Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Oct. 01, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, June 1, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
Oct 1 2008 11:16
16/61/2868 16:22 B589221276 oec PAGE 83/21
Florida Departmental
Bus nese()
Pro €S51 . al Charlie Crist, Gavomor
Regulation Charles W, Drago, Secretary
RE: CASE NUMBER 2008030842
VS. ;
Comes now, the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, herein after referred to as
“petitioner,” and files this administrative complaint against HUGH JOHNSON ENTERPRISES (NC
herein after referred to as "respondent," and alleges:
1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with supervising businesses licensed under the
Florida beverage, tobacco and tax, and tobacco products permit laws pursuant to
sections 559.061, 561.07, 561.15, 561.19, 561.29, 561,501, 210.15, 210.16, 210.45,
210.50, 569.003, and 569,006, Florida Statutes.
2. Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, the holder of a valid .
license/permit, issued in the State of Florida, by the Division of Alcoholic Beverages
and Tobacco. Respondent's last known mailing address is as follows:
6850 S HIGHWAY 17-92
And the division has not been notified of any other designated person or address for
the service of process and notices authorized by Rule 61A-2,012, Florida
Administrative Code.
3. Petitioner intends to revoke; suspend; annul; impose administrative fines,
investigative costs, and late penalties; or any combination of these authorized
penalties. This intended action is based on the below described facts or conduct.
850.922.9903 1940 N. Monroe St. www.
Tallahassee Fl 32399 Licanse Efficiently. Regutate Fairly.
Oct 1 2008 11:17
18/61/2688 18:22 8589221278 ogo PAGE 4/21
Florida Department?
Bus Ness)
PTO ess ; al Charle Criat, Govamor
Regulation Charles W, Drago, Secretary
RE: CASE NUMBER 2008030842
You, HUGH JOHNSON ENTERPRISES INC, D/B/A CLUB HAREM, are charged with the following
1, On or about 1/17/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your ageni(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Jacquelin M. Nicini (Kiara), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
2. On or about 1/23/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(4)(a), Florida Statutes,
3. On or about 1/23/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your ageni(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation
of section 893,13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes,
4. On or about 2/22/2008 you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(@)(1), within §61.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes,
5. On or about 3/11/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), of employee(s), to wit: Jacquelin M. Nicini (Kiara), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
6. On or about 3/11/2008 you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation
of section 893,13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
50,929 900 1940 N, Monroe St www, MyFloridaLicense,cam
8 a Tallahassea FL 32399 License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly,
Oct 1 2008 11:17
14/61/2888 16:22 B589221276 oec PAGE 85/21
Florida Departments
Professi Fal Chatile Grist, Governor
Reg ulation Charles W. Draga, Secretary
7. On or about 3/11/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, halding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), ar employee(s), fo wit: Jacquelin M. Nicini (Kiara), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
8. On or about 3/27/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit; Donnette Melton (Sky), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000° of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1){a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
Statutes. ;
9. On or about 5/08/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your ageni(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kim Heafner (Gia), Lena
Fortunato (Lena), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or
consumption of an illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit:
cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within
561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
10. On or about 5/13/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kim Haefner (Gia), did unlawfully
on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal
controlied substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary
to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
11. On or about 5/23/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, hoiding a license under the Beverage
Law, of your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
Premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000 of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
12. On or about 7/01/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561,29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
13. On or about 7/01/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Cynthia Dianne Williams
(Charisma/Karisma), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession,
or consumption of an illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit:
cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2),
within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
850.922.9904 1940 N, Monroe St. yaw,
Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly,
Oct 1 2008 11:18
18/61/2688 18:22 8589221278 ogo PAGE 6/21
Florida Department!
Professi + ral Charlie Crist, Govemor
Reg ulation Charles W, Drago, Secratery
14. On or about 7/01/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Cynthia Dianne Williams ;
(Charisma/Karisma), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession,
or consumption of an illegal controlled substance, within 1000! of a convenience business, to wit:
cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2),
within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
15. On or about 7/24/2008 you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did untawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation
of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561,29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
16. On or about 7/24/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kam! Melendres Martinez
(Kami), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or
consumption of an illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit
cannabis, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2),
within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes. :
17. On or about 7/31/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
18. On or about 7/31/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit; Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section $93.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
19. On or about 7/31/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, hoiding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: Methamphetamine, this
act being contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a),
Florida Statutes.
20. On or about 8/05/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunate (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
gontrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(2)(2), within 561.29(4)(a), Florida
” gb0.922 9902 1940 N. Monroe St, www,
Tallahassee FL 32399 7 License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly,
Oct 1 2008 11:18
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Florlda Departmentel
usines Q,
Reuse cnn Som
21. On or about 8/05/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an ;
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
22. On or about 8/06/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: Methamphetamine,
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), this act being contrary to and in violation of section
893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
23, On or about 8/07/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kim Heafner (Gla), did unlawfully
on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consurnption of an illegal
controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893,13(1)(a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within §61.29(1)(a), Florida
24. On or about 8/14/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agenit(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and In violation of section 893.13(1){a)(2), 893.13.(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
25. On or about 8/14/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Lena Fortunato (Lena), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an
illegal controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
26. On or about 8/14/2008, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal controlled substance
within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cocaine, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 893,13(1)(a)(1), 893.13.(1)(e)(1), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
27. On or about 8/14/2008, you, the aforernentioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kim Haefner (Gia), did unlawfully
on your licensed premises, allow or permit the sale, possession, or consumption of an illegal
controlled substance, within 1000’ of a convenience business, to wit: cannabis, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 893.13(1)(a)(2), 893.13,(1)(e)(2), within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
850.922.9002 1840 N. Monroe St, Floridali
Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Oct 1 2008 11:18
16/81/2888 1@:22 8589221278 ogc PAGE 88/21
Florida Departmentet
P rofe 5 ot / | Chatlle Crist, Governor
Reg u lati on Charles W. Drago, Secretary
28. On or about 5/23/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, permit or allow 4 person, to wit: Rebecca Roero (Brittney/Becky), Donnette Melton
(Sky), to engage in open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior, to wit: during a table side
dance performed together by Roero and Melton, Roera inserted her finger into Melton $ anus, then
placed the same finger in her own mouth, moaning and stating, “you know you like itl” this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 800.02, within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
29, On or about 7/22/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawfully on your licensed
premises, permit or allow a person, to wit: Kim Haefner (Gia), Lena Fortunato (Lena), to engage in
open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior, to wit: during a table side dance performed
together by Haefner and Fortunato for the purpose of excitement, Heafner rubbed her genitalia with
her finger and appeared to be sexually stimulating herself; Fortunate rubbed her genitalia with her
finger and appeared to be sexually stimulating herself; Haefner vigorously rubbed Fortunato’s
genitalia with her finger in a manner appearing to be sexually stimulating Fortunato; Fortunato
vigorously rubbed Haefner’s genitalia with her finger appearing to be sexually stimulating Haefner,
this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.02, within 561 .29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
30. On or about 5/23/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kami Melendres Martinez
(Kami); did unlawéully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent manner,
to wit: during a table-side dance, performed for the purpose of causing excitement, moved her
undergarment to the side and exposed her genitalia to patrons inside CLUB HAREM which is a
public place, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
31. On or about 7/01/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Jacqulyn Marie Clark (Heidi) did
unlawfully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent manner, to wit:
during a table-side dance, performed for the purpose of causing excitement, moved her
undergarment to the side and exposed her genitalia to patrons inside CLUB HAREM which is a
public place, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
32. On or about 7/01/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Employee “Chloe” (Identity
Unknown) did unlawfully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent
manner, to wit: during a table-side dance, performed for the purpose of causing excitement, moved
her undergarment to the side and exposed her genitalia to patrons inside CLUB HAREM which is a
public place, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within 561 .29(1)(a), Florida
850.922.9909 1940 N. Monrea St. wow.
Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.
Oct 1 2008 11:19
16/61/2868 16:22 B589221276 oec PAGE 89/21
Florida Departmental
P rote 5 slOra | Charlie Crist, Gavamor
Reg ulation Charles W. Drago, Secretary
33. On or about 7/01/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, halding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecca Roero ;
(Brittney/Becky) did unlawfully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent
manner, to wit: during a table-side dance, performed for the purpose of causing excitement, moved
her undergarment to the side and exposed her genitalia to patrons inside CLUB HAREM which is a
public place, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
34. On or about 7/01/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecea Roero ;
(Brittney/Becky) did unlawfully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent
manner, to wit: while dancing on center stage in the middle of the main stage room, moved the top of
her undergarment down exposing her genitalia to the patrons inside CLUB HAREM, for the purpose
of causing excitement, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within
561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
35, On or about 7/22/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecca Roero
(Brittney/Becky) did unlawfully on your licensed premises expose her genitalia in vulgar or indecent
manner, to wit: during a table-side dance, performed for the purpose of causing excitement, moved
her undergarment to the side and exposed her genitalia to patrons inside CLUB HAREM which is a
public place, this act being contrary to and in violation of section 800.03, within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
36. On or about 5/14/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, of your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecca Roero
(Brittney/Becky), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons
this act being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131 (1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
37. On or about 5/23/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), fo wit: Kami Melendres Martinez
(Kami), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons this act
being contrary to and in violation of section 562,134(1) within 564 .29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
38. On or about 5/23/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your ageni(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kelly Ann Poole (Jasmine) did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons this act being contrary
to and in violation of section §62.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes,
39, On or about 5/23/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecca Roero
(Brittney/Becky), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons
this act being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
40. On or about 6/03/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agertt(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Valery Diannia Reno (Kat), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons this act being contrary
to and in violation of section 862.131 (1) within 561.29(4)(a), Florida Statutes.
850.922.9603 1940 N. Monroe St. www, MyFlondaLicense,corm
Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly,
Oct 1 2008 11:19
16/61/2868 16:22 B589221276 oec PAGE 16/21
Florida Departmentsf
Busines 5¢
P rotes si " | Charla Crist, Govermor
Regu lation Charles W. Oraga, Secretary
41. On or about 6/0308, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kami Melendres Martinez
(Kami), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages fram patrons this act
being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within §61.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
42. On or about 6/0308, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kami Melendres Martinez
(Kam), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons this act
being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within §61.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
43. On or about 7/0108, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Cynthia Dianne Williams
(Charisma/Karisma) did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from
patrons this act being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida
44, On or about 7/1/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
‘Law, of your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Rebecca Roero :
(Brittney/Becky), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons
this act being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
45. On or about 7/01/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Donnette Melton (Sky), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons this act being contrary
to and in violation of section 562:131(1) within 561.29(4)(a), Florida Statutes. :
46. On or about 7/01/08 you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), did unlawtully on your licensed
premises, alllow another to violate the laws of this state, 562.11 (1){a)(1), §562.111(1), 562.23, to wit:
Vianka Cortez served one shot of Patron Tequila (an alcoholic beverage) to Rebecca
Roero(Brittney/Becky), a person under 21 years of age, this act being contrary to and in violation of
section 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
47, On or about 7/24/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: Kami Melendres Martinez
(Kami), did unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons, this act
being contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
48. On or about 8/05/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, of your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: “Nikki” (identity Unknown), did
unlawfully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
49. On or about 8/07/08, you, the aforementioned licensee, holding a license under the Beverage
Law, or your agent(s), officer(s), servant(s), or employee(s), to wit: “Star” (Identity Unknown), did
uniawiully on your licensed premises, solicit alcoholic beverages from patrons, this act being
contrary to and in violation of section 562.131(1) within 561.29(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
850.922.9903 1540 N, Monroe St. www
. Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly.
la/al/2aee 1a:22 8589221278
Florida Dapartmertet
Busines 5
Oct 1 2008 11:20
OGG PAGE 11/21
Charlie Crist, Gavernor
Charles W. Drago, Secratary
Explanation of Service:
Date Served
Signed this August 27, 2008
Interim Director Jerry Geier
Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco
leg Lo
Received By
Service By
Certified Mail #
rit & OD
Department of Business and Profexsignal Regulation
Attach Receipt if Served by Mail.
CLERK Sona Zz. UDenaAneey coy
DATE 8-21-2008
1940 N, Monroe St, www.
Tallahassee FL 32399 License Efficiently, Regulate Falrly.
Docket for Case No: 08-004897
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 03, 2009 |
Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding photographs in connection with the Club Harem's January 9, 2009, Composite Response to the Divison of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco and City of Winter Park's Motions to Quash to the Respondent.
Jun. 01, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
May 29, 2009 |
Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
May 05, 2009 |
Order Requiring Status Report.
May 01, 2009 |
Status Update in Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Apr. 20, 2009 |
Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 1, 2009).
Apr. 20, 2009 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Mar. 26, 2009 |
Joint Motion to Continue Trial Scheduled to Commence April 20, 2009 to the August Trial Docket filed.
Mar. 25, 2009 |
Notice of Cancellation of Videotaped Depositions filed.
Mar. 25, 2009 |
Notice of Cancellation of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Mar. 24, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Response in Opposition to Winter Park`s Second Motion for Protective Order Dated March 12, 2009 filed.
Mar. 23, 2009 |
Supplement to Motion for Protective Order filed.
Mar. 23, 2009 |
Motion to Strike City of Winter Park`s Motion for Protective Order and Motion for Sanctions filed.
Mar. 17, 2009 |
Notice of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Mar. 12, 2009 |
Motion for Protective Order filed.
Feb. 27, 2009 |
Notice of Taking Duces Tecum Videotaped Depositions filed.
Feb. 27, 2009 |
Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Feb. 27, 2009 |
Respondent`s Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Feb. 18, 2009 |
Order Clarifying Orders Issued on January 9, 2009.
Feb. 17, 2009 |
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |
Feb. 05, 2009 |
Respondent`s Response to Request to Produce filed.
Feb. 05, 2009 |
Respondent`s Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Jan. 21, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion to Seal the Photographs of Active Law Enforcement Personnel from Public Disclosure filed.
Jan. 16, 2009 |
Motion to Seal the Photographs of Active Law Enforcement Personnel from Public Disclosure filed.
Jan. 15, 2009 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 20 through 24 and April 27 through May 1, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Jan. 15, 2009 |
Club Harlem`s Composite Response to DABT`s and WPPD`s Motions to Quash Amended Notice of Taking Videotaped Depositions, Et Cetera (with Affidavit) filed.
Jan. 13, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Composite Response to DABT`s and WPPD`s Motions to Quash Amended Notice of Taking Videotaped Depositions, Et Cetera filed.
Jan. 13, 2009 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Clarification and Guidance as to Court Orders Dated January 9, 2009 filed.
Jan. 13, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Notice of Filing Composite Response to DABT`s and WPPD`s Motions for Protective Order Addressing Videotaped Depositions, et cetera filed.
Jan. 12, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Notice of Filing Omitted Photographs in Connection with its January 9, 2009 Composite Response to Dabt`s and WPPD`s Motions to Quash (attachments not available for viewing) filed.
Jan. 12, 2009 |
Club Harem`s Motion for Clarification and Guidance as to Court Orders Dated January 9, 2009 filed.
Jan. 09, 2009 |
Order Denying Respondent`s Motion for Sanctions.
Jan. 09, 2009 |
Order (denying motion to strike and for protective order).
Jan. 08, 2009 |
Joint Motion to Continue Trial Sheduled to Commence January 26, 2009, to the Early May Trial Docket filed.
Dec. 23, 2008 |
Motion to Strike or Quash Amended Notice of Taking Duces Tecum/Videotaped Depositions and Request for a Protective Order filed.
Dec. 23, 2008 |
Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion for Sanctions Against Petitioner filed.
Dec. 19, 2008 |
Respondent`s Motion for Sanctions Against Petitioner filed.
Dec. 18, 2008 |
Motion to Strike or Quash Amended Notice of Taking Duces Tecum/Videotaped Depositions filed.
Dec. 18, 2008 |
Order (Respondent`s Motion to Compel is granted).
Dec. 17, 2008 |
(Proposed) Order on Ore Tenus Motion to Compel Compliance with Videotaped Depositions filed.
Dec. 17, 2008 |
Letter to Judge Holifield and Judge Harrell from S. Mason regarding status update filed.
Dec. 17, 2008 |
CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held. |
Dec. 12, 2008 |
third Party Objection to Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Dec. 11, 2008 |
Amended Notice of Taking Duces Tecum/Videotaped Depositions filed.
Dec. 05, 2008 |
Respondent`s Responses to Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Nov. 26, 2008 |
Notice of Taking Duces Tecum Depositions filed.
Nov. 13, 2008 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by S. Mason).
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Petitioner`s First Request to Production of Documents filed.
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Petitioner`s First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner`s First Request for Interrogatories and First Request for Production filed.
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Nov. 06, 2008 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Oct. 24, 2008 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 24, 2008 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 26 through 30, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Oct. 08, 2008 |
Unopposed Response to Initial Order filed.
Oct. 01, 2008 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 01, 2008 |
Request for Hearing filed.
Oct. 01, 2008 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 01, 2008 |
Agency referral filed.
CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held. |