Respondent: MICHAEL J. ZAPPA, M.D.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: West Palm Beach, Florida
Filed: Oct. 01, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, June 14, 2010.
Latest Update: Mar. 03, 2025
Oct 1 2009 9:02
Oct 1 2009 68:57 P. O04
| CASE NO, 2007-09087
COMES NOW, Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through its
undersigned counsel, and files this Administrative Complaint before the
Board of Medicine against the Respondent, Michael J. Zappa, MD, cand in
support thereof alleges: |
1, Petitioner is the state department charged with reguiating the
practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.93, riorida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. :
2, At all times material to this Compizint, Respondent was a
licensed physician within the State of Florida, having been issued license
number ME 55435,
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1 2009 «9:02
12009 8:57 P05
3. Respondent's address of record is 1800 Forest Hill Boulevard,
Suite A-2, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406.
4, Respondent is board certified in Emergency Medicine. !
5. On or about May 23, 2005, Patient DG, a forty-five (45) year-
old male presented to the Emergency Room (ER) of Palms West Hospital
(PWH) at approximately 7:00 a.m. with a rash and
intense itching,
6. Patient DG had been exposed to chicken pox approximately two
weeks earlier.
7. -Patient DG also complained of diffuse
abdominal pain, ft was
noted on the ER record that Patient DG had a history of crohn’s disease (a
disease of the intestinal tract).
8. The ER records note that Patient DG
medication: Tramadol, Zyrtec, and Purinethol.
was taking the following
9. Tramadol, contained in Ultram, is an analgesic d arug which is not
currently listed on ‘any Chapter 893, Florida Statutes schedule,
10, Purinethol is the trade name fo
1 Mercaptopurine, an
immunosuppressant, [lowers the body’s immune response (protection
against disease)] anc balonas to the group of mecicines known as
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Oct 1 2009 9:02
Oct 1 2009 6:57 P. O06
antimetabolites which are generally used to treat acute feukemia and or
some forms of cancer.
11. Zyrtec is used for allergies.
12, Immunocompromised patients (have reduced Immune response
to combat disease) with chickenpox, as Patient |DG, tend to have more
severe disease needing admission to the hospital for further treatment such
as intravenous acyclovir (an antiviral medication), known to be ¢ffective
against chickenpox. | |
13, The medical records for Patient DG do not contain any notes
documenting Respondent recognized Patient DG was immunocompromised.
14, The medical records for Patient DG do not contain any notes
mentioning or discussing the known effect of increasing the severity of an
iliness an immunosuppressant such as Purinetho} wourd have and Patient
DG's recent exposure to chicken pox.
15. The medical records for Patient DG do not contain any notes
documenting a discussion between Responcent and Patient DG regarding
the fact that he had contracted chickenpox whi¢ under the effects of an
immunesuppressant drug.
1 2009 «9:02
12009 6:58 P.O?
16. While in the ER, Patient DG was giver Benadryi and Vistaril and
had a laboratory workup including @ complete b
in essentially normal findings.
17, -Respondent suggested to Patient DG
ood count which resuited
that he should have a-CT
scan of the abdomen, but Patient DG refused, pigning a form stating he
had refused the CT scan.
18. After approximately six hours in the ER, having refused the CT
scan, Respondent discharged Patient DG, with a diagnosis of Varicella
(chickenpox) giving him a prescription for Atarax
(to help with the itching).
19. Although Patient DG was on an immunosuppressive drug, there
are no notes in the medical records indicating
acknowledged that fact.
Respondent addressed or
20. The medical records do not contain any notes indicating
Respondent's justification or rezsoning for discharging Patient DG without
any treatment for his diagnosis of varicella or chickenpox.
21. Respondent did not order any antiv
iral medication to combat
the chickenpox nor did he document his justification for giving Patient DGa
prescription for Atar@y tc relieve the itching,
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without prescribing any
1 2009 9:03
12009 6:58 P. 08
antiviral medication to combat the disease due to Patient DG being
22. Patient DG's medical records do npt contain any follow-up
23. On or about May: 24, 2005, the day following Patient DG's
presentation to the ER at PWH, Patient DG
Regional Medical Center (WRMC) with simila
presented to Wellington
r symptorns as he had
exhibited the previous day at the PWH emergency room.
24, While at WRMC, Patient DG consented to a CT scan of the
abdomen which revealed a fistula between
transverse colon.
the terminal Keum and
25, An x-ray taken at WRMC on May 24, 2005, revealed Patient DG
had bilateral pneumonia.
26. Soon thereafter, Patient DG developed progressive respiratory
failure becoming hypoxic (insufficient oxygen reaching body tissues) and
septic (the putrefaction or decay of body tissues)
with multi-organ failure.
27, On or about May 26, 2005, Patient DG suffered cardiac arrest
and expired,
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Oct 1 2009 9:03
Oct 1 2009 6:58 P.09
28. Petitioner incorporates and realleges paragraphs one through
twenty-seven (27) as if fully set forth herein.
29. Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2004) provide that
failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment
which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being
acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances constitutes grounds
for discipline by the Board of Medicine.
30, Respondent failed to practice medicime with that level of care,
skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably ‘prudent similar
physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances,
in one or more of the following ways: |
a) by failing to consider or address that Patient DG had
contracted chickenpox and while under the effects of an
immunosuppressant drug; |
b) by failing to admit Patient DG to the hospital for
treatment of the chicken oox;
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c) by failing to assess the additiona
1 2009 «99:03
1 2009 8:58 P.10
| risks chicken pox posed
for Patient DG due to his immungcompromised condition;
d) by failing to determine the type of medication Patient DG
was taking; and or
e) by failing to discuss with Patient
immunosuppressant drug, SUCH
was taking, has on chickenpox,
31, Based on the foregoing, Responds
458. 331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), by failing
DG the known effects an
as the one Patient DG
nt has violated Section
to practice medicine with
that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably
prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and
32. Petitioner incorporates and realleges
twenty-seven (27) as if fully set forth herein.
paragraphs one through
33, Section 458.331/1\m), Florida Statutes (2004), provides that
failing to keep legibie, < Gefinec by cepartment
rule in consult tation with
Oct 1 2009 9:03
Oct 1 2009 6:59 P.11
the board, medical records that, among other things, justify the course of
treatment of the patient, inclucing, ‘put not limited £0, patient histories;
examination results; test results; records of arugs prescribed, dispensed, or
administered; and reports of consultations and Hospitalizations, is grounds
for discipline by the Board of Medicine.
34. Respondent failed to keep legible medical records that justify
the course of treatment of the. patient in one jor more of the following
a) by failing to document reaspning or justification for
discharging Patient DG, in light of the increased risk
chicken pox posed to him due his immunocompromised
b) by failing to adequately docurrent that chickenpox could
sffect Patient DG with greater severity due to the
immunosuppressant he was taking;
c) by failing to document reasoning or justification for
discharging Patient DG without adequately addressing the
diagnosis of varicella or ChicKenpox.
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Oct 1 2009 9:04
Oct 1 2009 6:59 P.12
3) by failing to cocument reasoning or justification for
issuing a prescription to Patient/DG to relieve the itching
without prescribing an antiviral to. combat the chickenpox;
and/ or
e) by failing to document any digcussion with Patient DG
regarding the known effects an immunosuppressant Grug
such as Purinethol would have on chickenpox.
35. . Based on the foregoing, Respondent has violated Section
458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2004).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Medicine enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:
permanent revocation: or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, fssuance of a reprimand,
placement of the Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of
fees billed or collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate.
Oct 1 2009 9:04
Oct 1 2009 6:59 P.13
Signed this
1s day of Maven nine 2007.
Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M, Px,
State Surgeon General
Dorys H. Penton
Assistant Gengral Counsel
DOH Prosecution Services Unit
- 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C#6S
Tallahassee, * 32399-3205
Florida Bar # 0540080
(850) 245-4640
(850) 245-4681 Fax
PCP: Nov. Ik, 2607
PCP Members: £(- Bah, Chizaxe
Oct 1 2009 9:04
12009 8:59 P14
Respondent has the right to request a hearing to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120,569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to
be represented by counsel or other quatified representative, to
present evidence and argument, to ca
i} and cross-examine
witnesses and to have subpoena and subpoena duces tecum
issued on his or her behalf if a hearing is requested. Ce
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs
related to the investigation and prosecution of this matter.
Pursuant to Section 456.0172(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall
assess costs related to the investigation
and prosecution of a
disciplinary matter, which may include attorney hours ahd costs,
on the Respondent in addition any other discipline imposed.
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Docket for Case No: 09-005338PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jun. 14, 2010 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jun. 11, 2010 |
Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
May 07, 2010 |
Notice of Appearance as Co-counsel (filed by Y.Green).
Apr. 29, 2010 |
Respondent's Notice of Taking Videodeposition for Use at Trial (of Dr. Darouiche) filed.
Apr. 28, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 15 and 16, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Apr. 16, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Dr. Carrizosa) filed.
Apr. 14, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Michael Zappa) filed.
Apr. 07, 2010 |
Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Apr. 02, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of J. Gaughan) filed.
Mar. 16, 2010 |
Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum Either in Person or by Telephone (Rose Marie Antonacci-Pollock) filed.
Mar. 15, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Arthur Diskin, M.D.) filed.
Mar. 04, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Arthur Diskin) filed.
Mar. 04, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 5 and 6, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Mar. 02, 2010 |
Re-notice of Taking Deposition (of Dr. Scarcella) filed.
Mar. 02, 2010 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First set of Interrogatories and Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Feb. 25, 2010 |
Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of A. Scarcella) filed.
Feb. 24, 2010 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance as Co-Counsel filed.
Feb. 18, 2010 |
Motion for Continuance filed.
Feb. 09, 2010 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel/Notice of Appearance (filed by Rose Marie Antonacci-Pollock).
Feb. 01, 2010 |
Notice of Appearance of Co-Counsel (filed by D. Kiesling ).
Jan. 05, 2010 |
Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 16 and 17, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Dec. 31, 2009 |
Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Dec. 22, 2009 |
Notice of Substitution of Counsel (filed by R. Milne) filed.
Dec. 10, 2009 |
Notice of Cancellation of Deposition filed.
Nov. 16, 2009 |
Respondent, Michael J. Zappa, M.D.'s, Responses to Petitioner's Request for Admissions Dated October 6, 2009 filed.
Nov. 16, 2009 |
Respondent, Michael J. Zappa, M.D.'s Response to Petitioner's First Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents, Dated October 6, 2009 filed.
Nov. 16, 2009 |
Notice of Service of Answers to Petitioner's Interrogatories Directed to Respondent, Michael J. Zappa., Dated October 6, 2009 filed.
Nov. 06, 2009 |
Respondent, Michael J. Zappa, M.D.'s Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Nov. 06, 2009 |
Respondent, Michael J. Zappa, M.D.'s Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Claimant, Department of Health, Board of Medicine filed.
Oct. 09, 2009 |
Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Oct. 09, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 09, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 25 and 26, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Oct. 09, 2009 |
Motion for Continuance Beyond 70 Days filed.
Oct. 08, 2009 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Oct. 06, 2009 |
Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Admissions, Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (of R. Antonacci-Pollock) filed.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Letter to Judge Cohen from R. Antonacci-Pollock enclosing unavailable dates for hearing filed.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Election of Rights filed.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by C. Torres).
Oct. 01, 2009 |
Agency referral filed.