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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 08-002716 Visitors: 19
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Cape Coral, Florida
Filed: Jun. 06, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, July 18, 2008.

Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
|| STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ‘| DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, | Ve. : License No. 4803764 NEW YORK NY PIZZA . License -Type 2010 esponenn. Case No, 2008000857 INISTRATIVE: COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (“Petitioner”), files this Administrative Complaint against NEW YORK NY PIEZA, CRespondant’), and says! 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant te Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2, Respondant is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business address of record is 3816 CHIQUITA BLVD, GAPE CORAL, FLORIDA 33014, The malling address of record Is NEW YORK NY PIZZA, at 527 SW 32 TERRACE, CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA 33914. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant te Sec. 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 600, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing Qperation of the establishment, The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inapection documents are attached as Exhibit “6, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the follawing penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense, mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief aythorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promul there! ; Signed January 04, 2008 * Gary Tillman, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants : a : Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT; : . . . a Charles F. Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney - Florida Bar No. 0153831 ! Department of Business & Profesional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Steet Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: 7180 3901 9849 9956 1715 | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on this lot day of Kas ws , 2008. < ick , al Ms Case Number: 2008000657 File Number: 208917 . District Number: 07 Usense Number 4603764 2010 | Form revised 07.07.07 NEW YORK NY PIZZA j TTVE@ = F8d Ada 98T6 126898 69:pT 8aa2/9a/9a 20ST 800¢ 9 Une Exhibit A License Number: 4603764, License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2008000857 “FC” as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code, "NFPA" as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 4A-3, “Fire Prevention, General Provisions’, Florida Administrative Goda, and 61¢-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code. “" denotes a critical violation. Itis alleged that on July 13, 2007, December 10, 2007 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 500(F'S) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars, Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. * 1..09-05-1 3-301.14(D) FC:: PREVENTING CONTAMINATION FROM HANDS. (D) FOOD EMPLOYEES' SHALL MINIMIZE BARE HAND AND ARM CONTACT WITH EXPOSED FOOD THAT IS NOT IN A READY-TO-EAT FORM, QBSERVED IMPROPER USE OF BOWL/PLASTIC CONTAINER WITH NO HANDLE USED TO DISPENSE FLOUR, “2. 22-22-1 4-601,11(A) FC:: EQUIPMENT FOOOD-CONTACT SURFACES AND UTENSILS SHALL BE CLEAN TO SIGHT AND TOUCH. OBSERVED ENCRUSTED MATERIAL ON CAN OPENER. * 3.32464 6-301.42 FC: HAND DRYING PROVISION, EACH HANDWASHING LAVATORY OR GROUP OF ADJACENT LAVATORIES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH: (A} INDIVIDUAL, DISPOSABLE TOWELS; (B) A CONTINUOUS TOWEL SYSTEM THAT SUPPLIES THE USER WITH A CLEAN TOWEL; OR (C) A HEATED-AIR HAND DRYING DEVICE. FRONT HANDWASH SINK LACKS PROPER HAND DRYING PROVISIONS. * 4.35A-03-1 6-801.112 FO:; REMOVING DEAD OR TRAPPED BIRDS, INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS, DEAD OR TRAPPED BIRDS, INSECTS, RODENTS, AND OTHER PESTS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM CONTROL DEVICES AND THE PREMISES AT A FREQUENCY THAT PREVENTS THEIR ACCUMULATION, DECOMPOSITION, OR THE ATTRACTION OF PESTS. OBSERVED TWO DEAD ROACHES IN DRY STORAGE AREA AND 27 DEAD ROACHES BEHIND MIXER ON 7/16/2007. OBSERVED DEAD ROACH UNDER HANDWASH SINK AND DEAD ROACH UNDER 3 COMP SINK ON 12/10/2007. Case Number; 2008000667 File Number: 206017 District Number: 07 License Number 4603764 2010 Form revised 07.07.07 NEW YORK NY PIZZA TT/pa = F8vd Ada 98T6 126898 69:pT 8aa2/9a/9a 20:97 800¢ 9 Une Paga 1 of 3 aN STATE OF FLORIDA A EXH IB IT B DEPARTMENT OF GUSINESS ANO PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ier.) www mytioride.com/dbpr sg FOOD SERVICE INEPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE Failure to comply with this Notices may Initiate an administrative complaliit that tray revit In gugpencion or revocation of your lease and fines. 07743/07,01;39, FM Routine 4603764 SEAT Inspection Date and Time Inspection Reason License Number ROGER ONE INC : WARNING: . Owner Name Victations in me operation af your esiablisharem 239.540.2000 NEW YORK NY PIZZA Imuel ba comectad by Area Code/Telephone Number Business Name Ingpection Rezult 10 07/14/2007 08:00 AM O1-DEC-07 Number of Units Callback Date/Time License Expiration 3816 CHIQUITA BLVD CAPE CORAL, 33914 Addrags / City / State / Zip / ato, {tern 03: Food Temperatures. tte 53a: Cert, Food Managers hem 20: Warewashing Sanitization pay rnc ae . deayoae fe Manager Name: Ryan Whitaker Sanitizer Typa: Chlorine found at oe meets, machin sai * Cages Certification Date; 08.14.05 Centified | concentration of 50 PPM. ‘a Miso Bupproedlon ype Fife Hatinguisher, F. by: ServSale found (rvet Nilonen has & cerutieaion dake of Pork, reachin cooler, 40 Oegreas Fi. 12.06 Pouluy, fagh ln cooler, 41 Degeea F, “A Glass K type Fire Extinguisher, found inva Dalry products, walk in comer, #1 Degrees F. kivehon bias » ooification duty of O06 Poultry, walk in cooler, 38 Dagrees F. A Class ABC type Firg Extinguisher, found Inat Gaucowpruvy, sloum jwbluebuln movie, 176 dining room has a.certficatin dau af 06.08 Cegrees F, NOTE: Items marked above with an asterisk (°) indicate « violation Inepector’s Cammenta Provided Web Site: www.iyforida.comdber REMINDER ‘No barehand contact with RTE foods—use gloves, utensils, etc. “Wash hands between asks, between working with raw and RTE foods, and before putting an gloves © Employees trained by Food Safety Training Institute No Boiler On Lacknowiadge receipt of this Inspection form and comments, pan elon 07-13-07 Date Signature of Recipient Inépector Signature Recipient: Susan Paringlo For further Information please contact: The Owner Kara Sommers Phone: Sanitation & Safety Speclalist 4100 Genter Pointe Dr., NB; 239.640.2000 850.487,1395, Fax 209.276.7959 : STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL lin tora Approved source *O1b Wholesome, sound condition Original containar: properly iabeled, date marking 7039 Cold food al proper temperatures during storage, a display, service, . : inva in 0b Hot food at proper temperatures “02-71 Gongumer advisery on raw/undercooked oysters _[In___—_(|*03g Fonds proparly cooked/reheaned 02-1 Consumer advisory on rewiundercooked animal “Tin [asd Foodg propertycooled = "04 Facilities to maintain produc! temperaiure § Potentially hazardous foggy "OS Thermometers provided and conspicuausly placed Miolatlona marked with an asterick are critical violations. ftems marked IN ure in compliance. lamis Marked OUT ave violations, Gpecitic detalls.ot violation are lized on subsequent pages, llams markwd NVA aré Not Applicable, Numd Marked as N/O are Nol Qbserved, and were not being conducted at the time of inapaciion. DBPR Form HR 5022-016 TT/S@ = S8Kd dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 20ST 800¢ 9 Une EAMIBIT y . Page 2 of 3 STATE OF FLORIDA eens Numba! 64 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Busi DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS . Business Nama wiew. myflorida,. convtibpe NEW YORK NY FIZZA Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT . LEGAL NOTICE 07/13/07 01:39 PM Fallure to comply with this Notes may Initiate an administrative complaint that may result in suspengion or revocstion of your lisense and fires, PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL *07 Unwrapped of powwntially hazardous food not re-served aa 33 Containers covered, adequate nymber, insect and rodent "08a Food protection during storage, preparation, display, proof, emplied al proper intervals, clean service, Waneportation 84 Outside storage area claan, enclosure properly HO8b Cross-contamination, equipment, personnel, storage coneinucied ® FS Fe oF '08¢ Potential for eroas-contamination; storage practices: |_starus |" insecr aND RODENT CONTROL | damaged food segregated Out __ 35a Presence of insoets/radente, Animals prohinied t09 Foods handled with minimum contact |. [5b Suber openings protected from insects, rodent proof | 10 Inuse food dispensing utensils proparly stored STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS alt PERSONNEL 38 Floors properly constructed, clean, dralned, coved M17 Personnel with infactlons restriatad 37 Walls, ceilings, and attached equipment, constructed, hia Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices clean . (obgerved), altamative operating plan | "2b Proper hygienlo practices, eating/drinking/smoking evidence) STATUS 3 Ciesn clothes, heir mwetains “da Empgyee iockers provided and wed clean STATUS 74 Food contact surfaces designed, conspucted, Jou 4th Toxic tems labeled and used properly malntalned, installed, located | 42 Premises maintained, tree of litter, unneceseary articles. 15 Not-food contact surfaces designed, constructed, Cleaning and maintenance equipment properly stored. maintained, ingtullud, tocated Kitehen restricted to authorized personnel 716 Gishwashing facilities designed, constructed, operated |__| 43 Complete separation from livingislooping area, laura 1. Wash 2, Rinse 3. Sunitize | pore, , : [yw Prefushed, scraped, cooked ut oWash, cinse water clean, provertemperaura |_| [20a Sanitizing concerysation | i _——-__} |_| P45 Fire wxtinguishers - proper and wufficient 50 Current license properly displayed 91 Other conditions sanitary and sate operation | | eeorrenasae SS es "S2 False/migieading statements published or adverdsed F & "27 Werler source safe, hot and cold under precaure | _—|S4 Florida Glaan Indoor Air Act "28 Sewage and waste water disnased prope | ___}88 Automatic Gratulty Notice 29 Plumbing installed and maintained Lu. [58 Copy of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, avaliable 700 Crase-eonneeton, back slgnonage,backts sans [GENERA TOWUET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES 31 Toilet and handwashing facilities, number, convenient, . ul cusloned, Insialed Total Number of COS Violations; 2 "32 Restrooms with selfsclosing doors, fixtures operate properly, facility clean, supplied with handgoap, disnegable q g 5 = Total Number of Rapa Violations: towels or hand drying devices, tissus, covered waste Violations marked with an asterisk ara critical violavons, tems marked IN are In compllenee, Kems Marked OUT ure viclateng, Specitic dutaihy of violauon are listed on Subsequent pages. ltama marked N/A are Not Applicable. tems Marked a3 N/} aré Not Observed, and were nat belng conducted at the time of ingpecilgn, DUPR Fern HR 6022-018 TT/9@ = S8Kd dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 BT:9T 800¢ 9 Unc Page 3 of 3 License Number , _ STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 4e6764 EX HIB [TB DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION —ausioes Name DMISION OF HOTEL. AND RESTAURANTS NEW YORK NY PIZZA pect te FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT inspection a ; NOTICE 07/13/07 01:39 PM Failure te camply with thle Notice may initiate an adminigtrative complaint that may reeult In suspension oF revocation of your license and fines, Warnlrig(): 45A-03-1/Observed dead roachud on pramises—obgerved 2 deed roaches In dry storage atid 2 déad roaches behind mixer This violation must be sorrevted by 07/1407. REFERENCE TEXT: 6-601.112 FG: Removing Oeud or Trapped Gilrds, Insects, Roderts, and Other Pests. Dead or tapped birdy, Inyects, rodants, and other pasts shall he femoved from contol davicas and the PREMISES at a Fequency thet prevents thei agcumulation, decomposition, or the attraction of peau. Vielbtion(a); 42-16-1:Hand wash gink lacking proper hand drying provisions=-front hws 42-17-1: Handwashing cleanse: lacking at handweahing lavatory-tront hw 14-36-1:Obyervad gaaketx/seekt on cold holding unil In poor repair, OOe0 Observed bniproper ude OF bowl/plasus food conwiner or other camwiner whn no handle used to dispense ready-to-eat fnod—plastic cup with no handle used to agQOp out RTE cheese Coracted On Site, 48-3t-T Hood guppreselon system tag oumoldane, REFERENCE TEXT: NPA 96, 14.2.1: an Inspection and servicing of the fire-extinguishing system and listed exhaust hoods containing a constant or fre-sotuated waler aysiem shall DE made at least eviy 6 months by properly wained end qualifled persons, 46-41-1:Portabily tite exiriguigher Wags ouleofdate. 0805 Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other contalner with no handla usad to dispanse food thot ly not rewdy-lo-eat—-plaaue container whh no handle used te scoop out flour in dry storage Conectad On Sita. 22-22-1:Observed snonided mytarul on can opener, 32-10-1:Covered Waste recaplicie not provided In bathrogm. 36-18-1. Observed loed dubris accumulated on WIG thor 4168-01-71: Obsened sanitizing soluden exceeding the maximum concentration allewad-wel wiping cloth solution 1203-1: Obearved employee with np halr restraint, REFERENCE TEXT; 2-402.11 FC: Eligclveness, (A) Excepl as provided in Paragrph (6) of this section, FOOD EMPLOYEES shall wear hair regiraines such as hals, hair coverings ar nets, bard rasuaints, ond clothing that covers body hair, that.are daigned and wor io effectively koep thelr halr irom contacting exposed FOOD: clean EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, ahd LINENS: and unwrapped SINGLE- SERVICE and SINGLE4USE ARTICLES, (B) This section does not apply to FOOD EMPLOYEES aych ag counter gtalf who only serve BEVERAGES und wrapped or PACKAGED FOODS, hautesses, afd walt sipff if they prasant 6 minimal dak of contaminaling exposed FOOD: dean EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, and LINENS: and unwrapped SINGLE-GERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES, OBPR Form HR 5022-015 TT/é@ 84d dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 BTI:9T 800¢ 9 Unt _ «STATE OF FLOR. a PEN, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ra DIVISION OF HOTE: AND RESTAURANTS gy TNE FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION REQUIRED Inspector determined violations requira further review, but are not an immediate threat to the public, LEGAL NOTICE ’ Fallure fo comply with this Notice mily initiate an administrative complolnt that may nesult in suspension or revocation of your license and finas, 1210/07 12:26. PM. Routing 4603764 SEAT. inspection Date end Time Inspection Reason License Number ROGER ONE INC Owner Name ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT recomme 40.2000 NEW YORK AY Pizza Area Code/Telephone Number Business Naina . Inspection Regult 10 _ 01-08 C-08 Number of Units Callback Date/Time License Expiration 3816 CHIQUITA BLYD : CAPE CORAL, 33914 Address / City / State / Zip / ete. ttem 09; Food Temperawres hem 53a; Cert, Food Managers lem 20; Warewushing Sanitization | Item 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Dairy products, reach In coolwt, 42 Oegwes F. | Manager Name: Ryan Whitaker Sanitizer Type: Chlorine found at Comminutod moat. ees in selnn 42Dagres | mation Date: 06.14.05 Gentittad | concentration of 100 PPM, Coviminuted iets, reach In olet, 41 Dugas | by: ServSate F Comminuiad ments, walk in cooler, 41 Degrees A Class age ypo Pea ExungUsher found inot dining F00Mm hae & dertihcation dele of (4.070 Glass AGC iype Fing Extinguisher, found infu) bur deb hoa o cwiification date of O4,07A Hood Supprageion (yee Hue Extinguisher, found ius idichen haa a certification duty of 06.07 A Claod K type Fire Extinguistigr, found iivnt kichon has. cetitigation data of 08.07 Diy PrOduCU, walk in cooler, 41 Degregy F, NOTE: Items morked above with at ssterisk (") indicate a victetion Inspector's Comments ELP PREVENT FOODBORNE ILLNESS’ BY WASHING HANDS, KEEPING COLO FOODS COLD (41 or below), AND KEEPING HOT FOODS HOT 136F or above). Employees wained hy Food Safety Training Institwie Employees trained by Florida Restaurant Association SafeStaffNo Boiler On Site, lacknowledga receipt of this Inapection fom and comments, ene See aig Loa sLommse- Date Signature of Recipient Inspector Signature Reolplont: Justin Partington For turther information plaase contact, . Kara Sommars THe Co-Ownsr Sanitation & Safety Specialist 4100 Center Pointe Dr, Phone: 230.699.0411 860.487.1995, Fax 239.278.7359 SOURCE PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL fe__fte Assowed oct =| “03a Cold food at proper temperatures during storage, *O1b Wholesome, sound condition digplay, sevice, *03b Mat food at eraper tariparaiure NA | “02-41 Consumer advisory on Tawlanderepgked oyster in *Odc Fonds propery cooked/reheatad NA | 02-18 Cohaumer advisory on rawundercooked animal fin 03d Foods properly cooled | *04 Facilitles to malniain product lamperature ; "OS Thermometers provided and conspicuously placed |g Potentially hazardous foods properly thawed Violtilona marked wilh on aaterlax are critical vigtationg, Iemma markyd iN are in gamipllangy. Heng Marked QUT are vigintigns. Sprciic details of violation are ined on subsequent pages, liems marked N/A are Not Applicable. tems Marked a4 N/O are Not Observed, and were nat being conducied at the time of inspection. DEBPR Foim HR 6022-016 TT/sa = S8Kd dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 BT:ST 800¢ 9 Unt EXHIBIT B Page 203 License Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 4603764 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name DIVISION nyt Noe URANTS NEW YORK NY PIZZA n$pection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT f LEGAL NOTICE 12/10/07 12:26 PM Fallure to comply with this Notice muy Initiete an ecdministrative ‘complaint that may result In suepanadon or revocation of your Uewunr und finan. PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL ‘07 Unwrappey or potentially hazardous food not re-sarved 33 Containers covered, adequate number, ingeet and rodent > fe Food protection during storage, preparation, display, prof, emptied at proper intervals, clean ervice, transportation 34 Outside storage area clean, snclasure properly hO8b Creay-contamination, equipment, personnel, storage constructed P| *08c Potential for cross-contamination; storage practices: |_STATWS | NSECT AND RODENT CONTRO damaged food segr 9 pregated '35a Presence of Insects/redents, Animals piohibitad lon | P09 Foods handled with minimum contact Y35b Outar openings protected from insects, rodent proot FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS 36 Floors properly constructed, clean, drained, coved 37 Walls, ceilings, and attached equipment, constructed, clean ‘ iS > & a i) x Ee [3 = KI EI a. i iS io = i, a Ej Ly ty a a a ee Fi a “12a Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices (observed), aiternatve operating pian . "T2b Proper hygienic practices, eating/drinking/smoking (evidence) 13 Clean clothes, hair restraints FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS ed er 14 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, i a 3H Lighting provided as required, Fixtures shielded 39 Rooms and equipment» vented as required OTHER AREAS 40 Employes fockers provided and used, claan 41a Toxic items praperly stored M4 4b Toxic items labeled and used propert A2 Premises maintained, free of liter, unneckwsury anticies. Ciganing and maintenance equipment proparly stored. Kitchen restricted to wutharized personnel 43 Complete separation from living/steoping area, laund a u maintained, installed, locwted ‘18 Non-tood contact surfaces designed, constructed, maintained, invwiled, located "78 Dishwashing faciltigs degigned, constructed, operated 1. Wash 2. tinge 3, Senitize q > TTB "17 ‘Thermometers, gauges, rot kits provided STATUS 18 Pre-fushed, ecraped, soaked : "46 Exiting system - adaquate, good repair i q g Bir “47 Electrical wiring ~ adequate, good rep | sd "48 Gas appllancas - properly installad, malntainad | 21 Wiping cloths clean, used properly, ytorad rad Flarnmable/combustible materiais - properly stored eS — bry iw Ey Ea i= ES eq 8 a7 So z 2 i=] 3 22 Food contact surfaces of equipment and uieauils clean | STATUS GENERAL 23 Nan-food contact surtacus cluan “50 Curent license properly displayed $1 Other condivens sanitary and safe aperation 24 Storage/handiing of clean equipment, utensils "52 False/misieading statements published or advertised relating to food/beverage 25 Service items properly stored, handled, dispensed P53 Food management certification valid srarys [GENERAL Total Number of COS Violations: Total Number of Repext Violations: = 9 || jn [status | | __—s WATERANDSEWAGEPLUMBING =| AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING CS a Employee training validation || low 31 Toilet and hondwashing facilities, number, conveniem, designed, installed “32 Restrooms with self-clasing doors, fixtures operate propeny, facility clean, supplled whh handsoup, dlsposable towels or hand drying devices, tissue, covered waste Vielitiang marked with an asterisk are critical violations. ltams marked IN era in compliance, lum Markod OUT are violallgns. Specific detalls of viplaugn aie listed on subsequent pages, liams marked N/A are Not Applicable, femme Murkad ap N/O am Nol Gbserved, and were nol being condugted wl ihy ting of inspection, DBPR For HR 5022-015 TT/6a = S8Kd dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 BT:ST 800¢ 9 Une EXHIBI; 3 Page 3 ota bisense Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 4603764 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION . DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name Wwew.myfiarida.convdbpr NEW YORK NY PIZZA ’ . inepection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT T1007 1226 EM Fallure to comply with this Notice may Initiaws an administrative complaint that may resul in suspension or revocation of your llednue and fines. Aaministrative Complaint(s): 32-16-1:Hand wash sink.lucking proper hand drying provisiona-front hws Repeat Violation. 35A-03-1:Observed dead rouchus on premises—observed 7 repch in front handwash gink Fispeat Violation, REFERENCE TEXT: €-501.112 FC: Removing Dexd-or Trapped Birds, Insects, Rodents, and Other Pests, Oead or lapped birds, insects, rodents, und other pests shall be removed Irom control devices end the PREMISES at g frequonoy that pravents theif accumulation, decomposition, oY the altyaction of pasts. 13-05-1:Observed employes with ft huir restrain. Repaat Viotaion, 35A-09-1Obuurvad dead roaches on premists-obsorved 1 dead roach under three comp gink Repeat Violation, 14-36-1:Obrerved gaskets/seals of cold holding unit In poor nepairepizza prep RIG, upright RIC near pizza prep aes, & RIF Repost Violation. 09-01-7:Observed impromer use d1 bow plastic food container or other contwiner with no handle used to dispendy rubdy-te-eat food--plasile cup wilh ao handle ugad to acoop OWIRITE cheese Repeat Violation, 09-05-1:Observed impraper use of bowl/plasiic food contalner or other container with no hendie used 19 dispinde food thal is not ready-to-gal--plasiic contwiner with no handlé used (6 3000p Ou four Fepeat Violation. 22-22-1:Obgerved encrusted matetial on cant opunur. Repeat Violation. 32+10-1 (Covered waste receptacle not provided in women's balhroom. Repaat Viotalion. Violation(s}: 12A+1 Gel }Obverved empioyse engage in ided preparation, handle clean equipment or vlensity, or touch unwrapped single-service ieme, wilhoul washing hands—obseved employee not weahing hands before putting on gloves from working wilh cash register and then prepping sandwich 37-O4e1 Obyerved will uoilad with accumulated black dabris in dighweshing ares, 51-18-1:No copy af latest inspection report, REFERENCE TEXT: 51-5 509.101(1) FS and 610+1.002(8)(¢) FAG: Any operator of a publo food corvice establishment shall maintain the latest food service inapecton feporl of a duplicate copy on premises and shall make it available to the public ypan request. The opetuler of even public food service extublighment shall maintain the latest ingpeciion repent on premises and shall make it available to any consumer who asks to gee It, 14-97-:0bserved pizza prop cutting boam gmoved/pitlad and no longer claanapie, 14-37-1:Observed sandwich prep cutting board grooved/pited and no longer cleanable, 37-19-1:Qbserved moldy ceiling ties and/or alr conditioning vant covers. 02-07- 1 Obnarved proouasud rwady-to-oal, potentially hazardous food held more then 24 hours not propertly date markad after opening_ REFERENCE TEXT: $-807,17(8) FO: (8) Except es specified in Paragraphs (D) and (E) of this section, refrigerated, /eady-lo-eat, potentially nazerdous food prepaved ond packaged by 5 food processing plan| shall ba clearly marked, at the lime the original conisines Ig opened In a food eatablahment and If tha togd is held for more than 24 hours, to Indicale the date or day by which tho food shall be congumad on Ine premises, 401d, of discarded, based on lhe temperature and time combinations specified in Paragraph (A) of this section: and: (1) Tha day the original container 9 opened In the food eglablishment shall be counted as Day 1; and (2) The day or date marked by the food establishment may not exceed @ manulacturer’s use-by date if the manufecturer determined Ine use-by date hased on food aalety. 56-01-1:Copy of Florida Glntuwy 508 not avellably in ihe establishment, REFERENCE TEXT: $09.109(2) FS: (2) Each operator shall maintain at all limes 4 currant copy of this chapter in Ihe office of the licunsed aslablishment which whl bo mage avellenic to ihe public upon request. DEPR Form HR S022-015 TT/eT = S8d dad 98TbTcbese 6S:pT 88a2/98/98 0e@:ST 800¢ 9 Unt

Docket for Case No: 08-002716
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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