Agency: Department of Financial Services
Locations: Naples, Florida
Filed: Dec. 12, 2007
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, November 9, 2009.
Latest Update: Feb. 28, 2025
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NOV 21 2007
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CASE NO,: 91692-07-AG
Express Bail Bonds
495 Goodlette Road North
Naples, Florida 34102-5839
2125 East Crown Pointe Boulevard
Naples, Florida 34112-3677
You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, are hereby notified that the Chief Financial Officer of the
State of Florida has caused to be made an investigation of your activities while licensed as
limited surety (bail bond) agent (2-34) in this state, as a result of which it is alleged:
i. Pursuant to Chapter 648, Florida Statutes, you, TUANITA WILLIAMS, currently
are licensed in this state as a limited surety (bail bond) agent (License Number A285910).
2. At all times pertinent to the dates and occurrences referred to herein, you,
JUANITA WILLIAMS, were licensed in this state as a limited surety (bail bond) agent.
3. Pursuant to Chapter 648, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Insurance Code, the
Florida Department of Financial Services (hereinafter “Department”) has jurisdiction over your
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bail bond agent license, appointments and eligibility for licensure.
4. At all times pertinent to the dates and occurences referred to herein, you,
JUANITA WILLIAMS, were the Primary Bail Bond Agent, with all of the attendant
responsibilities, for Express Bail Bonds (“Express”) located at 495 Goodlette Road North,
Naples, Florida 34102.
5. Pursuant to Section 648.387, Florida Statutes,
{t]he primary bail bond agent is responsible for the overall operation and —
management of a bail bond agency location, whose responsibilities may include,
without lintitations, hiting and supervising of all individuals within the location,
whether they deal with the public in the solicitation or negotiation of bail bond
contracts or in the collection or accounting of moneys. A person may be
designated as primary bail bond agent for only one location.
6. According to Department records, Joseph Houston, License Number 4123930, is
the owner of Express. Joseph Houston is also the owner of Liberty Bail Bonds (“Liberty”), and
you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, also are associated with Liberty as evidenced by, among other
things, your name being affixed to the front of the building where Liberty’s office is located.
7. Records kept by the Florida Department of State show that you, JUANITA
WILLIAMS, are the vice-president of J. Houston & Associates of Naples, Ine. (Document
Number P94000063611) and Joseph Houston is the president of J. Houston & Associates of
Naples, Inc. Department of State records indicate, also, that J. Houston & Associates of Naples,
Inc.’s address is the same as E'xpress’s.
8. The above General Allegations are hereby realleged and fully incorporated herein
by refcrence.
9. On or about May 29, 2006, consumer Wilford DuPont (“Mr. DuPont”) was
atrested in Collier County Florida, and Mr, DuPont's bail was sct at a total of seven thousand
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dollars ($7,000.00).
10, After Mr. DuPont's arrest, consumer ‘Tonya DuPont (Ms. DuPont”) called you,
JUANITA WILLIAMS, at Express and you, JUANTTA WILLIAMS, met Ms. DuPont al
Express’s office to transact insurance business that ultimately resulted in Express writing the bail
bonds for Mr. DuPont. The bail bonds were issued through power numbers PC2-00585947,
PC2-00585948, and PC7-00587209.
11. During the aforementioned transaction you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, received
seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) cash from Ms. DuPont as the premium. You,
JUANITA WILLIAMS, in violation of Florida regulations, did not give Ms. DuPont a receipt for
that money.
12. Also, during the aforementioned transaction, Ms. DuPont signed a promissory
note and indemnity agreement for seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00), These were the only
collateral listed on the collateral receipt that Ms. DuPont or Mr. DuPont signed or received
during the transaction with Express.
13. Ata point during or after July 2006, Ms. DuPont took the title to Mr. DuPont’s
1999 Chevrolet Tahoe, VIN 1GNEC13R6XJ323462, (the Tahoe”) to Express’s office and left it
with the employee at the office. The Tahoe was worth an estimated eleven thousand dollars
($11,000.00), or more.
14, You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, at all times material hereto, were acutely aware of
Ms. DuPont’s identity and contact information. However, you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, in
violation of Florida law, never gave Ms, DuPont or Mr. DuPont a collateral receipt for the
15. On or about October 4, 2006, you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, and/or Express
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became aware that Mr. DuPont was in police custody in Miami-Dade County, Florida. You,
JUANITA WILLIAMS, or someone on your behalf, or someone on behalf of Express and/or
under your direction, placed a hold on Mr, DuPont to return him to the jurisdiction of Collier
County, Florida. You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, knew that Mr. DuPont's bail, therefore, would
not be forfeited and would be discharged.
16. On the same day that Mr. DuPont was arrested in Miami-Dade County, you,
TUANITA WILLIAMS, or someone on your bchalf, or sorneone oa behalf of Express and/or
under your direction, instructed Syracuse A & A Recovery a/k/a A & A Auto Recovery to go to
Ms. DuPont's address and tow the vehicle, thereby exercising dominion over the Tahoe. This
was done without giving Ms. DuPont a collateral receipt for the Tahoe and without giving any
notice whatsoever to Mr. DuPont ot Ms. DuPont, in spite of the fact that you obviously knew
Ms. DuPont's address. In addition to being a violation of Florida law, this demonstrates a lack of
trustworthiness in your business practices with the public and a lack of good-faith in undertaking
your contractual obligations in your business relationship with Ms. DuPont and Mr. DuPont.
17. On or about November 7, 2006, a Certificate of Discharge of Bond was issued in
writing by the court for each of powers number 00585947, 00585948 and 00587209, thereby
retieving you, TUANITA WILLIAMS, Express, or any surety from liability on Mr. DuPont's
respective bail bonds.
18. During the first week of December in 2006, Ms. DuPont attempted to secure the
return of the Tahoe, but you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, or individuals on your behalf or on behalf
of Express, would neither return the collateral to Ms. DuPont, nor would you issue a collateral
19. On or about April 16, 2007, you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, or someone on your
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behalf, or someone on behalf of Express and/or under your direction, purported to sell the Tahoe
to Griselda F. Molina (Ms. Molina”), You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, or someone on your behalf,
or someone on behalf of Express and/or under your direction, accepted money for the Tahoe and
gave the title to Ms. Molina; this is the same title received from Ms. DuPont. ‘Through this
transaction you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, further exercised dominion over the Tahoe and
demonstrated the intent to not return said collateral to Mr. DuPont or Ms. DuPont.
20, Qn or about April 17, 2007, Ms. Molina returned the Tahoe to you, JUANITA
WILLIAMS, and you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, returned the money to her, thereby unwinding a
completed transaction, which Ms. Molina had no legal duty to do.
21. You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, continue to retain possession of the Tahoe.
22. You, JUANITA WILLIAMS, continue to retain any and all premium payments
paid to Express by Ms. DuPont.
IT IS THEREFORE CHARGED that you, JIANITA WILLIAMS, have violated or are
accountable under the following provisions of the Florida Insurance Code and Rules of the
Florida Department of Financial Services, which constitute grounds for the suspension or
revocation of your licenses and. appointments as an insurance agent:
a) Every bail bond agent who accepts money or any other consideration for any bail
bond or undertaking which they execute must for each and every payment received give
to the person or persons paying the money or giving the consideration a pre-numbered
receipt as evidence of payment which receipt shall state the date, name of the principal,
amount of moncy or consideration received and purpose for which received, number of
Power of Attorney form attached to the bond, penal sum of the bond, and name of person
making payment or giving consideration. Every receipt must contain the name, address
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and telephone number of both the surcty company and agent. Every hail bond agent must
retain, in the individual file for each defendant, a duplicate copy of each receipt issucd as
part of their records pursuant to Section 648.36, Florida Statutes. [Rule 69B-221.115,
Florida Administrative Code].
b) Collateral security or other indemnity accepted by a bail bond agent, except a
promissory note or an indemnity agreement, shall be returned upon final termination of
liability on the bond. Such collateral security or other indemnity required by the bail
bond agent must be reasonable in relation to the amount of the bond. Collateral security
may not be used by the bail bond agent for personal benefit or gain and must be returned
in the same condition as received. [Section 648.442(1), Florida Statutes).
c) When a bail bond agent accepts collateral, a written, numbered receipt shall be
given, and this receipt shall give in detail a full account of the collateral received. The
bail bond agent shall also give copies of documents rendered under subsection (1) to the
indemnitor, [Section 648.442(2), Florida Statutes),
d) When the obligation of the surety on the bond or bonds has been released in
writing by the court, the collateral shall be returned to the rightful owner named in the
collateral receipt unless another disposition is provided for by legal assignment of the
right to receive the collateral to another person. [Section 648.442(4), Florida Statutes}.
e) If a forfeiture occurs, the agent or insurer shall give 10 days’ written notice of
intent to convert the collateral deposit into cash to satisfy the forfeiture to the indemnitor
and principal. Notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last known address of the
indemmitor and principal. [Section 648.442(5), Florida Statutes].
f) Lacks one or more of the qualifications specified in this chapter for a license of
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appointment. [Section 648.45(2)(a), Florida Statutes],
g) Has willfully used, or intended the use, of the license or appointment to
circumvent any of the requirements or prohibitions of this chapter or the insurance code.
[Section 648.45(2)(d), Florida Statutes].
h) [las demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in the bail bond
business. [Section 648.45(2)(e), Florida Statutes].
i) Has engaged in fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business under
the license or appointment. |Section 648.45(2)(g), Florida Statutes}.
4) Is guilty of misappropriation, conversion, or unlawful withholding of moneys
belonging to a surety, a principal, or others and reccived in the conduct of business under
a license. [Section 648.45(2)(h), Florida Statutes].
k) Has willfully failed to comply with or willfully violated any proper order or rule
of the department or willfully violated any provision of this chapter or the insurance
code. [Section 648.45(2)(}), Florida Statutes].
1) Has demonstrated lack of good faith in carrying out contractual obligations and
agreements, [Section 648.45(2)(1), Florida Statutes).
m) Has failed to return collateral. [Section 648.45(2)(n), Florida Statutes].
n) IJas demonstrated a course of conduct or practices which indicate that the licensee
is incompetent, negligent, or dishonest or thal property or rights of clients cannot safely
be entrusted to him or her. [Section 648.45(2)(p), Florida Statutes].
WHEREFORE, you, JUANITA WILLIAMS, are hereby notified that the Chief linancial
Officer intends to enter an Order suspending or revoking your licenses and appoiniments as a
limited surety (bail bond) agent or lo impose such penaltics as may be provided under the
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provisions of Sections 648.442, 648.45, 648.49, 648.50, 648.51, 648.52 and 648.53, Ilorida
Statutes, and under the other referenced Sections of the Florida Statutes as set out in this
Administrative Complaint. You are further notified that any order entcred in this case revoking
or suspending any license or eligibility for licensure held by you shall also apply to all other
licenses and eligibility held by you under the Florida Insurance Code.
You have the right to request a proceeding to contest this action by the Department of
Financial Services ("Department") pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes,
and Rule 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. The proceeding request must be in writing,
signed by you, and must be filed with the Department within twenty-one (21) days of your
receipt of this notice. Completion of the ailached Election of Proceeding form and/or a petition
for administrative hearing will suffice as a written request. The request must be filed with the
General Counsel acting as Agency Clerk, at the Florida Department of Financial Services, 612
Larson Building, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333. Your written
response mist be received by the Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the twenty-first day after
your receipt of this notice. Mailing the response on the twenty-first day will not preserve your
right to a hearing.
If you request a proceeding, you must provide information that complics with the
requirements of Rule 28-106.2015, Florida Administrative Code. As noted above, completion of
the attached Election of Proceeding form conforms to these requirements. Specifically, your
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response must contain:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number, and facsimile number (if any) of the
respondent (for the purpose of requesting a hearing in this matter, you are the "respondent”),
(b) The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number of the attorney or
qualified representative of the respondent (if any) upon whom service of pleadings and other
papers shall be made.
(c) A statement requesting an-administrative hearing identifying those material facts
ihal are in dispute. If there are none, the petition must so indicate.
(@) A statement of when the respondent received notice of the administrative
(e) A statement including the file number to the administrative complaint.
If a hearing of any type is requested, you have the right to be represented by counsel or
other qualified representative at your expense, to present evidence and argument, to call and
cross-examine witnesses, and 10 compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of
documents by subpoena.
If a proceeding is requested and there is no dispute of material fact, the provisions of
Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, apply. In this regard, you may submit oral or written
evidence in opposition to the action taken by the Department or a written statement challenging
ithe grounds upon which the Department has relied. While a hearing is normally not required in
the absence of a dispute of fact, if you feel that a hearing is necessary, one will be conducted in
Tallahassee, Florida, or by telephonic conference call upon your request.
However, if you dispute material facts which are the basis for the Department's action,
you must request an adversarial proceeding pursuant to Sections 120,569 and 120.57(1), Florida
Statutes. These proceedings arc held before a State Administrative Law Judge of the Division of
Administralive Hearings. Unless the majority of witnesses are located elsewhere, the
Department will request that the hearing be conducted in Tallahassee, Florida.
Failure to follow the procedure outlined with regard to your response to this notice may
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result in the request being denied. All prior oral communication or correspondence in this matter
shall be considered freeform agency action, and no such oral communication or correspondence
shall operate as a valid request for an administrative proceeding. Any request for an
administrative proceeding received prior to the date of this notice shall be deemed abandoned
unless timely renewed in compliance with the guidelines ag set out above.
Mediation of this matter pursuant to Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available.
No Department attorney will discuss this matter with you until the response has been received by
the Department.
DATED and SIGNED wig / id day of Nourenter 2, 2007.
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Dec 12 2007 16:35
FROM :DEPT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES FAX NO. + 85845749? Dec. 12 2687 4:48PM Pls
LHEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE
COMPLAINT and the following ELECTION OF PROCLIEDING has been furnished to:
2125 Fast Crown Pointe Boulevard
Naples, Florida 34112-3677
Express Bail Bonds
495 Goodlette Road North
Naples, Florida 34102-5839
by certified mail thie Agtiday of |
_» 2007,
Thomas A. Tad Sn
Florida Department of nancial Services
Division of Legal Services
200 East Gaines St.
612 Larson Building
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333
(850) 413-4164
Florida Bar Number 0706868
Docket for Case No: 07-005664PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Nov. 09, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Nov. 05, 2009 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Sep. 14, 2009 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by November 16, 2009).
Sep. 01, 2009 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Jun. 08, 2009 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by September 1, 2009).
Jun. 05, 2009 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Mar. 10, 2009 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by June 1, 2009).
Mar. 09, 2009 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Jan. 09, 2009 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by March 10, 2009).
Jan. 07, 2009 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by January 9, 2009).
Nov. 04, 2008 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Aug. 11, 2008 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by November 7, 2008).
Aug. 11, 2008 |
Joint Status Report filed.
May 14, 2008 |
Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by August 15, 2008).
May 13, 2008 |
Joint Status Report filed.
Feb. 13, 2008 |
Order Granting Respondent`s Motion for Continuance and Stay of Discovery and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by May 13, 2008).
Feb. 08, 2008 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Feb. 07, 2008 |
Motion in Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Protective Order and in Opposition to Respondent`s Motion for Stay of Discovery filed.
Feb. 06, 2008 |
Respondent`s Motion for Continuance and Stay of Discovery filed.
Feb. 06, 2008 |
Respondent`s Motion for Protective Order filed.
Feb. 05, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Request for Production filed.
Feb. 05, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Privilege Log filed.
Feb. 05, 2008 |
Notice of Serving Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 15, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Jan. 15, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Request to Produce filed.
Jan. 15, 2008 |
Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Jan. 08, 2008 |
Respondent`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 08, 2008 |
Respondent`s Request for Production filed.
Dec. 21, 2007 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Dec. 21, 2007 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 19 and 20, 2008; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Dec. 18, 2007 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Dec. 13, 2007 |
Resply to Respondent`s Affirmative Defenses filed.
Dec. 13, 2007 |
Initial Order.
Dec. 12, 2007 |
Respondent`s Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Petitioner`s Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 12, 2007 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Dec. 12, 2007 |
Agency referral filed.