
(A) Make factual and legal findings in favor of the Agency on Count I and Count II;
(B) Recommend administrative fines against Respondent in the amount of $2,500 for
Count I;
(C) Assess attorney’s fees and costs; and
(D) Grant all other general and equitable relief allowed by law.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to
Section 120.569, Florida Statutes. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the
attached Election of Rights form. All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of
Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, MS
#3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, (850) 922-5873.
If you want to hire an attorney, you have the right to be represented by an attorney in this
Respectfully submitted this a day of October 2007.
/y| A
Bart O. Moore, Esquire
Fla. Bar. No. 0768715
Agency for Health Care Admin.
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
850.922.5873 (office)
850.921.0158 (fax)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
US. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No. 7004 2890 0000 5526 7810 to: Facility Administrator,
Rodney C. Watford, 1336 St. Andrews Blvd., Panama City, FL 32405, by U.S. Certified Mail,
Return Receipt No. 7004 2890 0000 5526 7827 to: Owner Hearthstone Senior Communities,
Inc., 1333 Wayne Street, Reading, PA 19601, and by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No.
7004 2890 0000 5526 7834 to Registered Agent Spector Gadon & Rosen, PA, 360 Central
Avenue, Suite 1550, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701on October Dib 2007:
i / !
: O. Moore, Esquire
Copy furmished to:
Barbara Alford, FOM
Docket for Case No: 07-005383