Respondent: MEIR BEN-NISSAN, O.D.
Agency: Department of Health
Locations: Miami, Florida
Filed: Oct. 12, 2009
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, January 12, 2010.
Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2025
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FL DEPT OF HEALTH 856 488 1855
v. CASE NO. 2007-09350
Petitioner, Department of Health, by and through ils undersigned counsel,
lea this Administrative Complaint before the Board of Optometry against
Respondent, Meir Ben-Nissan, O.D,, alleging as follows:
1. _ Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the practice
of optometry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes: Chapter 456, Fionda
Statutes: and Chapter 463, Florida Statutes.
2. At all times material to this Complaint, Respondent was 4 licensed _
optometrist (O.D.,) within the atate of Florida, pursuant to license number OP 2605,
3, Respondent’s address of record is 1674 Meridian Avenue, Suite 110,
Miami Beach , Florida 33139.
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85H 488 1855 Pod
4. Patient FO presentad to the Respondent for optometric caré On oF
about the following dales: (a) Aucusi 21, 2006; (b) Sepiember 6, 2006; (c)
October 24, 2006; and (d) February 26, 2007.
5 Respondent did not document F()’s family yeular or family medical
history in FO’s optometric records.
6. Respondent did not perform any visual field testing or did not
document that he performed any visual ficld testing (confrontation oF other) m
FO's optometric records.
7, Respondent did not perform a dilated fandes examination or did not
document that he performed a Gilated fundus examination in FO’s madical records.
8. On or about April 9, 2007, Patient FO completed an authorization for
the release of her medical records.
9. On or about April 9, 2007, Patient FO’s cardiologist (Dr. GN)
submitted to the Respondent Jatient £O's authorization to release FO’s optometric
10, Respondent failed to timely forward Patient FO's records as
requested on or about April 9, 2007.
11, On or about April 30, 2007, Dr. GN submitted to the Respondent a
follow up request and a copy of FO’s authorization to release her optometric
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Case No. 2007-09350
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12. Respondent failed to timely forward Patient FO's records to Dr. GN
as requested in Dr. GN'S follow up request.
13. On or about April 2007, Patient FO requested a copy of her
optumetric records.
14. Respondent refoscd to timely provide Patient FO with a copy of her
optometric records.
15, Petitiuver realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through
fourteen (14) as if fully set forth herein.
16. Section 463.016(1)(0), Florida Statutes (2005 & 2006), provides that
violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any Tules adopted
pursuant thereto constitutes an act for which disciplinary action may be taken.
17. Rule 64B13-3.007, Morida Administrative Code, Minimum Procedures
for Comprehensive Eye Examination reads in pertinent part as follows:
(1) A comprehensive eye examination is defined as a comprehensive
assessment of (he patient’s visual status and shall include those procedures
specified in subsection (2) below.
Q) A comprehensive. eye examination shall include the following
minimum procedures, which ghull be recorded on the pulient’s case record:
DOH v. Meir Ben-Nissan, O.D. 4
Case No. 2007-09350
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FL DEPT OF HEALTH 856 488 1855
(a) Patient's Instory (personal and family medical history, personal and
family ocular history, and chief complaint).
18, Nothing in Patient FO’s optametric records indicated that Respondent,
in performing a comprehensive eye €xam on either (a) August 21, 2006; (b)
September 6, 2006, (c) October 24, 2006; or (d) February 26, 2007, recorded FO's
patient history, including personal and family medical history or personal and
family ocular history,
19. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 463.01 6(1)(0),
Florida Statutes (2005 or 2006), by violating Rule 64B13-3.007, Florida
Administrative Coda, by fuiling to record FO's patient history, including personal
and family medical history ot personal and family ocular history.
20. Petitioner realloges and incorporates paragraphs onc (1) through
fourteen (14) as if fully set forth herein.
31. Section 463.016(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2005 & 2006), provides that
violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 436, or any rules adopted
pursuant theroto constitutes an acl for which disciplinary action may be taken.
29. Rule 64B13-3.007, Flonda Administrative Code, Minimum Procedures
for Comprehensive Eye Examination reads in pertinent part as follows:
DOH v. Meir Ben-Nissan, 0.D. 4
Case No, 2007-09350
15:81 Oct 12 2009 15:33
856 488 1855
(1) A comprehensive eye examination is defined as a comprelensive
asscssment of the patient’s vigual status and shall include those provedurcs
specified in subsection (2) below.
QA comprchensive eye examination shall imclude the following
minimum procedures, which shall be recorded on (he patient’s case record:
(e) Visual filed testing (confrontation OF other).
23, Nuthing in Patient FO’s optometric records indicated that Respondent,
in performing 4 comprehensive eye cxam on either (a) August 91, 2006; (b)
September 6, 2006; (c) October 2A, 2006; or (d) February 26, 2007, performed
visual filed testing.
24. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 463.016(1 X(t),
Florida Statutes (2005 or 1006), by violating Rule 64B13-3.007, Florida
Administrative Code, by failing to perform visual field testing on Patient FO.
95 Petitioner realleges and incorporates paragraphs one (1) through
fourteen (14) as if fully set forth herem.
26, Section 463.016(1)(1), Vorida Statutes @005 & 2006), provides that
violaling, any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any roles adopted
pursuant thereto constitutes an act for which disciplinary action may be taken.
DOH v. Meir Beu-Nissan, 0.D. 5
Case No. 2007-09350
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a5 468 1855 =P.
27. Rule 641313-3.007, Florida Administrative Code, Minimum Procedures
for Comprehensive Eye Examination reads in pertinent part as follows:
(1) A comprehensive eye examination is defined as a comprehensive
assessment of the patient's visual status and shall include those procedures
specified in subsection (2) below.
QA comprehensive cyée examination shall include the following
minimum procedures, which shall be recorded on the patient's case record:
(e) Visual filed testing ( confrontation or other).
28, Nothing in Patient FO’s optometric records indicated that Respondent,
in performing a comprehensive eye exam on either (a) August 21, 2006; (b)
September 6, 2006; (c) October 24, 2006; or (4) February 26, 2007, recorded
Patient FO's visual tiled testing.
29, Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 463.016(1)(),
Florida Statutes (2005 or 2004), by violating Rule 64813-3.007, Florida
Adrministrative Code, by failing to record visual field testing on Patient FO.
30, Section 463.016(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2005 & 2006), provides that
violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any rules adopted
pursuant therely constitutes an act for which disciplinary action may be taken.
DOH v. Meir Ben-Niasan, OD. 6
Case Nu. 2007-09350
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FL DEPT OF HEALTH 856 488 1855
31. Rule 64B13-3.010 (7)(a), Florida Administrative Code, reads in
pertinent part as follows:
To be in compliance with paragraph 64B13-3 007(2)(f), FAC.,
certified optomelsists shall perform a dilated fudus examuuation
during the. patient's initial presentation, and thereafter,
whenever medically indicated.
32. Nothing in Patient FO’s optometric records indicated that Respondent
performed a dilated fundus examination during FO’s initial presentation, oF
anytime thereafter, whenever medically indicated.
33. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 463.016()(0),
Florida Statutes (2005 or 2006), by violating Rule 64B13-3.007, Florida
Administrative Code, by failing to perform a dilated fundus examination during
FO’s initial presentation, or anytime (hereafter, whenever medically indicated.
34. Section 463.016(L)(t), Flonda Statutes (2005 & 2006), provides that
violating auy provision of this chapter or chapter 456, ot any rules adupted
pursuant thereto constitutes an act for which disciplinary action may be taken.
35. Rule 64B13-3.010 (7)la). Florida Administrative Code, reads in
pertinent part as follows:
To be in compliance with paragraph 64B13-3.007(2)(f), F-A.C.,
certified optometrists shall perform a dilated fudus examination
during ihe paticnt’s initial presentation, and thereafter,
whenever medically indicated.
DOH v. Meir Ben-Missan, 0.D. 7
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a5 468 1955 =P. 18
36, Rule @41313-3.007, Flonda Administrative Code, Minimum Procedures
for Comprehensive Eye Examination reads in pertinent part 4s folluws:
(1) A comprehensive eye exarminalion is defined as a comprehensive
assessment of the palient’s visual status and shall include those procedures
specified in subsection (2) below.
(2) A comprehensive eye examination shall include the following
minimum procedures, which shall be recorded on the palient’s case record:
(f) Internal ex amination.
37. Nothing in Patient FO's oplometric records indicated that Respondent
recorded performing a dilated fandus examination during FO’s initial presentation,
or anytime thereafter, whenever medically indicated.
38. Thased on the foregoing, Respondent violated Section 463.01 6(1Kt),
Florida Statutes (2005 or 2006), by violating Rule 64B13-3.007, Florida
Administrative Code, by failing to record performing a dilated fundus examination
during FO’s initial presentation, or anylime. thereafter, whenever medically
39, Section 463.016(1)(t) Florida Statutes (2006), provides that violating
any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto
constitutes an act for which disciplinary action may be taken.
DOH v. Meir Bon-Nisean, O.D. &
Case No. 2007-09330
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FL DEPT OF HEALTH 856 488 1855
AO, Section 456.057(6), Florida Statutes (2006), provides that any health
care praclitioner licensed by the department or 4 board within the department who
makes a physical or mental exumination of, or administers treatment or dispenses
legend diugs-to, any person shall, upon request of such person OF the person's legal,
representative, furnish, in a timely manner, without delays for Jegal revicw, copies
of all reports and records relating to such examination of treatment, including X
rays and msurance information.
41. On or about April 9, 2007, Patient '}O completed an ‘authorization for
the release of her medical records.
42, On or about April 9, 2007, Patient FO’s cardiologist (Dr. GN)
submitted to the Respondent Patient FO's authorization to release FO’s optometmc
43. Respondent failed to timely forward Patient FO’s records as
requested on or about April 9, 2007.
44. On or about Apnil 30, 2007, Dr, GN submitted to the Respondent a
follow wp request and a copy of FO’s authorization to release ber optometric
45. Respondent failed to timely forward Patient FO"s uptametric records
to Dr. GN as requested in Dr. GN’s follow up request,
DOH v. Meir Ren-Nissan, 0.D. 9
Case No. 2007-09350
Oct 12 2009 15:35
854 488 1855 P12
OCT-12-2089 15:82 FL DEPT OF HEALTH
1 46. On or about April 2007, Patient FO requested a copy of her
gptomeiric records.
47, Respondent refused to timely provide Patient FO with a copy of her
optometric records.
4%. Based on the foregoing, Respondent violated Scction 463.016(1}t)
Morida Statutes (2006), by violating Section 456,07(6), Florida Statutes, by failing
to timely provide a copy of Patient FO's optometric records.
WHERELORE, the Petitoner respectfully requests that the Board of
Optometry enter an order imposing on€ oF more of the following penalties:
4 permanent revocation or suspension of Respondent's license, restriction of
practice, imposition of an administrative fine, issuance of a reprimand, placement
of the Respondent on probation, comective action, refund of fees billed or
collected, remedial education and/or any other relief that the Board deems
DOH v. Mei Ben-Nissan, 0.D. WwW
Case No. 2007-09330
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FL DEPT OF HEALTH 856 488 1855
SIGNED this oJ 7 aay of JOLM 2009.
Ana M, Viainente Ross, MLD., M.P.H.
State Surgéoi ng
* BeroTy Ct Agsistant General Counsel
CLERK: "Yaka — DOI. Prosecution Services Unit
DATE 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65
; Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 :
Florida Bar No.: 0023221
(850) 922-2268 Telephone
(850) 922-2832 Facsimile
PCP Members: Presnell, Underhill, MeClane
PCP Date: July 22, 2009
DOH v. Meir Ben-Nissan, O.D. u
Case No. 2007-09350
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854 488 1655 P14
Respondent has the right to request & hearing to be conducted in
accordance with Section 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to be
represented by counsel or other qualified representative, to present evidence
and argument, to call and cross-examine witnesses and to have subpoena and
subpoena duces tecum issucd on his or her pehalf if a hearing is requested.
Respondent is placed on notice that Petitioner has incurred costs related
io the investigation and prosecution of this watter. Pursuant to Section
456.072(4), Florida Statutes, the Board shall assess costs related to the
investigation and prosecution of a disciplinary matter, which may include
attorney hours and costs, on the Respondent in addition to any other
discipline imposed.
DOH v. Meir Ben-Nissan, 0.D. 2
Case Nu. 200709350
Docket for Case No: 09-005544PL
Issue Date |
Proceedings |
Jan. 12, 2010 |
Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Jan. 08, 2010 |
Department of Health's Unopposed Motion to Temporarily Relinquish Jurisdiction to the Board of Optometry filed.
Oct. 16, 2009 |
Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Oct. 16, 2009 |
Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Oct. 16, 2009 |
Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 22, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Oct. 15, 2009 |
Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Oct. 13, 2009 |
Initial Order.
Oct. 12, 2009 |
Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Oct. 12, 2009 |
Administrative Complaint filed.
Oct. 12, 2009 |
Notice of Appearance (filed by C. Patterson).
Oct. 12, 2009 |
Agency referral filed.