Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Melbourne, Florida
Filed: May 28, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, July 21, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 01, 2025
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vs. Case No. 2009001704
; 2009001705
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (hereinafter Agency), by and
through the undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint against CATALINA
Respondent), pursuant to Section 120.569, and 120.57, Florida Statutes, (2008), and alleges:
This is an action to revoke Respondent’s license to operate an assisted living facility in
the State of Florida pursuant to §§ 408.415 Florida Statutes, and 429,14, Florida Statutes (2008),
and to impose an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) based
upon four (4) repeat cited State Class III deficiencies and six (6) uncorrected cited State Class III
deficiencies pursuant to §429,19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008),
1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to §§ 20.42, 120.60 and Chapters 408, Part II, and
429, Part I, Florida Statutes (2008).
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code R. 28-106,207,
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3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for licensure of assisted living
facilities and enforcement of all applicable regulations, state statutes and rules governing assisted
living facilities pursuant to the Chapters 408, Part H, and 429, Part I, Florida Statutes, and
Chapter 584-5, Florida Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a 125-bed assisted living facility located at 85 Bulldog Blvd,
Melbourne, Florida 32901, and is licensed as an assisted living facility with limited nursing
services (LNS) and extended congregate care (ECC), license number 7354.
5. Respondent was at all times material hereto a licensed facility under the licensing
authority of the Agency, and was required to comply with all applicable rules and statutes.
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
7. That pursuant to Florida law, limited nursing services may only be provided as authorized
by a health care provider's order, a copy of which shall be maintained in the resident’s file. Rule
58A-5.031(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code.
8. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
9. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that
Limited Nursing Services (LNS) for one (1) of twenty-two (22) sampled residents were provided
only as authorized by a health care provider's order with a copy of said order maintained in the
resident's file, the same being contrary to law.
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10.‘ That Petitioner's representative noted during the tour of the facility in the secured unit on
December 1, 2008 at approximately 1] AM that resident number eighteen (18) was observed with
gauze on the left elbow and right arm.
11, That Petitioner's representative reviewed the November 2008 Medication Observation
Record (MOR) for resident number eighteen (18) and noted the following documentation of
wound care treatments started on November 21, 2008: Clean skin tear with normal saline with
dressing with gauze twice daily 7-3 and 3-11.
12. That Petitioner's representative reviewed the November 2008 Medication Observation
Record (MOR) for resident number eighteen (18) and noted the following documentation of
wound care treatments started on November 28, 2008:
1. Right wrist steri strips, keep dry and monitor for signs and symptoms of
infections on the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts.
2. Left Elbow -steri strips keep dry and monitor for signs and symptoms of
infections on the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts.
3. Right knee normal Saline cleanse, triple antibiotic ointment with Band-Aid
twice daily till healed 3-11 and 11-7 shifts (AM, PM not documented).
13. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records related to resident
number eighteen (18) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. A progress note dated November 29, 2008 documented that the resident had skin
tears to the right wrist, left elbow and right knee and the resident could not state
how they got there;
b. There was no order for the treatment to the right wrist, left elbow and right knee
that began on November 28, 2008.
14.‘ That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey who indicated as follows:
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a, That she was not aware that the above treatments to resident number eighteen (18)
wete nursing services and required a physicians order;
b. She provided an unsigned order dated November 28, 2008 that the nurse had
completed to give to the resident’s health care provider for the above treatments;
c. That the order did not list the gauze that was applied to resident number eighteen
d, The nurses had placed the gauze on the resident because the resident had started
Picking at the skin tears and they were bleeding;
e, There was no order signed by the health care provider for the limited nursing
services provided to resident number eighteen (18).
15. That the failure to ensure that treatments are provided with the advise and consent of a
treating physician places the resident at risk for inappropriate treatment in accord with the
resident’s complete care.
16. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
17.‘ That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2\(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
18. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 17, 2008.
19. That on January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
20, That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that
Limited Nursing Services (LNS) for one (1) of thirteen (13) sampled residents were provided
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only as authorized by a health care provider's order with a copy maintained in the resident's file,
the same being contrary to law.
21. That Petitioner's representative toured the Respondent facility on January 13, 2009 at
around 10 am, and noted ostomy bags and tubes of ostomy paste in the room of resident number
seven (7), a resident whose condition prevented meaningful interview.
22. ‘That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number seven (7) during the survey and noted as follows:
a, The resident’s Health Assessment form 1823 identified diagnoses of
hypertension, dementia, peripheral edema, chronic renal insufficiency, colon
cancer and colostomy car:
b. The resident was under the care of Hospice who provided ostomy care until
December 2008 when the resident was discharged from hospice service;
c. There was no indication in the record of who would continue to provide the
ostomy care nor was there a physicians order for the continued ostomy care.
23. ‘That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey who indicated as follows:
a. She started providing the ostomy care to resident number seven (7) when Hospice
services stopped;
b. She was changing the ostomy bag and the wafer;
c. There was no order signed by the health care provider for ostomy care, a licensed
limited nursing service provided to resident number seven (7).
24. — That the failure to ensure that treatments are provided with the advise and consent of a
treating physician places the resident at risk for inappropriate treatment in accord with the
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resident’s complete care.
25. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
26. That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class III violation in
accordance with Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
27. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 31, 2009.
28. That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429,.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
29, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
30. That pursuant to Florida law, records for limited nursing services include (a) A record of
all residents receiving limited nursing services under this license and the type of service
provided, shall be maintained, (b) Nursing progress notes shall be maintained for each resident
who receives limited nursing services. (c) A nursing assessment conducted at least monthly shall
be maintained on each resident who receives a limited nursing service. Rule 58A-5.031(3),
Florida Administrative Code.
31. That on August 22, 2007, the Agency completed an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with
Limited Nursing Services (LNS) and Extended Congregate Care (ECC) Change of Ownership
(CHOW) survey of the Respondent facility,
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32. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure a
nursing assessment was conducted at least monthly for one (1) of three (3) residents who
received Limited Nursing Services (LNS), the same being contrary to law.
33. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number eight (8) duzing the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated January 31, 2007 noted
diagnoses of status post carbon dioxide poisoning;
b. A physician's order dated July 10, 2007 required a soft boot while in wheelchair
as tolerated;
c. The nursing assessment conducted on August 22, 2007 was conducted and signed
by the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN);
d. The Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner's (ARNP) monthly assessment for
August 2007 on the resident did not address the use of the soft boot.
34. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's Director of Nursing on August
22, 2007 who stated resident number eight (8) was on Limited Nursing Services for application
of the soft boot. |
35, That resident number eight (8) was observed during the tour of the facility to have the
boot on the leg.
36. That nursing assessments are beyond the scope of practice for a licensed practical nurse
under the controlling provisions of law. See, Chapter 464, Part I, Florida Statutes (2007).
37, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator and director of
nursing who indicated that they were not aware that the monthly nursing assessments were to be
conducted and signed by a Registered Nurse (RN) as mandated by Chapter 464 F.S. (Nurse
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Practice Act).
38, That the failure to ensure that monthly nursing assessments are conducted and maintained
place residents at risk that nursing practices utilized are not weighed for efficacy, other effects,
and complications noted and addressed.
39. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
40. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2007).
41. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of September 6, 2007.
42. That during a re-visit survey conducted October 10, 2007 the Agency determined that the
Respondent had corrected the deficiency. ,
' 43. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
. 200801 1802) of the Respondent facility.
44, That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that a
nursing assessment conducted at least monthly was maintained for one (1) resident in a sample
of twenty-two (22) who received a limited nursing service (LNS), said failure being contrary to
45, That Respondent’s administrator identified during the entrance conference on December
1, 2008 that resident number nineteen (19) received limited nursing services for the application
and removal of thrombo embolism-deterrent (TED) hose.
46, That Petitioner’s representative observed, on December 1, 2008 at approximately 12:30
PM, that resident number nineteen (19) was not wearing TED hose and that the facility nurse
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approached the resident and discovered that the hose were in the resident's pocket.
47. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nineteen during the survey and noted a healthcare provider's order dated May 7, 2008
requiring TED hose to the lower extremities "on in AM and off at bedtime," however the records
were devoid of any monthly nursing assessments of the resident.
48. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s contract advanced registered
nurse practitioner who had been contracted by the facility to provide monthly nursing
assessments who indicated that she had not been made aware that resident number nineteen (19)
was using TED hose and in need of LNS, and therefore she did not conduct monthly nursing
49. That the failure to ensure that monthly nursing assessments are conducted and maintained
place residents at risk that nursing practices utilized are not weighed for efficacy, other effects,
and complications noted and addressed.
50. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
51. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a repeat Class III violation in accordance with
Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008), .
52. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 17, 2008.
53. That this constitutes a repeat violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
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34. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
35. That pursuant to Florida law, nursing progress notes shall be maintained for each resident
who receives limited nursing services. Rule 58A-5.031(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code.
56. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
57. That based upon observations, the review of records, and interview, Respondent failed to
ensure nursing progress notes were maintained for two (2) residents of twenty-two (22) sampled
residents who receive Limited Nursing Services (LNS), the same being contrary to law.
58. That Petitioner’s representative noted during the tour of the facility in the secured unit on
December 1, 2008 at approximately 11AM¢ that resident number eighteen (18) was observed with
gauze on the left elbow and right arm.
59. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed the November 2008 Medication Observation
Record (MOR) for resident number eighteen (18) and noted the following documentation of
wound care treatments started on November 21, 2008: Clean skin tear with normal saline with
dressing with gauze twice daily 7-3 and 3-11.
60. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed the November 2008 Medication Observation
Record (MOR) for resident number eighteen (18) and noted the following documentation of
wound care treatments started on November 28, 2008:
1. Right wrist steri strips, keep dry and monitor for signs and symptoms of
infections on the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts.
2. Left Elbow -steri strips keep dry and monitor for signs and symptoms of
infections on the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts.
3. Right knee normal Saline cleanse, triple antibiotic ointment with Band-Aid
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twice daily till healed 3-11 and 11-7 shifts (AM, PM not documented).
61. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's records related to resident
number eighteen (18) during the survey and noted a progress note dated November 29, 2008
documenting that the resident had skin tears to the right wrist, left elbow and right knee and the
resident could not state how they got there,
62. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nineteen (19) during the survey and noted as follows:
a, The resident’s health assessment report dated May 6, 2006 reflected that the
resident was afflicted with CAD, HTN, dementia, A fibs and CHF;
b. A healthcare provider's order dated May 7, 2008 required TED hose to the lower
extremities on in AM and off at bedtime;
c. Respondent’s limited nursing services notes from November 12 to December 1,
2008 revealed that the notes dated November 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25,
26, 27 and 28, 20/08 documented "Ted Hose on - no edema.”
d. The notes dated November 16 and 22, 2008 documented "TED hose off~
e. Anote dated November 19, 2008 documented "Ted hose on 4 PM and removed at
10:30 PM."
£ Notes dated November 29, 30, and December 1, 2008 simply indicated "Ted
63. That absent ftom Respondent’s records of limited nursing services maintained in its
identified binder were any other nursing “progress notes” or "progress reports," a written record
of nursing services provided to each resident who receives such services completed by the nurse
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who delivered the service that describes the date, type, scope, amount, duration, and outcome of
services rendered; the general status of the resident's health; any deviations; any contact with the
resident's physician; with the signature and credential initials of the person rendering the service,
to confirm each time the skin/wound care treatments and the application and removal of TED
hose were conducted.
64. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey who indicated as follows:
a. She was not aware that resident number eighteen (18) needed to be admitted to
limited nursing services for the simple wound care;
b. There were no progress notes completed each time the treatments were
c. For resident number nineteen (19), nursing notes were not written every time the
TED hose were removed and/or applied.
65. That the failure to maintain nursing notes places residents at risk that other health care
providers will not be aware of services provided, assessments, and efficacy of nursing services.
66. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
67. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class II violation in accordance with Section
429, 19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
68. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 17, 2008.
69. That on January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
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70. ‘That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to maintain
nursing progress notes for one (1) of thirteen (13) sampled residents who received Limited
Nursing Services (LNS), the same being contrary to law.
71. That Petitioner's representative toured the Respondent facility on January 13, 2009 at
around 10 am, and noted ostomy bags and tubes of ostomy paste in the room of resident number
seven (7), a resident whose condition prevented meaningful interview.
72. ‘That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding resident
number seven (7) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s Health Assessment form 1823 identified diagnoses of
hypertension, dementia, peripheral edema, chronic renal insufficiency, colon
cancer and colostomy sear;
b. The resident was under the care of Hospice who provided ostomy care until
December 2008 when the resident was discharged from hospice services;
c. There was no indication in the record of who would continue to provide the
ostomy care nor was there a physicians order for the continued ostomy care.
73. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's director of nursing during the
survey who indicated as follows:
a. She started providing the ostomy care to resident number seven (7) when Hospice
services stopped;
b. She was changing the ostomy bag and the wafer;
c. There was no progress notes completed each time the ostomy care was done for
resident number seven (7).
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74. That absent from Respondent's records of limited nursing services maintained in its
identified binder were any other nursing “progress notes” or "progress reports,” a written record
of nursing services provided to each resident who receives such services completed by the nurse
who delivered the service that describes the date, type, scope, amount, duration, and outcome of
services rendered; the general status of the resident's health; any deviations; any contact with the
resident's physician; with the signature and credential initials of the person rendering the service,
to confirm each time the ostomy care was provided for resident number seven (7).
75. That the failure to maintain nursing notes places residents at risk that other health care
providers will not be aware of services provided, assessments, and efficacy of nursing services.
76. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
77, That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class III violation in
accordance with Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
78. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 31, 2009.
79. That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
80. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
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81. That pursuant to Florida law, the service plan shall be reviewed and updated quarterly to
reflect any changes in the manner of service provision, accommodate any changes in the
resident’s physical or mental status, or pursuant to recommendations for modifications in the
resident’s care as documented in the nursing assessment. Rule 58A-5.030(7)(d), Florida
Administrative Code.
82. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility,
83. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that the
Extended Congregate Care (ECC) service plan was updated quarterly for one (1) resident of
twenty-two (22) sampled residents who received ECC services, the same being contrary to the
minimum requirements of law.
84, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number thirteen (13) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated December 13, 2007 reflected
diagnoses of Hypertension and Alzheimer's;
b. The resident required total assistance with bathing, dressing and grooming;
¢. The resident was admitted to the ECC program in November 2006 for total care
with activities of daily living;
d. The most recently dated ECC service plan available for review was last updated
in March 2008;
e. There were no service plan quarterly reviews completed for June and September
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85. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey who indicated that resident number thirteen (13) did receive ECC services and the above
service was provided to the resident and there was no other documentation available for review
to prove that the service plan was update quarterly as required.
86. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the F: acility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
87, — That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008),
88. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 17, 2008.
89. That on January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 2008011802) of the Respondent facility,
90. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that the
Extended Congregate Care (ECC) service plan was updated quarterly for one (1) resident of
thirteen (13) sampled residents who received ECC services, the same being contrary to the
Ininimum requirements of law.
91. That Respondent’s administrator identified resident number nine (9) as a resident
receiving extended congregate care services.
92. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding resident
number nine (9) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident received ECC services for total care with activities of daily living;
b. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated December 31, 2007 reflected
diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia and HTN:
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c, The assessment indicated that the resident required total care with bathing and
d. A physicians order dated November 11, 2008 required daily blood pressures and
an order dated December 16, 2008 required simple wound care for a skin tear;
e. The last documented review and update of the service plan on file was on March
6, 2008;
f. There was no service plan review which included the physician’s orders of
November and December 2008 and the additional services required.
93. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s Registered Nurse ECC
Supervisor who indicated that she did not know that the service plan needed updating.
94. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
95. That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class III violation in
accordance with Section 429,19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
96. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 31, 2009.
97, That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
98. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
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99. That pursuant to Florida law, licensed nursing staff in an extended congregate care
program may provide any nursing service permitted within the scope of their license consistent
with the residency requirements of this rule and the facility’s written policies and procedures and
the nursing services are: 1. Authorized by a health care provider’s order and pursuant to a plan of
care; 2. Medically necessary and appropriate for treatment of the resident’s condition; 3. In
accordance with the prevailing standard of practice in the nursing community; 4. A service that
can be safely, effectively, and efficiently provided in the facility; 5. Recorded in nursing progress
notes; and 6, In accordance with the resident’s service plan. Rule 58A-5,030(8)(c), Florida
Administrative Code.
100. That on August 22, 2007, the Agency completed a Change of Ownership Survey of the
Respondent facility.
101. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that
licensed nursing staff provided services requiring licensure for a resident as Respondent utilized
inadequately licensed staff in the conduct of nursing assessments and utilized non-licensed staff
for the application and removal of TED stockings for one (1) extended congregate care (ECC)
resident, the same being contrary to law,
102. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number one (1) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The tesident's health assessment, form 1823 dated September 27, 2007, reflected
diagnoses of Parkinson's disease, urinary tract infection, gastro-intestinal bleed,
hypertension, and chronic leg ulcers;
b. The resident had a physician’s order dated August 1, 2007 which required the
used of TED hose, a support stocking, to be placed on in the AM and off at
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c. Progress notes reflect that the resident received ECC services from August 1
through August 22, 2007 for the application and removal of the resident’s TED
d. A monthly assessment dated August 19, 2007, was annotated as completed and
signed by a licensed practical nurse,
103. That Petitioner’s representative observed resident number one (1) during the survey and
noted that the resident was wearing the prescribed TED hose.
104. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent's caregivers numbered one (1)
and two (2) during the survey who indicated as follows:
a. That Respondent’s certified nursing assistants sometimes applied and removed
the TED hose for resident number one (1);
b. That Respondent’s licensed practical nurses sometimes applied and removed the
TED hose for resident number one (1).
105. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator and director of
nursing during the survey who indicated as follows:
a. That unlicensed staff sometimes apply or remove the TED hose for resident
number one (1);
b. Thata licensed practical nurse conducted the monthly nursing assessments and
the advanced registered nurse practitioner cosigned the assessments at a later date;
c. That they were unaware that the conduct of nursing assessments by a licensed
practical nurse exceeded the scope of such a professional’s duties under the
applicable licensing act, Florida Statute Chapter 464.
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106. That the application and removal of TED hose is a nursing service requiring proper
107. That the conduct of assessments exceeds the scope of licensure of a licensed practical
nurse. See, Section 464.003(1)(b), Florida Statutes.
108. That the failure to ensure that appropriately licensed staff perform nursing services places
Tesident’s at risk in that appropriately trained and experienced persons are not conducting those
services and making the required assessments of care,
109, That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents. ,
110. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class IT] violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2007).
111. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of August 23, 2007,
112. That the Agency determined that Respondent had corrected the deficiency on October 10,
113. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
114. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that
nursing services were provided in accordance with the prevailing standard of practice in the
nursing community when the Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) conducted the monthly nursing
assessment with the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner's (ARNP) co-signature for one (1)
of twenty-two (22) residents, the same being contrary to law.
May 28 2009 14:41
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115. That during the entrance conference, Respondent’s administrator identified resident
number thirteen (13) as a resident receiving extended congregate care (ECC) service for total
care with activities of daily living.
116. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number thirteen (13) and noted that the resident’s monthly nursing assessment dated January
2008 was signed by the Respondent’s licensed practical nurse and then co-signed by an advanced
registered nurse practitioner while the assessments dated June, July, August and September were
not dated.
117. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed during the survey the advanced registered
nurse practitioner who had signed the above-referenced assessment who indicated as follows:
a. That since she did not see the residents on the day to day basis, Respondent’s
nurses completed a portion of the assessments and monthly, if the records were
given to her, she would co-sign the assessments;
b. She did not know all of the residents who received ECC services because the
facility staff did not always giver her all the records to review and therefore, those
resident assessments would remain without her signature.
118, That the conduct of assessments exceeds the scope of licensure of a licensed practical
nurse. See, Section 464.003(1)(b), Florida Statutes.
119. That the failure to ensure that appropriately licensed staff perform nursing services places
resident's at risk in that appropriately trained and experienced persons are not conducting those
services and making the required assessments of care.
120. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
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potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
121. Thatthe Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
122. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 3, 2008,
123, That the same constitutes a repeat deficiency as defined by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
124. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
125, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates Count V above as if fully set forth herein.
126. That on January 14,2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
127. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure nursing
services were recorded in nursing progress notes for one (1) Of thirteen (13) residents reviewed
who received extended congregate care (ECC) services and required nursing services, the same
being contrary to law.
128. That during the entrance conference on January 13, 2009, Respondent’s administrator
identified resident number nine (9) as receiving ECC services for total care with activities of
daily living (ADLs).
129, That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nine (9) during the survey and noted as follows:
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a. The resident’s health assessment, form 1823 dated December 31, 2007, indicated
diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia and HTN;
b. The assessment indicated that the resident required total care with bathing and
c. A physician's order dated December 16, 2008 required "Neosporin to skin tear
daily; normal saline cleansing, cover with Telfa and Kling"
d, The December Medication Observation Record (MOR) listed the treatment and
contained staff initials that the treatment was performed from December 17
through 25, 2008 and indicated on December 26, 2008 "healed."
130. That absent from the records regarding resident number nine (9) were any nursing
progress notes that documented each time the skin care treatment was provided.
131. That Petitioner's representative interviewed Respondent’s registered nurse and ECC
supervisor during the survey who indicated as follows:
a, That nursing notes were not available for the nursing services provided to resident
number nine (9) because it was the nurses' understanding that nursing notes were
not needed for ECC:
b. The nurses have become confused between ECC for total care with ADLs and
ECC for nursing services provided to residents on ECC.
132. That the failure to ensure that appropriately licensed staff perform nursing services record
said services as required by law resident’s at risk that other health care providers, including but
_ hot limited to emergency personnel, are unaware of services provided and may hinder the ability
of health care providers to evaluate the efficacy of prescribed treatment.
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133. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
134. That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class III violation in
accordance with Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
135. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 15, 2009.
136. That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
137, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
138. That pursuant to Florida law, the facility shall maintain a daily medication observation
record (MOR) for each resident who receives assistance with self-administration of medications
or medication administration. A MOR must include the name of the resident and any known
allergies the resident may have; the name of the resident’s health care provider, the health care
provider’s telephone number; the name, strength, and directions for use of each medication; and
a chart for recording each time the medication is taken, any missed dosages, refusals to take
medication as prescribed, or medication errors, The MOR must be immediately updated each
time the medication is offered or administered, Rule 58A-5.185(5)(b), Florida Administrative
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139. Thaton August 22, 2007, the Agency completed an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with
Limited Nursing Services (LNS) and Extended Congregate Care (ECC) Change of Ownership
(CHOW) survey of the Respondent facility,
140. That based upon observations and the review of records, Respondent did not ensure that
an up-to-date daily medication observation record was maintained for one (1) of eight (8)
sampled residents who received assistance with self-administration of medications, the same
being contrary to law.
141. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent's records related to resident
number six (6) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated Jume 13, 2007 which
documented diagnoses of Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM),
cerebrovascular accident (CVA), hypertension and blindness;
b. Physician's orders dated August 14, 2007 required Novolog (insulin) sliding scale
coverage before meals as follows:
i. 151-175 =2 units
ii. 176-200 =3 units
iii. 201-225 = 4 units
iv. 226-250 =5 units
v. 251-275 =6 units
vi. 276-300 =7 units
vii. 301-325 =8 units
viii, 326-350 = 9 units
ix, 351-400 =10 units
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x. more than 400 call Medical Doctor (MD)
c. The resident’s August 2007 medication observation record reflected the
i. There was no documentation that the insulin coverage was given on
August 16, 2007 at § AM where blood sugar was 189 and the amount of
insulin to be given was 3 units as the record was blank;
ii, On August 17, 2007 at 8 AM the blood sugar reading was 172, and thus
the amount of insulin to be given was 3 units, but the record was blank.
142. That Petitioner's Tepresentative interviewed Respondent’s administrator and the director
of nursing on August 22, 2007 who indicated that the nurse forgot to chart that the medication
was given,
143. That the failure to ensure that medication records are maintained current and up-to-date
places residents at risk of medication errors and inhibits health care providers from assessing the
efficacy of prescribed treatments or resultant reactions.
144, That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the.Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
145. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2007).
146. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of August 23, 2007.
147, That during a re-visit survey conducted October 10, 2007 the Agency determined that the
Respondent had corrected the deficiency.
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148. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey.(CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
149, That based upon observations, interviews, and the review of records, Respondent failed
to ensure that a daily medication observation record (MOR) for each resident who received
_ assistance with self-administration of medications was maintained current and up-to-date for five
(5) of twenty-two (22) sampled residents and two (2) of sixteen (16) randomly sampled
residents, the same being contrary to law.
150. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records related to the below listed
residents, and noted on their November 2008 medication observation records that there were
blank spaces with no initials or other documentation for various days and there was no
explanation for the omissions on the back of the record or elsewhere in the resident's record,
Resident #10
151. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated August 26, 2008 indicated diagnoses
of COPD, seizures, osteoporosis and bi-polar disorder and the resident’s medication observation
records reflected the following errors or omissions:
Century senior capsules one daily -blank on 11/3, and 11/24/08
Docusate sodium 100 mg one daily at bedtime- blank on 11/4, 11/14, 11/23 and
Remeron 30 mg one at bedtime - blank on 11/3 and 11/14
Senna laxative two tabs at bedtime; ~
Simvastatin 20 mg one at bedtime: .
Trazodone 50 mg one at bedtime - blank on 11/6, 11/8 and 11/23/08
Aspirin 81 mg one daily - blank on 11/14 and 11/24
Sio-niacin 500 mg in the morning - blank on 11/24
Valproic Acid 250 mg one twice daily (9 AM & 5 PM) - blank on 11/15 AM and
11/25 AM
Calcium with D one twice daily (9 AM & 5 PM) - blank on 11/6 PM, 11/16 AM,
11/22 PM and 11/28 AM
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Resident #11
152, The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Atenolol 50 mg one every twelve hours was left blank at 9 PM on 11/6, 11/11-11/13,
Resident #12
153. The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Folic Acid 1 mg daily at 9 AM was left blank on 11/24, 11/28, 11/29, 11/30; Lantus
100U/ML Vial inject 8 units Sub-Q every day in the morning was left blank at 7:30 AM on 11/9;
Carvedilol 25 mg one twice daily (hold for HR<55) was left blank at 9 AM on 11/9; Clonidine
HCL 0.2 mg one every 12 hours was left blank at 8 AM on 11/9.
Resident #20
154, The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Temazepam 15 mg one at bed time was left blank at 9 PM on 11/1 1, L1/21/, 11/29;
Lumigan 0.03 % 5 ML drops instill 1 drop into both eyes at bedtime was left blank at 9 PM on
11/5, 14/14, 11/26-11/30,
Resident #21
185, The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Prednisone 1 mg one at bedtime was left blank at 5 PM on 11/14, 11/19, 11/21:
Loratadine 10 mg one daily in the evening -blank at 5 PM on 11/14, 11/19, 11/21.
Random Resident #9
156. The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Omeprazole 20 mg one daily in the AM was left blank at 7 AM on 11/24; Effexor XR
150 mg two once a day was left blank at 9 AM on 11/7, 11/16; Zyprexa 15 mg one at bedtime
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was left blank at 9 PM on 11/3; Doxazosin Mesylate 1 mg one at bedtime was left blank at 9 PM
on 11/3.
Random Resident #12
157, The resident’s medication observation records reflected the following errors or
omissions: Nystatin cream to groin for rash twice daily at 7-3 and 3-11 was left blank at 7-3 on
11/10 and 11/22 and was left blank at 3-11 on 11/17, 11/21, 11/22, 11/24 tol 1/30/08.
158. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator during the
survey who indicated that she had reviewed all the above referenced medication observation
records and agreed with the survey team assertions and could not say whether or not the
medications were given because the records did not document that the medications were given
and/or the reasons for the blank spaces.
159. That the failure to ensure that medication records are maintained current and up-to-date
places residents at risk of medication errors and inhibits health care providers from assessing the
efficacy of prescribed treatments or resultant reactions.
160. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
161. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a repeat Class II violation in accordance with
Section 429,19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
162. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 3, 2008,
163. That this constitutes a repeat violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
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Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
164. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
165. That pursuant to Florida law, an assisted living facility shall provide care and services
appropriate to the needs of residents accepted for admission to the facility. Facilities shall offer
personal supervision, a8 appropriate for each resident, including the following: (a) Monitor the
quantity and quality of resident diets in accordance with Rule 58A-5.020, F.A.C. (b) Daily
observation by designated staff of the activities of the resident while on the premises, and
awareness of the general health, safety, and physical and emotional well-being of the individual.
(c) General awareness of the resident’s whereabouts. The resident may travel independently in
the community, (d) Contacting the resident’s health care provider and other appropriate party
such as the resident’s family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident
exhibits a significant change; contacting the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or
case manager if the resident is discharged or moves out. (e) A written record, updated as
needed, of any significant changes as defined in 58A-5.0131(33), F.A.C., any illnesses which
resulted in medical attention, major incidents, changes in the method of medication
administration, or other changes which resulted in the provision of additional services. Rule
58A-5.0182, Florida Administrative Code.
166, That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
167. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to provide care
and services appropriate to the needs of sixteen (16) of twenty-two (22) residents accepted for
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May 28 2009 13:55
admission including the failure to follow physician's orders for the administration of insulin,
Vitamin B12 injections, blood pressure checks, weekly weights and medications received as
ordered, the same being contrary to law.
Resident #1
168. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number one (1) during the survey and noted as follows:
The medication observation record for November 2008 documented (Vit. B 12)
Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG inject monthly on the 26"
‘There was a block drawn on the space for the 26" and the block was blank, an
indication that the injection was not administered;
The resident’s Health Assessment Form (1823) dated June 2, 2008 included
diagnoses of Diabetes and Hypertension,
The resident required assistance with the self administration of medications;
There was no indication on the medication observation record or in the resident's
record to indicate why the resident did not receive the Vitamin B12 injection as
Resident #2
169. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number two (2) during the survey and noted as follows:
The medication observation record for November 2008 documented Blood
Pressure (BP) weekly on Friday;
There was a block drawn on the space for the 7g (Friday) and the block was
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May 28 2009 13:55
The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated June 28, 2008 identified
diagnoses including Osteoporosis, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease;
. The resident required assistance with the self administration of medications;
A Physician Order Sheet (POS) dated September 5, 2008 signed by the health
care provider documented Blood Pressures on Fridays,
There was no indication on the medication observation record or in the resident's
record to indicate why the resident did not receive the Blood Pressure Checks on
Fridays as prescribed.
Resident #4
170, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number four (4) during the survey and noted as follows:
The medication observation record for November 2008 indicates "weekly
weights" to be taken and recorded;
There were no weights recorded on the medication observation record,
The medication observation record for November 2008 indicates Cyanocobalamin
1,000 MCG inject monthly on the 19™
There was a block drawn on the space for the 19" and the block was blank;
A Physician Order Sheet (POS) dated September 5, 2008 signed by the health
care provider that ordered weekly weights and Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG
inject monthly on the 19";
The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated September 30, 3008 included
diagnoses of Alzheimer's and arthritis;
May 28 2009 13:55
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g. The resident required assistance with the self administration of medications;
h. There was no indication on the medication observation record or in the resident's
record to indicate why the resident did not receive the Cyanocobalamin 1,000
MCG injections as prescribed and why the weights were not taken and recorded
as ordered by the physician.
Resident #6
171. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number six (6) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment dated June 25, 2008 indicated diagnoses of
HTN, COPD, anemia and advanced Alzheimer's disease;
b. A prescription label indicated “Cordarone 200 mg take half-tablet every day.
Hold if pulse is less than 50”
c. The resident's November 2008 medication observation record indicated the above
order and noted that the medication was taken, as evident by staff initials, but a
pulse rate was not documented on November 7, 8, 14, and 28;
d, An order dated October 23, 2008 required weekly blood pressure;
e. The resident's November 2008 medication observation record indicated the order,
however it was blank, an indication that weekly blood pressures were not taken
and recorded as ordered:
f. A physicians order dated November 11, 2008 required to monitor and chart
behavioral problems (shouting, pacing, difficult to redirect);
g. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record indicated that
charting would be done during the 11-7, 7-3 and 3-11 shifts;
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h. The medication observation record was blank on November 11 AM & night,
November 12 AM & PM, November 13, 26 and 27 - blank all shifts, November
14 PM & night, November 15 - blank all shifts, November 16 - AM, November
17 - AM & PM, November 18 - night, November 19 - AM , November 20, 21 -
AM & PM, November 22 - AM, November 23 - AM & PM, November 25 - AM
& night, November 28 and 29 - blank on AM & PM;
i. There was no indication on the medication observation record or in the resident's
record to indicate why the resident did not receive the weekly blood pressure
monitoring as prescribed and why behavioral problems were not charted as
ordered by the physician.
Resident #8
172. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number eight (8) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented
Fasting Blood Sugar twice daily altemating before meals and at bedtime
with Novolin R/Humulin R for coverage per sliding scale;
b. The sliding scale was documented as follows:
i. 151-200=2 units 201-250 = 4 units
ii. 251-300=6 units
iii. 301-350=8 units
iv. 351-400 =12 units
v. Greater than 400 call the health care provider
c. On the following days there were blocks drawn in the spaces of the
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medication observation record to indicate that the accu-checks were
required and some of the days blood sugar results were documented and
insulin was required yet there was none documented as administered and
some of the blocks were left blank and there was no explanation on the
i. November 8 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 163 - 2 units were
needed - none was documented as given;
ii. November 10 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 182 - 2 units were
needed - none was documented as given
iii. November 14 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 164 - 2 units were
needed - none was documented as given;
iv. November 28 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 194 - 2 units were
needed - none was docurnented as given,
v. November 2 at 11 AM the blood sugar was 253 - 6 units were
needed - none was documented as given;
vi. November 3 at 11 AM the blood sugar was 253 - 6 units were
néeded - none was documented as given;
vii. November 5, 21 and 29 at 11 AM the blocks were left blank and
there was no explanation on the back;
viii. November 16 at 4:30 PM the blood sugar was 164 - 2 units were
needed - none was documented as given;
d. A physician order sheet dated September 5, 2008 signed by the health care
provider ordered the above sliding scale order;
MAY-28-2889 15:18
May 28 2009 13:57
The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated June 2, 2008 included
diagnoses of Hypertension and Diabetes and required assistance with the
self administration of medications.
Resident #9
173. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nine (9) during the survey and noted as follows:
That resident’s health assessment dated September 16, 2008 indicated diagnoses
of DVT, DM, mild dementia and HTN;
A healtheare provider's admission note dated September 16, 2008 indicated
diagnosis of osteoporosis;
The weight log review revealed that the resident had a weight loss of 8 Ibs from
September to October;
A healthcare providers order dated November 4, 2008 indicated "Re-weigh
resident if 8 lbs weight loss accurate - weekly weights x 4 then re-eval"
The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record indicated weekly
weights which were only taken and recorded once, on November 5, 2008;
There was no indication in the resident record as to why the weights had not been
taken and recorded as ordered;
An order dated November 21, 2008 required “BP (blood pressure) daily while on
dose pack and Medrol dose pack as directed"
The residents medication observation record indicated that the Medrol tapered
pack was started on November 23, 2008 for 6 days and ended on November 28,
2008 and that blood pressure was to be taken while on Medrol pack;
May 28 2009 13:53
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i. The blood pressure readings were not taken and recorded as ordered on November
27 and 28, 2008 and charting for the Medrol was blank on November 24 at 6 PM
and 9 PM and November 27 at 9 PM, an indication it may not have been given.
Resident #10
174. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number ten (10) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident's health assessment form 1823 dated August 26, 2008 indicated
diagnoses of COPD, seizures, osteoporosis and bi-polar disorder;
b. A physician's order sheet dated November 5, 2008 by the advanced registered
nurse practitioner indicated weekly weights on Fridays;
c. The resident’s November 2008 médication observation record indicated weekly
weights on Friday; however the weight was only documented as taken on
November 13, 2008;
d. Weights should have been taken and recorded on November 7, 14, 21, and 18,
Resident #11
175. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number eleven (11) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated June 2, 2008 included
diagnoses of Hypertension, and Alzheimer's Dementia;
b. The resident required assistance with the self administration of
c. The Physician Order Sheet (POS) on file dated September 5, 2008 signed
May 28 2009 13:53
MAY-28-2089 15:11 AGENCY HEALTH CARE ADMIN 856 921 4158 P.1a
by the health care provider documented Blood Pressures daily: 7-3 and 3-
11 shifts (AM, PM not documented);
d, The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented
blood pressure to be taken twice daily at 7 -3 shifts and 3-11 shift;
e. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented
blood pressure readings as follows:
i. November 1-(3-11)-No blood pressure documented;
ii. November 8-(3-11)-No blood pressure documented;
iti. On Novernber 9, and 11 through 19, the blood pressure was
documented once sideways on the medication observation record
and there was no way to determine on what shift the blood pressure
was taken.
Resident #12
176. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number twelve (12) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record docurnented
blood pressure two times daily prior to giving Clonidine at 7:30 and at &
b. The blood pressure was not documented on the following days:
November 10 at 7:30 and on November 5, 15, 23, 28, and 29 at 8 PM;
c. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented
Clonidine HCL 0,2. Mg one tablet every twelve hours for Systolic blood
pressure greater than 120;
May 28 2009 13:53
MAY-28-2089 15:11 AGENCY HEALTH CARE ADMIN 856 921 4158 P.ii
d, The medication observation record documented that the medication was
given at 8 AM and 8 PM and was marked as given every day except on
November 9 at 8 AM and November 23 at § PM;
e. These spaces were left blank with no explanation, an indication that the
medication was not given;
f£ The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented
the resident was to have Fasting Blood Sugar three times daily with
Novolog for coverage per sliding scale;
g. The sliding scale was documented as follows:
i. 151-175= 2 units
ii. 176-200 =3 units
ii, 201-2254 units
iv, 226-250=5 units
v. 251-275 =6 units
vi. 276-30057 units
vii. Greater than 300 call the health care provider
h. On the following days blood sugar results were documented which would
reflect that insulin was required and there was no documentation of the
administration of insulin:
i. November 9 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 203- 4 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
ii. November 10 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 208- 4 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
MAN -28-2889
There was no physicians order to give insulin for blood sugars greater than
May 28 2009 13:53
November 11 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 214- 4 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 13 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 156- 2 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 16 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 155- 2 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 19 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 181- 3 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 13 at 7 AM the blood sugar was 175-2 umits were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 10 at 5 PM the blood sugar was 233- 5 units were
needed-none was documented as given
November 16 at 5 PM the blood sugar was 160- 2 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
November 13 at § PM the blood sugar was 19-0 3 units were
needed-none was documented as given;
The blood sugar was documented as 370 on November 20 and 7
units of insulin were documented as given, so based on the order,
the health care provider was to be called.
300 as on November 20 and there was no documentation found to
determine why the resident was given 7 units of insulin on November 20
when the resident’s blood sugar was 370;
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j. There was no documentation found that the health care provider was
contacted as order when the BS was over 300 on November 20;
k. A health care provider's order dated November 11, 2008 required the
above sliding scale;
1. The November 2008 medication observation record reflected B12 - 1,000
MGG inject once a week for 4 weeks then once a month at 9 AM. with
Sunday documented and underlined;
m. The first injection was documented on Sunday November 23, 2008 and
was marked as given;
n. There was a box drawn on the space for Sunday November 30, 2008 and
the box was left blank and there was no explanation as to what occurred or
if the injection had been given or not;
9. That during medication review located was a bag with 3 vials of B12-1000
MCG inside of the medication cart with a prescription fill date of
November 22, 2008;
p. There should have only been 2 vials of B12 left on the day of the survey
had the medication was given as ordered and given on Sunday as the
medication observation record documented;
q. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated October 23, 2008
included diagnoses of Hypertension and Diabetes;
x, The resident required assistance with the self administration of
s. A physician’s order sheet dated September 5, 2008 was signed by the
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health care provider and required blood pressure two times daily prior to
giving Clonidine at 7:30 (AM, PM not documented) and at 8 PM and
Clonidine and HCL 0.2. Mg one table every twelve hours for Systolic BP
greater than 120 and also for the above sliding scale coverage;
t. A health care provider's order dated November 21, 2008 required B12-
1,000 MCG inject once a week for 4 weeks then once a month for anemia.
177. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing (DON)
during the survey, regarding resident number twelve (12). who indicated as follows:
a. She had reviewed the medication observation records and did not know whether
or not the blood pressures were taken as ordered because it was not documented;
b. She did not know why the B12 was not given as ordered;
c. She did not know why the nurse gave 7 units of insulin without documenting that
if the nurse had called the health care provider for instructions because she could
not contact the nurse that was on duty.
Resident #13
178. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
. Number thirteen (13) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s November 2008 medication administration record documented
blood pressure to be taken weekly on Saturday at 9 AM;
b. There was a block drawn on the space for November 29, 2008 (Saturday) and the
block was blank and there was no explanation on the back explaining the
c. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated June 2, 2008 included diagnosis
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of Hypertension, Alzheimer’s;
d. A Physician’s Order dated November 11, 2008 signed by the health care provider
required weekly blood pressures.
179, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator who indicated
that she had reviewed the medication observation record and did not know whether or not the
blood pressures had been taken as ordered because it was not documented.
Resident #15
180. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number fifteen (15) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated October 23, 2009
included diagnoses of HTN, CVA with aphasia and IDDM;
b, The physician’s order sheet dated and signed November 5, 2008 indicated
blood sugars to be taken three timed daily along with an insulin sliding
c. The scale is follows:
i. 151-175=2 units (U);
ti, 176-220=31);
iii. 201-225=4U;
iv. 226-250=5U;
v. 251-275=6U;
vi, 276-300=7U;
vii. 301-325-8U;
viii. 326-350=9U;
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ix. Greater than 350=10 U and call MD.
d. The resident's November 2008 medication observation record indicated as
follows: |
i. November 8 @ 7 AM the blood sugar was 151 and no insulin was
ii. November 9 @ 11:30 the blood sugar test was blank;
iii. November 12 @ 7 AM the blood sugar was 179 and no insulin was
iv. November 15 @ 4:30 the blood sugar test was blank;
y. November 17 @ 7 AM the blood sugar was 191 and no insulin was
vi. November 20 @ 7 AM blood sugar was 376 and no insulin was
vii. November 21 @ 7 AM blood sugar was 174 and no insulin was
viii. November 25 @ 7 AM blood sugar was 179 and no insulin was
ix, November 26 @ 7 AM blood sugar was 186 and no insulin was
x. November 27 @ 7 AM blood sugar was 172 and no insulin was
e. The resident was also to receive Lantus 20 units every morning @7:30
May 28 2009 14:00
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f. The medication observation record for the Lantus was blank on November
24, 2008;
g. The November 2008 medication observation record indicated Digoxin 125
mg one daily hold for pulse (heart rate) less than 60;
h. The November 2008 medication observation record indicated that the
resident took the medication on November 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, and 21, 2008
but no pulse was recorded as taken.
Resident #16
181. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number sixteen (16) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s health assessment was not dated and did not list the resident's
b. An order dated August 2008 and ongoing November 1, 2008 indicated that blood
pressure was to be taken twice daily;
c. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record indicated that on
November 8, 10, 11 through 22, 24, and 26 through 30, 2008, the blood pressure
was noted as taken once daily.
Resident #18
182. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number eighteen (18) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record documented blood
pressure to be taken once daily 7-3 (AM-PM not documented);
b. Blood pressure was not documented and there was no explanation on the back
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explaining the lack of blood pressure for the following days: November 3, 10, and
14, 2008;
c. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated August 15, 2008 indicated
diagnoses that included Hypertension and Dementia;
d, The resident required assistance with the self administration of medications and
Tequired assistance with bathing and supervision with dressing, grooming and
e. A physictan’s order sheet dated September 8, 2008 that was signed by the health
care provider ordered blood pressure daily.
183. That Petitioner's representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator who indicated
that she had reviewed the medication observation record and did not know whether or not the
blood pressures had been taken as ordered because it was not documented.
Resident #19
184. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number nineteen (19) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident's health assessment form 183 dated May 6, 2006 reflected diagnoses
of CAD, HTN, dementia, A-fib and CHF;
b. A healthcare provider's orders dated May 7 and November 5, 2008 indicated that
blood pressure measurements were to be twice daily and indicated "Clonidine 0.1
mg one tablet three (3) times a day as needed for SBP ( systolic blood pressure)
greater than 180 and DAP (diastolic blood pressure) greater than 95.”
c. The resident’s November 2008 medication observation record indicated "BP
twice daily", however the blood pressure was taken and recorded once a day on
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November 10 through 13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, and 28 through 30, 2008;
d. On November 14, 2008, no blood pressures were recorded;
e. The Clonidine was not marked as taken for the month of November.
Resident #20
185. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number twenty (20) during the survey and noted as follows:
a, The resident's November 2008 medication administration record documented
Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG inject every month;
b. There was a block drawn on the space for the 24" at 9 AM and the block was
blank and there was no explanation of why the entry was blank on the back:
c. A bag with | vial of B12-1000 McG inside was noted with a prescription fill date
of September 30, 2008;
d, The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated June 2, 2008 identified a
diagnosis of Hypertension and the resident required assistance with ambulation
and bathing and needed assistance with the self administration of medication;
e. A physician’s order dated December 7, 2007 signed by the health care provider
prescribed Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG inject every month.
186. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator who indicated
that she had reviewed the medication observation record and did not know whether or not the
resident received the ordered Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG as ordered and she did not know why
the vial was found in the medication cart if it was given as ordered,
Resident #21.
187. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
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number twenty-one (21) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. The resident's November 2008 medication observation record documented
Alendronate Sodium 70 mg 1 prior to breakfast with 8 oz of water once a week on
Thursday ~ do not lay down;
b. There was a block drawn on the space for the 27" at 7 AM and the block was
blank and there was no explanation on the back;
c. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated July 15, 2008 included
diagnosis of Hypertension and Osteoporosis and that the resident needed
assistance with ambulation, bathing, and dressing and needed assistance with the
self administration of medication.
188. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator on December 2,
2008 regarding the above referenced resident records who indicated as follows:
a. She had reviewed the medication observation records;
b. She did not know whether or not the medications were given as ordered because it
was not documented;
c. She did not know if there were weekly weights taken as ordered because they
were not documented:
d. No additional documentation was available.
189. That the above facts reflect Respondent’s failure to provide care and services ag
appropriate to the needs of residents where Respondent failed to ensure that the physician's
orders for the administration of insulin, Vitamin B12 injections, blood pressure checks, weekly
weights and medications received were followed and administered as ordered,
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190. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
191. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2\(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
192. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 3, 2008.
193. That on January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 200801 1802) of the Respondent facility.
194, That based upon interview and record review including medications, the facility did not
provide the care and services appropriate to the needs of two (2) of thirteen (13) sampled
residents accepted for admission in Respondent’s failure to follow physician's orders to do
. weekly blood pressure monitoring and hold antihypertensive medications for a systolic blood
pressure of less than 110, the same being contrary to law,
195. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number four (4) during the survey and noted the following:
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated July 15, 2008 documented
diagnoses of hypertension (HTN), and a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) with
left side weakness; | |
b. The resident needed assistance with self-administration of medications;
c, A physician's order dated December 1, 2008 required weekly blood presaure
d. The resident’s December 2008 medication observation record was not available
for review in the chart;
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e. Respondent’s staff could not produce a medication observation record to reflect
that blood pressures were being done weekly as indicated by the physician.
196. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator during the
survey who indicated that she checked the resident’s medication observation record for the
month of December and found that the blood pressures were being done every other week and
not weekly as ordered,
197. That no physician's order was located which would authorize or direct that blood
pressures be completed every other week.
198. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding resident
number ten (10) and noted as follows;
a. The resident’s health assessment form 1823 dated March 18, 2008
reflected diagnoses of hypertension (HTN), Cerebrovascular Accident
(CVA) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM);
b. The resident needed assistance with self administration of medications;
c. A physician's order dated December 2, 2008 required Atenolol (for high
blood pressure) 25 milligrams (mg) daily, hold for systolic blood pressure
less than 110 and Lisinopril (for high blood pressure) 10 mg 1 % tablets
daily, hold for systolic blood pressure (SBP) less than 110;
d. The resident’s December 2008 medication observation record (MOR)
revealed the Atenolol and/or the Lisinopril were not held for systolic
blood pressure Jess than 110 at 9 AM on the following dates:
i. December 11 - BP 98/65 - the Atenolol and the Lisinopril were not
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iit. December 12 - BP 100/unable to read - the Atenolol was not held;
iii, December 16 - BP 102/75 - the Atenolol and the Lisinopril were
not held;
iv. December 19 - BP 107/62 - the Atenolol and the Lisinopril were
not held;
v. December 24 - BP 95/65 - the Atenolol and the Lisinopril were not
e. The reverse of the medication observation record did not indicate why the
medication was not held as prescribed.
199. That Petitioner's representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator and nurse during
the survey who indicated that they could not determine whether or not the blood pressure
medications were held according to the physician's order.
200, That the above facts reflect Respondent’s failure to provide care and services as
appropriate to the needs of residents where Respondent failed to ensure that the physician's
orders for blood pressure checks and the administration of medications received were followed
and administered as ordered.
201. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
202. That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class IJ] violation in
accordance with Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
203. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 31, 2009.
204. That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law,
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WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429,19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
205. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
206. That pursuant to Section 429.41, F.S., the use of physical restraints shall be limited to
half-bed rails, and only upon the written order of the resident’s physician, who shal] review the
order biannually, and the consent of the resident or the resident’s representative. Any device,
including half-bed rails, which the resident chooses to use and can remove or avoid without
assistance shall not be considered a physical restraint. Rule 58A-5.0182(6)(h), Florida
Administrative Code.
207. Tha pursuant to Florida law, "Physical restraint" means a device which physically limits,
restricts, or deprives an individual of movement or mobility, including, but not limited to, a half-
bed rail, a full-bed rail, a geriatric chair, and a posey restraint. The term “physical restraint” shall
also include any device which was not specifically manufactured as a restraint but which has
been altered, arranged, or otherwise used for this purpose. The term shall not include bandage
material used for the purpose of binding a wound or injury. Section 429.02(17), Florida Statutes
208. That on August 22, 2007, the Agency completed a change of ownership survey of the
Respondent facility.
209. That based upon observation, the review of records, and interview, Respondent failed to
obtain physicians orders and the consent of the resident or the resident's representative for the
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use of physical restraints for four (4) of eight (8) sampled residents, the same being contrary to
210. That Petitioner's representative toured Respondent facility on March 17, 2007 at
approximately 9:15 AM and noted as follows:
a. Residents numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), and six (6) had half side bed rails
on their beds:
b. Residents numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), and six (6) were not independent
with the use of the half side rails.
211. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s records regarding residents
numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), and six (6) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. There was no indication that resident number one (1) had consented to the use of
the half side rails:
b, There was no indication that resident number two (2) had consented to the use of
the half side rails and there was no physician’s order for the use of the side rails;
c. There was no indication that resident number three (3) had consented to the use of
the half side rails and there was no physician's order for the use of the side rails;
d. There was no indication that resident number six (6) had consented to the use of
the half side rails.
212. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s administrator during the
survey who indicated that written consents of the resident or the resident’s representative had not
been completed as she was not aware a consent for use of the rails was required.
213. ‘That the failure to ensure that restraints are utilized only where appropriate places
residents at risk of injury from such devices and is contrary to the requirements of law.
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214. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility, or to the personal care of Facility residents, and directly threatened
the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of the Facility residents.
215. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429,19(2\(c), Florida Statutes (2007). .
216. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of September 6, 2007.
217. That during a re-visit survey conducted October 10, 2007 the Agency determined that the
Respondent had corrected the deficiency.
218. That on January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a Biennial Licensure Survey of the
Respondent facility.
219. That based upon observations, the review of records, and interview, Respondent failed to
ensure that the use of physical restraints was limited to half-rails and only with a written order
from the resident's physician who reviewed the order biannually and that the facility obtained the
consent of the resident or the resident's representative for two (2) of thirteen (13) sampled
residents, the same being contrary to law.
220. That Petitioner’s representative toured Respondent facility during the survey and noted as
a. On January 13, 2009 at approximately 10 AM it was noted that resident number
ten (10) had half-bed-rails in place;
b. On January 14, 2009 at approximately 1 PM, resident 'number ten (10) was noted ,
in bed with the side rails up and stating the need for assistance from the staff with
bathing, dressing and transferring;
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c. On January 13, 2009 at approximately 10 AM it was noted that the hospital bed
for resident number thirteen (13) had half-bed rails in place;
d. Resident number thirteen (13) indicated an inability to move the rails up and
down at will due to left side paralysis.
221. That Petitioner's representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding residents
numbered ten (10) and thirteen (13) during the survey and noted as follows:
a. -A health assessment form 1823 dated March 18, 2008 indicated diagnoses of
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), hypertension, and diabetes for resident number
ten (10); .
b. There was an order from the physician for resident number ten (10) dated April 1,
2008 for the use of the rails;
c. There was no documentation or other indication Respondent had ensured that the
physician of resident number ten (10) had reviewed the order biannually, due
October 1, 2008, for the continued use of the side rails;
d. A health assessment form 1823 dated October 29, 2008 indicated a diagnosis of
CVA for resident number thirteen (13);
e. That absent from the records was a physician’s order for the use of side bed rails
for the resident or any indication of the consent for the use of the restraint by
Tesident number thirteen (13) or the resident’s representative.
222. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s director of nursing during the
survey who indicated that resident number ten (10) was not independent with the use of the side
rails and there was no updated order from the physician for the use of the side rails.
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223. That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’ s administrator during the
survey who indicated that a physician's order for the half-bed rails and the resident's consent for
the use of the rails were not available for resident number thirteen (13).
224. That the failure to ensure that restraints are utilized only where appropriate places
residents at risk of injury from such devices and is contrary to the requirements of law.
225. Thatthe Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
226. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a repeat Class III violation in accordance with
Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
227. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 15, 2009.
228. That this constitutes a repeat violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility im the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
229. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs (1) through (5) as if fully set forth
230. That pursuant to Florida law, all residents assessed at risk for elopement or with any
history of elopement shall be identified so staff can be alerted to their needs for support and
supervision... As part of its resident elopement response policies and procedures, the facility
shall make, at a minimum, a daily effort to determine that at risk residents have identification on
their persons that includes their name and the facility’s name, address, and telephone number.
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Staff attention shall be directed towards residents assessed at high risk for elopement, with
special attention given to those with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders assessed at high
risk. Rule 58A-5.0182(8)(a), Florida Administrative Code.
231. That pursuant to Florida law, facilities are required to conduct a minimum of two resident
elopement prevention and response drills per year. All administrators and direct care staff must
participate in the drills which shall include a review of procedures to address resident elopement.
Facilities must document the implementation of the drills and ensure that the drills are conducted
in a manner consistent with the facility's resident elopement policies and procedures.
§429.41(1)(a}(3), Florida Statutes (2008).
232, That pursuant to Florida law, the establishment of specific policies and procedures on
resident elopement. Facilities shall conduct a minimum of two resident elopement drills each
year. All administrators and direct care staff shall participate in the drills. Facilities shall ©
document the drills. §429.41(1)(), Florida Statutes (2008),
233. That on December 1-2, 2008, the Agency completed a Complaint Survey (CCR#
2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
234. That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that all
residents assessed at risk for elopement or with any history of elopement were identified and
maintained on their person identification so staff can be alerted to their needs for support and
supervision for three (3) residents, the same being contrary to law.
235. That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent's records regarding resident
number twenty-two (22) during the survey and noted as follows;
a. The resident’s health assessment 1823, not dated, indicated diagnoses of vascular
dementia, Alzheimer's dementia and HTN;
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b. The form indicated the resident was pleasantly confused;
c. A facility note dated November 30, 2008, 7-3 shift, indicated that the resident was
in the elevator and tried to leave the secure unit;
d. A facility note dated November 30, 2008 at 12:34 indicated that the resident took
the stairs and headed out of the building, two staff followed the resident, and the
writer called the police. The resident continued to walk to where the police were
where they picked the resident up and brought the resident back to facility;
e. A facility note dated November 30, 2008 at 4 PM indicated that the resident left
the building and sat outside the front of the facility, redirection was unsuccessful.
Ativan 1 mg IM was given and resident redirected and returned to the second
236. That Petitioner’s representative the administrator during the survey who indicated that
there were three (3) residents at risk for elopement but none had identification on their person as
she was waiting for identification bracelets to come in.
237. That the failure to ensure residents at risk of elopement maintain identification on their
person places residents at risk as staff are unaware of the individuals who engage in elopement
behaviors and the residents, if successful in eloping, do not have identification to aid in their
location and safe retum.
238. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
239. That the Agency cited the Respondent for a Class III violation in accordance with Section
429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
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240. That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of December 4, 2008.
241. Thaton January 14, 2009, the Agency completed a re-visit to the Complaint Survey
(CCR# 2008011802) of the Respondent facility.
242, That based upon the review of records and interview, Respondent failed to ensure that all
residents assessed at risk for elopement or with any history of elopement were identified and
maintained on their person identification so staff can be alerted to their needs for support and
supervision for three (3) of five (5) sampled residents, the same being contrary to law.
243, That Petitioner’s representative reviewed Respondent’s book of residents identified to be
at risk for elopement revealed there were five (5) residents identified at risk and they all resided
in the secure unit.
244. That Petitioner's representative observed the five (5) residents identified at risk for
elopement on January 14, 2009 at approximately 10:30 AM and noted that only two (2) of the
five (5) residents wore the identification bracelets the facility used for at-risk residents.
245. That at-risk resident number one (1) was observed in bed and was not wearing the
identification bracelet.
246. That at-risk resident number two (2) was observed walking and did not have an
identification bracelet.
247. That at-risk resident number three (3) was observed sitting in the front room with no
identification bracelet.
248, That Petitioner’s representative interviewed Respondent’s staff member on said date at _
about 10:40 AM who indicated that the identification of at-risk resident number three (3) was on
the walker which was at the opposite end of the hallway and not on the resident as required.
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May 28 2009 14:04
249. That continued interview revealed that all the residents assessed at-risk are constantly -
taking off their identification bracelets.
250. That the failure to ensure residents at risk of elopement maintain identification on their
person places residents at risk as staff are unaware of the individuals who engage in elopement
behaviors and the residents, if successful in eloping, do not have identification to aid in their
location and safe return.
251. That the Agency determined that this deficient practice was related to the operation and
maintenance of the Facility or to the personal care of Facility residents, and indirectly or
potentially threatened the physical or emotional health, safety, or security of Facility residents.
252. That the Agency cited the Respondent for an uncorrected Class I] violation in
accordance with Section 429,19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008),
253, That the Agency provided a mandated correction date of January 31, 2009.
254. That this constitutes an uncorrected violation as provided by law.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an administrative fine in the amount of
five hundred dollars ($500.00), against Respondent, an assisted living facility in the State of
Florida, pursuant to Section 429.19(2)(c), Florida Statutes (2008).
255, The Agency re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and Counts [
through X of this Complaint as if fully recited herein.
256. That the Agency may revoke any license issued under Part | of Chapter 429 Florida
Statutes (2008) for the citation of one (1) or more cited Class I deficiencies, three (3) or more
cited Class II deficiencies, or five (5) or more cited Class III deficiencies that have been cited on
a single survey and have not been corrected within the specified time period. Section
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429.14(1)(e) Florida Statutes (2008).
257, That the Respondent has been cited with three (3) repeat Class III deficiencies on an
Agency complaint survey completed December 2, 2008.
258. That the Respondent has been cited with six (6) uncorrected Class IE deficiencies on an
Agency complaint survey completed January 14, 2009.
259. That Florida law provides that in addition to the grounds provided in authorizing statutes,
grounds that may be used by the agency for denying and revoking a license or change of
ownership application include any of the following actions by a controlling interest: (b) An
intentional or negligent act materially affecting the health or safety of a client of the provider, (¢}
A violation of this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable rules, and (d) A demonstrated pattern
of deficient performance. Section 408.815(1)(a), (c), and (d), Florida Statutes (2008).
260. That Respondent has violated the minimum requirements of law of Chapters 429, Part Il,
and Chapter 584-5, Florida Administrative Code as described with particularity within this
261. That Respondent has a duty to maintain its operations in accord with the minimum
Tequirements of law and to provide care and services at mandated minimum standards,
262. That the above reflect grounds for which the Agency may revoke Respondent’s licensure
to operate and assisted living facility in the State of Florida.
263. That Respondent has a duty to maintain its operations in accord with the minimum
standards of law and its actions or inactions as described with particularity within this complaint
constitute intentional or negligent acts which are in violation of the mandates of law and
materially effected the health or safety of residents, and represent a pattern of deficient practices
over an extended period of time.
May 28 2009 14:05
MAY-28-2889 15:18 AGENCY HEALTH CARE ADMIN 856 921 4158 P34
264, That based thereon, individually and collectively, the Agency seeks the revocation of the
Respondent’s licensure.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to revoke the license of the Respondent to operate an
assisted living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to §§ 408.815 and 429.14, Florida Statutes
Respectfully submitted this day of April, 2009.
Fla, Bar. No. 566365
Counsel for Petitioner
Agency for Health Care Administration °
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330G
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section
120,569, Florida Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be represented by an attorney
in this matter. Specific options for administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health Care Administration, and .
delivered to Agency Clerk, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg
#3,MS #3, Tallahassee, FL 32308; Telephone (850) 922-5873.
IT HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served by
U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt No. 7004 2890 0000 5526 5182 on April Z ¥ 2009 to Leasa
R. Phenix, Administrator, The Brookshire, 85 Bulldog Blvd, Melbourne, Florida 3290] and by
U.S. Mail to Corporation Service Company, Registered Agent, 120] Hays Street, Tallahassee,
Florida 32301-2525,
Tho: alsh I]
Senfof Attorney
MAN -28-2889
Copies furnished to:
May 28 2009 14:06
856 921 4158
Leasa R. Phenix, Administrator
The Brookshire
85 Bulldog Blvd
Melbourne, Florida 32901
(U.S. Certified Mail)
Doris Spivey
Facility Evaluator Supervisor
Hurston South Tower
400 W Robinson St., #309
Orlando, Florida 32801
(U.S. Mail)
Corporation Service Company
Registered Agent
1201 Hays Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301-2525
(U.S. Mail)
Thomas J. Walsh II, Esq.
Asst. General Counsel
Agency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330G
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
May 28 2009 14:06
MAY-28-2889 15:16 AGENCY HEALTH CARE ADMIN 856 921 @1i58 P.36
This Election of Rights form is attached to a proposed action by the Agency for Health Care
Administration (AHCA). The title may be an Administrative Complaint, Notice of Intent to
Impose a Late Fee, or Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine.
Your Election of Rights must be returned by mail or by fax within twenty-one (21) days of the
date you receive the attached Administrative Complaint, Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fee, or
Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine,
If your Election of Rights with your elected Option is not received by AHCA within twenty-one
(21) days from the date you received this notice of proposed action by AHCA, you will have given
up your right to contest the Agency’s proposed action and a Final Order will be issued.
Please use this form unless you, your attorney or your representative prefer to reply in accordance
with Chapter! 20, Florida Statutes (2008) and Rule 28, Florida Administrative Code.
Agency for Health Care Administration
Attention: Agency Clerk
2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Phone: 850-922-5873 . Fax: 850-921-0158
OPTION ONE (1) sd: admit the allegations of fact and law contained in the Notice of
Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Fee, or Administrative Complaint and 1 waive my right to
object and to have a hearing, I understand that by giving up my right to a hearing, a Final Order
will be issued that adopts the proposed apency action and imposes the penalty, fine or action.
OPTION TWO (2) ____—‘_ admit the allegations of fact and law contained in the Notice of
Intent to Impose a Late Fine or Fee, or Administrative Complaint, but I wish to be heard at
an informal proceeding (pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes) where I may submit
testimony and written evidence to the Agency to show that the proposed administrative action is
too severe or that the fine should be reduced.
OPTION THREE (3) __ I dispute the allegations of fact and law contained in the Notice of
Intent to Impose a Late Fee, the Notice of Intent to Impose a Late Fine, or Administrative
Complaint, and I request a formal hearing (pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes)
before an Administrative Law Judge appointed by the Division of Administrative Hearings.
May 28 2009 14:06
MAY-28-2889 15:19
PLEASE NOTE: Choosing OPTION THREE (3) by itself is NOT sufficient to obtain a
formal hearing, You also must file a written petition in order to obtain a formal hearing before
the Division of Administrative Hearings under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. It must be
received by the Agency Clerk at the address above within 21 days of your receipt of this proposed
administrative action. The request for formal hearing must conform to the requirements of Rule 28-
106.2015, Florida Administrative Code, which requires that it contain:
1. Your name, address, telephone number, and the name, address, and telephone number of
your representative or lawyer, if any.
2. The file number of the proposed action.
3. A statement of when you received notice of the Agency’s proposed action.
4. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, you must state that there
are none.
Mediation under Section 120,573, Florida Statutes may be available in this matter if the Agency
License Type: (Assisted Living Facility, Nursing Home, Medical Equipment,
Licensee Name: License Number:
Contact Person:
Name Title
Street and Number City State Zip Code
Telephone No, Fax No. E-Mail (optional)
Thereby certify that I am duly authorized to submit this Notice of Election of Rights to the Agency
for Health Care Administration on behalf of the above licensee.
Signature: Date:
Print Name; Title:
Docket for Case No: 09-002941
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jul. 21, 2009 |
Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jul. 21, 2009 |
(Petitioner's) Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jun. 18, 2009 |
Notice of Service of Agency's First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Jun. 18, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Jun. 18, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 13, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Melbourne, FL).
Jun. 09, 2009 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel and Request for Service (filed by T. Walsh) filed.
Jun. 08, 2009 |
Notice of Transfer.
Jun. 05, 2009 |
Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Jun. 02, 2009 |
Amended Initial Order.
May 29, 2009 |
Initial Order.
May 28, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
May 28, 2009 |
Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
May 28, 2009 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.