Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Locations: Dade City, Florida
Filed: Jul. 22, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, July 30, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
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Petitioner, Case No. 2009005745
COMES NOW the Agency for Health Care Administration (the
‘Agency”) and files this Administrative Complaint against
American Senior Living of Dade City, FL, LLC, a/b/a Edwinola
Retirement Community (*“Respondent” or “Respondent Facility”),
pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and
This is an action to impose an administrative fine in the
amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and a survey fee of
Eive hundred dollars ($500.00), for a total assessment of one
thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), or such other relief
as this tribunal may determine, based upon one cited State Class
II deficiency, pursuant to Section 429.19, Florida Statutes.
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1. The Agency has jurisdiction pursuant to Sections
20.42, 120,60, and 429.07, and Chapter 408, Part II, Florida
2. Venue lies pursuant to Florida Administrative Code
Rule 28-106.207.
3. The Agency is the regulatory authority responsible for
licensing assisted living facilities and enforcing all
applicable state statutes and rules governing assisted living
facilities pursuant to Chapter 408, Part YI, and Chapter 429, .
Part I, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 58A-5, Florida
Administrative Code.
4. Respondent operates a one hundred and seventy (170)
bed assisted living facility located at 14235 Edwinola Way, Dade
City, Florida 33525, and is licensed ag an assisted living
facility, license number 7295, with an extended congregate care
(“ECC”) designation. |
5. At all times material to the allegations of this
complaint, Respondent was a licensed facility under the
licensing authority of the Agency and was required to comply
with all applicable rules and statutes.
6. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates above
paragraphs one (1) through five (5}, as if fully set forth in
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this count.
7. Rule 58A-5.0182, Florida Administrative Code,
Resident Care Standards:
An assisted living facility shall provide care and
services appropriate to the needs of residents
accepted for admission to the facility.
SUPERVISION. Facilities shall offer personal
supervision, as appropriate for each resident,
including the following:
(b) Daily observation by designated staff of the
activities of the resident while on the premises, and
awareness of the general health, safety, and physical
and emotional well-being of the individual.
(c} General awareness of the resident’s whereabouts.
The resident may travel independently in the
(d} Contacting the resident's health care provider and
other appropriate party such as the resident‘s family,
guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if
the resident exhibits a significant change; contacting
the resident's family, guardian, health care
surrogate, or cage manager if the reaident is
discharged or moves out.
(e) A written record, updated as needed, of any
significant changes as defined in 58A-5.0131(33),
F.A.C., any illnesses which resulted in medical
attention, major incidents, changes in the method of
medication administration, or other changes which
resulted in the provision of additional services.
a. Rule 58A-5.0131(33), Florida Administrative Code,
(33) “Significant change” means a sudden or major
shift in behavior or mood, or a deterioration in
health status such as unplanned weight change, stroke,
heart condition, or stage 2, 3, OF 4 pressure sore.
Ordinary day-to-day fluctuations in functioning and
behavior, a short-term illness such as a cold, or the
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qradual deterioration in the ability to carry out the
activities of daily living that accompanies the aging
process are not considered significant changes.
go. Rule 58A-5.024(4}) (a), Florida Administrative Code,
(a) All records required by this rule chapter shall be
available for inspection at all times by staff of the
agency, the department, the district long-term care
ombudsman council, and the advocacy center for persons
with disabilities.
10. Section 429.255, Florida statutes, requires:
(1) (a) Persons under contract to the facility,
facility staff, or volunteers, who are licensed
according to part I of chapter 464, or those persons
exempt under s. 464.022(1), and others as defined by
rule, may administer medications to residents, take
residents! vital signs, manage individual weekly pill
erganizers for residents who self-administer
medication, give prepackaged enemas ordered by a
physician, observe residents, document observations on
the appropriate resident's record, report observations
to the resident's physician, and contract or allow
residents or a resident's representative, designee,
surrogate, guardian, or attorney in fact to contract
with a third party, provided residents meet the
criteria for appropriate placement as defined in s.
429.26. Nursing assistants certified pursuant to part
IL of chapter 464 may take residents' vital signs as
directed by a licensed nurse or physician,
(b) All staff in facilities licerised under this part
shall exercise their professional responsibility to
observe residents, to document observations on the
appropriate resident's record, and to report the
observations to the resident's physician. However,
the owner or administrator of the facility shall be
responsible for determining that the resident
receiving services is appropriate for residence in the
facility. ,
(2) In facilities licensed to provide extended
congregate care, persons under contract to the
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facility, facility staff, or volunteers, who are
licensed adcording to part I of chapter 464, or those
persons exempt under s. 464.022(1), or those persons
certified as nursing assistants pursuant to part II of
chapter 464, may also perform all duties within the
scope of their license or certification, as approved
by the facility administrator and pursuant to this
11. Section 429.26(3), Florida Statutes, requires;
(3) Persons licensed under part I of chapter 464 who
are employed by or under contract with a facility
shall, on a routine basis or at least monthly, perform
a nursing assessment of the residents for whom they
are providing nursing services ordered by a physician,
except administration of medication, and shall
document such assessment, including any substantial
changes in a resident's status which may necessitate
relocation to a nursing home, hospital, or specialized
health care facility. Such records shall be maintained
in the facility for inspection by the agency and shall
be forwarded to the resident's case manager, if
22. Rule 58A-5.030(3), Florida Administrative Code,
(4) STAFFING REQUIREMENTS. Fach extended congregate
care program shall:
(>) Provide, as staff or by contract, the services of
@ nurse who shall be available to provide nursing
services as needed by ECC residents, participate in
the development. of resident service plans, and perform
monthly nursing assessments.
(a) An individual must meet the following minimum
criteria in order to be admitted to an extended
congregate care program.
6. Not have any stage 3 or 4 pressure sores,
(6) Criteria for continued residency in an ECC program
shall be the same as the criteria for admission,
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{a) In addition to the records required under Rule
58A-5,024, F.A.C., an extended congregate care program
shall waintain the following:
1, The service plans for each resident receiving
extended congregate care services;
2. The nursing progress notes for each resident
receiving nursing services;
3. Nursing assessments; and
4, The facility’s ECC policies and procedures.
(b) Upon request, a facility shall report to the
department such information as necessary to meet the
requirements of Section 429.07(3) (b)9., F.S.
(10) DISCHARGE. If the facility and the resident are
unable to agree on a service plan, or if the facility
is unable to meet the resident's needs as identified
in the service plan, or if the resident ne longer
meets the criteria for continued residency, the
resident. shall be discharged in accordance with
Sections 429.26(8) and 429,28(1), F.S.
13. Rule 58A-5.0181, Florida Administrative Code,
(1) ADMISSION CRITERIA. An individual must meet the
following minimum e¢riteria in order to be admitted to
‘a facility holding a standard, limited nursing or
limited mental health license:
(j) Not have any stage 3 or 4 pressure sores. A
resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure sore may
be admitted provided that:
i. The facility has.a LNS license and services are
provided pursuant to a plan of care issued by a
physician, or the resident contracts directly with a
licensed home health agency or a nurse to provide
care; .
2. The condition is documented in the resident’s
record; and
3. If the resident’s condition fails to improve within
30 days, as documented by a licensed nurse or
physician, the resident shall be discharged from the
(4) CONTINUED RESIDENCY. Criteria for continued
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residency in a facility holding a standard, limited
nursing services, or limited mental health license
shall be the same as the criteria for admission,
except as follows:
{a) The resident May be bedridden for up to 7
consecutive days.
(b) A resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure
sore may be retained provided that:
1. The facility has a LNS license and services are
provided pursuant to a plan of care issued by a
physician, or the resident contracts dixectly with a
licensed home health agency or a nurse to provide
2, The condition is documented in the resident’s
record; and
3. If the resident’s condition fails to improve within
30 days, as documented by a licensed nurse or
physician, the resident shall be discharged from the
(d) The administrator is responsible for monitoring
the continued appropriateness of placement of a
resident in the facility.
(e) Continued residency criteria for facilities
holding an extended congregate care license are
described in Rule S8A-5.030, F.A.c.
(5) DISCHARGE. If the resident no longer meets the
criteria for continued residency, or the facility is
unable to meet the resident’s needs, as determined by
the facility administrator or health care provider,
the resident shall be discharged in accordance with
Section 429.28(1), F.S.
14. Under commonly accepted standards of nursing practice,
pressure sores are characterized by stage:
Stage 1:
Pressure ulcer is an observable pressure-related alteration of
intact skin whose indicators ag comparéd to an adjacent or
Opposite area on the body may include changes in one or more of
the following: skin temperature (warmth or coolness), tissue
consistency (firm or boggy feel), and/or sensation (pain,
The ulcer appears as a defined area of persistent redness in
lightly pigmented skin, whereas in darker skin tones, the ulcer
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may appear with persistent red, blue, or purple hues.
Stage 2:
Partial thickness skin loss invelving epidermis, dermis, or
both. The ulcer is superficial and presents clini¢ally as an
abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
Stage 3:
Full thickness skin loss involving damage to, or necrosis of,
subcutaneous tissue that may extend down to, but not through,
underlying fascia. The ulcer presents clinically as a deep
cxater with or without undermining of adjacent tissue.
Stage 4:
Full thickness skin loss with extensive destruction, tissue
necrosis, or damage to muscle, bone, or supporting structures
(e.g., tendon, joint, capsule). Undermining and sinus tracts
also may be associated with Stage IV pressure ulcers.
15. On April 13, 2009, the Agency conducted a complaint
investigation of Respondent Facility,
i5.a. Based upon observation, record review and
interview the facility failed to provide care and
services appropriate to the needs of one (1) of four
(4) residents, Resident #2.
15.b. During record review for Resident #2, it was
determined that she/he was admitted te the facility on
November 10, 2008, with diagnoses of atrial fib, dementia,
and hypertension. There was no documentation of pressure
sores on the health assessment dated November 4, 2008,
15.¢. The resident was admitted to the local hospital
on March 6, 2009, with diagnoses of hypotension and
decreased level of consciousness, after being seen by the
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advanced registered nurse at the facility for complaints of
cough. Documentation by the home health agency treating
the resident noted only a left lower ankle wound being
15.d. Interview on April 13, 2009, at approximately
11:10 a.m. with the facility director of nursing confirmed
that there was a note in Resident #2's file dated March 6,
2009, by an unknown author recounting the observation of an
area on Resident #2’s buttocks dark in color but not open.
15.e. The initial assessment completed by the hospital
on March 6, 2009, indicated a large stage III pressure
sore, 6 cm diameter, with necrotic tissue to the
coceyx/ sacrum area. The hospital admitting diagnosie was
to rule out sepsis, anemia, and pressure sores on buttocks
with erythemia. Initial emergency reom treatment consisted
of normal saline 500 ml bolus and Rocephine 1 gram TV. The
hospital history and physical dated March 6, 2009,
completed by the attending physician confirmed an
“infection decubitus ulceration’.
15.£. Hospital documentation dated March 7, 2009 at
2:14 p.m. confirmed that the consulting surgeon performed
debridement 15 em x 15 cm with wound vac therapy.
15.g. In an interview with complainant on April 13,
2009, at approximately 8:00 a.m., the complainant confirmed
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to the Agency surveyor that the hospital informed Resident
#2'’s family that there was nothing more that could be done
and a “Do Not Resuscitate” order was initiated. The
resident was transported to the local hospice facility
where she/he expired 30 minutes after admission.
i5.h, Interviews with the chief nursing officer and
associate administrator of the hospital on April 13, 2009,
at approximately 1:30 p.m. confirmed accuracy of hospital
15,i. The Respondent's file for Resident #2 contained
no monthly nursing assessment, no documentation of Resident
#2's significant change, and no documentation that
Respondent had notified the family, guardian, health care
surrogate or case manager and health care provider of
Resident #2's significant change.
15.3. Failure by the facility to document and prevent .a
pressure sore from developing or worsening, failure to
promptly séek médical care for the Stage III pressure sore,
and failure to promptly notify family and Resident #2’s
health care provider of the significant change put Resident
#2 at risk for unmet needs and a lite threatening
16. The Agency determined that each of these
deficient practices of Respondent Facility’s staff -- failing to
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prevent Resident #2’s pressure sore from developing or
worsening, failure to document the Progress of the pressure sore
so that Raspondent’s administrator could make an assessment of
Resident #2’s continued suitability for residence at the
Respondent facility, failure to promptly document and seek
medical care for Resident #2‘s pressure sore, and failure to
promptly notify family and Resident #2's health care provider of
Resident #2’‘s significant change ~- put the resident at risk for
unmet needs and a life threatening situation related to the
personal care of the resident that directly threatened the
health, safety, or security of the resident and cited Respondent
for a State Class II deficiency pursuant to § 429.19 (2) (b),
Florida Statutes. |
17. The Agency provided Respondent with a mandatory
correction date of May 13, 2009.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to impose an adminiatrative
fine in the amount of $1,000.00 against Respondent, an assisted
living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to &§$§
429.19(2) (b) and (3), Florida Statutes, or such further relief
as this tribunal deems just.
18. The Agency re-alleges and incorporates above
paragraphs one (1) through five (5) and Count I, as if fully set
forth in this count.
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19. Pursuant to Section 429.19 (7), Florida Statutes, in
addition to any administrative fines imposed, the Agency may
agsess a survey fee equal to the lesser of one half of a
facility’s biennial licenge and bed fee, or $500, to cover the
cost of conducting an initial complaint investigation that
results in the finding of a violation that was the subject of
the complaint,
20. On or about April 13, 2009, the Agency conducted a
complaint investigation of Respondent Pacility which found a
violation that was the subject of the complaint.
41. Pursuant to Section 429.19(7), Florida Statutes, such
a finding as specified in paragraph 17, above, subjects the
Respondent Facility to a survey fee equal to the leaser of one
half of the Respondent’s biennial license and bed fee, or $500.
WHEREFORE, the Agency intends to additionally impose a
survey fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) against Respondent,
an assisted living facility in the State of Florida, pursuant to
§ 429.19(7), Florida Statutes.
secs of. ns
es H. Harris
Pla. Bar. No. 817775
Counsel for Petitioner .
Agency for Health care Administration
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330H
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
727.552.1535 (office)
727.552.1440 (fax)
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Respondent is notified that it has a right to request an
administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569, Florida
Statutes. Respondent has the right to retain, and be represented
by an attorney in thig matter. Specific options for
administrative action are set out in the attached Election of
All requests for hearing shall be made to the Agency for Health
Care Administration, and delivered to Agency Clerk, Agency for
Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahen Drive, Bldg #3,MS #3,
Tallahassee, FL 32308;Telephone (850) 922-5873.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing has been served by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt
No. 7004 2890 0000 5526 6561 to C.T. Corporation System,
Registered Agent for American Senior Living of Dade City, FL,
LLC, d/b/a Edwinola Retirement Community, 1200 South Pine tsland
Road, Plantation, Florida 33324 and by U.S. Mail to Mark A.
Davis, Administrator for American Senior Living of Dade City,
PL, LLC, d/b/a Edwinola Retirement Community, 14225 Edwinola
Way, Dade City, Florida 33525, on June 2% , 2009.
es H. Har¥is, Esquire
jistant General Counsel
a7/22/2889 @a:a9 8589218158
Copies furnished to:
Jul 22 2009 3:17
PAGE 27/28
C.T. Corporation System,
Registered Agent for
American Senior Living of Dade
City, FL, LLC, d/b/a
Edwinola Retirement Community,
1200 South Pine Island Road,
Plantation, Florida 33324
(0.8. Certified Mail)
James H. Harris, Esq.
Agency for Health Care Admin.
525 Mirror Lake Drive, 330H
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Mark A. Davis,
Administrator for
American Senior Living of Dade
City, FL, LLC d/b/a
Edwinola Retirement Community
14235 Edwinola Way
Dade City, Florida 33525
(U.S, Mail)
Kathleen Varga,
Pacility Evaluator Supervisor
525 Mirror Lake Dr., 4° Floor
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
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; PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Retum Recalpt 1O25GS-07-M
Docket for Case No: 09-003914
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jul. 30, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jul. 29, 2009 |
Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Notice of Service of Agency's First Set of Interrogatories to American Senior Living of Dade City, FL, LLC, d/b/a Edwinola Retirement Community filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
First Request for Admissions filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Election of Rights filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Jul. 22, 2009 |
Notice (of Agency referral) filed.