Respondent: KOZHIMALA JOHN, M.D.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Tampa, Florida
Filed: Oct. 07, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, October 27, 2009.
Latest Update: Mar. 10, 2025
v. CASE NO, 2008-13126
| :
Petitioner, the Department of Health, by and through its undersigned
counsel, files this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Medicine
against the Respondent, Kozhimala John, M.D., and in support thereof
1. Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the
practice of medicine: pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes; Chapter
456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes,
2. | At all times
licensed physician within
number ME 23148,
J APSU\Medical\Robert Milne\Cases IOHN
aod LPiSk BOOZ ¢
material to this Complaint, Respondent was a
the State of Florida, having been issued license
4008-13126\Final AC.doc 1
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Zephyrhills, Florida 33542,
3 The Respondent’s address of record is 6340 Fort King Road,
4, Respondent} is board-certified in internal medicine.
5, On or about! May 5, 2008, Patient S.R. a sixty-one (61) year-old
female, presented to Respondent with orders for and a signed consent for
a colonoscopy to be performed under sedation at Respondent's office,
6. The attending nurse had difficulty inserting and administering
the sedation intravenously (LV).
7 Several attempts were made to obtain L.V sedation by inserting
the needle into S.R.'s arms and then attempts were made to insert the LV.
in S.R’s hands.
8. | The LV. infiltrated on several occasions, resulting in puffiness
and redness in $.R.5 arm,
9. | After these ineffectual attempts to obtain an LV. line Respondent
removed the IV, from S)R’s hand and re-inserted it into S.R.'s tight inside
Respondent then commenced the colonoscopy on S.R. without
having obtained adequate sedation,
JAPSU\MedicalRobert Milne\CasesVIOHN 2008-13126\Final AC.doc 2
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stop because of the pai
11. Shortly. afte
12, Respondent
and Respondent then q
colonoscopy despite:S.R,
of her pain.
13. Respondent
the colonoscopy while k
and that he was causing
continue with the colon
the severe pain that. Ss.
down against her will,
i5. | Respondent
the scope due to S.R.'
adhesions of her colon.
sedation, cesst S.R.5
fi ‘PSUMediahRoten Milne\Cases\OHN 20
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the procedure
Respondent co
r starting the procedure S.R. asked Respondent to
n she was experiencing,
ignored S.R.’s instructions to halt the procedure
ontinued to advance the scope and complete the
S loud and repeated cries for him to stop because
fontinued to advance the scope and continue with
Nowing that he had obviously failed to sedate S.R.
S.R. unnecessary and severe pain,
was able to continue to advance the scope and
oscopy without adequately sedating S.R., despite
R. was suffering by having his nurses hold S.R.
continued to advance the scope and then
(lespite the difficulty he experienced in advancing
§ previous abdominal surgeries, and probable
mpleted the Colonoscopy despite S.Rs lack of
loud vocalization of her pain and unequivocal
8-13126\Final AC doc
é 490
oF:ST B00e 4
rescission of her consent to Respondent continuing with the colonoscopy,
and despite his knowledge that the difficulty that he was having in
advancing the scope was causing S.R. severe additional and unnecessary
pain. |
17, Respondent's medical notes fail to state that:
a). obtaining an LY for S.R. was complicated by difficulty in obtaining
a vein for LV. insertion;
b), the LV infiltrated on multiple occasions;
c). S.R was inadequately sedated:
d). S.R. demanded that Respondent stop her inadequately sedated
colonoscapy because of the severe pain that she was suffering;
e€). Respondent continued to perform an un-sedated colonoscopy on
the patient without her consent;
f). Respondent Succeeded in completing the Procedure by having
S.R. held down by his nurses against $.R.’s will;
g). Respondent experienced difficulty in advancing the scope because
of the patient’s prior abdominal surgeries and probable adhesions.
JAPSUMedical Rabert Milne\Cases\VOHN 2008-13126\Final AC doc 4
LLd LpiSl 6002 £ 320
or:ST 600Z 2 400
18, Paragraphs i through 17 are re-alleged and adopted as though
fully set forth.
19, Section 456.072(1)(bb), Florida Statutes (2007), provides that
performing or attempting to perform health care services on the wrong
patient, a wrong-site procedure, a wrong procedure, or an Unauthorized
procedure or a procedure that is medically unnecessary or otherwise
unrelated to the patient's diagnosis or medical condition, constitutes
grounds for discipline by|the Board of Medicine.
20.. Respondent performed a wrong procedure or an unauthorized
procedure or a procedure that was medically unnecessary by one or more
of the following ways:
a). Performing a wrong procedure on Patient SR. on May 5, 2008, by
performing @ colonoscopy without adequate sedation when consent was
obtained for a colonoscopy with sedation;
b). Performing an unauthorized procedure on Patient S.R. on May 5,
2008, by performing and completing a colonoscopy without adequate
sedation when S.R.'s consent had been repeatedly withdrawn.
J ‘APSU\Medical\Robert Milne\CasesUOHN 2008-13126\Final AC.doc 5
zL‘d Beis. B00Z2 £ 320
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21. Based -on | the foregoing, Respondent Violated Section
456.072(1)(bb), Florida Statutes (2007), by performing a wrong procedure,
or an unauthorized procedure or a procedure that is medically unnecessary
or otherwise unrelated to the patient's diagnosis or medical condition.
| count two
22. Paragraphs 1/through 17 are re-alleged and adopted as though
fully set forth. .
23. Section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2007), provides that
failing to keep legible medical records justifying the course of treatment of
the patient, including, but not limited to, patient histories; examination
results: test results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or
administered: and reports of consultations and hospitalizations is grounds
for discipline by the Board of Medicine.
24, | On May 5, 2008, Respondent failed to keep legible medical
records justifying the: course of treatment of Patient S.R. by failing to
document one or More ofthe following:
a). that obtaining an IV for S.R, was complicated by difficulty in
obtaining a vein for I.V, ingertion;
b). that the I.V infiltrated on multiple occasions;
JAPSU\Medical\Rabert Milne\Cases\VOHN 2008-13126\Final AC.doc 6
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c). that S.R was inadequately sedated;
d), that S.R. demanded that Respondent stop her inadequately
sedated colonoscopy betause of the extreme pain she was suffering;
@). that Respondent continued to perform an inadequately sedated
colonoscopy on the patient without her consent;
f). that Respondent succeeded in completing the procedure by having
S.R. held down by his nurses against S.R/s will;
g 7 that Respondent experienced difficulty in advancing the scope
because of the patient's prior abdominal surgeries and. probable adhesions.
25. Based on the foregoing, Respondent. has violated Section
458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2007).
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of
Medicine enter an order |imposing one or more of the following penalties:
permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand,
Placement of the Respondent on probation, corrective action, refund of
fees billed or collected, reémedial education and/or any other relief that the
Board deems appropriate,
JAPSU\Medical\Robert Milne\Cases\JOHN 2008-13126\Final AC.doe
tl od . ep esl 600e é 490
2e:ST 600¢ 42 450
SIGNED this i, day of , 2009.
Ana'M. Viamonte Ros, M.D., M.P.H.
ssistant General Counsel
ai ep Florida Bar No.: 622338
oerant jJENT OF HEALTH DOH Prosecution Services Unit
Be Ae 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
GLEBK: ¢ Tallahassee, FL 32399-3265
aero ea (850)245-4640
(850) 245-4681 Facsimile
POP: I Ape co
PCP Mempers: Asher. scab v Barbe
J ‘\PSU\Medical\Robert Milne\Cases\ JOHN |2008-13126\Final AC.doc 8
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Docket for Case No: 09-005487PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Oct. 27, 2009 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Oct. 26, 2009 |
Petitioner's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Oct. 22, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 22, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 14, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Oct. 15, 2009 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Oct. 08, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 07, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 07, 2009 |
Petition for Hearing filed.
Oct. 07, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by B. Lamb).
Oct. 07, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Milne).
Oct. 07, 2009 |
Agency referral filed.