Respondent: FOUAD J. SIDAWI, DDS
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Orlando, Florida
Filed: Feb. 11, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Friday, March 13, 2009.
Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2025
Feb 11 2009 16:53
FEB-11-2889 17:34 AHA Pad
v. CASE NO. 2007-29059
Fouad J. Sidawi, DDS,
COMES NOW Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the
Board of Dentistry against Respondent, Fouad J. Sidawi, DDS, and in
support thereof alleges:
“1. Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
practice of dentistry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter.
456, Florida Statutés: and Chapter 466, Florida Statutes.
licensed dentist within the State of Florida, having been issued license
number DN 13169.
Feb 11 2009 16:53
FEB-11-2689 17:34 AHCA P.@S
3. Respondent's address of record is 7259 International Drive,
Orlando, Florida 32819.
4, On or about November 7, 2007 a Floridaticensed and board
certified dentist with the American Board of Anesthesiology, visited and
inspected the Respondent's practice based upon allegations of unsanitary
conditions as contained within a complaint received by the department in
September 2007.
5. The Respondent's office included three operatries. The
department inspector dentist made the following observations in the course |
of his inspection.
6. In operatory one there were no infection barriers on the
~ handles of the dental light and the-handles were dirty and covered with
dirty dental cement fingerprints. ,
7. None of the operatories had any radiation protection for
radiographs being taken in one operatory to the adjacent rooms.
a eo BF ere-was a-dinty nitrous-exide/oxygen-_nosepiece in... eee :
Respondent's clinic, which did not appear to have been cleaned between
usage on different patients.
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9. The Respondent did not have any disposable nitrous oxide nose
hoods in the office.
10. The hoses on the nitrous machine, the only source of oxygen
in the office, were torn in several places rendering them useless.
11. The Respondent had two biohazard bags, one in operatory two
and one in operatry three. Both bags were in large and accessible open
boxes which were located directly behind the dental chair (behind the
patient's head) and were not only being used for bio-hazardous material
but were also: being used for general trash.
12. there was no emergency drug kit found in the Respondent's
13. ‘The cabinets and the cabinet handles in the operatories were
extremely filthy, as well as the book cases and open storage areas at arm‘s
reach of the dental chair. Their approximation to the dental chair and to
the dental instruments precludes any possibility of infection control.
ana The air/water syringe in Respondent's operatories-had-dried: --- -
dental cement and a generalized sticky substance over it.
15. ‘The air/water tip on the air/water device did not appear to be
changed ‘between patients.
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Feb 11 2009 16:54
FEB-11-2889 17:34 AHCA Pa?
16. All of the counters in Respondent's operatories were dirty and
had dark spots on them and had not been cleaned.
17. The faucets handles at one sink between the Respondent's
operatories was covered with the same dirty sticky substance that was
found on the counters.
18. A dirty x-ray head and an even dirtier x-ray protective apron
were located in operatory three in Respondent's office.
19. Section 466.028(1)(u) Florida Statutes (2007), provides that
failure to provide and maintain reasonable sanitary facilities and conditions
constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Dentistry.
20. Respondent failed to maintain reasonable sanitary facilities and
conditions in ‘one or more of the following ways:
a. In operatory one there were no infection barriers on the
handles of the dental light and the handles were dirty and covered
’ with dirty dental cement fingerprints.
b. None of the operatories had any radiation protection for
radiographs being taken in one operatory to the adjacent roorns.
‘c. There was a dirty nitrous oxide/oxygen nosepiece in Respondent's
——~dlinic; which did not appear to-have been cleaned-between usage.- -- ~~
on different patients.
d. The Respondent did not have any disposable nitrous oxide nose
hoods in the office.
e. The hoses on the nitrous machine, the only source of oxygen in
the office, were torn in several places rendering them useless.
f. The Respondent had two biohazard bags, one in operatory two
and one in operatry three. Both bags were in large and accessible
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Feb 11 2009 16:54
FEB-11-2889 17:35 AHCA P.@8
open boxes which were located directly behind the dental chair
(behind the patient's head) and were not only being used for bio-
hazardous material but were also being used for general trash.
g. There was no emergency drug kit found in the Respondent's
. Clinic.
h. The cabinets and the cabinet handies in the operatories were
extremely filthy, as well as the book cases and open storage areas
at arm’s reach of the dental chair. Their approximation to the
’ dental chair and to the dental instruments precludes any
possibility of infection control.
i. The air/water syringe in Respondent's operatories had dried dental
cement and a generalized sticky substance over it.
j. The air/water tip on the air/water device did not appear to be
changed between patients.
k. All of the counters in Respondent's operatories were dirty and had
dark spots on them and had not been cleaned.
|. The faucets handles at one sink between the Respondent's
operatories was covered with the same dirty sticky substance that
was found on the counters.
m. A dirty x-ray head and an even dirtier x-ray protective apron were
located in operatory three in Respondent's office.
21. Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section —
466.028(1)(u), Florida Statutes (2007), by failing to maintain reasonable
sanitary facilities and conditions.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
~~ Dentistry enter an orderimposing-one-or- more of the following-penalties:—-
permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
placement of Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of fees
JAPSU\MedicalDentistry\Patricia Smith\cases O7\Sidawi 07-29059\Sidawi 07-29059 u.doc 5
Feb 11 2009 16:55
FEB-11-2889 17:35 AHCA
billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate.
SIGNED this! _ day of Fobua ty 2008.
Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H.
State Surgeon General
tricia D. Smith
Assistant General Counsel
FILED ws DOH Prosecution Services Unit
CLERK 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
CLERK . & Canonry Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265
paTe_ 15-07 Florida Bar #0728160
850.245.4640 FAX: 245.4683
es POR YAS OB... |
PCP Members: 244, wl We
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Feb 11 2009 16:55
FEB-11-2889 17:35 AHCA P.1a
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to be
represented by counsel or other qualified representative, to present
evidence and argument, to call and cross-examine witnesses and to have
subpoena and subpoena duces tecum issued on his or her behalf if a
hearing is requested.
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs
related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter. Pursuant to
Section 456.072(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall assess costs related to
the investigation and prosecution of a disciplinary matter, which may
include attorney hours and costs, on the Respondent in addition to any
te other-disci ple imposed. _—_---—--~ FRA a ace crenata eee Ee a OO Se A tee
JAPSU\Medical\Dentistry\Patricia Smith\cases O7\Sidawi 07-29059\Sidawi 07-29059 u.doc 7
Feb 11 2009 16:55
FEB-11-2889 17:36 AHCA P.ii
DOH v Fouad J. Sidawi, D.D.S. Case No. 2007-29059
An Explanation of Rights is attached. If you do not understand these options, please congult with your attornay or
contact the attomey forthe Prosecution Services Unit at the addrass/phone number listed at the bottom of this farm.
OPTION 1. I do not dispute the allegations of fact in the Administrative Complaint, but do wish to be accorded a
hearing, pursuant to Section 120.57(), Florida Statutes, at which time \ will be permitted to submit oral and/or written evidence
in mitigation of the complaint to the Board.
OPTION 2. 1 do not dispute the allegations of fact contained in the Administrative Complaint and waive my right to
object or to be heard. | request that the Board enter a final order pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes.
OPTION 3. | do dispute the allegations of fact contained In the Administrative Complaint and request this to be
considered a petition for formal hearing, pursuant to Sections 120.569(2)(a) and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, before an
Administrative Law Judge appointed by the Division of Administrative Hearings. { spectfically dispute the following
Paragraphs of the Administrative Complaint.
In addition to the above selection, | also elect the following:
{) | accept the terms of the Settlement Stipulation, have signed and am returning the Settlement Stipulation
or | ar Interested in settling this case.
() | do net wish to continue practicing, have signed and ratumed the voluntary relinquishment of licensure
form, if It has bean provided.
Regardless of which option | have selected, | understand that | will be given notice of time, date, and place
when this matter is to ba considered by the Board of Dentistry for Final Action. Maciation under Section 120.572, Florida
Statutes, is not available in this matter.
(Plaase sign and complete all the information below.)
Respondent's signature
Lic. No.
Phone No.
Fax No.
Before me, personally appeared whose identity is known to me by
(type of identification) and who, acknowledges that his/her signature
appears above.
Sworn to or affirmed by Afflant before me this ___ day of 2008.
Notary Fublic-State of Florida My Commission Expires
Type or Print Name
PLEASE MAIL AND/OR FAX GOMPLETED FORM TO: Patricia D. Smith, Assistant General Counsel, DOH, Prosecutlon
Services Unit, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265. Telephone Number: (850) 245-4640,
axt. 8189 FAX (850) 245-4683; TDD 1-800-955-8771.
Feb 11 2009 16:55
FEB-11-2889 17:36 AHCA
In response to the allegations set forth’ in the Administrative Complaint issued by
the Department of Health, hereinafter referred to as the Department, you should make
ONE OF THREE of the following elections within twenty-one (21) days from the date of
receipt of the Administrative Complaint. Please make your election on the attached
Election of Rights form and return it fully executed to the address listed on the form.
1. If you do not dispute any material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint,
you may request a proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, before the
appropriate Board. At this proceeding, you will be given an opportunity to present both
written and oral evidence in mitigation. This request should be directed to the Department
by checking the appropriate space, marked as 1, on the Election of Rights form within
twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of the Administrative Complaint.
2. If you do not dispute any material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint
and you do not desire to participate in the disposition of the case, you may elect choice 2
on the Election of Rights form.
3, If you dispute any material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint, you
may request a formal hearing and the appointment of an Administrative Law Judge to be
furnished by the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Management
Services pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(a), Florida Statutes, by checking the appropriate
space, marked as 3, on the Election of Rights form. You must also indicate which facts
you dispute in the Administrative Complaint pursuant to Rule 28-106.204, F.A.C. If you
elect a formal hearing, you must keep the Department informed as to your current mailing
address. Failure io do so may be considered a waiver of your right to a formal hearing.
Regardless of whether you dispute any material fact alleged in the Administrative
Complaint and after choosing one of the three options above, you may also either sign and
execute the settlement stipulation (if one is enclosed) or request the opportunity to enter
into a settlement stipulation to resolve this case, pursuant to Section 120.57(4), Florida
Statutes. If a settiernent stipulation is agreed to by you and the Depariment, the matter
will be presented to the appropriate Board for approval. Please be advised that a final
order approving a settlement stipulation is considered a disciplinary act and is reported as
such. If you sign and execute the voluntary relinquishment of license, that form will be
forwarded to the appropriate Board for action and the final order accepting the voluntary
relinquishment is considered a disciplinary act and is reported as such.
In the event that you fail to make an election in this matter within twenty-
one (21) days frorn receipt of the Administrative Complaint, your fallure to do so
may be considered a waiver of your right to elect a hearing in this matter,
‘pursuant to Rule 28-106.111(4), Florida Administrative Code, and the Board may
proceed to hear your case.
Docket for Case No: 09-000726PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Mar. 13, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Mar. 12, 2009 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction with Leave to Reopen filed.
Feb. 19, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Feb. 19, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 17, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Feb. 19, 2009 |
Joint Response to Inital Order filed.
Feb. 12, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Feb. 11, 2009 |
Election of Rights filed.
Feb. 11, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Feb. 11, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by P. Smith).
Feb. 11, 2009 |
Agency referral filed.