Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Feb. 03, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, March 13, 2009.
Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2025
£0 ~3 Pa 3
VS. Case Nos. 2008013143
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter “Agency”), by
and through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against
REHABILITATION CENTER, (hereinafter “Respondent”), pursuant to §§120.569 and 120.57
Florida Statutes (2008), and alleges:
This is an action to change Respondent’s licensure status from Standard to Conditional
commencing November 7, 2008 and ending December 19, 2008, and impose an administrative
fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), based upon Respondent
being cited for one Isolated State Class II deficiency.
1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 120.60 and 400.062, Florida Statutes (2008).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R. 28-106.207.
3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of nursing homes and
enforcement of applicable federal regulations, state statutes and rules governing skilled nursing
facilities pursuant to the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, Title IV, Subtitle C (as amended),
Chapters 400, Part II, and 408, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59A-4, Florida
Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 120-bed nursing home, located at 1465 Oakfield Drive, Brandon,
FL 33511, and is licensed as a skilled nursing facility license number 130470969.
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto, a licensed nursing facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules, and
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5), as if fully set
forth herein.
7. That pursuant to Florida law, all licensees of nursing homes facilities shall adopt and
make public a statement of the rights and responsibilities of the residents of such facilities and
shall treat such residents in accordance with the provisions of that statement. The statement shall
assure each resident the right to receive adequate and appropriate health care and protective and
support services, including social services; mental health services, if available; planned
recreational activities; and therapeutic and rehabilitative services consistent with the resident
care plan, with established and recognized practice standards within the community, and with
rules as adopted by the agency. § 400.022(1)(1), Fla. Stat. (2008).
8. That Florida law provides the following: “‘Practice of practical nursing’ means the
performance of selected acts, including the administration of treatments and medications, in the
care of the ill, injured, or infirm and the promotion of wellness, maintenance of health, and
prevention of illness of others under the direction of a registered nurse, a licensed physician, a-
licensed osteopathic physician, a licensed podiatric physician, or a licensed dentist. The
professional nurse and the practical nurse shall be responsible and accountable for making
decisions that are based upon the individual’s educational preparation and experience in
nursing.” § 464.003(b), Fla. Stat. (2008).
9. That on or about November 7, 2008, the Agency completed a complaint survey (CCR#
2008011414), of Respondent’s facility.
10. That based upon observation, the review of records, interviews, Respondent failed to
ensure the provision of protective and support services and to prevent injuries to a resident
resulting in a transfer of the resident to a more acute health facility for examination and x-rays,
with resultant bruising, the same being contrary to law.
11. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number three (3) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident was admitted to the facility on April 18, 2007, per the admission
data sheet;
b. The resident had multiple diagnoses including Dementia, and Osteoarthritis;
c. The resident's Minimum Data Set (MDS) revealed a significant change MDS
dated January 7, 2008 which was coded as the resident having had a fall in the
past 31 to 180 days;
d. A second significant change MDS, dated March 11, 2008, was coded as the
resident having had a fall in the past 30 days, in the past 31 to 180 days and a
fracture in the last 180 days; .
A third quarterly MDS, dated September 2, 2008, was coded as the resident
having had a fall in the past 31 to 180 days;
The Resident Fall Assessment Protocol, dated March 11, 2008, noted the
resident was eased to the floor during transfer and was found to have fractured
the proximal fibula. "[The resident] is at risk for further fall related injury
complications, which include currently being non-weight bearing....currently
dependent on staff for transfers.”
Resident progress notes reflected the following: On November 5, 2008 at
1630 (4:30 p.m.) "At 1600 (4:00 p.m.) this nurse was called to resident's room
by a care specialist. Upon entering the room found one care specialist
kneeling on floor next to the resident and another care specialist attempting to
release left leg from Hoyer pad. Resident was in prone position on floor with
left side of head up against the foot of the Hoyer at the base of the lift.
Resident was being transferred from bed to wheelchair per care specialist.
The resident leaned to the side and flipped out of the sling. The care specialist
attempted to catch the resident but was unable. Resident alert pointed to head
when asked if [the resident] had any pain - able to move legs - with my
assistance and two care specialists, resident turned onto [] back - able to move
all extremities without pain. Hematoma noted to left side of head. Resident
alert and oriented. Ice applied to forehead. Vital Signs 160/78, pulse 100,
respiration 22, temperature 97.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
12. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed a private duty aide for resident number three
(3) during the survey who indicated as follows:
On November 5, 2008 she had to leave early and was not there during above
She stays with the resident at least five (5) days a week from about 9:30 to
4:30 p.m. or later, if needed; |
The facility nursing assistants give the care to the resident;
The private duty aide indicated that the bump has gone down in size and is
much better today.
13. That Petitioner’s representative observed resident number three (3) on November 7, 2008
at 2:45 p.m. and noted as follows:
The resident had a bump on the left side of the forehead;
There is bruising on the posterior neck worse on the left side and left lateral
side spreading to the left shoulder both posteriorly and anteriorly;
There is bruising on the chest on the left breast area;
The resident complained of left shoulder and back pain at this time.
14. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed a family member of resident number three
(3) on November 7, 2008 who indicated as follows:
The family member was concerned with the resident's safety since the resident
had had multiple falls in the facility, at least four the family member could
remember in approximately the past nine (9) months;
The resident has told the family member that the resident is afraid now of
falling whenever being transferred by staff.
15. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s certified nursing assistant who
had transferred resident number three (3) with the Hoyer lift on November 5, 2008 who indicated
as follows:
At 4:00 p.m. she had put the lift sling under the-resident "the correct way"
while the resident was still in bed, criss-crossing the leg straps, and had lifted
the resident and pulled the resident away from the bed;
While she had the resident up in the air, the resident leaned to the left side and
started to fall sideways;
She got to her knees and tried to hold the resident by the trunk, but could not
get to the resident's head;
The resident was a one assist with Hoyer lift transfers.
16. That Petitioner’s representative further reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number three (3) during the survey and noted as follows:
Progress notes on January 24, 2008 at 1400 (2:00 p.m.) reflected "patient had
to be lowered on the floor after using the toilet, knees buckled up, feeling
weak. No apparent injury.”
Progress notes on February 7, 2008 at 2015 (8:15 p.m.) recorded, "Staff
lowered patient to the floor during transfer from bed to chair. No apparent
injury noted. Range of motion within normal limits" 2045 (8:45 p.m.)
"Patient in bed complaining of pain on left shoulder and left side of back."
Progress notes on February 17, 2008 at 0810 (8:10 a.m.) noted "During
transfer from bed to wheelchair, resident knees gave and resident went down
onto [] knees. Resident placed onto back. Range of motion done,
complaining of knee pain - able to bend and extend knees though no facial
grimacing noted. Placed into wheelchair then into bed with 3 assists."
Progress notes of February 17, 2008 at 1730 (5:30 p.m.) read "X-rays result
obtained, left minimally displaced acute fracture of the proximal fibula."
Progress notes of February 18, 2008 at 3:15 a.m. reflect that the resident was
sent to the hospital via ambulance, and came back with a soft splint on the left
leg; February 20, 2008 progress notes of 9:30 a.m., reflect, "pt up to w/c with
hoyer lift-and standby of 2 BCS. Tol well."
The "Care Plan Attendance Log," dated April 1, 2008, included a note on the
back of the form which stated, "Spoke with daughter r/t decreased ability to
ambulate & p.o.c. changes. Will try more therapy."
The April 2, 2008 therapy note reflected, “patient uncooperative today during
tx session, unwilling to stand." |
During the April 3, 2008 physical therapy session, it is noted that the resident
"attempted several sit--stands (x8), but, unable to take any steps with fear of
Progress notes on April 8, 2008 at 4:15 p.m. noted "At 2:15 p.m. patient tried
to stand self in B/R by grabbing bar. CNA caught patient and tried to sit [the
resident] down. Patient started to fall so CNA lowered [the resident] to the
floor gently. No injuries." The note also described the resident as needing
"total care with bed mobility, ADLs, & transfer to w/c."
April 10, 2008 therapy notes reflected that the therapy staff "trained NSG staff
with transfers sit--stand with mod A of 2 pulling up on hand rail x 20 sec., 10
The resident was discharged from therapy on April 11, 2008 noting "Pt.
uncooperative with signs of delusion as pt. thinks P.T. is going to kill [the
resident] & P.T. is after [the resident’s] baby. Restorative training-for
transfers sit--stand with grab bar.”
Progress notes of April 17, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. reflected the use of two staff, but
use of two staff was not reflected in the current care plan for use of the hoyer
lift. The progress stated, "Up in hoyer lift & 2 people to w/c. LOA to ortho
The care plan for the resident reflected in problems identified as "At risk for
fall related injury related to a history of falls" onset date September 2, 2008,
and required "2 person transfers or mechanical lift for transfer.”
The September 11, 2008 care plan meeting note reflected that the resident
would be picked up again for "decline in ambulation skills, weakness, and
knee buckling."
Progress notes of September 15, 2008 at 1620 (4:20 p.m.) noted "Attempting
to transfer resident to toilet with 2 person. Resident counted with staff, stood,
but unable to maintain standing position, knees buckling. Sat on edge of
toilet, sliding toward edge, attempted to assist to stand and reposition, unable
to bear weight. Lowered to floor with 2 assist, required 3 assist back to chair,
no injury noted."
That the nursing assistants' resident care information revealed that prior to the
November 5, 2008 incident, the resident was to have two (2) person transfer
with gait belt to toilet, and Hoyer lift in and out of bed;
q. After the incident on November 5, 2008, it was amended to have two (2)
person Hoyer lift in and out of bed.
r The November 6, 2008 updated care plan included the revised intervention of
“may use 2 person and mech lift for transfers.”
s. Physical therapy evaluated the resident on November 6, 2008, after the hoyer
slip, and concluded, "recommend 2 people with mechanical/hoyer lift transfer.
Patient was recently discharged from P.T. services--currently at max
rehabilitation potential difficulty in mobility secondary to morbid obesity, B
knee O.A. and poor motivation.”
17. That Respondent did not mandate additional interventions designed to provide additional
protections from the resident’s risk of fall and potential injury therefrom when it revised the
resident’s care plan in November 2008.
18. That Respondent’s response to the November 5, 2008 fall by the amendment of the
resident’s care plan provided only optional staff assistance when transfers, including mechanical
transfer, of the resident were effectuated despite the recommendation of physical therapy that
two person assist be mandated with mechanical lift.
19. That these failures, collectively and individually, reflect Respondent’s failure to ensure
that adequate and appropriate health care and protective and support services was provided to
residents, including, but not limited to the failure to provide interventions for resident three (3)
and the risk of falls where:
a. The failure to revise interventions relating to the risk of falls prior to
November 2008 where the resident’s history reflects the use of multiple
person assistance in achieving transfer of the resident;
b. The failure to revise interventions relating to the risk of falls prior to
November 2008 where the resident’s physical therapy proved ineffective;
c. The use of two (2) persons to assist in Hoyer transfer was intermittent;
d. The failure to implement further fall preventions in the September 2008 care
plan despite continued events related to transfer and the ineffectiveness of and
discharge from physical therapy;
e. Despite the February fracture suffered by the resident, the ongoing history of
falls reflecting the insufficiency of interventions, and the fall of November 5,
2008, the failure to implement mandatory additional staff assistance or other
safeguards when Hoyer transfer is indicated.
20. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number two (2) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident was admitted to the facility on August 13, 2008 per admission
data sheet. The resident had been admitted to the facility for rehabilitation
following hospitalization for a right hip fracture and status post hip surgery;
b. The resident's Minimum Data Set (MDS) revealed an admission MDS dated
August 21, 2008 which noted that the resident had fallen within the past 30
days and had had a hip fracture in the last 180 days;
c. The Resident Fall Assessment Protocol dated August 21, 1008 noted the
resident had a fall at home with hip fracture and at risk for additional fall
related injury. Complications included Dementia, hypertension, anemia and
use of psychoactive medications. The resident has a clip alarm and a pressure
sensitive alarm which is used at all times to immediately notify staff, if the
resident attempts to get up per self. Therapy for gait training - will care plan
to prevent additional fall related injury; .
A care plan dated August 21, 2008 addressing risk for fall related injury
related to fall at home with hip fracture and had several approaches listed,
including one dated September 18, 2008 for a clip alarm while in wheelchair,
and pressure sensor pad in bed;
On September 23, 2008 there were two additional approaches noting room
closer to nursing station, and a scoop mattress;
On October 9, 2008 there was an added approach for an alarm belt in the
The resident’s September 2008 physician orders revealed the following
orders, dated August 14, 2008: 1. May have clip alarm at all times
(bed/chair) due to decreased safety awareness. 2. Bed/chair sensor pad at all
times due to poor safety awareness. Check functioning of alarms daily. 3.
Velcro alarm belt;
These orders were discontinued on September 18, 2008, and new orders were
received on that same date for a clip alarm on while in the wheelchair, and a
pressure sensor pad while in bed;
The resident's Multi-shift care track dated September 23, 2008 at 0145 (1:45
a.m.) noted the following: "Called to resident's room by BCS (Brandon Care
Specialist, which is the facility's title for certified nursing assistants) resident
sitting on floor beside bed. No injury apparently, no decrease in range of
motion and no first aid needed."
At 12:00 noon the nursing narrative note noted "that the right leg from hip to
knee is very swollen, patient denies pain."
The physician was contacted and x-rays were ordered.
A September 23, 2008 right knee x-ray report revealed no bone abnormalities
and the right hip x-ray report noted "a fracture is noted roughly 60% along the
length of the intramedullary portion of the prosthesis. This does not appear to
be acute as there is some callus forming. No dislocation is seen."
A note dated October 3, 2008 from the orthopedic surgeon, who had
performed the surgery on the resident's right hip fracture, read: "Patient seen
for follow up on 08/22 where x-ray showed good positioning of
hemiarthroplasty." At today's visit, "x-ray demonstrates femoral shaft
fracture. It appears there is already significant callus formation present which
would represent the fracture is not new. As per family member, patient
sustained a fall in the nursing home on 09/23/08."
The physician ordered no weight bearing for the resident;
The October 8, 2008 multi-shift care track narrative noted at 1930 (7:30 p.m.)
staff heard alarm going off in the hallway and staff found patient sitting on the
wheelchair's foot rest. No apparent injury noted. Denies any pain or
discomfort. Physician and family member notified.
That these failures, collectively and individually, reflect Respondent’s failure to ensure
that adequate and appropriate health care and protective and support services was provided to
residents, including, but not limited to the failure to provide interventions for resident two (2)
and the risk of falls where no action was taken to address, evaluate, or implement alternative fall
prevention interventions for the resident after said interventions proved ineffective to prevent a
fall of September 23, 2008.
22. That the Agency determined Respondent had not provided the necessary care and
services and had failed to assure each resident adequate and appropriate health care and
protective and support services, including social services; mental health services, if available;
planned recreational activities; and therapeutic and rehabilitative services consistent with the
resident care plan and cited this deficient practice as an Isolated State Class II deficiency.
23. The Agency provided Respondent with the mandatory correction date for this deficient
practice of November 7, 2008.
WHEREFORE, the Agency seeks to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
$2,500.00 against Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §
400.23(8)(b), Florida Statutes (2008).
24. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and Count I
of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
25. Based upon Respondent’s one cited State Class II deficiency, it was not in substantial
compliance at the time of the survey with criteria established under Part II of Florida Statute 400,
or the rules adopted by the Agency, a violation subjecting it to assignment of a conditional
licensure status under § 400.23(7)(a), Florida Statutes (2008).
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to assign a conditional licensure status to
Respondent, a skilled nursing facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to § 400.23(7), Florida
Statutes (2008) commencing November 7, 2008 and ending December 19, 2008.
Respectfully submitted this 6 day of January, 2009.
Thomas J. Walsh II, Esquire
Fla: Bar. No. 566365
Agency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330G
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727.552.1525 (office)
Pursuant to § 400.23(7)(e), Fla. Stat. (2005), Respondent shall post the most current license in a
prominent place that is in clear and unobstructed public view, at or near, the place where
residents are being admitted to the facility.
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section
120.569, Florida Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be represented by an attorney
in this matter. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the attention of: The Agency Clerk, Agency for Health
Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg #3, MS #3, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308, (850)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
US. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No: 7008 0500 0001 0420 4249 on January _§ _, 2009 to:
Kenneth Perry, Administrator, Brandon Health & Rehab Center, 1465 Oakfield Drive, Brandon,
FL 33511, and by U:S. Mail to Corporation Service Company, Registered Agent, 1201 Hays
Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. “y?
Thomas‘J _ Walsh, II, Esquire
Copies furnished to:
Kenneth Perry, Administrator
Brandon Health & Rehab Center
1465 Oakfield Drive
Brandon, FL 33511
(U.S. Certified Mail)
Patricia Caufman
Field Office Manager
525 Mirror Lake Dr., 4 Floor
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Corporation Service Company
Registered Agent
1201 Hays Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301-2525
(U.S. Mail)
Thomas J. Walsh, II, Esquire
Senior Attorney
Agency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Dr, 330G
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Docket for Case No: 09-000580
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 13, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 09, 2009 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Feb. 13, 2009 |
Notice of Service of Agency`s First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Feb. 12, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Feb. 12, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 10, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Feb. 09, 2009 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Feb. 04, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Feb. 03, 2009 |
Conditional License filed.
Feb. 03, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 03, 2009 |
Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Feb. 03, 2009 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.