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Court: Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 08-005182 Visitors: 33
Respondent: THE DOCK
Agency: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Locations: Pensacola, Florida
Filed: Oct. 17, 2008
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, February 3, 2009.

Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
Oct 17 2008 14:32 la/l7/2aee 16:28 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE @4/11 STATE OF FLORIDA : DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS ANO RESTAURANTS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Petitioner, VS, License Ne. 2702996 DOCK (THE) spondent License Type 2010 espon ; . Case No. 2008048160 ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT The DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, (‘Petitioner’), files this Administrative Complaint against DOCK (THE), (“Regpondent’), and says: . : 1. Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the operation of public lodging establishments and public food service establishments, pursuant to Section 20.165 and Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. 2, Respondent is, and has been at all times matarlal hereto, llcensed by or subject to the jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, The respondent's business addrass of record is 4 CASINO BCH BOARDWALK, PENSACOLA BCH, FLORIDA 32561, The malling addrass of record is DOCK (THE), at 4 CASINO BGH BOARDWALK, PENSACOLA BCH, FLORIDA 32561. : _ 8. Inspection of this establishment conducted pursuant to Sec. 609,032, Florida Statutes, revealed violatioris of the provisions of Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and / or the rules promulgated thereto governing operation of the establishment. The violatlon(s) found and applicable law are described In Exhibit “A, attached herefo and incorporated herein by reference. Inspection documents are attached as Exhibit "B”, incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests entry of an Order imposing one or more of the following penalties: administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 per offense; mandatory attendance at Respondent's expanse at an educational program sponsored by the Department's Hospitality Education Program; suspansion, revocation, or refusal of a license issued pursuant to this Chapter, and/or any other relief authorized by Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, or the rules promulgated thereto. Signed August 29, 2008 4 y Ld KenCenedilt, Distriet Manager By delegation of the Director, or designee Division of Hotels & Restaurants Department of Business & Professional Regulation COUNSEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Charles F, Tunnicliff, Lead Attorney Florida Bar No. 0153824 . Department of Business & Professional Regulation 4940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE : BY CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL, ARTICLE NUMBER: 7160 3901 9849 7715 6872 | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing ADMINISTRATIVE COMBPLAINT has been hand served by me on this. day of , 2008. Received by: Inspector's Signature Operator's Signature Tis Tile Case Number: 2008048180 File Number. 118904 istrict Number: 08 . Form revised 07.07.07 Liceriga Number: 2702996 2010 DOCK (THE) laflv/ Oct 17 2008 14:32 28ag 15:29 S5ad1 46749 DEPR OGA PAGE 5/11 Exhibit A License Number: 2702996 License Type: 2010 PERMANENT FOOD SERVIGE Gase Number: 2008048180 "EC" as cited herein references specific provisions of the Faad Code, Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, incorporated by Chapter 61C, Florida Administrative Code. ‘NFPA’ as cited herein references specific provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, incorporated by reference at Chapter 44-3, "Fire Prevention, General Provisions”, Florida Administrative Code, and 61C-1.004(5), Florida Administrative Gade. “* denotes a critical violation. It is alleged that on June 6, 2008, August 11, 2008 the licensee was in violation of Florida Statute 09(FS) and/or the Rules of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), in the following particulars. Copy(s) of the report(s) for the above referenced inspection(s) are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit B. : * 416-081 4-304.12 (A)FO: (A) EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH (C) OF THIS SECTION, A SINIC WITH AT LEAST 3 COMPARTMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR MANUALLY WASHING, RINSING, AND SANITIZING EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS. OBSERVED THREE-GOMPARTMENT SINK WITH PLUMBING DISCONNECTED; USED FOR STORAGE, * 9,99.98-4 4604. 11/A)FC: EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES AND UTENSILS SHALL BE CLEAN TO SIGHT AND TOUCH. OBSERVED INTERIOR OF REACH-IN COOLER SOILED WITH ACGUMULATION OF FOOD RESIDUE, * 3. 53A-01-1 509.039 FS AND 61C-4.023(1) FAC: ALL MANAGERS EMPLOYED BY A FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT MUST HAVE PASSED [THE FOOD SERVICE MANAGER] TEST AND RECEIVED A GERTIFICATE ATTESTING THERETO. MANAGERS HAVE A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS AFTER EMPLOYMENT TO PASS THE REQUIRED TEST. ALL MANAGERS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STORAGE, PREPARATION, DISPLAY, AND SERVING OF FOODS TO THE PUBLIC SHALL HAVE PASSED ACERTIFICATION TEST APPROVED BY THE DIVISION DEMONSTRATING A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF FOOD PROTECTION PRACTICES AS ADOPTED IN THIS CHAPTER, THOSE MANAGERS WHO SUCCESSFULLY PASS AN APPROVED CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION SHALL BE ISSUED A CERTIFICATE BY THE CERTIFYING ORGANIZATION, WHICH IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. OBSREVED MANAGER LACKING PROOF OF FOOD MANAGER CERTIFICATION. Case Number: 2008048180 — File Number: 118904 Distrlat Number: 05 . . Form revised 07.07.07 Llcanaa Number: 2702888 2010 - DOCK (THE) Oct 17 2008 14:32 la/l7/2aee 16:28 DEPR OGA 8584146749 PAGE F - 6/11 STATE OF FLOF DEPARTMENT Or-wUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FO-LEdW-UP INSPECTION REQUIRED DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ' DOGK OF PENSACOLA ING (THE) ‘Owner Nama WARNING: www. MyFlorids.conidbprhr Inspector determined violations raqulre . ; EXHIBIT B _|turther review, but are net en Immediate 4 FOOD SERVICE INSPECTION REPORT threat to the pubic, . GAL. NOTICE 7 Felure to comply with this Notice may initiate en edministrative complaint that may result In suspension ar rayoeation of your license and fires. Ng/06/08 02:09 PM_ + Gamplaint Full 2702006 SEAT Inspection Date and Tima Inspaction Reason Lieange Number : Violations in the aperation of your establish Arse Code/Telephora Number THE DOCK | Businaes Nama Inspection Reault 145 . 08/06/2008 after 08:00 AM : SHAG Number of Units Callbaok Date/Time License Expiration 4. GASINO BEACH BOARDWALK : PENSAGOLA BEACH, 42581 Address /Glly / State / Zip / ate. : {tan 08: Food Temperatures: \tem 53a: Cert. Food Managers tem 20: Warewaghing Sanitization | tem 45: Fire Extinguishers and Fire Oressings, PHF, ranch in cadler, 42 Dapreeé Fe Sllead hen, reach incooter, 43 Gapraca F. Stlond turkay, reach in cooler, 42 Hegrees Fs Brosds, walk in treazer, frozen Gagreeer. Mozzarella cheeae alicks, walk in framar, frozen Dagrewa F. : pizea ipoping, walk In freezer, (rodent Degreas BE . Bhmdded chemams, walk in festznt, frozen Oegrams F, Gumba, front tina, 172 Degrees F. Rice, front fine, 173 Degrees F. Chit front ine, 188 Dagrana F. Liquid egg, prop coetar, 42 Degrees F, AClsaa ABS type Plre Extinguisher, found In/at dinkig rsomnes # carifentian date Of 5709 A. Glass ABC type Fire Gxiingulshar, found [n/et oar ares Tut & certification date of 3/08 A Class ASC type Firs Extinguisher, fount! In/at kitchen hem 2 cariifeation data of 09 A Claes AGC type Fier Extinguisher, found Inet hallway hed 4 cariifiention date of B08 AClaga K pa Fire Extinguisher, found [val itch hes 8 certification date ot 3/09 A, Mood Suppranoton type Fire Extinguisher, Haun inéat kltchon haa e certification data of 11/08 : Sanitizer Type: Not Set Up found at poncentration of 00 PPM. NOTE: Items marked ebove with an geterisk (9 indicate a violation Inspector's Gammants rovided Web Site; www.myflorida.com/dbpr Inspection prompted by Complaint #2008032842, Emplayaes observed wearing gloves during food prap. o evidence of vermin noted during Inspection. Water Source: Monielpalutilily., Sewage: Muntelpai/Utlity. Employees tratnad by Food Safaty First! Ni oiler On Site. | acknowledge recelpt of this Inspection farm and comments. 06-06-08 Signature of Reciplent inspector Signature Date . Reciplent: Btuce Parris: For further information please contact: Tite Renald Winn . ! Manager Ganttatlon & Ssfety Specialist 7446 Front Beach Rd P Phone: 850.094.3625 850-487-1396 : SOURCE PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL Pole Approved source *08e Cold food at propartamperstures during storage, *"o1b Wholesome, sound condition display, service, “02 Original container; properly labeled, date markin; “t3b Hot food at proper temperature 02-41 Consumersdvisory on raw/undercpaked oysters “03¢ Foods properly cocked/rahastad “08d Foads property cooled 413 Consumer advisory on rawundercooked animal “4 Faciltties to mainteln product temperature *05 Thermometers provided and conaplouusly placed 05 Potantlally hazardous fonds properly thawed DBPR Form HA 5022-016 Violatigns marked with sn asterisk are cftical Violations. [tame marked IN are in compliance. tare Markad OUT ar vialations. Spasifie detaile of violatian ara sted on subeaquent pages. Items marked N/A are Not Appileable, (tame Markad 49 N/G ete Nat Observed, and were not boing conduetad at tha time of inspection. Oct 17 2008 14:33 1la/17/2888 15:28 : 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 7/11 Page 2 of 3 STATE OF FLORIDA Lene oad 1 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE DOCK www.myflorida,com/dbpr Do FOOD SERVICE Ne Inspect 06/08 02:09 PM Fallure to comply with this Notles may Initiate ari seministrative complaint that may result in suspension or revocation of your license and fines. C STATUS PHF TEMPERATURE CONTROL STATUS GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL In ho? Unwrapped or potentlally hazartiaus food not re-served 23 Containers covered, adequate number, Insect and rodent Out toga Food protection during storage, preparation, display, proof, emptied at proper Intervals, clean service, transpartation on 54 Outside storage area clean, enclosure properly in FO8b Cresé-contamination, equipment, personnal, storage constructed \_ SO8¢ Potential for crose-contamination; storage practices; STAIUS. NSECTANP RODENT CONTROL, damaged food segregated +259 Presence of Ingects/racents, Animals prohibited In 09 Foods handled with minimum contact Out Mati Cuter openings pratectad from Insects, rodent proof 10 In. usa food dispensing utensils properly stored STATUS. FLOORS, WALLS, CEILINGS STATUS PERSONNEL- Out 36 Floors proparly constructed, clean, drained, coved In +17 Personnel with infections restricted ‘Out 37 Walls, callings, and attached equipment, constructed, n +434 Handa washed and clean, good hygienic practicas plean {cheervad), altemative operating plan 98 Lighting pravided as required. Fixwras shtektedd In 426 Proper hygienic practices, eatngfdeinking/smoking 39 tooms and equipment - vented as required evidence) STATUS OTHER AREAS 13 Clean clothas, hatrrestrainta 40 Employee tockers provided and used, clean STATUS FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS In "44a Toxle Itame properly stared Out 44 Food contact surfaces designed, constructed, In +41b Toxic tame fabeled and used properly maintained, Inetalled, located - 42 Promises malntained, rae of IIter, unnecessary articles, 15 Notfood contect surfaces designed, constructed, Icteaning and maintenance equipment property storad. malntalnad, Installed, located Kitchen restricted to authorized parsannet 18 Dishwaehing facilites designed, constructed, operated 43 Complete aparation from Iiving/eleeping stea, laundry 44 Glaan and gotled linen sagrenated end pronerly stored, 4, Wash 2, Ringe 3, Senitize +17 Thermometers, gauges, test kite proviced STATUS SAFETY. 16 Prediushed, scraped, soaked Out "45 Fire extinguishers - proper and sufficient | 49: Waah, rinse water cloan, proper temperature "46 Exiting system » adequate, good rapalr +47 Electrical wiring - adequate, good repalr “48 Gas appllances - properly installed, matntalned 149 Flammablo/conibustible materials - properly stored "20a Sanitizing coneentration Out *20b Santilzing temperature, : ~_|21 wiptag clothe clean, weed properly, stored 2 : +99 Food contact surfaces of eguipmant and utansiia clean STATUS 23 Non-food contact surfaces clear, 24 Storage/hetidiing of clan equipment, uansils SINGLE SERVICE ARTICLES 25 Sarvica itams properly stored, handled, dispensed 26 Single service articles not re-used WATER AND SEWAGE/PLUMBING In 27 Water source safe, hat and cold under pressure *28 Sewage and waste water disposed properly 29 Plumbing Installed and maintalnad "30 Crose-ponnaction, back siphonaga, backflow STATUS TOILET AND HANDWASHING FAGILITIES *34 Tollet and handwashing facilltias, number, convenient, dealgned, instalted : "92 Restrooms with self-closing doors, fixturas operate properly, factity clean, suppiiad with handsoap, disposable L ' "50 Currant license properly displayed 54 Other conditions sanitary and safe operation hs? Falsaimisieading statements published or advertaad relating to food/baverage 53a Food management certification valid Bab Employes training valldation, 54 Florida Glean Indoor Air Act 55 Automatic Gratuity Notice 56 Copy of Chapter B09, Flarida Statutes, available GENERAL loz Hoapltality Education Program information provided STATUS Tatal Number of COS Violatlons: Total Number of Rapaat Vidlations: Sut towels or hand drying devicas, tissue, covered waste Violetions marked with an astariek ara erltical vielstlona. tems markad IN ara [rn compllanes. Ilams Marked OUT ara violations. Speeitic danaile of vinintion are lated on subaaquant pages: Item marked M/A afe Mot Applicable. Itdma Marked a¢ M/Q am Not Observed, and were not being conducted atthe Hma of Inspection. DBPA For HR 6022-015 Oct 17 2008 14:33 1la/17/2888 15:28 8584146749 DEPR OGA Page 3 of 3 ~ o Licanse Number STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2702086 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business Name DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE D aK www.nyfloride.com/dapr \ H cl i ‘i napaction Dats FOOD SERVICE peters JON REPORT D6/06/08 02:09 PM Faitura to comply with thla Notice may Initiate an administrative complaint iO ray result In euspansion or revocation of your leanse and fines., ‘Warning(#): 534-01-1:Manager lacking proof of Food Manayer Cartification, This violation must be correatad by : 8/6/08. 02-22-4:Rendy-to-aal, potentially hazardous food prapared on site and held wore then 24 hewre with not property deta marked, 92-20-1-Obrerved bulldup of sllme in tha Interior af Ice machina. 22-98-4sObsewed Interior of reach-In eqnler solled with accumutation offood raaldue, 29-90-1:Ohmarvad ancrusiad material on can opener. 32-4¢-Hand wash alnk ‘eoking prper hand drying provisions in Man's bath Foor 46-08-1:Cheerved ihieé-comparirent sink with plumbing disconnected: used for storage. This violation must be cortaeted by : B/B/OB. OS A-28-1:Observed food stared on floor (baga of ‘suger. 99-03-4:Observed build-up of qreage on heed fitars. 14-37-1:Obaerved cutting board grooved/plttad and na tonger ctesnable. 29-171: Waste tne missing at aoda gun holeter at autelde Bar. 45-4G-(:Dbserved an axplrad Sprinkler System Inspeetion tag (oxplred /1/08). This violation must be corracied by ; B/B/0B. ‘ 47-08-(:Observed extanalon card In use far non-temparary poriod. : 1 87-06-1/2baerved wail sollad with accumulated gresaa bahind cookline, 96-14-1:Obeerved gresue accumulated on kitchen floor undar cooktina. ‘36-15+1Obaerved food dabrigidirvaoliresh accumulated on kitchen floor, storersoms, bar arama. tee! by + S/BIOB, SB-05-1:Quter apanings not protectad by seraen doors. potentially allowing varmh oF anviotmantel contaminants, This violation must ba correct DBR Form HR S022-015 PAGE 8/11 Oct 17 2008 14:33 la/l7/2aee 16:28 8584146749 DEPR OGA PAGE 9/11 STATE OF FLO! page 1 at DEPARTMENT Sy -sUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION —— FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION REQUIRED DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ww. MyFlorida.com/abprhr . Inspector determined viclations require EXH! BIT B further review, but are not an Immediate CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT Meat 12 the public. , LEGAL NOTIGE Fallure to comply with thig Notes may initiate an administrative complaint that may resut in suspension or revocation of your license and fines. OBf11/08 42:30 2M Waming 272998 SEAT Callback Inspection Data and Tima fnspection Reason, ' Licance Number DOGK OF PENSACOLA ING (THE) ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT racommensad. (ASO)SS4 3344 cs Owner Name Area Code/Telaphone Number GOGK (THE) Business Name Inspection Result 145 _f 0/06/2008 Number of Units Requested Callback Date/Time (nial Warning Date 4 CASINO BCH BOARDWALK. PENSACOLA BCH, 32861 Address / City / State / Zip / ate. . ' Comments rte fanning feta) have boon recommended for Administrative Camplatnt: : —T Miplstion: B3A-071-1 noger lacking prot of | Food Manager Certification, This vielation must be conmectad by: B/G708. Mialavor: 22-2861 Dbnerved intro frschin cxoinr ales with accumateton of fod reais olatlon: 18-084 L_ 7 TH " 7 ——et 08-11-08 : i ‘ Data Signature of Recipient Inspactor Signature Reclplent Bruce Paris Far further Information please contact: TH ' Ronald Winn tle Operatar Senitation & Sefety Specialist 7946 Front Beech Rd Phone: 850.934.3625 880-487-1385 DBPR Form HR 5022-005 Oct 17 2008 14:34 18/17/2888 15:28 8584146749 DBPR OGA PAGE : Page 2 of 3 ~ — Lleense Number . STATE OF FLORIDA SEAT 2702506 DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Business N DIVISION OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS usinaes Name www. myferida.com/dipr DOCK (THE) Inspection Bate CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT a TEGAL NOT ICE - 8/11/08 12:30 PM Fallure to comply with this Notice may Initiete an administrative complaint that may result in susperision ar revocation of your fieatiee and fines. © Bbsarved three-compariment aink with plumbing dinconnecind; used For storage. This Molotlon rust be catrected! by : S/6/08, Ihe following ftam(a} ate In compan: i Apa bewsved extension cord i ute for nonetamporary pétlod. Notation: AeA B| [oberrvad on expired Sprinkler Syatam inapection tag (axpirad 81/08). This vielation mual ba corrected by; A/B/00. on ae bsarved wall solled with accutriulated gramac behind pacidinie, Nolettor: 2816-7 . aarved toe debtaldirfseiirash eccurnutsted on Wichen floor, #tararoome, bor areas, flotation: Se-Tdet darved gramsn accumulated on Kilonen floor under conkline. Jalatior. S86+08-1 uber opahings nol protected by seman dora, potentially allowing ventiin or anvironmiantal contimitants, Thla violation munt be corrected by : SEA, folatlon: 3-181 ‘ord wean alk lncking propor bond drying proviatong In Mort's Eathroom. ' Mistaviors 28-1751 mani tine missing wt cuca gun hotter st outala bar, frtlon: 22-09-1 beerved bylkieup of grempe cn hood fiiters, falatton: 22-02-41 peeved onoritted matoriol on GAT oparier jolawan: 22-20-1 served bulldup of fine in the Interior al ice machine, DBPR Form HR §022-006 1a/1l la/l?/28ee Falture to eomply with this Netlee may initiate en administrative comptaint that may ras 16:28 Oct 17 2008 8584146749 DEPR OGA ; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF HOTELS SND RESTAURANTS eww. hiyfioride com/dbpr CALL BACK INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL NOTICE 14:34 PAGE Page 3 of 3 Llcange Number SEAT 2702996 Business Name BOGK (THE) Inepaction Date 08/11/08 12:30 PM vit in Suepenision or revocation af your lleanse and fines. nfation: OBA-2B-% = Wiptation: 02-22-41 |__ i aT banrved culling based groovedipted and ne Jangor.clesriabtr. 7 er food atorad on floer{bays of auger). ancdy-to-est, potorifnlty hazardous food prepared on afte and bald more then 24 Roura with not property date markod, DBPR Form HR 9922-005 : 11/11

Docket for Case No: 08-005182
Source:  Florida - Division of Administrative Hearings

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