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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 08-002714 Visitors: 19
Judges: J. D. PARRISH
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Boca Raton, Florida
Filed: Jun. 06, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, September 9, 2008.

Latest Update: Feb. 01, 2025
. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ‘DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS 4ND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, VS. : SLUEFIN SUSHI AND THA! GRILL License No. coer? Respondent. ense Type 201 Case No. 2008019670 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT - : The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, ("Petitioner’), flles this Administrative Complaint against BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THAI GRILL, (‘Respondent’), and says: 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and - public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 609, Florida Statutes. 2, Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the Jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, The respondent's busIness address of record is 861 YAMATO RD, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431.The mailing address of record is BLUEFIN SUSH! AND THAI! GRILL, at 861 YAMATO RD, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431. . 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit “B”, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed 31,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program, suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant te this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Ghapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules pro! ulgated there . + Signed April 02, 2008 Ken Buck, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants . . . Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No, 0163831 : Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFIGATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTIGLE NUMBER: | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been : , 2008, ' hand served by me on this, day of _ Received by: Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature Title . "Title Gase Number: 2008019670 — Fils Number: 196102 : District Number: oz License Numbar: 6012277 2010 | Form revised 07.07.07 BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THA! GRILL : BTfER Sad dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 BRIFT 800¢ 9 Unt ut Florida Deparimeritet . . . Division of Hotels and Restayrants B u S| ne So Bureau of Flald Services s 5080 Goronut Creek Parkway, Sulte A Pp rofessi ; es . Margate, Florida 33063-3942 Reg ulation Phone: 984.936.5698 » Fax: 880.617.4052 Chuck Drago, Interim Secretary : Charlie Crist, Governor HAND SERVICE MEMORANDUM FROM: Kenneth C. Buck, District Manager SUBJECT: Case Number # 2008019670 Business Name: Bluefin Sushi and Thai Grill Gontrol number: 6012277 DATE: — April 8, 2008 Please, HANDSERVE the attached Administrative Complaint IMMEDIATELY. d mail was either returned or no service has been received at this time. ”’ Piease DOCUMENT SERYIGE: o Date. of Service: & Name and title of person serve Signature for person served” : Current Phone Number: 67 _ Signature for DBPR employee: , : Return ONLY this form to David Shareef, Staff Assistant. LICENSE EFFICIENTLY. REGULATE FAIRLY. WWW.MYFLORIDALIGENSE,.COM 6T/Pa ed ada 98T6 TZ6aS8 TEtpT Saaz /90/98 oo:fT 800¢ 9 Une Exhibit A _ License Number: 6012277 . License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2008019670 “EC” as cited hereln references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code. "NFPA" as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, ‘Fire Prevention, General Provisions", Florida - Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. : , “ denotes a critical violation. It is alleged that on January 2, 2008, March 7, 2008 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the repori(s) for the above referenced Inspection(s) are attached hereto and . incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. : ~ 4.08B-0441 3-304.13 FC LINENS AND NAPKINS MAY NOT BE USED IN CONTACT WITH FOOD UNLESS THEY ARE USED TO LINE A CONTAINER FOR THE SERVICE OF FOODS AND THE LINENS AND NAPKINS ARE REPLACED BACH TIME THE CONTAINER IS REFILLED FOR A NEW CONSUMER. OBSERVED GLOTH USED AS A FOOD-CONTACT SURFACE....CLOTH ON TOP OF STAINLESS STEEL MIXING BOWL OF LETTUCE IN WALK-IN COOLER. * 900-011 9+301.11(B) FG: (6) EXCEPT WHEN WASHING FRUITS AND VEGETABLESAS . SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 3-302.15 OR WHEN OTHERWISE APPROVED, FOOD EMPLOYEES’ MAY - NOT CONTACT EXPOSED, READY-TO-EAT FOOD WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND SHALL USE SUITABLE UTENSILS SUCH AS DELI TISSUE, SPATULAS, TONGS, SINGLE-USE GLOVES, OR DISPENSING EQUIPMENT. OBSERVED IMPROPER USE OF BOWL/ PLASTIC FOOD CONTAINER OR OTHER CONTAINER WITH NO HANDLE USED TO DISPENSE READY-TO-EAT FOOD....PLASTIC BOWL IN DRY CONTAINER OF THAI RIGE, : . * 3.09-04-1 3-307.11(B) FG: (B) EXCEPT WHEN WASHING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 3-302,15 OR WHEN OTHERWISE APPROVED, FOOD EMPLOYEES' MAY. NOT CONTACT EXPOSED, READY-TO-EAT FOOD WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND SHALL USE SUITABLE UTENSILS SUCH AS DEL! TISSWE, SPATULAS, TONGS, SINGLE-USE GLOVES, OR DISPENSING EQUIPMENT, _OBSERVED BARE HAND CONTACT OF READY-TO-EAT FOOD BY EMPLOYEES AND ESTABLISHMENT HAS NO APPROVED ALTERNATIVE OPERATING PROCEDURE IN EFFECT....SUSHI CHEF SLICING AND PLAGING FRUIT IN CONTAINER USING BARE HANDS. * A4QAtS1 2301.14 FC WHEN TO WASH, FOOD EMPLOYEES' SHALL GLEAN THEIR HANDS AND EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THEIR ARMS AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 2-301.12 IMMEDIATELY BEFORE ENGAGING IN FOOD PREPARATION INCLUDING WORKING WITH EXPOSED FOOD, CLEAN EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS, AND UNWRAPPED SINGLE-SERVICE AND SINGLE-USE. ARTICLES AND: (A) AFTER TOUCHING BARE HUMAN BODY PARTS OTHER THAN CLEAN HANDS AND CLEAN, EXPOSED PORTIONS OF ARMS; (B) AFTER USING THE TOILET ROOM: (C) AFTER CARING FOR OR HANDLING SERVICE ANIMALS OR AQUATIC ANIMALS AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 2-403.11(B); (0) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 2-401 .11(8), AFTER COUGHING, SNEEZING, USING A ; HANDKERCHIEF OR DISPOSABLE TISSUE, USING TOBACCO, EATING, OR DRINKING; (E) AFTER HANDLING SOILED EQUIPMENT OR UTENSILS; (F) DURING FOOD PREPARATION, AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY TO REMOVE SOIL AND GONTAMINATION AND TO PREVENT CROSS CONTAMINATION - WHEN CHANGING TASKS; (G) WHEN SWITCHING BETWEEN WORKING WITH RAW FOOD AND WORKING WITH READY-TO-EAT FOOD; (H) BEFORE DONNING GLOVES FOR WORKING WITH FOOD; AND (I) AFTER ENGAGING IN OTHER ACTIVITIES THAT CONTAMINATE THE HANDS. Case Number: 2008019670 File Number: 195102 District Number: 02 Form ravised 07.07.07 License Number: 6012277 2010 BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THA! GRILL 6T/SA Jad dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 8882/98/98 OS:rTl 800¢ 9 Unt OBSERVED EMPLOYEE HANDLING SOILED EQUIPMENT OR UTENSILS THEN ENGAGE IN FOOD PREPARATION, HANDLE CLEAN EQUIPMENT OR UTENSILS, OR TOUCH UNWRAPPED SINGI.E- SERVICE ITEMS, WITHOUT WASHING HANDS....DISH WASHER SWITCHING FROM SGRAPPING AND LOADING TO UNLOADING AND CARRYING GLEAN PLATES. “ 6. 42B-07-1 2401.11 FG: EATING, DRINKING, OR USING TOBACCO. (A) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF THIS SECTION, AN EMPLOYEE SHALL EAT, DRINK, OR USE ANY FORM OF TOBACCO ONLY IN DESIGNATED AREAS WHERE THE CONTAMINATION OF EXPOSED FOOD; CLEAN EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, AND LINENS: UNWRAPPED SINGLE-SERVICE AND SINGLE- USE ARTICLES: OR OTHER ITEMS NEEDING PROTECTION CAN NOT RESULT. (8) A FOOD EMPLOYEE MAY DRINK FROM A CLOSED BEVERAGE CONTAINER IF THE CONTAINER IS HANDLED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF: (1) THE EMPLOYEE'S HANDS; (2) THE CONTAINER; AND (3) EXPOSED FOOD; CLEAN EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, AND LINENS; AND UNWRAPPED SINGLE-SERVICE AND SINGLE-USE ARTICLES; AND 386.204 FS: A PERSON MAY NOT SMOKE IN AN ENCLOSED INDOOR WORKPLACE, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 386.2045 FS. OBSERVED AN OPEN BEVERAGE CONTAINER ON A FOOD PREPARATION TABLE OR OVER/ NEXT TO CLEAN EQUIPMENT UTENSILS....KITCHEN EMPLOYEES EATING AND DRINKING FROM OPEN CONTAINER IN KITGHEN FOOD PREPARATION AREA, : 6.13-08-1 2-402.41 FC: EFFECTIVENESS. (A) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF THIS SECTION, FOOD EMPLOYEES' SHALL WEAR HAIR RESTRAINTS SUCH AS HATS, HAIR COVERINGS OR NETS, BEARD RESTRAINTS, AND CLOTHING THAT COVERS BODY HAIR, THAT ARE DESIGNED AND WORN TO EFFECTIVELY KEEP THEIR HAIR FROM CONTACTING EXPOSED FOOD; CLEAN EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, AND LINENS; AND UNWRAPPED SINGLE- SERVICE AND SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. (8) THIS SECTION POQES NOT APPLY TO FOOD EMPLOYEES’ SUCH AS COUNTER STAFF WHO ONLY SERVE BEVERAGES AND WRAPPED OR PACKAGED FOODS, HOSTESSES, AND WAIT STAFF IF THEY PRESENT A MINIMAL RISK OF CONTAMINATING EXPOSED FOOD; CLEAN _ EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, AND LINENS; AND UNWRAPPED SINGLE-SERVICE AND SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. . nos . ‘ OBSERVED EMPLOYEE WITH NO HAIR RESTRAINT....CHEF AT DEEP FRYING STATION AND TWO (2) KITCHEN EMPLOYEES EATING! DRINKING AT FOOD PREPARATION STATION. ¥ 7, 20A-08-1 4-501.114(C), (D) AND (E)FG:: A CHEMICAL SANITIZER USED IN A SANITIZING SOLUTION FOR A MANUAL OR MECHANICAL OPERATION AT EXPOSURE TIMES SPECIFIED UNDER PARAGRAPH 4-703.11(C) SHALL BE LISTED IN 21-CFR 178.1010 SANITIZING SOLUTIONS, SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EPA- APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S LABEL USE INSTRUCTIONS, AND SHALL BE USED AS FOLLOWS: (C) A QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUND SOLUTION SHALL: (1) HAVE A MINIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 75 DEGREES FAHRENWEIT, (2) HAVE A CONCENTRATION AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 7-204.11 AND AS INDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER'S USE DIRECTIONS INCLUDED IN THE LABELING, AND (3) BE‘-USED ONLY IN WATER WITH 600 MG/L HARDNESS OR LESS OR IN WATER HAVING A HARDNESS NO GREATER THAN SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER'S LABEL; (D) IF ANOTHER SOLUTION OF A CHEMICAL SPECIFIED UNDER PARAGRAPHS (A)-(C) OF THIS SECTION IS USED, THE PERMIT HOLDER SHALL DEMONSTRATE TO THE REGULATORY AUTHORITY THAT THE SOLUTION ACHIEVES SANITIZATION AND THE USE OF THE SOLUTION SHALL BE APPROVED; OR (E) IF A CHEMICAL SANITIZER OTHER THAN CHLORINE, IODINE, OR A QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUND IS USED, IT SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S USE DIRECTIONS INCLUDED IN THE LABELING: OBSERVED QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SANITIZER NOT AT PROPER MINIMUM STRENGTH FOR MANUAL WARE WASHING... WARE WASH EMPLOYEE NOT USING SANITIZER DURING MANUAL WARE WASHING PROCESS, ber: 2008019670 File Number: 195102 District Number: 02 eth . Form revised 07.07.07 Licanse Number: 6012277 2070 BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THAI GRILL BT/98 Jad dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 oo:fT 800¢ 9 Une * 8, 22-20-4 4.602.11(E) FC: (E) EXCEPT WHEN DRY CLEANING METHODS ARE USED AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTION 4-03.11, SURFAGES OF UTENSILS AND EQUIPMENT CONTACTING FOOD THAT IS NOT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SHALL BE CLEANED: (1) AT ANY TIME WHEN CONTAMINATION MAY HAVE OCCURRED; (2) AT LEAST EVERY 24 HOURS FOR ICED TEA DISPENSERS AND CONSUMER SELF-SERVICE UTENSILS SUCH AS TONGS, SCOOPS, OR LADLES; (3) BEFORE RESTOCKING CONSUMER SELF-SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS SUCH AS). CONDIMENT DISPENSERS AND DISPLAY CONTAINERS; (4) IN EQUIPMENT SUCH AS ICE BINS AND BEVERAGE DISPENSING NOZZLES AND ENCLOSED COMPONENTS OF EQUIPMENT SUCH AS ICE MAKERS, COOKING. OIL STORAGE TANKS AND DISTRIBUTION LINES, BEVERAGE AND SYRUP DISPENSING LINES OR TUBES, COFFEE BEAN GRINDERS, AND WATER VENDING EQUIPMENT: (A) AT A FREQUENCY SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER, OR (B) ABSENT MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS, AT A FREQUENCY NECESSARY TO PRECLUDE ACCUMULATION OF SOIL OR MOLD. OBSERVED BUILD-UP OF SLIME IN INTERIOR OF ICE MACHINE. * 9, 22-281 4-601.11(A) FC:: EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES AND UTENSILS SHALL BE . CLEAN TO SIGHT AND TOUCH. OBSERVED INTERIOR OF REAGH-IN COOLER SOILED WITH ACCUMULATION OF FOOD RESIDUE....FRONT PREPARATION AREA REACH-IN COOLERS. * 10, 35B-04-1 6-202,15FC:; OUTER OPENINGS, PROTECTED. (A) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPHS (B), (C), AND (E) AND UNDER PARAGRAPH (D) OF THIS SECTION, OUTER OPENINGS OF A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT: SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST THE ENTRY OF INSECTS AND RODENTS BY: (1) FILLING OR CLOSING HOLES AND OTHER GAPS ALONG FLOORS, WALLS, AND CEILINGS; (2) CLOSED, TIGHT-FITTING WINDOWS; AND (3) SOLID, SELF-CLOSING, TIGHT-FITTING DOORS. (B) PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY IF A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT OPENS INTO ALARGER STRUCTURE, SUCH AS A MALL, AIRPORT, OR OFFICE BUILDING, OR INTO AN ATTACHED STRUCTURE, SUCH AS A PORCH, AND THE OUTER OPENINGS FROM THE LARGER OR ATTACHED STRUCTURE ARE PROTECTED AGAINST THE ENTRY OF INSECTS AND RODENTS, (C) EXTERIOR DOORS USED AS EXITS NEED NOT BE SELF-CLOSING IF THEY ARE: (1) SOLID AND TIGHT-FITTING: (2) DESIGNATED FOR USE ONLY WHEN AN EMERGENCY EXISTS, BY THE FIRE PROTECTION AUTHORITY THAT HAS JURISDICTION OVER THE FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, AND (3) LIMITED-USE 50 THEY ARE NOT USED FOR ENTRANCE OR EXIT FROM THE BUILDING FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN THE DESIGNATED EMERGENCY EXIT USE. (D) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPHS (8) AND (E) OF THIS SECTION, IF THE WINDOWS OR DOORS OF A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, OR OF ALARGER STRUCTURE WITHIN WHICH A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT IS LOCATED, ARE KEPT OPEN FOR VENTILATION OR OTHER PURPOSES OR A TEMPORARY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT IS NOT PROVIDED WITH WINDOWS AND DOORS AS SPECIFIED UNDER PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SECTION, THE OPENINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST THE ENTRY OF INSECTS AND RODENTS BY: (1) 16 MESH TO 1 INCH SCREENS; (2) PROPERLY DESIGNED AND INSTALLED AIR CURTAINS TO CONTROL FLYING INSECTS; OR (3) OTHER EFFECTIVE MEANS. (E) PARAGRAPH (D) OF THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY IF FLYING INSECTS AND OTHER PESTS ARE ABSENT DUE TO THE LOCATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT, THE WEATHER, OR OTHER LIMITING CONDITION. uo ; OBSERVED OUTER OPENINGS OF ESTABLISHMENT CANNOT BE PROPERLY SEALED WHEN NOT iN OPERATION....QPEN SPACE UNDER REAR DOOR FROM MISSING THRESHOLD PLATE AND NO DOOR SWEEP. 41, 37-10-1 610-1.004(6) FAC: (8) ALL BUILDING STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS, ATTACHMENTS AND FIXTURES SHALL BE KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR, CLEAN AND FREE OF OBSTRUCTIONS. OBSERVED ATTAGHED EQUIPMENT SOILED WITH ACCUMULATED GREASE....EXHAUST FILTERS AND HOOD IN KITCHEN, Case Number: 2008019670 Fila Number 165102 District Number: 02 leenge Nur Form revised 07.07.07 License Number. 6012277 2040 BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THA! GRILL BT/4@ Fovd dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 TS:PfT 800¢ 9 Une , . : 42. 40-04-1 7-208.11 FC: STORAGE. EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED UNDER SECTIONS 7-207,12 AND 7- 208.11, EMPLOYEES’ SHALL STORE THEIR PERSONAL CARE ITEMS IN FACILITIES AS SPECIFIED UNDER PARAGRAPH 6-305. 1 1(B), . ; * OBSERVED PERSONAL CARE ITEM STORED WITH FOOD....CELL PHONE ON FOOD PASS THROUGH WITH FOOD. * 43.45-36-1 NEPA96, 11.2.4: AN INSPECTION AND SERVICING OF THE FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM AND LISTED EXHAUST HOODS CONTAINING A CONSTANT OR FIRE-AGTUATED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE MADE AT LEAST EVERY 6 MONTHS BY PROPERLY TRAINED AND QUALIFIED PERSONS, - OBSERVED HOOD SUPPRESSION SYSTEM TAG OUT-OF-DATE....TAG OUT OF DATE BUT INSPECTION REPORT CURRENT. ; : 5 A ert j 1 District Number: 02 Case Number: 2008019670 File Numbar: 196102 Fotm revised 07.07.07 License Number: 6012277 2010 © BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THAL GRILL BT/88 aD" dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 TS: fT 800¢ 9 Une ab wu TRIAMRETELIMTAUHnhyeal STATE OF FLORIDA : é i \ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIGNAL REGULATION i i DMSIONOFHOTELSaNpReraMANYS, |) EME wre. tniytiorkia.com/dbpr 2 i Carre CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT 4 ni iy y LEGAL NOTICE Fhagmoncuuavasy eR eDe Re EW Fallure to comply With this Nothes nny inltlers pre adrolalstrative complaint that may result Jn suspeielon or novocation of your Hoanse and fines. 03/07/08 10:55 AM Waring Sata? Callback Inspection Date and Time japaction Reason Ucense Num PMY ING ot 5 adel 5619828869 ADMINISTRATIVE COMI rocommmnded. omertans Kith Codeflekephone Number BLUEFIN SUSHI AND THAY GRILL Byslness Name ap ; 61/02/2008 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time Thteel Warning Date 861 YAMATO RD BOCA RATON, 33431 Page dof § SEAT areas Oy 7 State 72 Tete Comments | Miolation: 45-36-1 fos suppression syatem tag out-of-date, ‘out of date but inspection report current, Holation: 40-04-L bserved personal care itu stared with foqd. = on 03/07/08 cétl phane on food pau thr with food. (. on 09/07/08 FSS tag & out of date and there bs he inspestion taport avaliable. [Fite folowing item(s) have besn Tecammendad for Administrative Complaint: . bl Tapper anti 08-07-08 i pa Tnspector Signatur bale Signature of Recipient For turther oer lea contact: Reelplent: PRACHYA RRAUNCHAL “VIM BANNIGAN ; . Tee Manager So8D COCONUT CRK PKWY MARGATE, FL 33063 Phone: 561, 984-8587 80-87-1895 DBPR Form WR 5022-005 BT/6eH SEM ‘ d saa geTe1zegss = TE! 8002/90/90 TS:PfT 800¢ 9 Une 6T/aT STATE OF FLORIDA 6012277 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL _ DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURAN} id weww.nyfiorida.com/dbpt wnaunausceaascintiiiod ELUEFIN SUSHE AND THAT GRILL ants ith delat bett aT RAR ala CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT ‘nepaction Dats EGAL NOTICE 03/07/08 10:55AM Follure to comply with this Notica many initiete an adminivative complsint that may result In suspencion or rovecotion of your fcenes and fines, fiolation: SAL baerved attached equipment solled with accumulated grease. exhaust filters and hood KIFCHEN. on 03/07/08 observed Eultt up soll on t ddtchon exhaust haad, folation: 356-042 Pater openings of establishment cannot ba properly sealed when not In eperaon, - aputi space under rear door from nvssiog threshold plate and no door sweep. not corrected 26 of 03/07/08 Nolatian: 22-26-41 hsarved Interlor of readtiin cooler sollad with accumulation of food residue, on 03/07/06 observed polled Interior in front prep ares reach In coolers, lation: 22-20h1 pserved buildup’ of slime In the Interior af oe iachires, cbuenved agaln ov 03/07/08 |jotation: Z0A-08-2 olation: 13-03-1. bserved eiiplayce with ao hal restraint, on 03/07/08 ubsarved tail chef dp deep frying station and 2 Hitchen employees esting/dri foliation: LZE-O7-2 Ruatemmary ammonium sanitizer not at proper inlnimun strength for manual warewashing,- <> git 03/07/08 observed warawash person not uskig aanitzer during manual Warewashing process. bsorved an opan beverage cottalner on a tood preparation table or over/nextte clean equipment/utensits. tolatlon: 12A-I5-1 switehing from scrapping & foading to unioading ond carrying clean plates. Eze eniployes handling sallad equipment or ditenalls then engage in food preparation, hands. * Ne Lon 03/07/08 obsurved Kitchen employees eating and drinking at from open container In kitchen food prep area. Inking at food prap station = both bed pa halr festralnts. DBPR Form HR 5022-005 and “dad eoipl 800¢ 9 Unt 98TbTcbese TE: PT handle ckan equipment or utensils, ar touch unwrapped single-service Items, without washing Babs /98 foe Page 3 of 5 fee Number i ser 6012277 : STATE OF FLORIOA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Numa a LAPUA Ht BUBMIN SUSHI AND THATGRILL yp soeeatseraineainrnie ONS sapactin Dato Bas CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT 03/07/08 10;48 aM LEGAL NOTICE Failure to caniply with this Notice ny initiate ant administrative complaint thar may: result ta suspension oF ravecation of your license and tony, = observed same wolation by the Dish Washer agatn on 03/07/08 “« asa observed female chef using cell phone while assembling plute: of food. pers 0o-D4-9 bserved bare hand contact of ready-to-eat food by employees and establtment haa ne ‘approved Alta oy Pron 03/07/08 observe pr mative parating Procedure it effect. pat chef siking and placing frult in cotainer using bare tands. ale on 03/07/08 observed chef at front food prep teble (weurtng sox hat) assemble a bowl of shup peas for serve whila bare haiided, Malation: 08-01-3 bearved Improper use of bowl/plastc food contalner or other container with no handle Used to dispense ready-to-eat food, ~ an 03/07/08 observed plastic bowl In dry contalner of thal rice, m y Holation: OREsO4-7. beorved cloth used as a food-contact auiface, ” = on 03/07/08 obsnrved In WIC a cloth on top of & stuinkess steel mbing bowl of lettyce. {Tha folowing item(s) are (n campiiance: lolation: S1-48-1 lo copy of latest Inspection repart, olation: 46-09-1 algns not properly illuminated, —sign by rest reama hanging by wites and hot Myminated ON TESTING. fotatlon; 44-08-2, ‘signa not proparly Illuminated. back door. foliation: 37-10-1 Observed attached equipment solled wt Accumulated grease, rexhaust fiters and hood DINING AREA, ; lation: 37-08-1 bserved attached equipment soled with accumulated food debris, “WIC fan grating. . Notation: 36-131 re fitease accumulated under cooking equipment. DEPR Form HR 5022-005 BT/TT Sad dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 8882/98/98 earl 800¢ 9 Unc FC lisliatieeainainiuenonicnaal Page 4085 . Ip rocue AVAL Bo Dae " ee i ons Nuibor , : STATE QF FLORIDA i ' EAT 601227 DEPARTMENT GF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL pik i RT B (Business Name ole. _, DIVISION OF HOTELS AMD RESTAUD : wwitmyfioridecom/dbpr 1 Kags: racasvintnagtt OEFIN SUSHE AND.THALGRY, eT A ee ENHANCER neon Date CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT 93/07/08 10-55 AM CEGAL NOTICE . Fallurs ta comply with this Nolice may Initiate an admintscrative complalhe that may result in aueponsion of revocation of your fcenod mod tines. Nolation: 3316-1 baerved open dumpeter Ud, Aglation: 3340-4 losetved Inskle/outside of dumpster not clean, lation: 23-07-1 vet (yachts with sllmy/moidelke build-up. thon: 23-O6-4 + beerved build-up of food dabrig, dyst or ditt on senfaud-contact surface, eBhalving & equipment exteriors throughout. flolation: 23-03-1 served bulld-up of grease on nonfood-contact suiface. _ Fokitehen equipment, . lation: 22-22-2 bsurved encrusted mutérial on can opetier: lations 22-201 contact sutifaces hot teamed between contact with different raw animal products, lolation: 21-12-4 fat wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses, tolation: 17-11-47 ‘oa chemical test kit provkied for meisurlng the concentration of the sanitizer solution used for iviplng claths. Matation: 1540-1 metal container instalied for catching grease from hood drip tray. dining areq hood. ion AS4t-1 metal container Installed for gatchiig grease fram haod drip tray, ~ Kitchen hood. falation: 14-37-41 Pbserved cutting board grooved/pltted and no longer cleanable, kitchen uPA, Form HR, 5022-005 BT/éT Said dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 earl 800¢ 9 Unc finan hry eM EA ETO Pagu § of 5 (gee meee a TBE ery” Banal Numbut merncrner oF BEET PORA | EU EVMIDIT BE Donets ‘Surness Name .. DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAU! PLUREIN SUSHT AND THALGERLL, www. myfioride.com/dbpr ngcria rr ‘Becpection Date Monro pu bebo AALS AT CALL BACK. XNSPECTION REPORT : 03/07/08 10:55 AM LEGAL NOTICE Fallure te comply with this Notice ray Initiate an, sdrotolstretive complaint that moy veguit lo suspenblon or revocation of your licens: aud Tinius, front. Aolation: 10-06-41 bserved ke scoop with handle In contact.with ke. lofation: 10-07-1 haerved (n-lse utensil stored In standing water fess that 135 degrees Fahrenhalt. folation: 20-04-21 ‘ f-Use utensil Yor honpobendally hazardous food not stored ih a clean, protected locutiote. jolation; OBA-29-1. ed unycovered food in holding untt/dry storage Arca, = amons/ddresalngs/ete. in servers station. lation: OBA-Z9-1 bserved uncovered food in holding storage area WIC, Hon; OBA-2E-L ; : served fond stored on floor, . flalation: OBA-25-1 bserved raw animal food stored aver ready-to-eat food. Nolation; GBAPLS-4, Food not stored Ina clean/dry location that is nat exposed to splash/dust. Halation: OSA-07-1. bserved potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 411 degrees Fabrentat. — chicken, Corrected On Site. lolation: 02-26-71. forking contelners of food pemoved from original container hot Wantified by common name, alatbow: O2-22-1 ‘ - dy-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared on ‘alte and held more than 24 houre with nat properly date markerd. —— _ DBPR Form HR $022-005 BTVET Savd dad 9816 TZ6as8 TE: PT 8882/98/98 earl 800¢ 9 Unc ye ivteri tata wren anmnnaeaitiny rr Page ofS. r STATE OF FLORIDA ) ii DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION { i OIVISION-OF-BUFELS NTs i} + Sm tad Fooo SHRVICE IN : - ' LEGAL NOTICE Lo Follure to comply with this Notice may inflate. an administrative complalit that nvy result In suspcnelon or revocation of your thoenae and fines. 01/02/08 11,35 AM Routine : 6012277 SEAT Thapection Date and Time j . Inspection Reason no. Ucetiew Number mea INC WARNING: : ‘Sianer Nani Violations in tha aperation of your establishment 2619818869 ; BUVEFIN SUSHI AND THAI GRILL must be eorractad by: ARE CHeTephene Number Gisiness Name 7 : 90 O1-DEC-O8 Nomber of Units : ‘Callback Date/Time Ucense Expiration 861 YAMATO RD BOCA RATON, 33431 ree 7 elp] ae, Tham 48: Fire. Extinguishers and Flre Suppression Systems Dates ‘Stnitizer Type! Quaternary Ammoniuin found) “A Hood fuppreccion lype Hre Setinguisher, found Infat at concentration of fess than 50 ppm PPM, | Bigben uaea carificaton dln cfGG/07 6 Sanitizing Temperature i leas than 160 dining boom ew i conificauion data of C9707 Degrees Farennett, Them 53a: Cert. Food Munugers Tem 20: Warewashing Sanitzation Ttem 03: Food Temperatures shufenp, Seafood, walk ln cooler, 44 Doorman F whole muscle, taaf, wali in cooler, 40 Degree F. chicken brwauts, Poultry, rouch tn eaclor, 55 Ducprian Fanappar, Seafood, fronf countar, 32 Degrans oka aa: Basho, Front oka, 39 Deptt AK encolar, Seafood, Front oountar, 29 agrees Fi BOupePHE pep eto, 26k Dagronaa Fe Manager Name: PRASIT KHAUNCHAT CartHicatian Date: 07/16/04 Certified by: Natlonal Registry of Food Safety Professtonnla OTE: Itome marked above with an antarisk () Ynapactor's Comments ‘ Provided Educutianal Snformaton, Water Sources Muntclpal/Wtllty, Sowuge: Munielpal/Utilty.Employees tralned by Florida Restaurant AgseciationObserved a 60 Gallan Gas HWH in kitchen. | ‘ fo Boller On Site. Boller Juradiction Number: None, Baller Expiration Date: None Tacknowledge recelpt of th Inspection form end comments. 0102-06 tame Signature of Recipient ‘ pornang eee SIONAL . further information i. Reciplent: DUKE KHAUNCH , "TIM BANNIGAN Te MANAGER 5060 COCONUT CRK PKWY MARGATE, FL 32063 Phones 561 981-8069 50487-1808 [Siar] SOURCE ° ee me _— ‘ofa Wed source “03a Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, display, service, Rashard carey Ob Wholesome, sound conden Original container; proper) Bbelcd, gate marking #020 Hot food at proper temperature 7 ¥02-11 Consumer advisory on raw/undercooled oysters Se Fudds propeny cnoked/renaatnd 700-13 Consumer adviaory of raw/uNdarcooked animal products 03d Foods property cooled #04 Facilites to malntaln product temperature +05 Thermometers provided aid conspkcucusly placed [| P06 Potehtaly hazardous foods properly thawed i Hiak wre erfeal vlolaGors. Teenie marked IN ere in compliance, Tooms Marked OUT ans violatons. Spocific dla of vilition ara [kted on Yetone wat aE david Wil are Not Appia, Yuan Marked ux WO ara Not Obearved, wna war not bag condockd at the Ena of spect. BPR Form HR S0zz-t16 BT/PT Savd dad 98TbTcbese TE: PT 88ee/98/98 Sort 800¢ 9 une BT/GT Page 2 of 5 eon Adar RAGGEDY wy Ea J ees ge. Number STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REG| z CALS IT Pel , SEAT = 6042277 DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURAI iit Nama ‘Wirw miytlorida.com/dbpr ! IVEFINSUSHEAND-THALGRILL - Gi Hlbnoaots anaes ition Date FQOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 'u.sesaar sen sssenaiaiecin LEGAL NOTICE 01/02/08 21:35 AM Fallure to comply with thie Notice may Initiate a6 administrative complaing that may reoatt la auspenelon or revocation of your license and fines. ~RTATUS PrF TEMPERATURE CONTRO! ih Tv Unwrapped or potentially hazardous food not ra-aarved out ES Conbilners covered, adequate number, ingest and rodent ut iaOga Food protection during starage, preaurntdn, dlaplay, proof, emptied at proper Intarvaks, clebh sorvice, transportation . - 4 aa orang "area clan, enclosure prope ait Qn Grass-contarninatin, equipment, personne), storage en Potential for cross-contamliation; emaged food segregated Bhorage practkces; [ sArds | INSECT AND RODENT CONTRO! 7 4 bitad Out Out ‘Frare ERE 6 Roore properly constructed, ed Th ez] Personnel wan Infections restricted 37 Wale, collngs, and attached equipment, cond asi Cut 1a Henge washed and Geen, goed hyglonte pracueuy lean (observed), wltarnative operating plan Out Tab Propar hyglenis practens, eatng/aenungyamollng fevidence) Gut 13 Clean cfethed, Ralr rasta ‘STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTERSILS a'Ts Tone Hams properly stored ed caitack , , pila a aetaned ‘eongErielad, ib labaled and used propery az Promises maintained, trea of Inter, unnecessary a1 OR - Cleaning and maintensnce equipment properly stored. Kitchen restricted to authorized personne! Te Dahwasting tadlitios dealgned, constructed, aparatad 4. Wash 2 Rinse 3, Santize Mi Hermionciens, GE, RE eT ree or 9 Waih, rinse water clean, proper temperature a) aS Fire extnguehars - proper and uféicient ae ial Exing aystm - adequats, good repair — Electrical wiring = adequate, good repair canara Tistaled, manned 739 Flamed SE Ee ER Propeny stored, 26 Singh: servica articles not reeset WATER AND BEWAGE/FLUMBING —frs ngioyoe waig ‘validation iA ci sr a Te O Cross-comnection, back siphonage, 6 GENERA STATUS "TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES B7 Hosphalty Education Pragram Tata armeuen provided "37 Tollat and handwashing facilities, qumber, conyantent, designed, Installed Total Number of COS Violations: 1 us 732 Restrooms with sel-cloging doors, fixtures operate proparty, fuclity clean, cupplad ‘with handeosp, dleposabre Total Number of Ropeut Violations: tewels or hand drying dlavices, tissue, covered waste receptacles With ah avbarisk are eritienl violations, Teams marked IN are Wn coniplance, Inia Marked QUT ats violatans. ‘Specific datalls of violation are ieted on ‘Viekations mbriad subsequent papes. Ibanig marted N/A are Not Applicable. Thane: a Marked 45.0/0 ate Not Obsarved, ond) vera not balng conducted wt tha Ume of inspection, BbpR Farm HR S027-015 avd add 98T6Té6e98 TEIPL 8082/98/98 Sort 800¢ 9 une Page 3 of & hog iH 7 nr N be ! rd . . STATE OF FLORIDA i * Sear / 6042277 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ' Fo) Business Name . ~” BLUERIN SUSHI AND.THAL GRILL. + : ____ DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURA "www inyfiorida.com/dapr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REFOR! sjtion Dube LEGAL NOTICE mormesiaceecranetczaneiara 01/02/08 14:35 AM _ Failure to comply with this Notice may Initiate an adininistrative complaint that may result In quspenaion or revocation of your fleonas and fines. Violationts): OF-04-trObsuived (mpraper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used te dispense ready-to-eat food. 02-26-1:Wotking containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. 02-72-1:Ready-to-ant, potentally hazardous food prapared on site and held mpre than 24 hours with not properly date marked, 034-07-1:Observed potentially hazardous food cold hold at greater than 42 degrees Fahrenhett. == chicken. Corrected On Sita. 21-121: Wet wiping cloth nat stored in sunltizing solution between usus. Rew ’ 40-04-1:0bserved parsonal care ftem stored with food. 46-09-1:Bidt sluts not properly uminated. back door. 128-07-4:0bserved ‘at open beverage container ov a food prepuration table or over/next to dewn-equipmunt/utensils. OBA-28-1:Observed food stored on flopr. SAN RAS BA-28-1:Observed uncovered faod ln holding storage area wic, O8A-Z6-4:Observed raw ahlmal food stored over ruady-to-eat food, OBA-L+1:Food not stored'In a claan/dry Ineation that bi not exposed to splash/dust, OBB-04-1:Observed clath used as a food-contact surface, <

Docket for Case No: 08-002714
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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