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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 08-002900 Visitors: 17
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Pensacola, Florida
Filed: Jun. 17, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, September 8, 2008.

Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
Jun 1? 2008 15:51 @e/17/ 2888 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 3/15 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION : Petitioner, vs. . ‘ License No. 2704204 SEVILLE QUARTER dent License Type 2010 spon , . Case No. 2008006551 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT. The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (“Petitioner”), files this Administrative Complaint against SEVILLE QUARTER, (“Respondent”), and says: ; 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public jodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20,165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2, Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, licensed by or subject to the Jurisdiction of the Diviston of Hotels and Restaurants. The respondent's business acdress of record is 430E GOVERNMENT ST, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 325015802, The mailing address of record is SEVILLE QUARTER, at 130 E GOVERNMENT ST, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 325015802. 3. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant ta Sec, 509.032, Florida Statutes, revealed violations of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment, The violation(s) found and applicable law are described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit “B", incorporated herein by reference, WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or mare of the following penalties: administrative fine not to excead $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expense at an educational program sponsored by the Department’s Hospitality Education Program; suspension, revocation, or refusal of a llcense Issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto, . Signed February 05, 2008 ‘ ° £ Ken Hensdill, District Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants 7 ‘ Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F. Tunnicllff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0152831 Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street _ Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 _ GERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: 7160 3901 8849 15 60 7160 3907 9849 7715 5073 ss _, | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy.of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT has been hand served by me on thle day of , 2008, . Received by: Inspector's Signature ; Operator's Signature i Title ‘ Title Cass Number 2008006551 File Number: 118947 . Biatrict Number: 08 License Nuriber: 2704204 2010 Form revised 07.07.07 SEVILLE QUARTER Jun 1? 2008 15:51 @e/17/ 2888 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @4/15 Exhibit A License Number: 2704204 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVICE Case Number: 2008006551 : "EC" as cited herein references specific provisions of the Food Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Acministration, incorporated by Chapter 616, Florida Administrative Code. "NFPA" as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Coda, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, ‘Fire Prevention, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 616-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Code, 1” denotes a critical violation. It is alleged that on November 19, 2007, November 20, 2007, January 22, 2008 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 509(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hatels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the abave referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference’as Exhibit B. : * 4.92-15-1 6-901.14 FC AND 616-1.004(2)(G) FAC:: HANDWASHING SIGNAGE, A SIGN OR POSTER THAT NOTIFIED FOOD EMPLOYEES' TO WASH THEIR HANDS SHALL BE POSTED AT ALL HANDWASHING LAVATORIES USED BY FOOD EMPLOYEES’ AND SHALL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE TO FOOD EMPLOYEES’. , ‘OBSERVED NO HANDWASHING SIGN PROVIDED AT A HANDSINK USED BY FOOD EMPLOYEES IN “END OF THE ALLEY" BAR. . : OBSERVED HAND WASH SINK LACKING PROPER HAND DRYING PROVISIONS AT "PHINEAS PHOGGS" BAR. OBSERVED HAND WASH SINK LACKING PROPER HAND DRYING PROVISIONS AT ROSIE O'GRADY'S BAR. OBSERVED HAND WASH SINK LACKING PROPER HAND DRYING PROVISIONS AT "END OF THE ALLEY" BAR. . ; . OBSERVED HANDWASHING CLEANSER LACKING AT HANDWASHING LAVATORY ATLILY . MARLENE'S BAR. ; . * 9.99.99-1 610-1.004(2)(A) FAC: (2)(A) BATHROOM FACILITIES SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN, IN GOOD REPAIR AND FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE ODORS, OBSERVED HAND WASH SINK AT APPLE ANNIE'S BAR INOPERAELE, Case Number 2008008581 File Number: 118847 District Number: 05 Ucensa Numbar 2704204 2010 Form ravised 07.07.07 SEVILLE QUARTER Jun 1? 2008 15:51 6/17/2688 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @5/15 Page 1 of4 STATE OF FLORIDA _ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIMISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: EX wenw. myflardida.com/dbpr - | T B Food SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT ‘] LEGAL NOTICE . Fallura to comply with this Noticg may initiate an administrative complaint that may reault In suspenston of revocation of your license and fines, 1149/07 10:18 AM Boutine . 2704204 SEAT Inspection Date and Time Inspaction Reason License Number ROSIE O'GRADY'S ING WARNING: Owner Name Migtavians iq the operation of your establishment SEVILLE QUARTER must ba carractec 9 Area Code/Talaphana Number Business Name Ingpection Reautt . 1500 1/20/2007 after 10:00 AM 6/1/08 Number of Units Callback Date/Time License Expiration 130 E, GOVERNMENT ST PENSACOLA, 32501 Address / City / State /Zip / etc. ltem 03: Food Temperatures Item S3a: Cert, Ford Managers Bpirach dlp, reech hh cooler, aDegreeer. | Manager Name: Jamas Ammons ‘| Sanitizing Temperature Is 180 Cte rvnetlttel reochincooleh 38 lerteation Date: 5/2112 Certited | Degrees Farenholt. Crab caite mi, ranch In conker, 4Z0agmen &. (by; National Registry of Food Safety Rica, cook fine, 218 Degrees F. Professionals Sa a Oa naiaor a8 Capers. Manager Name: Charles Mitchell Cartification Date: 9/17/08 Cartifiad by: Florida Restaurant Association {ber grag had oceriifienion dateot 40? (each bar, 10 each) A Clogs ARG type Pre Extingufsiey, foundievat kitchen has @ certification date afar? A Glass ABC type Fre Extinguisher, found inet Kitchen has 8 enitivcation date af 1/07 A Clans K type Fire Eetpulater, found ievat Aitehen hag a certification data of 4/07” A Hood Suppression tyr Fira Extingulahar, found inéat Kitchen hee a certiication dete of S07 Shrimp, cookina copier, 39 Degrees. Roast baal, cooWine cooler, 20 Degrens F. Beet burgers, reach in conker, 35 Dagroas F. Tirkoy breast, waitin cooler, 44 Degrees F, Ham, walkin cooter, 45 Degrees F. Boot, walk in epoler, 44 Degresat, NOTE: tena marked above with an asterlak (*) indicate a Violation Inspector's Camments ovided Wab Site: www.mnyfiorida.com/ddpr Larion Julce concentrate In question was poured down the drain by establishment staff immediately upon | riscovery. Water Source: Municlpal/tity, Sewage: Municipal/Utllity. Employees treined by Sate Staff. No Boller On Site. l acknowledge receipt of this Inspaction farm and 11-19-07 ; " Signature of Recipient inapector Signature Data Reciplant: Tey Andereon " For further Infarmation please contact: Ronald Winn Tie Ops Manager Sanitation & Safety Spectaist 7846 Front Beach Rd P ° Phone. 850.434.6214 . 250-487-1395 PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL “03a Gold food at propar temperatures during storage, dleplay, service, STATUS [SCRE fh fietgpowdsouse OR [in "01b Wholesome, sound condition, *03b Hot food at proper temperature "03¢ Foods properly cooked/rahaated “03d Foods properly cooled “04 Facilities to maintaln product temperature 05 Thermometers provided and conspteuously placer! 06. Potentially hazardous foods properly thewed Violations marked with en asterisk are eritical violations. Items marked [N are in compliance. Heme Marked OUT are violations, Spectiic details of victation are listed on subsequent pages. tame marked NA ara Not Applicable. "tems Marked aa N/O ara Not Obsarved, and ware not being conducted at the time of inspection. DBPR Form HR 5022-018 g6/17/ 2888 LEGAL NOTICE: www. myflorda.com/dbpr FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT Jun 1? 2008 15:52 16: 51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 86/15 ala : Page 2014 License Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2704204 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ag. vetnane Nemo ‘DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: : SEVILLE QUARTER Inspection Date 44/19/07 10:19 AM Fallura to comply with this Notice may initiate an adminiatrative complaint that may result in suspenelon or revocation af yourlicanse and fines, STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE AND REFUSE PISPOSAL infor Unwrapped of potentially hazardous food not re-served 33 Containers covered, adequate number, Insect and rodent bervica, transportation 34 Qutalde storage area clean, enclosure properly |b Potential for cross-contamination; storage practices; [status | NSECT AND RODENT CONTRO ged food segragatad f386 Presence of insecte/rodents, Animals prohibited 08 Foods handled with minimum contact 35 Outer openings protected from Insacts, rodent praof, |________ HOinuse food dispensing utensils property stored STATUS FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS ag Floors properly constructed, claan, drained, coved PERSONNEL ‘1 Personne! with Infections restricted 12a Hands washed and clean, goad hygienic practices (observed), alternative operating plan 97 Walls, cellings, and attached equipment, constructed, clean 98 Lighting provided ae required, Fixtures shielded 39 Rooms and equipmant - vetited as required *412b Proper hygienic practices, eating/drinking/smaking (evidenca) : STATUS 44 Food contact surfanes designed, constructed, In malntelned, installed, located ut 415 Non-food contact surfaces designed, constructad maintained, installed, located 13 Clean clothes, halt restraints : | ——t Employee lockers provided and used, claan OTHER AREAS : FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS 4a Toxic tems properly stored "44 Toxle Items labeled and used properly 4? Premises maintained, free of Iitter, unnecessary articles. Cleaning and maintanance equipment properly stored. Hitchen restictad to authorized parsonnet 43 Complete separation from living/sleeping area, faundry #16 Dishwashing facilities dasiqnad, constructed, oparated 1. Wash 2. Rinse 3, Sanitize 17 ‘Thermometers, gauges, test kits provided. 18 Pre-flushad, scraped, soaked lout 44 Clean and solled linen segregated and properly storad SAFETY "48 Fira extinguishers - proper and sufficiant "46 Exiting system - adequate, good repalr Out .__ [*4? Electrical wiring - adequate, good rapalr, "48 Gas appliances - properly Installed, maintained | 21 Wiping cloths clean, used #49 Flammable/combustible materials - properly stored Out 2? Food conteet surfaces of equipment and utensiisdean | STATUS GENERAL, 2a Non-food cantact surfaces cloan +60 Current lisanse properly displayed 24 Storaga/handling of clean equipment, utensils 61 Other conditions sanitary and eefe operation STATUS SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES +s2 Faisa/misieading statements published or advertised 25 Service iteme properly stored, handled, dispansed relating to food/peverage 28 Single service articles not re-used : In "53a Food management cenification valid STATUS WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING Ul "Sab Employes training validation '27 Water source safe, hotand cold under pressure 154 Florida Clean Indoor Aly Act *28 Sewage and waste water disposed properly _ [55 Automatic Gratuty Notice Out 25 Plumbing Installed and maintainad ip6 Copy of Chapter 509, Floride Statutes, available *30 Groas-connection, back siphonaga, backflow STATUS GENERAL STATUS TOILET AND HANDWASHING FACILITIES 57 Hosnitallty Education Program Information provided #27 Tollat and handwashing factiities, number, convenient, . designed installed Total Numbar cf COS Violations: 1 ut *32 Restmome with self-casing doors, fixtures operate ue properly, facility clean, suppiled with handsoap, disposable Tatal Number of Repeat Viclations: - | towels or hand drying devices, tissue, covered waste Violations marked wih en adteriak are critical violations. (tema marked IN are in compliance, hems Marked OUT are violations. Spacifie detalfa of violation are listed on subsequent paged. tans marked N/A ato Not Applicable, Items Marked as N/O ara Not Observed, and were not baing conducted atthe time of inepaction. PBPR Form HR 5022-015 Jun 1? 2008 15:52 6/17/2688 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @7/15 Page 3 of + Licensa Number ; STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2704204 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION picinege Name : DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SEVILLE QUARTER wow. myfioride.com/dbpr Inepection D Inspection Deta FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT : 44/19/07 10:18 AM . LEGAL NOTICE Fallura to comply with this Natice may Inflate ah administrative complaint that may result In suapansion or revocation of your licanse and fines. Wemilng(a}s 034-07-t:Observed potentially hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degraga Fahranhalt. This violation must be corrected by : 17/20/07, 034-07=1:Ohserved potentially hazardous food (aman concontrate) held et grater then 41 degrees Fahrenhelt (tom temp), Label Indicates to "Refrigerate After Gpaning®. Coractad On Site. : 23.201: Observed billdup of siima In the Interfor of ice machina at Palace Oyater Bar. 92-18-1:No handwashing sign provkjed eta handaink used by food amplnyear i "End of the Alley" Bar, 90-48-:Hand weak sink lacking proper hand drying provisions at “End o' the Allay* bar. 82-15-1:No handwashing algn provided at a handaink used by food amployaes In "Phineas Phogaa” bar. 52-16-1:Hend wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions ay “Phineas Phopgs" bar. t 99.15-1:No hanewashing aign provided at # handeink used by food employees at the Palace Oyster iar, 92-16~7:Hand wash sink tacking ptoper hand drying provietans at Lily Marlene's Bor, 92-77-1-Handwashing claanaer lacking at handwashing levetary ‘at Lily Marlane’a Bar. $2-15-4:No handwashing algn provided at a handsink weed by food employass at Lily Marlane’s Bar. 32-23-4:Observed hendwaa sink at Apple Annie's Bar inoperable, 32-16-1/Hand wash eink tacking proper hand drying proviaiona et Rosle O'Gradya Bar. $21B=1:No hendweshing sign provided at # handsink weed by food employees at Rosie O'Grdya Bar, 05-09-1:No conapleucualy fogated thermometer In halding unita (cooklin cooler and raseh-In cooler). 20-17-1:Waste line missing at sada gun holster. 42-08-4:Observad unclaan bullding components, uthichments or fixtures - tresh/dabrls behind barat Apple Annie's Bar. 14-37-:0bs0rved cutting Hoards groovedd/pltted and no longer cleaneble {two in kitchen at cookline), 47-06-1:Observed extension card In uae (n kitchan for nontamporary period. DBPR Fotm HR S022-015 g6/17/ 2888 Jun 1? 2008 15:53 16: 51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 88/15 ty ' Page 4 of 4 . License Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2704204 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION pomess Nema DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS unwwzimyfloride.comidpt SEVILLE QUARTER : Inspection Date FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT +119107 10:79 AM LEGAL NOTICE : Fallure to comply with this Noties may infilate-an adminictrative complaint that may roault In suspension or revocation of yourlicanse and fines. 46-20-41 Portable ABC fire extinguisher not properly mounted at least 4 Inches off the floor and the top no highet than 5 feat offthe floor, 45-34-1:Porteble ABC fire extinguisher not fully charged. DBPR Form HR 6022-015 Jun 1? 2008 15:53 DEPR OGA STATE OF FLORIDA ber Hl BIT B DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS . wow. myflorida.canvdbpr GALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT . LEGAL NOTICE Fafure to comply with this Notica may initiate an administrative complaint that may rasutt In auspeneion or revocation of your Iicense and fines. 6/17/2688 16:51 8584146749 PAGE @9/15 . Paga 1 of 3 120/07 10:37AM Waming e7oazud BEAT Callback Inspection Date and Time Inspection Reason License Number : ROSIE O'GRADY'S PENSACOLA ING Tima Extericted 6211 . Owner Nama Area Code/Telephone Number SEVILLE QUARTER, Business Nama Inepection Result 4500 04/18/2008 ater 08:00 AM Ai 92007 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time : Initial Warning Date 130 E GOVERNMENT ST PENSACOLA, 325015802 Address / City / State /Zip / ate. ' . Comments hi violations net complied at this time ara axtandad to 1/19/08, Walk-In cooler now holding foad 38 degraes F. Sandwich cooler at coaklina now olding at 35 degrass F. a following Ham{s) have dean recormancsd far Time Extension: lations 4B . lotable ABC fire extinguisher net propery mounted at iaast 4 Inches off the floor and lhe top no Nighor than 8 feet off tha fleet, Nation: 4B-28-1 orteble ABC fire extingutater rot fly charged, lars 229-1 I 11-20-07 ine 2 is ie ae Date Signature of Recipient Inapertor Signature Recipient: Doug Mitchell : For further Information plaase contact: ‘ Roneld Wink The Owner Sanitation & Safety Spectalist 7946 Front Beach Rd Phone: 850.434.6211 . BG0-487-1395 ~ OBPR Fon HR 6022-005 Jun 1? 2008 15:53 a6/ 17/2088 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 18/15 Page 2 ofd License Number STATEOF FLORIDA SEAT 2704204 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION * Bust N DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name Wwaw.myflenda.com/dbpr SEVILLE QUARTER ‘ Inepectian Date CTI . cate ater Noe 11/20/07 10:37 AM Faflure to comply with this Notice may Initiate an administrative complaint that may result In suspeneion or revocation of your ficange and fines. marved heridwag sini at Appia Annie's Bar Inoperable falion: 3207-4 nchweabhg deahser acking at handwashing levavory etl Iy Marane’s Ber. lolatiorn: 32-161 jand wach sink lacking proper handdrying prewstors at Rosle O/Gradye Bar, ind wash sik Ineking proper handdninig prowslons ay "Phineas Phopge’ ber. jolglinn: 22.16-1 iend waeh alnk lacking propar henddrying provetoria at Lily Marlone’s Bor. hatha: 32-131 lo hancwaskhg algr provided gt m handainic used by food employaes in End o” the Alley" Bar, lore 32-451 ‘ ; 3] haridwashhg igh provided et e hendetrk used by food employaes In "FHKens Phopgs” bar. lotattar: 32-18-41 lo honcwasting ein provided ste hendsirk used by food amployaes et Lily Marlene's Ger, Jalavorn; 32-18-1 : jo handwashhg an provided até hendsink used by food employees stAase C'Gradys Bar, HOt 32-1861 . handwashing sign provided ete harisin used by foodamployecs atthe Paiscs Oyster Ear. lolatan: 25-1761 sie Hine missing ataoda gun holster, joan: 22-207 served buildup of alma Inthe Inteiar of ice machine at Poleca Oyster Bar. DBPR Form HR 5022-005 Jun 1? 2008 15:53 86/17/2868 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 11/15 i Page 303 Licanse Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2704an4 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION — Business Name DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SEVILLE QUARTER , ‘ ww. mnyflorda.cam/dbpr {ngpection Date CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT {120/07 10:37 AM ‘ LEGAL NOTICE Fallur to comply with this Notlca may inflate an administrative complaint that may regult In suspenelon or revocation of your [icansa and fines, “J bearved cutig boars omaved/pitted ending tongor oansbie Quoin Kichen at cookie), lotation: OS-O9-1 io. conmplevously Incated tharmotater it holding unils (conkline codler and reeetin egal), rved extnatoy cord in use in Kishen for noritemperary period. lotenion: 42-08-+ . Ibserad Unciean bullding components, attachments or Teduras - rastydebria bahhd ber atAppls Annie's Bar, loladlon: OBAATZ-1 nsarved poterivally hozerdous fondent fhetd et greaterthan 41 degrees Fahranhett ‘this violation must he carmected by : 17/20/07, lotta: OOA-OF-1 temnved polentsty hazanious foodtlemon concatiatn} hel at gremter than 47 dagieed Fahranhall (mom temp). Label Indieates ts "Reftgersia Afler Openhig’, Gameded Gn Site, QBPR Form HR 5022-005 Jun 1? 2008 15:54 @e/17/ 2888 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA eas TNT, NY a ir : ed ee STATE OF FLORIDA , , DEPARTMENTOF = SINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION . DIVISION OF HOTE.W.3 AND RESTAURANTS www. MyFloride.com/dbpr/hr Page 1 of2 FOU. W-UP INSPECTION REQUIRED Ingpactor detarminad violations require further review, but are not an immediate ; GALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT| feat to the public. . _ LEGAL NOTICE " , Faflura fa comply witH this Notice may inftieta an adntinistrative complaint that may rasult In suspension or ravocation of your license and fines, 01/22/08 03:12 PM Warming grodep4 SEAT “Callback Inspection Date and Tima Inspection Reason License Number - ROSIE O'GRADY'S PENSACOLA INC 6211 7 Owner Name Ares Code/Telaphone Number Businass Namp inspection Result 1600 1420/2007 Number of Unite: Requested Calfback Date/Time” Initlel Warning Date 430 E GOVERNMENT ST. PENSACOLA, 325015802 Address / City / State / Zip / etc. Comments he following itam(a) have baan recommended for Administrative Complaint: lation; 32-23-1 bserved handwas sink at Apple Annie's Bar Inoperable. lolation: 32-17-1 |andwashing cleanser lacking at handwashing lavatory at Lily Marlens's Bat. lolation: 32-16-41 land wash sink lacking proper hand drying provisions at “End of the Alley” bar, 04-22-08 4 vets 1 Date Signature of Raciplant Inapactor Signature Recipient James Ammons For further information please contact: ' Ronald Winn Title Executive Chef Sanitetion & Safety Specialist 7846 Front Beach Rd Phone: 850.494.6211 850-487-1395 . DBPR Form HR 5022-005 PAGE 12/15 Jun 1? 2008 15:54 86/17/2688 16:51 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 13/15 gil eg bee Page 2 of 2 Ucense Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2704204 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Business Name . wow. myflorida,com/dbypt SEVILLE QUARTER CALLBACK INSPEGTION REFORT ; Inspection Date LEGAL NOTICE . 01/22/08 03:12 PM Fallure to ‘peommply volt thia Notice may Infilate an administrative complaint that may reeult In suspension or revocation of your lcansa and fines. jolation: 32-16-1 land wash sink lacking praper hand drying provisions ay."Phineas Phoggs" bar. jolation: 32-18-17 lo handwashing sign provided at a handsink used by food employees In “End o' the Ailey” Bar. @ following tam(s) are In compliance: olatlon: 45-391 ortable ABC fira extingulsher not proparly mounted at teat 4 Inches off the floor and the top no higher than ‘5 feat off the floor. olation: 45-38-1 Portable ABC fire extlnguleher not fully cherged. jolation; 32-6-7 enc wash sink tacking proper hand drying provisions at Lily Marlene's Bar, olation: 32-45-1 , fo handwashing sign provided! at a handsink usad by food employees at the Palace Oyster Bar. olatton: 32-15-1 ‘ o handwashing éign provided at a handsink used by food employees at Rosle O'Gradys Bar. olatlon: 32-15-1 lo handwashing sign provided at ¢ handsintc teed by fond employees at Lily Marlene’s Bar, polation; 32-15-1 lo handwashing sign provided at a handslnk used by food employees tn "Phineas Phoggs” ber. lolation; 29-17-1 aate line missing at 8oda gun holster. jolation: 22-20-1 Observed buildup of slime in the Interlor of [ce machine at Palace Oyster Bar, iplation: 14-37-1 Observed cutting boarde grooved/plited and no longer cleanable (two in kitchar at copkline), jolation: 05-09-1 ameter in holding units (cookdine caolsr end raach Beach Shopping Canter “ www. MyFloridalicense.com 7946 Front Baach Road , Licanse Efficiently. Regulate Fatrly. Panama City Beach, Florida 32407-4817

Docket for Case No: 08-002900
Issue Date Proceedings
Sep. 08, 2008 Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Sep. 05, 2008 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Aug. 29, 2008 Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by September 11, 2008).
Aug. 26, 2008 Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Aug. 20, 2008 Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 3, 2008; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL; amended as to date).
Jul. 17, 2008 Petitioner`s Witness List filed.
Jul. 17, 2008 Petitioner`s Exhibit List filed.
Jul. 16, 2008 Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jul. 16, 2008 Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 4, 2008; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Jun. 25, 2008 Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 18, 2008 Initial Order.
Jun. 17, 2008 Election of Rights filed.
Jun. 17, 2008 Administrative Complaint filed.
Jun. 17, 2008 Agency referral filed.
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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